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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Izuri

  1. Izuri

    How Much Weight?

    There is no set amount you 'should' or 'shouldn't' lose. Not in the first week. Not in the first month. Not in the first year. Your sleeve and your loss are individuals. Your loss week to week is made up by a number of factors, including but not limited to: Your starting weight, how much you eat, your metabolism, how tall you are, your gender, how much you move, whether your body is retaining Water, whether you're sleeping enough, whether it's that time of the month, how much Protein you got in, how many carbs you ate daily, whether your body feels like losing this week, whether you slept on the right side of the bed, whether you had tea or water....are you getting my point? There are so many variables that are so different for each person that even if I told you I lost 30 pounds in the first week, it would not give you any clue how much you should lose, and in fact, would probably only make you feel bad because you didn't lose as much. But maybe I weighed 400 pounds and was loading up on 10 gallons of water the week before and you weighed 190 and weren't retaining water to begin with. My point being, a loss is a loss is a loss =) The weight will come off in time, and I'm planning to Celebrate every single pound that I lose because it's one less that is on my fat bum to lose the next week! *Edited because I fail at spelling
  2. Izuri

    How Much Weight?

    20 pounds sounds very low to have a significant effect on your health. Have you thought about trying to continue losing weight and seeing if it makes more of a difference? And this seems like a strange thread to be posting your experience on this in. Did you mean to start this as a new topic? I feel like your concerns would be better answered/responded to that way.
  3. Izuri

    Didn't Know Myself

    That is one of the awesomest NSVs I've heard =) What a neat surprise!
  4. Izuri

    How Is Everyone Doing?

    Sounds like a wonderful reason to want to get healthy =) I'm sure they'll love it if you can keep up with them.
  5. Kenzee, Be persistent! That is the best advice I can give you about insurance. They may have hoops and leaps and whatever other stuff required for you to do pre-surgery. Follow it to a T, document every insurance person you talk to, and keep a list of requirements and your progress on them. Insurances are very picky about what they will and won't cover, so you probably want to call your insurance now and see if they will give you a list of requirements so you can start working on them. Start now keeping a diary of what you eat and your weight every week. Bring it with you to the new doctor, along with your documented weight last visit with the doctor who did not want to refer you. Have your old doctor forward all of your records to your new doctor. This way, if your insurance requires a few months of dieting and supervised weight loss, you will hopefully be able to have a month of that down. Gather the list of medical tests you will need done if you need comorbidities to get the surgery covered. Do you have sleep apnea? Do you have joint pain related to obesity? Do you have trouble being able to spend time with your child the way you want to? High blood pressure? List of all of the things you can think of and see if they qualify as comorbidities. See if you can get a documented copy of your weight over the past 5 years from your old doctor. Some insurance companies want to see that you have been obese over a period of time. These are just my suggestions, I'm sure there are more things you can do to be prepared, but that's what I can think of off the top of my head. I hope that things go well =)
  6. Izuri

    My Surgery Is Aug 8Th

    I was a bundle of nerves up until my surgery! It will be here and over before you know it. Try and enjoy the excitement =)
  7. Izuri

    Working Outside In The Heat

    It's going to be hard to stay well hydrated being out in the heat so much. Sitting in my house and sipping water right now I am still getting dehydrated =p I am hoping it gets better. I guess my advice would be to make sure you take time off for your body to adjust so you don't throw yourself into major dehydration.
  8. I think about this too. I lost weight a few years ago, never got to goal, but significantly thinner and it was really amazing how different people, even just my coworkers, treated me. I am trying not to think about it at this point and just enjoy the good feeling of getting healthy. I am planning on enrolling in counseling and I think this will definitely be one of the topics I bring up. I feel like half of me will like the attention and half of me will resent the people who suddenly are my friends again. I'm hoping to convert it mostly if not all to happy =) I want to be able to enjoy my success without things like that bringing me down.
  9. Izuri

    Before And After

    You look incredible =) I love the dress! Where is it from?
  10. I'm a nursing student in Michigan, just sleeved on the 26th. Does that count? =)
  11. I was on a time table because my insurance was changing. They did work hard to get me in quickly (Which I super appreciated), but they were just as vague with the dates. Until every single thing was done they wouldn't give me even a tentative date to give work. I was freaking out quite a bit =p When they finally did call to schedule it ended up being your surgery is next Thursday, that's the only date we have available before your insurance changes. Thankfully I had let work know ahead of time that the scheduling of it was gonna be a little crazy and we were able to switch shifts around to make it work. I did have to work the day before surgery, which I was really hoping not to, but it worked out alright in the end =)
  12. You can do it! Make a list of reasons you're doing this or coping skills so that you can get through the times you wanna cheat. Try and remember that it will shrink your liver some so that you'll have a safer surgery =) Good luck!
  13. Izuri

    September 12

    Congrats on getting a date! It will be here soon! I definitely recommend Gas-X strips. They have been a lifesaver. In the hospital I was also really glad to have brought a pair of slippers. I didn't use much else, I slept most of the time that I wasn't up walking. I tried books/tv a couple of times, but I couldn't concentrate on either of them.
  14. Izuri

    Awake During Endoscopy?

    I'm sorry that it was so awful =( Sounds rather traumatic. I would make sure to let your surgeon know that you are relatively resistant to anesthesia and/or pain meds (if you have a tolerance for pain meds too) that way they will make sure to keep a close eye on your dose during surgery and will make sure your pain is controlled well after surgery. You are brave for handling this so eloquently, I think I would be freaking out quite a bit.
  15. Izuri

    Peppermint Tea

    Oooooo, I'm glad you mentioned this..I'm gonna make myself some tomorrow!
  16. Izuri

    Got My Approval :-)

    Woohoo!! How exciting =) The time between now and your surgery is gonna be full of so many different emotions, try to enjoy the ride, it will be surgery day before you know it!
  17. Hang in there! There are many different flavors/types of protein powder and protein shots and protein drinks. Have you tried liquid nutritional supplements like boost? ensure? Those both have some protein in them. How about making some broth and adding one of the unjury chicken or beef flavored powders while it's warm (not hot)? Protein is super important, as I'm sure you know. Maybe ask your doctor to prescribe some medicine for nausea? My doctor gave me 600ml of phenergan liquid. I take 10-15ml once every couple days when I feel nauseous and it helps worlds (Although beware, it does make you tired!)
  18. Yay!!! Good luck, it's gonna go awesome =)
  19. When I was at the store the other day I saw some Ensure clears. You could check with your doctor and see if those are fine. I just had a bunch of water and jello the day before surgery I think. It made me so tired I passed right out at bedtime! =p
  20. Izuri

    Anyone Regret It?

    I'm only a week out, but the liquid diet's been fine. I am feeling good, pain is decreasing pretty quick. Don't regret it at all so far. I will come back to this question again in a year or so and have a more accurate answer =)
  21. It's possibly due to your BMI, but it really seems more to just vary from doctor to doctor preference. I have a BMI over 50 and my doctor did not require a pre-op liquid diet except for 1 day clear liquids.
  22. Izuri


    I'm sorry, but that is the absolute stupidest thing I have ever heard of. Honestly, anyone who does that is just asking for problems.
  23. Izuri


    I second what keldolbeth said. Call your OB/GYN and surgeon as soon as physically possible. You're supposed to be using back up contraceptive methods =\
  24. Just because you cheated today does not mean you have to cheat tomorrow. You can get through the rest of it! Accept it and move on. But imo you should try from now on to stick to it as closely as possible, the doctors do have a reason for putting people on these pre-op plans and I know you want to have as successful of a surgery as you can. Maybe make a list of reasons you want this surgery and stick it right on your fridge or pantry or wherever it will help you avoid cheating. Or maybe a picture of you when you were thinner, or a picture of a pair of smokin jeans that you wanna get when you hit goal.
  25. Izuri

    My Date Is August 8Th

    Different doctors have different required plans. I did not have to do a pre-op diet either, although I did do a few days of full liquids to get used to it. The only thing my doctor required was 24 hours of clear liquids. Surgery went great and I'm doing well =)

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