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Banned member

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Everything posted by Banned member

  1. Banned member


    I started at 3 weeks walking 2 miles, 3 days a week. I recently started lifting weights at 7 weeks post op. I also lift heavy weights but not super heavy. I also started running a week or 2 ago and now I'm able to run a mile non stop. My advice is to listen to your body. Good Luck
  2. I don't know how my surgeon feels about soda but I've never liked soda or any kind of sugary drink unless it was Cranberry and vodka. Other than that I hate the fizz and how dehydrated drinks make me feel. My friends in the past would laugh at me because I would always order a water with my meal instead of the standard soda. It's pretty rare that I would ever drink a soda in the past and I never finished a whole one. My own personal belief is everything in moderation
  3. Banned member

    So Disappointed In Myself :(

    I'm a slow loser also but I'm losing a hell of a lot of inches. I keep track of my cycles and I've noticed that I usually stall after I ovulate and my weight stays the same until I start my period. Once my period starts the weight starts to come off again. I'm pretty sure that it will take me probably a year to reach goal and I don't want to do anything drastic that I can't maintain when it comes to eating. I weigh everyday but I'm getting used to the weight swings.
  4. Banned member

    Egg Yolk

    Definitely eat the whole egg
  5. Banned member

    Waxing...down There.

    OTR- that sounds exactly like what my husband would say lol.
  6. Banned member

    Waxing...down There.

    I had that and it was a HORRIBLE experience. I had that with my very first wax and never went back. The other salon I went to used the strips and that would leave me raw and red down there, sex was definitely out of the question for a couple of days or at least till it scabbed over a little :/ I guess I will look into a salon that uses the blue wax, I'm gonna call around tomorrow.
  7. Banned member

    Weight Gain For Tom

    Before surgery I would gain about 5 pounds the week before my period. Now that I've had surgery I stay the same and start losing weight again the day my period starts. I seem to plateau after ovulation and stay the same weight until I get my period.
  8. I have the same worries also because my weight loss has been so slow and I feel like I'm hitting several stalls on this journey. I know the weight will eventually come off and I'm learning to be more realistic about the fact that I more than likely wont be one of those people who reach goal at 6 months post op, I will probably hit goal around 12 months post op. I wish the weight was gone but it didn't come on over night.
  9. Banned member

    First Spin Class...nervous

    My advice is to bring a towel to sit on. My crotch hurt so bad from the seat.
  10. Banned member

    Alcohol After Surgery

    I had a wine cooler on Thanksgiving, it was strawberry daiquiri flavor. I'm 8 weeks post op and my doc says it's best to avoid but I didn't see a timeline in my folder. My advice is don't go overboard but one drink I'm sure wouldn't hurt. Come to find out I thought the wine cooler was very sweet and didn't enjoy it all that much. I'm more of a vodka kinda person but I probably wont drink that until I'm a little closer to goal.
  11. Banned member

    Calories, 7Months + Vsg

    This is something that you will probably have to figure out on your own. Everyones needs are different. Dependng on your height and physical activity your calorie demands can be way different that someone who is more or less active. There are a lot of factors involved in what your body needs to either continue losing weight or maintain. Good Luck
  12. Banned member

    How Much Can You Eat?

    I can eat 1 chicken wing and I think that's about 2 oz and I'm almost 2 months out. I can eat 1 whole egg also.
  13. Banned member

    Would U Do It With Bmi Of 38?

    I probably would of gotten the surgery sooner if I knew that my heighest weight would reach 255 lbs! If I had known about the sleeve surgery or would of been open to weight loss surgery when I was 195 lbs I would of considered flying to Mexico to have it done to prevent me from being as heavy as I was the day of surgery.
  14. Banned member

    Attention Runners

    ^^^You're such a inspiration and this gives me hope for my running future
  15. Banned member

    First Day Back In The Gym... Im So Weak Now!

    I lifted weights for the first time today and was also surprised at how weak I was compared to where I was before surgery. I did the seated chest press and thought I could handle 50 lbs......NOPE! I ended up having to lower the weight to 20 lbs!!!!! So here I am on this big bulky machine with these little 10 lbs weights on each side lol. I'm gonna try and lift once a week for now because I'm very sore after my little session today. My advice is stick with it. Heck we all have to start from somewhere
  16. Banned member

    Attention Runners

    I was sleeved 10/2 and I just recently started jogging. What I've learned throughout the years is to start SLOW. When you first start to get back into running, you will more than likely jog as slow as you walk. Speed will come eventually. Once you are able to walk 2 miles and that starts to become easy then try jogging off and on. I can jog a 1/2 mile and then after that I walk the rest of the 2 miles. We also have tons of hills here so this tires me out quicker, oh and living at 6000+ ft elevation doesn't help either lol. Also check out "couch to 5K". It's a very good program for those who are couch potatoes and want to become runners or those who are looking for a more structure program. Good Luck
  17. Banned member

    Are My Books Going To Get Super Small?!

    I highly doubt I will lose my boobs. Even when I was skinny size 8 I had DDD breast. Women in my family are very busty naturally. When I lose weight my boobs don't shrink. I do know of some people who gained weight and their breast got larger but as soon as they lose the weight they shrink but I think those are people who were a A and B cup when they were smaller. My breast have never been smaller than a DD so I doubt that these girls are going anywhere. I currently wear a size 36K and this is in the new bra sizing where bras that used to be a size B are now considered a D. My boobs hopefully will shrink back down to a DDD or i.
  18. Banned member

    How Much Weight Loss?

    I think I lost 16 lbs my first month and I should probably lose around 10-15 lbs this month. Heck if I can maintain a 8-15 lbs weight loss per month I will be happy
  19. Banned member

    Unable To Burp Gas Away... Help!

    I've had past experience with them and it always causes me to not be able to fart and burp. It slows the digestive tract and causes severe constipation. The story is actually pretty long but a year ago I developed a 7cm ovarian cyst and was in excruciating pain. They pumped me full of pain meds and warned me that it would cause problems. I went to the doc complaining of severe stomach cramps and not being able to stand up. I was pushed around in a wheel chair because of the intense pain. The doc put a stethoscope on my belly to see if things were moving and she said there was hardly any activity in my digestive tract. I was also unable to eat for several days and when I tried I would vomit. I stopped the pain meds and sure enough once it was out of my system I was able to fart and burp. My body doesn't like pain meds at all and I'm sure not everyone has that reaction to them. Also after VSG surgery I had the same problem and decided to stop them the day after surgery. Basically my symptoms were caused by severe constipation from pain meds.
  20. Banned member

    Anybody Do Any Barefoot Running?

    I bought a pair of vibrams about 2 yrs ago but unfortunately I bought a size that was too small *sigh*. Back when I would run on my home treadmill I would run barefoot. I'm not brave enough to do it outside because we live in a area where we have those huge prickly things and they've popped all 3 tires on my jogging stroller. I had to get the tire reinforced but my innocent dog sometimes gets them in her paws. I've been thinking about buying minimalist running shoes but as far as walking on the trails barefoot..... that's not a option. I currently wear cheap shoes with very thin sole shoes and gosh I hate when I step on a rock lol
  21. Banned member

    Excercise Help Needed

    I started off by walking a mile or two outside when I was 3 weeks post op. My advice to you is to just start with walking but it's easy for me to say because I don't work. I couldn't imagine working 60+ hrs and then having energy to exercise. Maybe you can try working out before work. When I worked that was the only way that I could fit in exercise. I also prefer the fresh air of the outdoors so I've strictly been walking outside and can't imagine being confined to a treadmill. I started jogging last week and it feels great. I live in Colorado and it gets pretty cold here but once you get used to walking outside the weather isn't really that bad and once you warm up you actually start to sweat. Good Luck ETA: my favorite walking partner is my dog. She never complains about how slow or fast I'm walking. She also never makes up excuses on why she doesn't want to come out with me when the weather is cold. I put on my Garmin, heart rate monitor, MP3, workout outfit and I walk.
  22. Banned member

    Work Out Pants

    I HATE walmart brand workout pants because they shrink in the dryer. Heck I'm only 5'3 and they always end up very short. I'm a busy mom with 3 kids and I need pants that I can throw in the washer and dryer and not have to worry about them becoming high waters lol I do wear them around the house though because they're comfortable. I prefer Old Navy compression pants. I swear they make me look like I'm a size smaller. I am a size 18 and they don't shrink in the dryer. Also if you're like me and have dimples on the back of your thighs the compression pants will smooth them out. Here's the link to the pants I purchased a week ago http://oldnavy.gap.c...1&pid=865679002 I personally wouldn't wear sweat pants unless I was lounging around the house and I would probably stand out in a bad way if I wore them to the gym. If I look like crap then I tend to have a horrible workout but if I'm wearing something that makes me look good or feel sexy, I tend to kick butt.
  23. Banned member

    Unable To Burp Gas Away... Help!

    It will happen eventually. You will either burp it out or fart it out. My advice is to keep walking and eventually things will start moving. Are you still on pain meds? Pains meds make it impossible for me to rid my body of gas, so I stop them asap.
  24. Banned member

    Working Out

    I was walking soon after surgery but I didn't get serious about walking until about 3 weeks after surgery. Around 3 weeks I started setting goals like walking a minimum of 2 miles, 3 days a week. Now I'm jogging and I'm also 8 weeks post op. This week I'm gonna lift weights. I've always loved working out. I only workout 3 days a week but next year 2013 I plan to up it to 4 times per week so that I can have 3 cardio days and 1 heavy lift day. My advice is to listen to your body. Good Luck
  25. Banned member

    Waxing...down There.

    I used to get a Brazilian was regularly but it started to become a hassle. I would have to go every 4 weeks and pay $45 and I just decided to shave instead. With shaving I can do it every few days for free. I would also get very raw with waxing and scabby a little. The pain doesn't really bother me and I may consider having it done again. I prefer when they use the strips. I actually thought waxing felt pretty good lol

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
