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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Kiwichick42

  1. Second week has been great. I'm still getting in 2 - 3 liters of Water per day and I now have a very clear sensation of fullness after eating, which I didn't have in week 1.

    Met my surgeon this week and he is very pleased with my progress, but wants me to get in more Protein. Started having a small tin of tuna, Salmon or chicken for lunch. Scrambled egg and yoghurt with puréed fruit is also good. Been having soft meat casserole dishes for dinner. An average day of food is

    Breakfast - either an egg or Protein shake.

    lunch - tin of fish or chicken.

    dinner - soft meat casserole - about the size of 3 egg cups full.

    If I have a snack it's generally 2 tablespoons of greek yoghurt and a bit of banana.

    Been having severe cravings for sweet things.

    Energy levels pretty good.

    Back to work next week.


  2. After a false start 3 years ago, when I thought i wanted to be banded...but couldn't find a surgeon who was 'pro-banding' in New Zealand - I went it alone for a further 3 years, yo-yo-ing, becoming fit, then getting injured - it was the typical weight roller coaster that I have endured since about the age of 8. I was very sporty as a kid and was even the sports prefect at high school. But alas as the years went on, my activity levels dropped and the weight piled on.

    The most success I have had is with low carb diets. I successfully lived low carb for 7 years....and maintained my weight during this time. But it was a struggle every day. The weight I maintained was still in the "overweight' BMI classification.

    In early 2015 I had had enough. My weight was affecting my confidence badly and having an impact on how I felt about my self in my work. I was also diagnosed with chronically high blood pressure. Un-medicated it can be as high as 220/110 - freakin scary.....as I had no other symptoms. I was a ticking time bomb for stroke or heart attack. This was the straw that broke the camels back!

    My BMI when I had my first surgery consult was 34.5 and in New Zealand you need to be over 40 BMI to get any assistance from health insurers. I was therefore a self pay patient - and had to dip into a big chunk of savings - $20,000. My husband was very supportive and money never became the issue....it was always about my health and happiness.

    After several meetings with the surgeon and his psychologist and nutritionist, I got my surgery date. I started the process in Feb 2015 - and was operated on 28th May 2015.

    I had an awful day in hospital waiting for surgery. I arrived at 10:00am and was told my surgery was third at roughly midday. For some reason I was bumped to last surgery - and at 7:30pm I was wheeled in. The extra hours of waiting allowed all of my anxiety to build up and I was very tearful. The nurses were amazing, but it didn't help my anxiety.

    I spoke to the surgeon and asked him if he really wanted to do the surgery at 7:30pm at night when he had started at 8:00am and his answer was perfect ! He said "I feel great, I promise I would tell you if I did not feel up to doing the surgery. However if you are uncomfortable with the time, then we can postpone it. It's up to you - but I feel great and am happy to do it now". He gave me the decision, which made me feel very comfortable and at ease. I decided to go for it that night!

    Back into my room by 9:30ish? Feeling some nausea and horrible gas pains. Was up walking the hallways from about midnight to 1am - this helped ease the gas. Sips of Water were uncomfortable the night of surgery, but I was still on IV fluids, so no chance of dehydration.

    Day 1 - Got out of bed unaided, asked if I was allowed to take a shower unaided and they agreed as I was very steady on my feet. Having a shower and dressing in my own clothes felt great. I managed to get in about 1 litre of water (33 oz) - which amazed me. It was still uncomfortable, but if I stood up or sat up really straight, I was able to get it in - reasonably easily. The gas they put into your stomach to test for leaks was still in there and it was a strange feeling as the water went in and displaced the gas. It gurgled sometimes for several minutes after every mouthful of water. On this first day I walked several times for about 10 minutes each time. I had my fitbit and on day one I walked 3.5km (2.2miles) round and round the hospital halls. I felt strangely good. Possibly running on adrenalin?

    Day 2, I was allowed pureed apple and yoghurt. I took it very slowly and with tiny bits on my teaspoon. I ate only as much as would fit into an egg cup the first day. I was too scared to push it any further than that. It went down easier than water ! I walked roughly the same as day 1 and spent the day out of bed, drawing, reading etc.

    Day 3 - home by 10:00am. I had pre-prepared Soups which I had frozen into iceblocks, I also had pureed fruit and yoghurt, which was great. Prior to surgery I had also downloaded an app to time the 30 minutes between eating/drinking....and another app to monitor my water intake. I found these invaluable. Day 3 got 2 litres of water in and 3 very tiny meals.

    Day 4 -7 tried my first Protein shakes....this is when it went downhill. Since the operation my body will not tolerate Protein Shakes made from whey. I get diarrhea within 60 minutes of taking them....which is a shame as it is such a good way to get in protein. Am trialling a range of other alternatives. Still trying to find one that I like. Pea protein is disgusting - but my stomach is okay with it. Going to try Egg White Protein powder. With the diarrhea and only 3 tiny meals per day, I was feeling very weak and tired. I slept a lot more. I was active at home, but not out walking.

    Day 8 + Have been having very soft scrambled egg. Can get in ONE egg. So have been having one or two eggs every day. Have also had slow cooker meat meals, which I have blended to puree. Find that meat meals that I puree, I can only get a small amount in. Probably the size of a 1.5 egg cups.

    I am typing this on day 12 - and am pretty much back to normal. I have already had one week of work and am off again this week - and I feel a bit of a fraud? Even my husband and kids have said that they thought it was going to be a lot more difficult. I eat with them, I carry a water bottle everywhere....and we have been out to the movies, markets, shopping etc. It's kind of like the surgeon just cut 5 holes in my stomach and didn't do the surgery? He uses a small bougie size too - and yet I can now swallow big gulps of water. I am worried at how easy this has been so far. I have 2 friends who have had VSG - one is 5 years out the other is 6 months out. Both can't believe how easy this has been for me. Maybe I am in for a big fall?

    One thing I did pre-surgery I think has had a massive effect on my recovery is Meditation. I did a Transcendental Meditation course...the meditation that all the celebs rave about. :) I knew I had to find a new coping mechanism as food and Wine has always been my go-to when I feel any sort of emotion. Happy, Sad, Angry, Stressed - all leads to food and wine. So taking control of this before my surgery I think has been my saving grace. I now meditate 2x per day for 20 mins each time. One of the nurses even said to me that people who meditate recover more quickly. I don't know....but maybe that's why things have been easier for me? I have certainly noticed a massive difference in my moods and relationships with others. I am calmer under pressure and my kids say I am nicer to be around haha.

    I lost 7kg (15.4 lb) during the 3 week pre-op diet, to shrink my liver.

    Since surgery I had lost a further 4.5kg (10lb) by day 10.

    So - 11.5 kg (25.4) pounds since starting pre-op diet - which I am really happy with.

    20kg (44lb) to goal.

    Bobbi (Kiwichick42)

  3. Hi - I had a bmi of 34 at my initial consult with surgeon and after 3 week pre-op diet was a bmi 32 on day of surgery. (9 days ago - 28th May 2015) I lost 7kg (15lb) during pre-op and have lost a further 4.5 kg (10lb) in 9 days since surgery. I didn't expect the weightloss to be so quick at my bmi... But I'm very happy so far. I'm 179cm (5ft 9) current weight 95.4kg (210lb) I'm sure the weightloss will slow down - but expecting to reach goal in the first 4 - 6 months.

    I was self pay. There is no full insurance cover for WLS in New Zealand. Only a measly $5k off if you have a bmi over 40. Costs $20,000 in New Zealand.


  4. Hi Everyone,

    I had my second meeting with my surgeon last night. At the first meeting I didn't know what procedure I wanted and he talked me into a Sleeve. Last night I explained I had done a lot of research and had decided the Sleeve was too drastic for me and I wanted the Band.

    The surgeons jaw hit the desk and he spent the next 5 minutes telling me what a mistake I was making. "Bands only work 50% of the time; I've cleaned up so many messes with the band; the weight loss is temporary and slow; at least 40% of bands require some sort of revision at some stage" ....and on and on and on....blah blah blah !!! BUT - he followed this with "I will do the band if you really want it". I came away from the meeting disillusioned, upset and confused. :(

    I think I need to find another surgeon....I don't think I can progress with someone who doesn't believe in the procedure I want.

    (His stats 600 Bypass surgeries; 300 Sleeves and 100 Bands.)

    BUT - I am really annoyed and disappointed that I have already invested so much time in this process ....meeting psych's, nutritionists; etc... AND around $500 for these pre-surgery meetings too!! If I move surgeons, I will have to start again. I am booked in for surgery on July 16.

    SHould I stay with him and get the surgery done on 16th? Or bite the bullet and find another surgeon?




    PS: Another thought has crossed my mind - and wondering what you think. Do you think surgeons are anti-band due to the more intensive follow up care that is required. I think they like the idea of cutting off your stomach and setting you free - never to see you again. I think the fill/unfill thing makes us less attractive as patients from a commercial and time perspective. Am I being a conspiracy theorist?? Or is there something in that?

  5. This thread has helped me - thanks everyone who has posted.

    I had my second meeting with my surgeon last night. (7:00pm meeting) The previous meeting with him, I didn't know what procedure I wanted and he talked me into a sleeve. This meeting I let him know I had been doing lots of research and had decided the sleeve was too drastic for me and I had decided to have the Band. His jaw hit the desk and he spent the next 5 minutes telling me what I mistake I was making. The Band doesn't work; I clean up so many messes; weight loss is only temporary and very slow; at least 40% of all bands need revision surgery at some stage ...BLAH BLAH BLAH !!! Then he said "But I'll do it if you really want me to". I came away from the meeting disillusioned, upset and confused. :(

    I have decided I need to find another surgeon; and am sooo disappointed I have wasted so much money on my appointments thus far - AND so much time !!! But; I really cannot progress with a surgeon who doesn't believe in the procedure I want. Do you think I am crazy changing surgeon at this late stage? I am booked in for 16th August.

    What do you think?



  6. Hello Kiwichick, I am on Optifast 900 pre op shakes. 3 days into my diet It is working fine so far. Drinking lots of Water though. There is about 40% of Proteins. Here is a chart that you could see and compare.


    Thanks Libralatin, I have had a look at the link. The Optifast 900 is similar, but not exactly the same as the one I am using. Your one has 22.5g of Protein per service and 16.8g Carbs. The Optifast I am using has 17.5g Protein and 22.5g Carbs. It just seems so bizarre to me to be using a Protein Powder that has more carbs than protein. My regular protein powder has 32.9g Protein and 0.6g carbs. I've been told there is something in it to reduce the size of the liver - but I still can't understand the carb count.

    Glad to know Optifast is working for you. :) All the best on your journey.

    Kiwi : )

  7. Hi Abbie and Lilbit,

    I haven't had surgery yet either and went through the same dilemma - band or sleeve???

    I spoke to a range of people ... And one thing a bypass friend said to me, made it so much easier to make my decision to go with the band. She said....

    "At your age (42) you will see other great weightloss solutions be developed. Medical science is developing so quickly. Imagine if you make the irreversible devision to cut half your stomach off (sleeve).... And then in 5 years time the 'ultimate' solution comes along? At least with a band you are taking control of your weight NOW .... But giving yourself options for the future. "

    Don't know if the above will strike a chord for you.... But it made sense to me ... And made my decision making easy.

    All the best.

    Kiwi. :-)

  8. Hi Everyone,

    I have my final appointment with surgeon/psych this week and hoping to be banded in Aug.

    I have a question for bandsters who sleep on their stomachs. I've read that most people have their port just under the bra line in the central part of the abdomen. I really think this is going to be painful; given I sleep on my front... I also lie on the floor a lot. (to read or watch TV etc).

    What is the ideal Port position for those who lie on their fronts a lot?

    How long after surgery could you sleep on your front?

    Any advice greatly appreciated.

    Kiwi. :-)

  9. I haven't been banded yet... But I'm very familiar with high Protein Snacks - these might help?? Ham roll ups. (slice ham with a cheese stick rolled inside.) boiled eggs; bacon &egg muffins (one egg and small bits of chopped up bacon. Microwaved in rubber muffin tray) Almonds; cottage cheese with a wee bit of unsweetened pineapple; Atkins bars; pâté on low carb crackers. That's all I can think of at the moment. I'm hoping to be banded in Aug. All the best with your journey.

  10. I've heard it from doctors and other people who had WLS. My doctor favors the sleeve' date=' but I dont like the idea of having half my stomach cut off. I would like everything to stay intact. Maybe if sleeve plication was approved in the US and not in clinical trials, I would go that route. But for now I'm scheduled for lap band and I am glad to hear that there is a low percentage of people who had complications after a long period of time with lapband.[/quote']

    My surgeon in New Zealand also supports the Sleeve over the Band. Like others have said here - I'm not comfortable with the risks associated with the Sleeve and the fact that once you have done it... If u happen to be one of the unlucky ones with serious ongoing complications, there is nothing you can do about it. Personally I think the Band is going to be great .... But hey,if in 5 or 10 years another even better solution comes along, at least the band is reversible; leaving other options possible.

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