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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by TaiDyed

  1. Hi All August Sleevers-

    I received my revision from Lap-Band (Aug 2010) to Sleeve on Aug 15th (a little late on the posting) at that time they also removed my gallbladder and repaired my hiatal hernia.

    Anyone who had surgery around then- how are you doing so far? I've actually had a good run so far and I am feeling great.


    Hey Emily,

    I had the band (2008) to sleeve revision on 8/6. Also had the hiatal hernia repair as well. Couldn't convince my surgeon to take the gall bladder at the same time and will have to go back in a few months to have them take that out (have had gall stones for a few years, but no complications so far).

    All in all, life is good. Started on regular foods and can get down most anything, just a whole lot less!! I will say that by day 1, I didn't miss my band one bit!! I haven't gotten sick, no foaming, no getting stuck. The minute I feel full, I stop eating. The digestion process tires me out a bit, but I am working on understanding what foods make me feel more tired than others. Definitely, if it's higher in carbs, the harder my body has to work. Or so it feels.

    Congrats on your revision and best of luck to you!!

  2. I cannot believe that it's been 23 days since I had my surgery! I honestly do not know where the time has gone. I am down 26.5 lbs since starting the pre op diet. I am in the midst of the 3 week stall, but know that after nearly 6 weeks of being at 500-800 calories/day, my body has some serious readjusting to do. I've been back at the gym for 2 weeks and every day feel a little stronger. I'm looking forward to going back to kettlebell classes next month. I know that is going to be a huge help in dropping weight and reshaping the body.

    So many of us starting this journey together! We are amazing!!

  3. Dumping is actually rapid gastric emptying. For me I broke out in a sweat about 10 min after eating egg salad. I theb had vomiting and diarhea at the same time, dizzyness and almost passed out.

    Thank you for this explanation. I completely understand you wanting to avoid this at all costs. I really hope you are able to find a way to incorporate foods other than what you listed in your original post into your diet. Please be kind and patient with yourself and stay positive that you will be able to get past this!! Wishing you strength through this challenging time.

  4. I know a lot of people who really do not care for the Isopure Protein drinks, but I have found them tolerable. With 40 grams of Protein per bottle, I think it's an excellent option. The hard part is finding a flavor that works best with your taste buds.


    I was sleeved Monday 8/6...today is day 4 and I am able to get down much more liquid than I could days 1 and 2. Give yourself time and be patient. Small slow sips.

    I hope you get to feeling better soon.

  5. First off, so glad you are taking the initiative to see a therapist. I hope that you will be able to work past this and find a way to incorporate new foods into your diet that will allow you a healthy lifestyle that is rich and fulfilling.

    I'm curious to understand what it means to "dump". I know what I've read, but what does it mean when it happens to you? What types of foods have you eaten that have caused this?

    I hope you are able to work this out and find a happy medium.

  6. I am so thoroughly impressed and in awe of those of you traveling so far to have this surgery. What an absolute commitment and speaks volumes about your strength and determination. I realize that the reason for this (some, not all) may be because you are self pay, and perhaps if insurance covered things on your end, you'd be able to have things done closer to home, but the fact that you have made this choice is really amazing!!

    I'm just so proud of all of us!!Regardless of how we got here, we are here and by the end of this month we are going to be one amazing group of August Sleevers!! :D

  7. I had to buy Protein powder from my doctor's office. It's not the worst ever, but I've had better. I agree with @nikkrew on the Premier Protein drinks. They are small and compact and pack a whopping 30 grams of Protein. I buy the chocolate ones at costco.

    Not a huge fan of the Isopure, but am tolerating them. I know right now how important it is to get my protein in no matter what during these first few weeks post op. I'm really looking forward to being able to get my protein fix with real food somewhere down the line.

    Good luck with the pre op and your 8/20 surgery!!

  8. So im here at the hospital thought I would be prepping by now but instead they can't find my authorization for my scheduled surgery. I'm so upset I don't know what to do. They have me waiting til the doctors office opens but they are not sure they will be able to fit me in today

    dizzylizzy83 - oh no, I'm so sorry to read this. I hope they are able to figure out the error and get you in today. Keep us posted. I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you!!

    Had my pro op today and all looks good. Now just waiting for surgery. I will b sleeved at 630 am on the 28th. Yeah! I'm so excited I started my pre op liquids diet early!

    JLOR - Good news indeed. The pre op diet really helps get you prepared for afterwards, so do your best on it. I had a few slips here and there over my 2 week pre op, but for the most part stuck to it and managed to lose 15 lbs in the process. Good luck to you!!

    Hey everybody! I have been sleeved for 48 hours now and am not feeling so great. Very nauseaus, a good amount of pain and very uncomfortable. Am I alone in this? Seems like everyone else is having such an easy time and good recovery.

    pdog - I am going on a few hours shy of 48 hours and I understand what you are feeling. I haven't had much nausea, but the pain is probably about a 6 or 7 on a scale of 1-10. Which is much higher than what it was while in the hospital. But then, I had a pain pump and a bed that was adjustable. I am finding that holding a pillow tightly to my belly helps relieve some of the pain. Just take it slow. Give yourself time to heal. That's what I keep telling myself. I'm confident that by this time next week, we will be feeling so much better!!

  9. I might need to have that done. If you don't mind me asking: what kind of hernia and did it cost extra? If so, how much?

    Hey Randgalt - I had a small hiatal hernia that was discovered when they went in to remove my band and perform the VGS. I'm not sure about the cost as it will go through my insurance. Wish I could tell you more. I suppose it's always a possibility for many having this surgery. I've also heard of people ending up with hiatal hernias after having WLS. I seem to recall a few friends who had the gastric bypass a few years back and were actually hoping to end up w/ a hernia so they could have it fixed and seek a Tummy Tuck at the same time. Not exactly sure how that one would work?


    QOTD response from a few days back:

    Since we are now a big 'ol (soon to be small) sleeve family----lets share some information about ourselves!!!

    Name- Tai

    Age- (if you wish) 43, but will be 44 on 8/17!! :o

    Location- Long Beach/Signal Hill, CA

    highest weight/current weight/ goal weight- 289/206/140

    Anything else you'd like to share? I'm a HUGE Foo Fighters fan, love going to concerts, have met some of the most amazing people from this crazy online world, even met my husband online in 1999. I'm an extremely happy and social person. I love my life and enjoy my job. The one thing I am unable to get a handle on is my weight. And it is the one part of my life that frustrates me the most. I'm ready to move towards living the life I deserve to live...happy with me and my body. ;)

  10. There is a thread somewhere in this forum recently where this exact scenario was played out. It becomes a coding issue' date=' the insurance may not directly cover the removal of the band, but because it is required to perform the VSG there is a different medical code that makes it coverable. You should talk to your surgeon about this because it is so specific and they may need to research the coding.[/quote']

    Yup, that was one of my posts. Not sure which thread. My insurance approved the sleeve but denied the band removal. However, because the removal of the band is necessary for the sleeve, it is a matter of coding to ensure coverage. Seems silly, but I guess that is how insurance can sometimes be.

    As I lay here in my hospital her, approx 8 hours after having my band to sleeve revision, I sure do hope my surgeon coded everything correctly or that could be one Hell of a bill. Yikes! :-)

  11. Hey there...well I'm now on the other side of the sleeve. I'm tired and s bit uncomfortable but otherwise just fine. Doctor said it went well. Took the band out, biopsy the liver (standard procedure I'm told), aid the sleeve and fixed a small hernia. Pain meds will be helpful.

    Gas is annoying but happy to be done with the surgery. Now comes the work.... :-)

  12. Hey Tai...

    So glad you are all in a great spirit and saying a prayer for you today... I will also be going from band to sleeve. And the statement about "being too small for surgery"... I get that too. But' date=' we know where we are headed without the surgery... and don't want to wait. Don't let it throw you.

    What was your beginning weight prior to the band? I see you are still online and waiting for your doc to take you in... I'll be listening for you when you get out of recovery... God Bless You today...[/quote']

    Thank you so much!! I am just about ready to go. Prior to the band, I was 245. Heaviest I ever got was 289, and managed to lose 120 lbs on WW. But keeping it off was the difficulty.

    Off to surgery! Bye.

  13. Today is the day. I've got the iv in my hand. Now I wait. Upon checking in, the lady taking my paper work says that I look too small for this surgery. It messed with my head for a bit. I am sure she meant well, but it isn't what I needed to hear on top of already being scared. Regardless, I am here and ready to have my band removed and wake up sleeved.

    Thinking of all who are in surgery, on their way to surgery or have had their surgery.

    Will check back in when I'm able.

  14. ReeTee Welcome, here is a direct link, add me as a friend then I can add you to the group, its a secret closed group so you cant search for it and have to be added http://www.facebook.com/klyn.mcmickell

    Hi mczoo33/Klyn - I sent you a request via FB as well. It will be much easier to keep up with a FB group page, especially on a smart phone from the hospital and while recuperating. Thanks so much. Any additional support we can lend each other during this crazy time is going to be so helpful!!

  15. HUGE list up for tomorrow! Good luck everyone!!

    8.6.12-Aug62012-Dr Brengman Ric***nd VA

    Arukind-Dr. Ross Seattle WA

    Stormwarning-Dr Alvarez Mx

    Pdog Dr. Halmi in Fairfax' date='Va.


    sleevealicious dr nain woodbridge va


    dreamnslim2012 Dr david Kim tx

    thickiest2thick dr david suh

    ReeTee Dr S. Killeen TX

    aznurse4u Dr Monash Tucson AZ

    kaykay20 Dr Kim

    pebbles99-Dr. Amit Tivedi



    And me too. With Dr. Braverman, So CA ....can't believe how fast time flew by.

  16. @Ramona1019 - I am an 8/6 band to sleeve revision. Glad you found the preop wasn't hard. By day 7 I found myself starting to think the 2nd week would never ever end. But now here we just 2 days away. Wishing you the best of luck w/ your journey and hope we can share our successes along the way!!

    @loleata I understand the concerns. It's perfectly natural for our nerves and 2nd guesses to get the best of us. I don't know much about the self mutilation issue, but as far as what sort of example you are setting...well, I think there is a lot to be said for being able to admit that this is something you need help with. I've spent the last few weeks addressing the shame feelings. I look around at my life and think things are pretty damn good. But the one area that I have been unable to master long term is my weight. I'm great at losing weight, but keeping it off is another story. I can't say if this is the right decision for you, only you know what is best. I hope that your nerves settle down and that you feel good about whichever route you take.

  17. I was self-pay for both my band (which I feel was $10K-plus wasted) and my sleeve revision.

    For me, at the time, the band just seemed the most logical choice. There was something about having my insides rerouted that terrified me. And still does. Why it is that the idea of having a huge percentage of my stomach removed doesn't unnerve me the same is beyond me. But for whatever reason, the sleeve just seems the better choice. I was fortunate that my insurance covered the band but I understand what you mean about feeling that it was money wasted. It was a procedure that I certainly would have preferred avoiding. I am struggling with the fear that the sleeve will also end up being something that I wish I hadn't done...but after Monday, there will be no turning back.

  18. If you guys dont mind me asking did your insurance give u a problem? and did they consider your band removal another weight loss surgey ? I go to see my doctor on friday to see about band removal and get the sleeve .

    The way my approval letter was written was super odd. It basically stated that the band removal was not considered "necessary" and therefore not approved. However, in typical insurance double talk, it stated that the weight loss procedure I was approved for (sleeve) would require the removal of the band as part of the procedure. BUT that it would be a matter of coding to ensure that the band removal gets covered which won't be determined until after my surgery. Fortunately, my doctors office has done these revisions before and will submit whatever it is that needs to be submitted to ensure that I'm covered.

    I guess I will find out after all is said and done in TWO more days!!!

  19. Wow! Congratulations on a smooth surgery. Sounds like you have a great frame of mind. Just curious, did you know going in that you wouldn't be getting the sleeve? Was your procedure scheduled strictly for band removal? I am going in this Monday for a band to sleeve revision and I am not sure how I would feel if I came out of surgery to find out that they were not able to sleeve me. But I definitely understand that it could happen.

    I hope you continue to feel better and I am so looking forward to having the band out of me and moving forward with life.

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