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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lapbandkeira

  1. Today I put my underwear backwards and have been walking around all day and not even realized it till my third time peeing this afternoon I looked down and saw the writing inside the underwear was on the wrong side of my body. When I was 270 lbs and wore a size 11 underwear there was no way I was pulling up my pants and walking around all day like that because my legs would have been cut off..my butt would never have been covered...and the back would have been so much larger then the front...Not today! Just thought I'd share!

  2. Read up on how Vitamin D changes your body from fat storing mode to fat burning mode and think about how much of it you're getting....I think if you talk to a nutritionist about how much is safe to take this at increasing levels...I know I take about 5000 I.u.s a day and increase it every other month....also nothing wrong with an occasion detox for 2 to 3 days to kick start things back to normal

  3. Tom;tmi; tonight we went out to dinner and because of my special time I crave red meat..as I'm sure a lot of women do. Well when my steak came to the table with my mushrooms and broc I was as excited as a fat girl with a can of whipped cream.. eerrrr my steak was way over cooked so I requested a new one which took about 30 minutes of me eating shrooms and broc...by the time my steak came out I took one bite and realized I had filled up on veggies ;( well I was ready to tell the manager how upset I was when he came over and informed me that because I didn't get to eat with my family that my meal was on the house... ;( I was so ready to inform them how I'm on a special diet and I just lost out on 40 grams of Protein and have a complete ragtime rant and he had to be sooooooo nice! So here I am venting to you guys what I was unable to vent at dinner :) yes I know I'm crazy but at least my protein is sitting in the fridge for tomorrow!

  4. I would suggest measuring if you're working out rather than weighing... muscle is heavier than fat I would also track calories... just because you're not loosing weight doesn't mean you're not loosing fat it may just mean you're gaining muscle. ... you body index changes when you start working out and loosing weight which makes us all different....

  5. I like positive! The positive is.....sounds like you're a fast healer so you'll have less surgery scars :) I think that what has happened sounds reasonable if you think about the body. I think you'll be fine at least you are not band bashing already! So proud of you for your outlook and your journey !

  6. I wanted to share with you guys a discussion I had with my S/O tonight. As some of you may or may not know I've been majoring in psych for a few years now with a concentration in Drug and Alcohol addictions, this I have found is more of just addictions in general then adding the "drug and alcohol" label to it. So here is how the conversation went. I am one lucky person to be able to have food in my house that I know I can't eat. No one else in my household has a weight problem and my son is actually always on the fringe of being underweight. So anyway, last time we went to the store I bought some brownie mix for me to make with my son on a snowy day or something and it sits in the cabinet forgotten by me completely until the day he wants to make some brownies. I had a rough day on Wed. in one of my peer counseling groups where I was listening to a tragic story of something that one of my peers witnessed at her job involving a child. As a mother I was outraged at what I was hearing and had to spend alot of my day controling my emotions and wrapping my head around what I had heard because when you work in the field I do you always question how you can make the world different and better so that some of this nonsense that goes on everyday can stop. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts though that I started to take what this woman said personally and started over doing it and imagining my child being the one who was in danger and had no one to stand up for him....so my S/O works nights and I'm home by myself alot and when my son goes to bed it's just me.... I didn't want to feel the way I was feeling and was getting so wrapped up in it that I took out the brownie mix and I was going to make a whole damn box of brownies because of what I was FEELING. I did not make the box of brownies I am proud to share... but I do want to share that what I was feeling was going to get the best of me and what I tell someone who may have a crack addiction who was going through the feelings of rage and hurt I was is to sit still for a while and FEEL that. It's okay for me to feel that rage and anger and eating a box of brownies would not have changed what I was feeling nor would it had changed what happened to that child I heard was hurt....so to make a long story longer I just think that food can be just like a drug but sometimes we have to walk away (or if you're nutz like me stare at a box of brownies for way too long) and just sit there and feel that for a minute. I got through my emotions that day and I FEEL better for doing it. And the bonus is that on Wed. I didn't have to work through the extra feeling of guilt because I made the right decision and worked through what I was going through. Welcome to the journey you guys! Not everyday is full of weight losses and NSV's!

  7. If you eat the same things all the time your body will work against you and start figuring out ways to store fat....we have to be smarter than our bodies....I had a 4 weeks laul and a unfill then refill plus an extra CC really helped....the unfill was to make sure the liquid wasn't settled in my bad so strange way where I wasn't getting even restriction

  8. Everyone has an opinion....thats what makes us human. I was wondering though what did people tell you before surgery that either had you worried or made you upset even though now after surgery you've found was not true. As we all know, everyone is different. These cookie cutter opinions are not true for every one. My favorite thing that everyone told me was that I was going to completely loose my breast. I was a 38 D before surgery and here I am, six months and 75 lbs down and my bra size is still a 38D. My butt on the other hand is COMPLETELY gone but no one warned me about that. The other thing everyone "warns" about is skin...if you read enough of these forums though you know, the skin monster is not as terrible as people make it out to be.

  9. So I go in for a fill next week but the fill I had 6 weeks ago was.....interesting. he had to dig around a little to hit center and I was a bit concerned and he said that I've lost so much weight that the fat around my port area has probably gone away so now its tilted and assured me it was nothing to be concerned about I was wondering though if anyone else had this happen?

  10. The detox is a good idea and maybe mix up your calorie intake. Try increasing your caloric intake to make your body increase it's metabolism. Not enough to gain weight of course' date=' but maybe 200-400 for a few days?

    I stalled at 7 months but it's mostly my own fault. I'm hitting it hard starting today.


    I'm actually glad you said this I was thinking of doing the opposite and decreasing from 1000/1200 to 750/800...you made a light bulb go off though so thank you!

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