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Posts posted by SpecialK1960

  1. I went through the burping big time - of course for a guy, it's cool - you can burp and be all proud, but for the more genteel ladies it is a bit of a problem. For me it went a way but not for a good while and every once in a while - with milk particulalry - I still get it. I can tell the second I swallow that there is a burp stuck in behind it.

    Once you get to the better pureed stuff - a few more weeks? - it's not so bad. We think it all has to be things that are all oft and mushy from the start - WRONG - it just has to be all smushy when you eat it. I loved that stuff - you would be amazed at what you can put in a food processor and eat as a paste - and it still tastes right. Spaghetti and meatballs - looks nasty - tastes just right. chicken and rice, brocolli cheese Soup with real pieces of brocolli all ground up, meatloaf, chicken breast and mashed potatoes; eggs with a little ground turkey sausage, cut the crusts off make some low fat french toast and blend that stuff up - looks aweful, but tastes great. It was playing with new thing and finding some great ones that made eating still a bit fun, even if I only ate a little and even if if was mushed up like a baby's. I will admit not everything works - lots of disasters - I pretty much would put whatever my wife was eating into the blender and see what happened - sometimes it tasted as bad as it looked - but it still made that difficulat transition period a bit easier.

    You do not get to eat much, but it is good to try things (when you are ready) that will give you some satisfaction.

  2. Well, although the previous post entry was in the wrong post - you gotta admit its funny - If your are constipated:

    We know when it's Gods will.....it's gonna be done!!!!

    And you can count on that.

    But more on point....

    I think I recall have a very cyclical time as well. Good week, bad week. Although my cycles were shorter - a few good days and a few bad days. To be honest the bad days became less and eventually went away - I was tracking my food pretty carefully back then and did see some foods that for no obvious reasons seemed to be triggers for bad days - (like chicken Soup - who thought that one coul be bad) Tomato sauce (acidic?) aslo gave me problems. I did not have much Constipation at all and never bad - when you eat less, you go less, and I would just notice I was feeling a bit full and then think back and notice it was a few days - but over the counter stuff worked just fine for me.

    I am not sure that the constipation and the present distaste for food are necessarily connected. Could be, might not be. If your constipation was real bad your body migght just be saying it is not interested in that ride again for a while - remember though you have to keep your Protein and Vitamins up. I used Protein additives that I added to iced tea to make sure I was still getting - if not my recomended number at least a really good portion of it. I bought these tube looking things at the Vitamin Shoppe that have 37-55 grams of protein - they are fruit flavored (I am a blue rasberry guy).

    If you are having serious pain and very regular constipation I would check in with the doc. This procedure is fraught with all kinds of discomfort and minor pain, but any time you are experiencing real pain, you should at least call and see what the doc says - lord knows you paid them enough, they are still "on call" for a good long while.

    Good luck.

  3. This is a scary deal. It is major surgery and it changes your life - FOREVER. This is not the band (tighter, looser, tighter) There is no cheating. But when you are ready - and I think we reach a point when we know - its different for all of us.... but when you reach that point, and it is time for a change ... all I can say is that this worked for me. I am not sure what the experts say, and I am sure you can cheat even with the sleeve and undermine your success. But the sleeve is a permanent life changer - and if you do not succeed on the sleeve - you are just not trying. It does everything it can - the rest is up to us. I am proud of my success. But I am lucky - I know that. And I wish everyone had the opportunity that I had to make that change - there are people that would give anything to have the surgery and they can't afford it - or can't get or do not have insurance.... BUT please to all that read my dribbling, I am a big fan and super advocate for the surgery: BUT BUT BUT, it was NOT easy, I had eating problems for months - I could smell Chinese food and throw up - heck one time I just rode by a Korean guy on my bike and I almost tossed my Cookies - Just kidding. I could not eat any Tomato sauce - GRRRRR, that stuff is soft and blends up well, the perfect soft food - not for me.... made me sick. It took time to adjust - and for my wife to adjust - remember I was a fat guy - I ate for fun and because I loved food - it shaped my life - so when I could no longer go to the Chinese buffet (they pulled all the good stuff off when they saw me coming - LOL) - My wife could not either - no Italian - It really changed our lives - the rotten kids are gone (I can say that they don't read this, besides only one is rotten, the other is an angel - ain't that always the way??) and so we are on our second honeymoon - we ate out a lot. It was just us. But the surgery changed that. Now a year later it is no big deal - but for many months it was a change - for both of us. So please do not let my enthusiasm for the surgery ever make it seem like it is a cake walk (THERE IS NO CAKE ON THE SLEEVE!! - at least for a while) It was tough for me and it will be tough for everyone - some more than others - but for me it was worth it. I know I have been blabbering on again - not my fault, I always get silly when I have been working with spray paint in enclosed spaces. Just kidding - it was airplane fuel not spray paint.... I think its all kinda fuzzy now. Seriously, the surgery was the best thing I have done since making my wife marry me and that was 25 years ago - poor thing....

  4. I know sometimes I ramble on a bit but feel that 2 sentence replies often do not tell someone enough of the story to really be of value. And since I have a big mouth, it comes pretty natural.

    I will say one thing that really helped me stick with my diet post surgery - well, two things. First, 85% of my stomach was in a dumpster behind Medical City Hospital - that said, it was much easier not to eat too much, because it was fricking impossible. I don't care what Jeff Foxorthy says you can not get a Cadillac in a doghouse. And you can't get a large pizza in a tiny stomach. The second thing that helped was that if I ate too fast - especially at first - I got sick. So, it was not all willpower - it was simply the absolute limitations that kept me 100% honest for a full 6 months. By then the 75+ pounds that were gone was enough to keep me focused.

    I wish you the best of luck - I know you'll do fine - and if you have a bad day - drop me a note and I will put "fat" Connie in her place and tell her it is time to get out of town - becuase HOT Connie is on her way.... And once you start looking better, I'd invest in some good running shoes - not for the excercise, but so you can get away from your man if you ever need to.... and mace and a billy club and a tazer (although I think I am starting to like that, LOL) BZZZT BZZZT - Best of Luck.

  5. Like everyone else, a day late and a dollar short. I do hope that D and the Flamethrower is not a children's book. LOL But I did like the follow-up smash hit for adults: D and the Dark Tunnel of Love (or Doom....depends on which road you take) It has a scary part where the bad guy gets his due - yeah, he really gets it in the end.... but like all good love stories ....It has a happy ending though..... Too many puns, even for me, time to put my helmet on and get back to work....

  6. In your reply you said something important - IT'S A JOURNEY. But so is life. The question is, are you going to be a driver or a passenger? You said you live an active life - well, that may be true to some extent. But that is only active as you know it - active in the eyes and mind of a large person. If you choose to move forward - and I will have more to say on that in a minute - you will find that what you used to think was an active life was a fraction of what lies ahead. The sleeping is better, life is better, you feel good about yourself (maybe for the first time in years) and yes, the sex is better -WAY BETTER and way more frequent. Becuase you want it more, because it feels better and becuase no matter how much you are loved, looking better makes a difference. It just does. I know that because now I am officially a Hottie again. LOLx10. I still enjoy a few beers now and then - I did not for quite a while, but now I do and it is working fine for me. BUT,here is my sage advice. Make sure that you really want to do this. If you are on the fence and not comitted to that journey - with all its ups and downs and rocky roads - you are far far less likely to feel good about your decision, you may even regret it, and may unintentionally (?) undermine your success. What concerns me the most is that on day one of the liquid diet you are having second thoughts. That is really troubling. It gets way worse before it gets better. Heck, on day one I was thinking that it was not so bad. Day 10 -- I was a bit gritchy, but not day 1. After surgery, I had problems eating certain foods and had problems keeping food down for a while, but now a year out all is settled and my body and I are friends again and food is not an issue. I think you need to really decide what you want. I say that becuase it isn't an easy path and there is no turning back. It is a life changing decision and a lifestyle changing decision. So think it through. Now as for me, I can only say this - I look frickin' great, I am not self conscious anymore, I have all new clothes - good stuff baby - Versace, Halston coture, you know why?, because I look good, I deserve it, I have earned it and because I am never going to be fat again. And guess what else, I am chasing my wife around the house like a bad looney tunes cartoon. We have gone from one time per two to three weeks to 3 times a week and some times twice on Saturday - just because I can. And now that I am 100 pounds lighter I can catch her every time. She used run between the sofa and the arm chair and I had to go all the way around and she would get away... not any more. Although I am pretty sure she lets me catch her - because she wants to be caught by her svelte husband. Way more fun than her old fat one. And almost 1.5 inches more of a husband and less of a belly (TMI?). I think that is why she slows down on the corners. So a little humor, a little sage advice, and all the best wishes. Read as much as you can on this site. There is every experience, every perspective, and people that are so willing to help and be there for you as much as possible. THHHH That's all Folks......

  7. I know - ladies only - but the guys are boring and well, I like women. And uninvited as it is, I think I can add a different perspective. You said " I've spent my whole life telling myself that I'm beautiful bigger, what if I hate it being skinny? " You know what? You are admitting that you had to tell your self you look good when you were big. Guess what, that is BIG PERSON thinking!!! You no longer have to tell yourself that your appearance is acceptable. PERIOD. It is. You are you and you should not have to convince yourself that you look good - not when you are big and trying to rationalize your appearance when you are unhappy with it. But it is a broad and clear statement. You do not have to base your opinion of yourself on your appearance. Thick, Thin, no matter. That is just a look. You have made a huge life change - that is great. But with that make the attitude change - My self worth is not that same as my appearance and my weight is not the source of my beauty. You may have to get used to the look of a thin you. Basically, by being thin you will conform with what others expect of you. What about you? What do you expect? Thin will be a new look. Regardless, it will be how YOU look, love it, embrace it - thick or thin - it is you. Love you, you do not need to feel bad about your appearance. Be proud of your decision, your sacrifice - and your new thinner self. good luck.

  8. I am just over a year out - and I AM FABULOUS. Guess what, you will be too. I had all kinds of issues after surgery, I could not eat Italian food or Chinese food for months and months - Italian is now fine. Chinese, well, still got to be careful, even a year + out. What you are going through are the changes - sort of like menopause, but totally self inflicted - menopause comes all by itself, the sleeve is self inflicted. And guess what there will be good things - slowly the changes will become normal. The eating will all work out. Things will be different, but way way better. Here's is the deal - just understand you have changed your life - things will not be the same - but you know what? They are just going to get better and better. I was about 4 months out and having all kinds of problems with various foods - I was frustrated. NOW, I am 1 year out and looking good. I AM FABULOUS - AND CAN'T WAIT UNTIL YOU JOIN ME ON THE LIST OF HAPPY SLEEVERS THAT LOOK AWESOME AND FEEL GREAT. SEE YOU THERE SOON.

  9. Now let's be fair about this. Speaking from a guy who no longer has anything resembling Man Tits. Not any more. And that is your point, right, you are improving yourself, and do not see why he is not interested in doing the same. Here is what I felt after reading your post. Okay, you have made a decision to change your life - AWESOME and conrats to you. BUT you would not need that change if you (and I and many many more) had not let ourselves go and made many a bad decision. So you have decided that you want more out of life. Here is my question. How long did it take you to make that decision? Presumably a while. What about him? how much time does he get? If you start looking great - or at least a ton better, is that an encouragement for him? I would only say that none of us - peeking into you life with 5 lines of information - have the answer. But I think a spouse has a little duty to help make changes in us as well. I was a stud athlete, professional, world ranked - that is what my wife married. Then 10 years in I got fat, not big, fat. She stuck by me and put up with my beer drinking and over eating. Now I look good again and I am so glad she is here. But you know what, she is 30 pounds over weight - maybe more - but that is okay. I love her for her. She stuck by me when I was a pig. 30 pounds on her at 5 feet tall is a lot - but I will work with her to get her lower - she wants that and I want that - why? because we are still in love. 25 years of her putting up with my retarded self - and we still care. My guess would be that there is more than just the weight issue. It may be an indicator of the relationship - maybe the weight is not the issue, it is that desire you have for more, and he does not have that. Again, it is easy to be Dr. Phil with 10% of the info, but make sure that it is the weight that is a problem, and not the lack of drive and ambition. Here is why, anyone (with great effort) can lose weight - not everyone can have that desire to move up and be determined for success. So I will get off my "Mr. know-it -all" soap box and wish you the best of luck - love is easy - marriage is hard - make sure you are carefully assessing you issues. And best of luck on your weight loss journey.

  10. It really is amazing the difference it makes. We have gone from 1x every 2 weeks, to 2x or 3x a week. Then add the 2x a week that I am sneaking in (doing the laundry myself - LOL) I am basically having sex 5 days a week. She is happy (like that goofy boob in the old Enzite commercial - big dopey smile) and I am happy too. Sex is fun and I am having more fun than ever. The ore I know I am pleasing her - well, two things happen: she wants more and I want more .... pretty much a win win situation.

  11. Well, to butt in (pun intended) where I do not belong. Here is a man's perspective. First off, know that I was thin for years and then blew up like a blimp. My wife married and lived for 15 years with a thin and fit Guy. Then I got big with a weight gain of well over 100 pounds.

    When I had my surgery and lost the weight (I am down to 205, with 10 -15 to go). I bought new underwear. Not tightie whities either. Colors - I call them my new look.

    Here is the deal. I am a weight loss Guy. I know how awesome it was to buy medium and not XL2. But with men it is just hardware.

    Trust me on this. If you have lost that weight and look good -- that sexy new underwear will be an awesome inticement. It's the girl we love, looking better than ever and in a sexy package. And trust me girls the package is important.

    Which brings me to my point (sorry a bit long winded). I don't care about your size. The joy of buying sexy when you hit goal is great. But for all the rest: thinking about surgery, just had it and a long way from goal, maybe just now looking into it --- regardless you are still beautiful. Please take the extra time to dress up for us. We love you. We want to feel good about our spouse or girlfriend. You may feel terrible about your appearance and not want to make the effort. But trust me it is appreciated. No matter how you look, no matter Where you are on your journey, no matter how you feel about your appearance : remember this - you are still beautiful and if you have some one in your life, they want to feel good about you. They want to be attracted to you. That is part of why they love you.

    So as I shut up and head back to the boring men's room, let me close with this.

    Get rid of the "holey" panties. Be beautiful. Look beautiful. All the time. Don't wait to hit goal. Do it now. And hey, is that lace ..... sorry, gotta run.

  12. I am United and they were the best. I have sleep apnea - so that helps. Any secondary condition will really help to push you over (apnea, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart conditions - any weight related co-morbidity will help a lot) I went from 1st appointment to surgery in 22 days (a great doctor and efficient and an experienced staff helped).They covered at 100% (after deductible and $2500 out of pocket ) But be aware that United is a huge company that offers all kinds of benefit packages to employers. My wife and I both have United with very different coverage. Different deductables -- it is all based on the package negotiated with the employer. So although I had an awesome experience, it may be different for you based on your plan. As a company though - I was impressed x10

  13. Awesome - Don't you feel great. I am 14 months out - down about 100 and basically at goal. It is a great feeling. BUT, keep up the good work, the road to a healthy lifestyle is a long one, but WOW what a start - pics are great. I bet you smile in the mornings. The mirror is no longer the enemy. It just shows how great you look and how far you have come.

  14. I hit the Vitamin Shoppe. They have a product called "great Hair" - it has worked for me. I know I am a guy, but when I got big I used to say, "Yeah, I am fat, but I have great hair." So although it is different with the ladies it was still very important to me. I have on occasion seen a bit of thinning over the last year and I get back on it so fast - and it works great. I am not saying their product is any better than others -- it is a Biotin blend with other regular Vitamins. I take 1 big multi and 1 Great hair and I am looking good.

  15. I remember the old days when the pants were so tight....

    I would just pray a real big poop would buy me an extra inch....

    As Ron White put it, "I hope I am just one big crap away from backing into my old woredrobe"

    Being the weirdo that I am I looked it up. It is around 1/3 of a pound. It seems to vary greatly from person to person and is highly variable based on diet, time between "poopins'" etc. Some said 1-2 pounds, but that seems highly unlikely. 2 pounds of fecal mass (or mess) which is not particularly dense would be quite a pile.

    And I saw some other crazy stuff (green, really?) So you can bet that there will be an update on my blog of funny things - check it out.

    One of the funniest entries was from a lady who noted that only a man's poop weighs like that - because we all know that "girls don't fart or poop!" I am pretty sure that she exploded shortly thereafter.

  16. Think of all the guilt and inward negativity you have had for the past many years. Now start making all that come out as the opposite. If you treated yourself terrible (ashamed, whatever) then now you owe it to yourself to treat yourself extra awesome. As you shed pounds and find the new you, be extra proud, share pictures rejoice in the new you. And do it with the same level of intensity that you used to reserve for feeling bad.

    You look great - celebrate! And share your new happiness. It will make you feel better and it helps inspire all of the rest of us. And a year from now, you will look at these pictures and think - that was nothing... look at me now!!!

  17. I have been pretty open to anyone that matters. If it is just someone in passing, that you do not want to go into a long conversation with - tell them the truth: "massive lifestyle change, eating less and taking better care of myself." People that are closer to you or when you have more time, tell them all the details.

    I am not ashamed of it. I was of being so big, though. I'd rather be thin and talk about VSG than be big and talk about the weather...

  18. I never heard 70 pounds. It would be different for each person. A person 200 over would be greatly disappointed with a 70 pound weight loss, but a person just 100 over, might be okay with it.

    I have heard 70% of excess weight or more with the sleeve. That is not the same as pounds at all. I think a percentage is a much more accurate guage of potential weight loss and a better way to compare the surgeries.

    But it is different for everybody. A huge amount of your total weight loss will be completely up to you. So much has to do with the amount of effort you put in during that critical first year. Lifestyle changes and excercise are going to be the real key to your final weight loss numbers. Both surgeries are tools for weight loss, we still have to do all the work.

  19. After the VSG surgery the couple agrees to wait three weeks before having sex. After two weeks it is so unbearable, that they agree to sleep in separate bedrooms to avoid temptation. First thing in the morning on the 21st day, the wife awkens to the sound of a frantic banging on her bedroom door. "I know what you're banging for!"

    The husband replies, "Yeah, but do you know what I am banging with?"

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