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Everything posted by melodymouse

  1. melodymouse

    Nausea after drinking protein

    Nectar is a high quality protein. So is Isopure and Premier. I had trouble with all if them pre-op. no problems post-op. I had a Hiatal Hernia, common in obese people, that made it back up. It was repaired at the same time as my sleeve surgery. So it solved my problem.
  2. melodymouse

    One year surgiversary!

    Happy Re-Birthday!! Great job!!
  3. Don't stress. It is really hard at first. You just have to make everything you put in your mouth count. Look for Higher sources of protein. Premier from Costco is 30g in 12 oz. Nectar is 20-25 and you can mix it in more water if you want. Remember, your protein drinks count as part of your daily liquid intake. It doesn't have to be 64 oz of just water. Very common misconception in our support group. A lot of people think it needs to be in addition to the protein drinks but it is 64 oz total liquid intake. You'll be able to get more as time goes on. = )
  4. melodymouse


    We were discourage against it. It sends sugar right to your blood stream which can encourage sugar cravings and you miss out on the essential fiber. I "blend". I have a Vitamix blender that utilizes all of the fruits and veggies and pulverizes them. The only draw back is having to let it sit in the fridge for an hour or more to let the air bubbles dissipate. They're great with protein powder added in!
  5. melodymouse

    Any regrets at all?

    Sooner Girl36, I agree. If you're not sure, consider taking more time to think. I was originally supposed to have my surgery in April 2011. Less than 2 weeks before my surgery, my family found out about a friend's niece who was in the hospital dying of liver failure. She had a RnY and was drinking because she couldn't eat to deal with things. My family freaked out and my support system fell apart so I postponed my surgery for another 10 months. Even tho I was ready, they weren't and I didn't need their negative energy pulling me down. By December, I knew I had to do it for me, with or without their support. I had mine done Feb. 2012 and couldn't be happier. It is a serious decision and you need to be sure. You will have to change your lifestyle forever, or wind up right back where you are. I did mourn food. Not the sweets I had anticipated, but the raw vegetables, salad that I couldn't eat. I am at a point now, where I can probably eat anything I want. I just choose not to. Being 122 pounds lighter and in size 6 pants, makes that choice a whole lot easier! Best of luck in your decision!!
  6. melodymouse

    new pain?

    Be careful. I got a hernia doing too much too soon. Felt so great, I over did and my incision tore on the inside.
  7. Lol! I'm 14 months out and my tummy is still very noisy. I get to be my family's entertainment! Pretty funny!!
  8. melodymouse

    Slow looser ugh

    I stalled a couple of times. I was able to break through by boosting my protein intake up a little. We forget that as we lose and become more active our body's needs change. I was actually going into starvation mode. As soon as I did that, I started losing again.
  9. At your stage I was taking multi 2x daily B-1 50 mg daily, B-12 1000 mcg 3x weekly, Biotin 1000 mcg daily. No calcium for 6 weeks post surgery per my surgeon.
  10. melodymouse

    Full liquid Stage

    Was Puréed stage for me but almond milk was a No No. Too much fat!
  11. melodymouse


    The sleeve surgery was easy for me. Just do exactly what they tell you. Get up and start walking when they tell you to. It will help the pressure in your chest others mentioned to metabolize faster. It's not in your intestines, so you can't "pass" it. Attitude is everything! Have a great one and you'll do great!! Best to you!!
  12. I would do it again in a second. I am 14 months out. I did have some mournful feeling over lost food but it didn't last long. It gets better as time passes. I have found comforts other than food. Music, a pedicure, a massage...I let go of the instant gratification food gives and now "save up" for greater rewards. All those new size 6 pants for starters! = D
  13. No way! Even with post surgery complications
  14. You may be eating too much fat!! It digests slowly and can back things up. It can also cause dumping syndrome which feels like the flu or food poisoning. You should stay away from ice cream, frozen yogurt, regular cheese and egg yolks. Anything with a high fat content. Worse thing, it will sabotage your weight loss!!
  15. melodymouse

    12 days post op

    It's normal and will pass. Your brain is remembering your old way of eating. Be sure to drink your Protein and Water even if you don't want it to stay strong and keep your body from going into starvation mode. When the weight starts falling off, you won't miss it! = D
  16. melodymouse

    Chewing Gum

    Complications of swallowing the gum and more air are only a couple of the reasons they don't want you to chew gum. The other main reason is because it causes the production of digestive juices, stomach acid. It can make you feel more hungry and with nothing in your new small stomach for that acid to break down, it can cause irritation and potentially ulcers. I do chew gum, but only to help digest after I've eaten meat, 30 minutes and then out it goes!
  17. melodymouse

    odd question

    There was a girl at my support group who's surgery got postponed because she got sunburned and her surgeon was worried about the increased chance of infection. As for the post surgery people, the sun darkens scar tissue and will make them more noticeable later. I'm pale and burn no matter what so luckily I don't have that problem. = )
  18. melodymouse

    Cramps/Spasms in Stomach

    Probably just a normal reaction to the trauma your body went through but make your doctor aware. If they persist, or increase in intensity or duration, be sure to be persistent yourself and get it checked out as they could be warning signs of an obstruction (unlikely if you're still on liquids). Better to feel foolish, than wind up in the hospital. I had those same symptoms starting in week three and wound up in the hospital during week 9 because my intestines had twisted. However, I know many people from my support group who had the same symptoms but NO complications. So odds are in your favor. I am sharing this because I too came here looking for help back then. Don't be scared, just be aware! You are your doctor's best resource so don't be afraid to speak up! Best of luck to you!!
  19. melodymouse


  20. melodymouse


    From the album: melodymouse

  21. Many doctors are against WLS. Mostly because they themselves are ignorant about why/how it works, truly. As for being the least successful, I say poohey to her. I have lost 85% of my excess body weight with the sleeve (14 months out) and for the first time in 30 years have a BMI of 23.8! Change doctors. Call the bariatric surgery department and ask them for a recommendation. For long term success, you need a doctor who is educated in the bariatric process!
  22. That is normal! Your body is getting better nutrition that its been missing for a long time and things are coming Back to Life!! = )

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