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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Izuri

  1. Izuri

    Esophageal Pain

    It sounds to me more like eating too fast. Symptoms of a stricture include: persistent nausea /vomiting, inabilty or gradual inability to keep anything down including liquids. Post-VSGrs w/ strictures also report: liquids backing up in their esophagus, foamies, heaving, fatigue. If you are having these issues, you should probably talk to your doctor. You may want to talk to them even if it's eating fast, just for peace of mind.
  2. Izuri


    I have heard really mixed reviews on Care Credit. Maybe try Googling Care Credit reviews and read through some of them? I have heard that they have been turning down more people because of the economy, so they're more strict on credit scores.
  3. Izuri

    Almost 2 Weeks Out.

    Depends on your body. You will continue losing though, so even if it slows down, don't get discouraged! Some weeks are better losing weeks than others =)
  4. Most of mine are in places that do not shrink/stretch all that much. I'm hoping they don't change much! If they do I suppose I'll just have them covered or touched up =) Not a huge deal.
  5. Izuri


    It depends on your surgeon. Some surgeons will have you do full liquid diet for longer than others. My surgeon has me doing a week of full liquids and then moving on to puree. Usually the sequence seems to be full liquids => puree => soft foods => regular foods from what I've seen.
  6. Izuri

    Decision Made

    Different strokes for different folks. I hope it goes well for you =) Good luck!
  7. It sounds like Cigna is a frustrating insurance company to deal with. Whatever you do, don't give up. If this surgeon's office will not do it, see if you can go through another surgeon and have the claim approved somehow. On the other side of the topic, I haven't worked through a surgeon's office, but I can tell you that insurance companies are just as difficult for medical facilities to deal with. They give the doctor's office just as many run arounds and inaccurate information as they give the patients they cover. It's all around a load of bs. That's not to say your surgeon's office is not at fault for not being willing to do the review, just keep in mind it's hours on the phone for them and the insurance company usually gives them a lot of crap too. I hope you do get things sorted out. And if they don't get it to go through, try the appeal process. But before you do, get in writing (and copy the person's name who gave it to you) exactly what you need and in what words so that you can make sure that they can't pull a fast one on you again.
  8. My surgeon did say that he recommends waiting 2 years until weight/body has stabilized before getting pregnant. Which is fine with me because I'm not planning on it anytime soon. Like you, I am glad to know that I will be able to have kids eventually.
  9. It sounds like things are really going your way now! Worth all the difficult times =) It must feel awesome to be fitting back in regular sizes. I'm sure your family is happy that you are so much healthier and happier now.
  10. Izuri

    Massages After Vsg?

    You get massages once a week through you benefits? I'm am jealoussssss! That sounds awesome. I'm going to look into this. How much do you pay each week?
  11. Good luck! You will do awesome =)
  12. Izuri


    Have you tried changing up what you're eating? Taking anti-nausea medication? Eating slower? Maybe you have something in your diet that you're not tolerating well, like dairy products? Are you eating too little throughout the day? Too little Water? There are many things you could try changing up to see if they have an effect. I hope you feel better.
  13. Izuri

    Weight Limit For Curves

    I always thought this was goofy too. My scale tops out at 320, which always really annoyed me.
  14. Izuri

    Getting Enough To Drink

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with straight water. I'm having a hard enough time staying hydrated and I can drink straight water. Do you have a fridge/freezer at work? Maybe you can freeze some stuff and drink it slowly. I just got a new stainless steel water bottle. It's made by the company Bubba. It keeps ice slushy and icy for longer than any water bottle I've had. So maybe getting a good bottle like that and making a slushy drink every morning?
  15. Izuri

    Can I Vent Again?

    That's really lame that your PCP's office left out your dieting history. And that today was your tentative date =( It sounds like you are motivated though, so as long as you are on their butts they can still get the correct information in to the insurance company. I'm rooting for you! Let us know how it works out.
  16. Izuri

    Insurance Exclusion

    I'm sorry to hear that you have to go through so many hoops to get it covered. How frustrating! I'm glad to hear Xavtay's story though. I'd follow their directions exactly and document everything you do, including the names of everyone you talk to. I find it's much easier to get things to go through insurance companies if I can provide some backup of who I talked to, what they said, and when. Good luck, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
  17. I would not be looking into starting any new medications soon before surgery, but that's just my 2 cents. You never know how a specific medication is going to affect your body, and some people tolerate different types of birth controls differently. I thought about this same thing before surgery, because I used to be on birth control, but I have worked in the medical field and I've actually met a few young women who have had blood clots related to being on the pill. It was enough to make me certain that before surgery is not the time to take it. Especially since immediately after surgery you'll be laying around more. It would be a bummer to have your period on/directly after surgery, but I guess that's just part of life.
  18. Izuri

    Finacing Approed:)

    Congratulations! How exciting =) The time between now and then will fly by.
  19. Justine, How're you feelin today? Any better? You're sounding more positive, which I'm glad to hear =)
  20. Procrastinating sleep...Yeah, I'm crazy and should just give in =)

  21. Hang in there! Our bodies are made to wanna stay at a constant weight, so it's probably just rearranging stuff. Maybe you're losing inches? Maybe next week you'll lose more? The important thing is to not give up, your body will get back on track eventually.
  22. Try taking your measurements and compare them week to week. I'm glad to hear you're not worried. There are a number of reasons you could be stalled. Have you tried adding a bit more protein into your diet? Sometimes switching things up can get us going again. Other ideas I've heard are increasing/decreasing exercise, increasing water/fluids, decreasing carbs, changing up what you eat if you eat similar things every day. The body likes to settle into a rhythm, that's it's goal, so if you can throw it a new routine once in a while, sometimes that mixes it up. I hope it picks back up soon!
  23. Izuri

    Leak Question

    The urban pizza legend is wacky! It sounds untrue, but people do some crazy things....There are warning labels on all sorts of things that I would never think to do, that someone probably did at some point to warrant putting the strange warning label on. My doctor told me he's only had 1 leak and that he thought it was because of the person progressing too fast, but he didn't go into details. From here it makes me feel like it's more of a Russian roulette thing, you're unlucky and the stapler misfires or something unlikely like that. But - It is possible to get a leak months out from surgery, which leads me to believe that it's possible it's from things people eat, but do not realize that that's what it's from. Like eating chips and not chewing them up well or something. Or having something get stuck just the wrong way.
  24. Izuri


    I'm so excited for you =) You have really done great! Onederland must feel awesome, save a spot for me there =p
  25. Izuri

    Leak Test

    My leak test was awful. I don't know if that's the general consensus, but post-op every liquid felt like it was stopping above my diaphragm for 5-10 seconds before moving down and so I would sip slowly and small amounts to avoid it. When I got to the leak test, they told me to take it like a shot and augh, for those 5-10 seconds it was so uncomfortable. Good news is it started bubbling and moved down and I had no leaks! It was worth it for the peace of mind. It was also kinda neat to watch it go into my stomach on the xray machine screen.

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