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Everything posted by bigsleeve56

  1. bigsleeve56

    Why Do I Hate The Word "hubby" So Much?

    Which is better "old Lady" or "old Bag" And when it comes to cars, guns and tools " forgivness is eaiser than Permission"
  2. bigsleeve56

    Why Do I Hate The Word "hubby" So Much?

    My wife calles me her french model cause of that stupid insurance comericial
  3. bigsleeve56

    Omfg ... They Are Going To Shove...

    As long as the nurse does not say its just a little prick
  4. bigsleeve56

    Can You Eat Red Meat?

    I have eaten elk, deer, antilope, and beef, milk is the only thing I can not have.
  5. Start working on protein shakes and learning what food to eat after it will help you feel like you have some control. I stareted at 423 and had surgery 8-14 and now weigh under 330 it will be worth it. I was the healthy fat guy until the last 4 years then $200,000 in dr bills and I decided to fix it. It does work
  6. bigsleeve56

    I Hate It When People Misuse "literally"!

    The most famous use for y'all the last words of most sothern men "hay y'all watch this"
  7. bigsleeve56

    "wls Is Not What God Intended..."

    You are the one that has to face God in the end so it is your decision and no one else but you and him can decide.
  8. Quit pretending its food and take it like it is medication and just do it.
  9. bigsleeve56

    Powder Aspirin

    Call your Doctor!!!!!
  10. bigsleeve56

    Pole Dancing

    If you make youtube post a link. The way ladies lye about there weight the pole will probably hold way more than 200 lbs.
  11. If you have not tried one than you have nothing to back what you have said on weather they work or not. If she has done them and they work for her than they work for her. If you think that your way is the only way you need to do some research on med. and alternative med.
  12. why would you not do what the dr. wants. Solid protien stays in the stomach and causes pressure liquid passes through. You paid alot of money for the dr. if you do not think he knows what needs to be done post op why get his information?
  13. bigsleeve56

    Men: Telling "the Guys" About Your Surgery

    Just tell them your knocked up and you have to go have the baby c section cause you do not have a vagina.
  14. bigsleeve56

    I Had Surgery On Sept 13

    Did you ever do that good before surgery. Keep the head up and enjoy the new life as it comes.
  15. bigsleeve56

    Stomach Stapled

    No not the same. you need to look at pictures to see what they used to do. They made a pouch buy cutting a hole in middle of stomach.
  16. bigsleeve56

    Gastric Sleeve On October 5Th

    Baby food is soft but it tastes like wormed over crap. Get a good protien drink and when dr. says ok eat some eggs and other soft food.
  17. bigsleeve56

    I Have f**king Had It!

    8 days after major surgery and you are giving up already. How did you think you would feel after having your gut yanked out a hole in the skin. Put on the big kids clothes and make this thing work or better yet new life work for you. If you do not grow up now this will be one long hell hole trip.
  18. bigsleeve56

    Gastric Sleeve On October 5Th

    why would you want baby food? I was so tired i could have slept through any thing. Heat is the wrong thing for post surgery heat causes swelling walk and sleep and take cpap if you need it. most gas pain was outside the stomach not in it. Walk and walk and then walk again and the pain will go away from gas. and do not trip on the catheter then you might need the heating pad. I would put more time in thinking about what you need when you get home.
  19. bigsleeve56

    Monthly Cost?

    I would add possible ppi med and lots of bottles of water and I also take a B-12 sup. probaly adds $25 for meds. You can easily get protien shakes for $2 a meal.
  20. bigsleeve56

    Will My Boobs Lose Weight?

    I hope the hell they do!!!!!
  21. bigsleeve56

    Tooth Ace

    Uh what was my responce. The pain is in one spot in my bottom jaw and tooth pain when drink cold Water. X-ray shows nothing and exam shows nothing.
  22. bigsleeve56

    Tooth Ace

    Went to Denist today and could not find anything causing problem and decided that my teeth were out of shape from not eating for six weeks and must have brusied jaw or root when started real food. I have never heard anything like this before.
  23. The rny pouch is made in the same place as the top of the sleeve the whole stomach is muscle the sleeve is made from the section attached to the body cavity so it is harder to strech and when healed it can streched by eating to much just like before when we over ate.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
