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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Sannah09

  1. Ashelaine,

    Goodness gracious!!! Curious if the sleeve makes us vomit so much with pregnancy. I was in the same boat, but finally got relief. I used promethaZine, Zofran, transderm patch, and one other medicine. I finally decided what ever natural processes were occur are meant to take place. I stopped all medicine. As you know, it was miserable and at times I bearable. I am finally having relief. food aversion is a huge issue for me. Currently I manage to enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables. I can and love to drink mineral Water, with lime in it. This is my first time since my sleeve being able to swallow Water without it causing pain. It's so peaceful and great! I would be so thrilled if this ability hung around.

    With HG, surely your appetite was non-existent to super small. How's it doing now? Are you breast feeding? Do you feel like you eat more while breast feeding? I will breast feed my son as well.

    Congrats on 4 kids!! That's pretty great!!! They are a lot of work!!! Lately I feel impatient with my daughter (almost 3). However, I am not comfortable and little grumpy while passing kidney stones. So, I have to allow myself breathers. I ask my family for help, when hubby isn't home.

    We also just sold one home and bought another. Moving, unpacking and all of that is hard work being this pregnant.

    Thank you SO much for reaching out and connecting over this pregnancy/baby business. I think ladies are choosing to reproduce later in life. I am 32 and started having kids later than I imagined. But a lot of my girlfriends are just starting as well. So, I don't have many people to chat with about this stuff. It's nice to know I am not alone while navigating all this.

  2. Ashleine!!

    That is so exciting!!! ????Is this your first? How are you feeling and doing? Did you have a boy or girl? How's baby?

    So, happy to hear from you. ???? My sleeve experience has been less than desirable. I am using the Bariatric Pals App on my iPhone. Do you test at all? Wondering if I can send you a private message of sorts with my number? Not to familiar with this app, but I am going to try and figure it out.

    My first pregnancy even at 120lbs heavier was a breeze. This second time around... It's very challenging. I am in the third trimester and things are easing a bit. Other than I am passing a lot of kidney stones and I can't seem to keep infection out of my kidneys. I believe this is my fifth diagnoses of kidney infection and round of antibiotics. I fear not much is changing. It hurts internally when I try to urinate. I see my OB tomorrow and I am going to talk to her about this. I also see a peranatoligist, and I am being closely watched.

    I am SO thrilled and excited to meet this little guy. We are naming him Sven Thoreau.

    I hope your doing well!

  3. Hi,

    I am in SE Portland, OR. I am 32 years old. I was sleeved on Dec 5th 2012 By Emma Patterson. I am her first leak with a sleeve. I do not care for her or her lack of bed side manner. I am probably one of the few people who are regretful of their surgery. The other doctors on my care team had expressed disbelief with her attitude and made it clear they didn't care for her either.

    Too each their own. I would never again trust her with my life. I do not blame her or myself for the leak. However, I saw her true colors when things went wrong and it wasn't pretty! She is a nasty soul! There are many other surgeons who have experience like her, but behave in a humane manner.

  4. Hello MichiganChic,

    Thank you kindly for the congrats! We are so very excited to welcome a little boy into our lives. I feel and have felt like I needed this for my body and soul. I was told that when pregnant that our bodies sort of do damage control, if you will. I think my emotions needed this because it gives me a closing to one tough chapter and a happy start to a new chapter.

    How have you been? How is life with your sleeve? According to your Body Weight Ticker, YOU have done amazing!!! Look at you!!! That is awesome! Have any NSV's? Phenonemial loss my friend!! :)

    I am still very regretful of my sleeve. I have been in counseling and I am working to make peace with this decision. Life has not been the same since my sleeve. My health has actually been worse, than it was when I was 306lbs. Who is to say that If I stayed or gained it wouldn't be unhealthy. But overall, I feel as if, I have never really made it to a 'healthy' status. At a year and a half out, I was still not able to keep nourishment (food/liquid) down. This is attitritubed to the masses that are in my sleeve, and the potential of my vagal nerve being damaged or cut. I have been on so many medicines and combinations to try and keep nourishment down that its not funny.

    A few months ago, I let it all go! I decided what will be, will be. I would like for my body to be in its natural state. So, I no longer take medicine to keep nourishment down. Labs show sign of malnourishment. I find that If I keep my spirit in the right place I manage pretty good. So, I do my best everyday to eat, drink and take my Vitamins. :) One day at a time! I've got this!

    My kidneys have struggled a lot through the leak and they are still an issue. I see the nephrologist regulary. It's painful to endure, but like everything else... I take it a day at time and keep my mind in the right place.

    I hope that you're having a good Sunday! I look forward to an update on your life with the sleeve!



  5. Hello Everyone,

    I am about 18 months or more out from my sleeve, which was a complicated situation. I had a leak and other issues. Anyhow, due to my leak I was told my situation will always be different froma typical sleever. I am now pregnant and in my third trimester. A lot of irrational fears are starting to arise. I just wanted to see if I could reach out and connect with a fellow leaky sister, who has been pregnant since her leak or is currently.

    Generally I am person who likes to be educated about almost anything I am involved in. I have found with the pregnancy/sleeve deal its best for me to have too much knowledge, because it leads to worry. Worry, is something that I do not need more of. This baby and I have endured test after test... This pregnancy has been one crazy ride and I want off! I can't wait to meet this little guy and be on the other side of pregnancy... back on the road to my more normal life.

    Thank you for taking time to reach out! I look forward to chatting!



  6. Hello,

    I am further out than you and I also got pregnant sooner than you. I was sleeved 18 months ago, and I am 7 months pregnant. I had a lot of complications with me sleeve and still struggle. Anyhow, I wanted to let you know that what you are experiencing seems to be normal. You're only 11 weeks along, which isn't far. I am in my third trimester and what I found is that this absurd need to eat will come and go. My story is a little different, because for the first 5 months of pregnancy i couldn't keep anything down, not even Water. However, from the 6th month on my appetite did this shifting as well. I have days that I can eat, what I consider a lot... Like you say.. every hour... I don't vomit... The baby is supposed to be doubling weight and given that I have not gained much weight during this pregnancy I try to tell myself its okay.

    I don't know that I really have any tips to share. I try to listen to what my body is telling me, and this generally leads me to eat healthy things. I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables...I chew ice... no I am not low in Iron..Also, if I feel like I have eaten alot that day, I try to drink before eating. It seems that our pregnant bodies need a lot of Fluid. Sometimes filling up on Fluid is the best option for me.

    I have not stepped on a scale since finding out I am expecting, because I learned that if I see the number I stop eating. My baby is low in weight and this is an issue.

    Keep at it girly. Remember you will soon have days that are more normal in the eating department!

  7. Vegetarian and vegan are manageable with the sleeve if you desire to do it. Do some research and you'll find the our society over estimates how much Protein we actually needs. I was told to do this.... I did my research and found exactly this!!

    I am 8 months post op, eat vegetarian in the evening, vegan in the day. 40g of Protein a day. I feel full and fine. My doctor supports this.

  8. I do not think anything can be specifically done to prevent. I followed my dietary guidons to a T and received a leak. Leaks just happen, no one is to blame.

    We just have to realize and really be prepared that these complications can and do happen. They are scary to endure and down right the pits, but do your research. Don't have the sleeve if you don't have insurance to cover complications. Do everything in your power to be prepared for worst case, in the event it happens to you.

    I wish I never had my leak, and never in a million years did I actually think I would have a leak and I did. It was a long and painful ordeal... Still is... The leak has really defined my sleeve experience and not in a good way.

  9. My leak is officially closed!!! I had my PICC removed Monday and my drain comes out tomorrow! I am so so so thankful and cannot wait to have my life ALL the way back!! I've lost 44 pounds in 7 weeks and I cannot wait to blow that numbe away cause its not enough!

    Happy day!!! :) congrats!!!

    So happy for you!!!

  10. I had VSG on July 1st' date=' and upon a trip to the ER on the 5th due to EXTREME pain it was discovered I have a leak. I was taken back into surgery that night and a drain was placed, my surgeon also attempted to repair the leak with glue but it did not hold. I had a PICC placed the 6th and have been NPO since the 5th. It's really a waiting game trying to get my body to heal and my white blood cell count under control so I can go home.

    This is horrible, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.[/quote']


    Just want to say hey!! I hear you and know these struggles. I am a leak survivor as well. I am 8 months out and still healing properly from the leak. Please know that things can and will get better. I know the challenges so intimately. I am wishing you nothing but the very best. Recovery is long and hard no doubt, but head up dear!! Your strong! Stronger than you know!!!

    Hang in there!!!

    Wishing you only the very best!!


  11. Hey lady,

    I am a leak survivor and I has stents for two months.

    I am more than happy to message with you. I in NO way want to scare you from treatment, because we do what we have to when it's life or death. I am only writing my honest experience. Things may be different for you.

    I had severe pain with any movement, no swallowing, vomiting, nausea and much more and I am still dealing with the damage of the stents. Sneezing, coughing, breathing and most tasks that require movement of the chest were unbearable.

    I had two stents.I had one inserted and it migrated south and then the next day a second one was inserted. Both stents covered my esophagus and entire sleeve.

    I have two months of food under my belt. I have an ulcer and these weird masses. These masses have developed from the stents. I also have misplaced bile coming into my sleeve from my intestines, this is from trauma of stents. My stomach is inflamed from the constant friction metal mesh running on it.

    I was given no option. Stents and several heavy duty antibiotics to treats the infection.

    I am wishing you nothing but the best. Leaks are very scary. I am here for you!!



  12. This may not be what you want to hear (I certainly didn't believe I'd ever say it) but I joined the gym & started working out 5 days a week. And I cut my calories to 1000-1200.

    And thanks. You can do it too! I was way ahead of the game when I went into surgery so I think my recovery was much easier. I didn't spring right back, but it was close.

    You did so great! So wonderful!! Are you still working out five days a week?

    Actually today I started working out at home. Too hot to walk, but trying videos online. Did you use Protein shakes at all?

    ;) Thanks for the motivation!



  13. 338 before Pre-op diet 1-18-12

    288 on surgery date 5-18-12 (-50 pounds!)

    239 8-7-12

    Goodbye 99 pounds!!! Can't wait to break 100 pounds lost & then get to onederland. :-)

    Your truly an inspiration!! Your progress is amazing!! Go you!!

    I am pre op what did you do to loose 50lbs before surgery? Have any tips?

    I am supposed to loose 20lbs before surgery and it is tough!!

    Thanks for giving me inspiration!



  14. I am 31 and having surgery on Aug 30th so still pre-op...I would love someone to nag me about what I ate and help me stay motivated on my pre op diet...

    I'm married but haven't had kids yet (doc says its my weight) I weight 316 at last weigh in and am 5'4


    Pleasure to meet you!! Your surgery is soon! Where do you live? Curious what our time difference is like? I am in Oregon. Sounds like we have some things in common!



  15. Hello,

    I realize there is a mentor area, but I want to find someone who is pre-op. This way we are nutritionally similar.




    30 years old

    Mother, wife and student

    Need to loose 20 before surgery- not on a liquid diet.< /p>

    I will have my surgery nov-jan, not sure yet

    Live on the west coast

    looking for someone who will text randomly daily to find out if I am logging on MFP. I do best when logging, but lately I don't like documenting. I also know that I DO NOT want to let others down.



    late 20's-early 30's

    working on weight loss


    Have something I can help keep you accountable with? (if you want, I would love to reciprocate)

    I would love to learn a little about you. Also, feel free to ask any questions you have about me. Lets help each other out!

    I can't wait to hear from you! :)



  16. Hello!

    Thank you for taking time to share this information with me. I first wanted to say congrats on your success, especially despite your back and thyroid challenges!!

    I have a digital scale that I used to measure food. I have had it for 4-6 years. I am curious when these kind of items need replaced. I think I should do some research on this.

    I have previously used MFP. I LOVE IT! My husband and I logged together and both lost a little weight doing this. I fell off the band wagon and I should get back on. My husband was my only 'friend' on MFP and maybe I needed more. We shared our food logs to hold each other accountable. Maybe I can find some buddies from this forum and add them to MFP's.

    I am glad that you brought up the eating out aspect. My husband and our friends really like to eat out and even now this causes trouble for me. I, like you, feel overwhelmed with the choices at most restaurants. Perhaps I should tell my husband what I plan to eat prior to going out, so he can help me be accountable.

    I will check out my local community center! Good thinking. I am not a fan of the meat market style gyms! Yuck! No thanks! I drive by a 24 hour fitness and LA fitness almost daily. I have been to 24hour fitness before and I was not comfortable. I am not sure about LA Fitness- maybe check it out based on location. For years I went to the local community center. However, we just moved and I am still learning a lot about my new area.

    I hope that you have a good evening!


  17. Hey!

    Thanks for the post! While I see how this could easily be a con because I have lived it. I have to say I hope I am cold all the time like my fit/skinny friends. Currently I am always hot and this is not fun! Our friends always want the heat turned up or to sit outside in the sun! Sorry, but being morbidly obese and sitting in the heat is just NOT fun! Rather miserable actually!

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