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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Izuri

  1. Izuri

    Baby Food ? What Time Of Protein Shakes?

    I was thinking of pureeing the part of soup that has the meat and stuff and adding it back into the broth. I'm not to the puree stage, but I thought that didn't sound too bad.
  2. Izuri

    What Would You Do?

    My surgeon used dissolving suture and covered them with steri-strips. I can't 100% see because of the steri-strips, but it's only been about 5-6 days and they look pretty closed. I think it'd be a good idea to contact their office and let them know it's not seeming to heal. As for telling your work, I would let them know ASAP so that if they need to keep a temp longer or rearrange work flow they have adequate time to.
  3. I know it seems like it's going slow now, but you'll look back and it will seem to have flown by =) I'm glad that you're feeling better.
  4. Izuri

    Cigna Approval Process

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! =) Alicia - that's so frustrating! I'm sorry to hear that =((
  5. Izuri

    Medicaid Share Of Cost In Florida

    I think you should try the number on the back of your Medicaid card. Often plans after different state to state, and it's best to get the answer directly from the plan representative to be certain that you understand the requirements accurately.
  6. Yay! You are probably already in or done with surgery now, so send you some good healing thoughts!! I hope everything went great =)
  7. I am not going to lie. I hate Mondays. And it's not just Mondays, it is really just whatever day starts the week off. I have had Mondays off here and there, but this is the first Monday I have been able to relax, kick back, and enjoy me. No worries of work the next day, no chores around the house (I finished those pre-op!), no school work to start. I have just been able to focus on my health and supporting my new lifestyle. I walked around the yard a number of times today. I got to take in all the flowers that are blooming - although sadly many of them have died due to the lack of rain. I got to listen to the birds, watch my dogs run around and have fun, and get in some good old sunlight vitamin D. I am not having as much pain as I had been having. I realize I have not updated this blog since I was still pre-op. I will write a synopsis of my immediate post-op experiences later on, as I am currently battling sleep. I am able to move up and down out of the chair easily now. I only am waking up once or twice a night, and not every time needing pain medicine. I am really taking the time to enjoy my foods. I don't know how long it has been since I made a meal really last. Today I had some homemade chicken soup broth and it lasted me like 45 minutes for just a small 4oz glass. It really was incredible and I felt totally satisfied afterward. Before surgery that would have been down in a matter of minutes and I would have been wanting more immediately. Even after a whole bowl I may not have been satisfied. I guess I just wanted to take a minute to share that even in just the first week after surgery, I am appreciating my life more. I am only looking forward to all the great things I will continue to rediscover in my life =) I hope everyone is doing well! I'll update more later.
  8. Izuri

    Is It Just Me?

    I have not kept mine a secret and so far everyone I've told has been happy for me =)
  9. Izuri

    Sleepless Nights

    Ask your doctor if you can try some liquid benadryl to help you sleep. I find that supporting my surgical side of my stomach with a pillow helps a little.
  10. Izuri

    Whats Wrong With Me?

    6 weeks. 20 pounds. You are doing GREAT. Stop second guessing your body. You didn't gain a pound a day, you're not gonna lose a pound a day. In fact, healthy weight loss is often defined as around 2 pounds a week. That would put you at 12 pounds for 6 weeks. You should stop comparing your weight loss to others and start to enjoy it, you are doing well! 20 pounds is 20 pounds is 20 pounds. That's a small kid! A small dog! 2 cats! Why would you throw in the towel when you're SUCCESSFUL? I know it's hard that the scale isn't moving by TONS each week, but at least this way you will have a lower chance of loose skin. It's healthy to lose slow too!
  11. Are you having enough Protein? I know they told me first and foremost always get in my protein. Are you measuring everything? If so, give your body some time. It's adjusting. The weight will come off as long as you are following the plan. I know it's hard to hear, and if I were in your shoes I would be frustrated too (And probably will when I hit my 3 week stall), but a stall around this time is common. Search the boards you will see it over and over again. It might take a bit, but your body will get back on track. In the mean time keep watching your measurements. Maybe you are losing inches!
  12. Dooter, you are looking great! What a difference!
  13. Izuri

    Anyone Try Liquid Protein?

    I am curious to see the answers to this. I'm not particularly fond of protein shakes. I know there was one type of liquid protein that my NUT said was good. I will have to look into it. I think it was fuse or something? It was one of those shot things that looks like the five hour energy drinks. It was a collagen protein and she said it's fine to use as long as it's not your only protein, you wanna alternate it with other types.
  14. Izuri

    I Go In In Two Hours

    You are probably in surgery now and I hope it's going great!!
  15. Izuri

    Only Lost.... ?

    Good advice. It's hard sometimes to see the bigger picture when we are so focused on the numbers.
  16. Izuri


    Did you take them on an empty stomach? Sometimes if I don't take my meds soon before a meal I will get nauseous. Or give a little time between each, maybe it's too much at one time.
  17. Izuri

    Bariatric Supplements

    I just want to second the Celebrate multivitamin. I also take the mandarin orange one. It's not the tastiest thing ever, but it does the job and doesn't make me feel sick.
  18. What a great feeling to be going back there with such a loss! I'm sure you'll be able to enjoy activities more also
  19. Izuri


    I have the same problem. I am trying to get in all those fluids, but it's difficult! Sip, sip sip.
  20. Izuri

    Dropped An Obesity "category!"

    Congratulations! It may have been only a few pounds - but that's a big marker! Keep it up!
  21. Izuri

    Submitted To Cigna On July 19Th

    Yay! Congrats on your approval!
  22. Izuri

    Half Way There!

    My weight loss mission. That sounds good =) Or maybe My weight loss quest! It sounds like you're doing great =) You've come to the right place for support and friendship.
  23. Izuri

    First Step Taken...

    Welcome to VST! It is a long and sometimes frustrating process, but totally worth it. Don't hesitate to ask questions or talk to people, it is a lot of fun getting to know everyone on here and the support is awesome =)
  24. Izuri

    Got My Date!

    Woohoo!! You're gonna turn around and it's gonna be here!!
  25. Izuri

    Got Approved!

    Congrats!!! What a nice surprise after getting home =)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
