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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    When is it okay to start exercising?

    Stephen - not to dampen your enthusiasm for working out in the gym (truly a great thing), but you will have to do much less than the cardio you are used to, at least for the first few weeks. Nothing strenuous where you are maxing out your pulse until 3-4 weeks post op. No lifts until 5-6 weeks post op. Before that, it is a good time to get really good at walking. And a lot of it. The doctor will probably tell you something along these lines. You need to spend these initial weeks healing before you get back into your typical gym vigor.
  2. Fiddleman


    No, none of those things. However, I do add a scoop of protein powder (30 g).
  3. Fiddleman


    There is also quick steel oats that takes just 5 minutes. This is something I usually do for myself in the morning when my stash of slow cook oats in the fridge is used up. My wife usually helps me with making a batch of slow cook oats once a week. The best time to eat the oats is when you wake up in order to restore glycogen stores in the muscles without crashing a few hours later (usually caused by simple carbs). Simple carbs (dextrose) and complex carbs in liquid form are needed for immediately after working out, within 20 minutes. The carbs are needed for the Protein to inject into the muscles properly; otherwise the protein is not utilized that well at these two times. Otherwise, try and not to eat carbs during the day in order to maximize fat burning.
  4. Absolutely ! This is the kind of feedback I needed for mental planning a progression.
  5. Fiddleman

    guilty fitness conscience

    CBT- I was going to respond yesterday to your post, but I wanted to reflect on it some more. Let it sink in and simmer. It is downright philosophical. What a great response and it sure had me internally reflecting on questions about my core values. I think your beautiful prose has just described what it means to truly be authentic and to live an authentic life in a very logical manner. Duality is something very difficult to live with, especially when it comes to values. In an authentic life, there cannot and must not exist any duality. This is deep stuff.
  6. This question might be really premature, but that is me (the ultimate planner): what is a good progression to work through the beach body programs, considering the current available programs? I have read online from certain individuals that graduate from px90 before doing insanity before doing insanity asylum. So it makes sense for me to do this also. Sure beach body will come up with better programs over time, but what about this progression: 1. P90x 2. Insanity 3. Hybrid pdx90 and insanity 4. P90x2 5. Insanity asylum 6. Px903 7. T25 Forget that I will probably be over 40 by the time I get this far (almost 38 ). I am having a hard time deciphering from online research how to work through these in terms of working towards better and better fitness. Steps 1-3 are pretty clear for me. Even step 4 and 5 make sense to follow. However, does one gain anything by doing step 6 or 7? I am pretty fit now, but do want to start at the beginning (p90x) before getting into the really hard stuff (step 5). I do not feel the need to take any short cuts. Humor me by working through this exercise of planning, even if you think it is overkill.
  7. Fiddleman

    Jogging/running advice needed

    After you have a good pair of good running shoes (I use Nike Pegasus), then I would check out Chi Running approach. http://www.chirunning.com This is how I learned to run starting back in December 2012. Literally my first run was a 5 k in 28 minutes on my treadmill at 230# ( I am 180# now). Sure, it was hard but I feel chi running made it possible. The main points of chi running (copied from the site): "Reduce impact, stay pain-free, and run with confidence. Our ChiWalk-Run program is a great way to get started. By taking short ChiWalking breaks during your runs, you'll easily increase your aerobic-cardio capacity and walk-run the 5K distance in just 8 weeks. Improve your posture, core strength, and use gravity to make running easier. You don't need killer calves to be a runner. ChiRunning teaches you how to use your large core muscles to move you forward instead of overworking your leg muscles, greatly reducing fatigue and risk of injury. Check out our ChiRunning for Beginners blog for an introduction to the ChiRunning technique. Make running a fulfilling practice. Learning ChiRunning is an engaging process, so every run gives you the opportunity to discover something new. Our newsletter supports your practice with Chi fitness tips, recipes, and special offers. Sign up here! - See more at: http://www.chirunning.com/what-is-chirunning/beginning-runners/#sthash.XU17wviJ.dpuf" It really does work and, might I add, brings joy to running. It has helped me run long distances (up to 20 miles at a good pace) and fast (4:30 mile pace for a few miles with 30 seconds rest between miles). Leveraging gravity and practicing the good chi running form allows anyone, even those with injuries or structural imperfections,to run with grace and ease. I hope it helps.
  8. Fiddleman

    Embarrassingly clueless to working out!

    There are some less intimidating and, hence, more intimate gyms out there like anytime fitness where they limit memberships and members tend to be very down to earth. Just like you and me. These types of places sometimes work out a lot better for the average person who feels a little (or a lot) of intimidation at the standard franchises like LA fitness, 24 hour and Golds. Personally, I have done both in the past and found the big boxes a little sterile and it looked like there were a lot of hard bodies barely doing anything. Not very motivating. Now I work out at home, but did spend the last year in a more intimate gym environment (cross fit) where " everyone knew your name "( cue cheers theme). I guess you need to find out what works best for you and not be afraid to stick to your values when making a decision on it.
  9. Fiddleman

    guilty fitness conscience

    CGJ- I have been thinking about your comments for a couple hours. I understand that someone who is on biggest loser should not be doing a filthy 50 (sorry, had to get the reference in). You know, 50 of each exercise without rest : box jumps, jumping pull-ups, 45# back extensions, wall balls, toes to bar, double unders, etc (12 different exercises) just because Bob H thinks they should to blast the fat off and get massive scale drops (he is now a very rabid cross fitter). However, why should that apply to a formerly obese now fit person? I think where there is a will there is a way. A WLS graduate should be able to stand side by side with the best of them, maybe even perform better. It just takes the right type of training and commitment. And be careful about not getting injured. Even professional athletes injure themselves. Anyways, I get your point, but am not willing to accept it. Not yet.
  10. Fiddleman

    guilty fitness conscience

    Thank you for taking the time to provide your comments. It is true. My personality is always push push push and I try to excel at whatever I put my mind to. As for cross fit, it was gradual during the first 6 months (2-3 days a week in box, 3 days of other exercise) and did not really ramp up until the last 6 months where all I did was 6 days of cross fit met con and strength training. That was my mistake. I should have done about 3 days of met con 100% effort a week, 2 days of strength training with no met cons and 2 days of active rest. Learned my lesson on it. My mentality the whole year was not about cross over addiction or about addiction at all; Rather, it was about doing my best and actively preparing myself for the coming cross fit games. And I have come a long ways. I can do a 4:30 minute mile, a 5 minute Fran, a 20 minute filthy 50, etc. push-ups and pull-ups are easy and I can do dozens of them unbroken. All my lifts are improving except overhead stuff (s n a t c h, overhead squat, etc). I can do a 350 # deadlift, a 220# front squat, a 300# back squat. Thought I could "bring it" at the cross fit competitions if I just put enough effort in. This took a year to advance to from basically only able to run long distances (10k+). Sounds like a normal athlete mentality, but again, you are right about listening to my body when pushing does get to be too much. I did not take the time to deload and rest, instead always push though the discomfort and fatigue. I will always give 100% in my focus to whatever I am doing, but I am going to do a better job at resting when I even sense a hint of overtraining and/or burn out. As I stated in my original post, I am not blaming anyone, not even the sport of cross fit. I hope to come back to it some day when I have a better approach to push and rest.
  11. Op- did your surgeon recommend 80g minimum Protein a day? High protein really does help with the following: 1. Healing 2. Weight loss 3. Insulin regulation 4. Muscle preservation Like the previous poster stated, it is very hard to eat 80 g of protein from food alone, especially during the first few months. Very hard. So we supplement with protein shakes. Most good protein shakes have, on average, 30 g of protein where most Protein Bars have, on average, 20 G protein.
  12. I am doing my first plastics consult on Monday. I have put it off for a while because I wanted to see if I could zap the extra skin on the tummy area with working out (cross fit and running for me). Unfortunately, it is still there even though I am at an ideal body weight, have an athletic body fat percentage and have a lean muscular body composition (good inverted t upper body shape). I am not a huge guy, but it have built up good muscle definition from consistent cross fit training combined with distance running over the last year. My stats are 5'11", 181 current weight, bf% @16% (according to WW scale). I am a size medium in shirts and a size 30-32 in pant size. Yet I still stare at the skin around my belly button. And it is bothering me. I would like to have a good set of abs to match the rest of my body composition. I know I have abs under there because my core strength is very good. I can do 5 minute plank holds and a lot of gymnastic exercises that require core strength like pull-ups, toes to bar, etc. I just cannot form any sort of pack whether that is 6 pack, 4 pack, etc. For those vets that have done plastics and have had a measurable success, What are some questions I should ask the doctor during the consult? What additional information should I arm myself with? I will try and do plastics locally as not wanting to travel to Mexico. From a recommendation given previously in this forum, I will be seeing Dr Harris @ Puget Sound Surgical Center in Edmonds, WA. The finances are not in place yet and will take a while to save up for, but I want to take an initial step and get the consult. Thanks in advance.
  13. You might like the Trader Joes adult chewable high potency vitamins. 200% of everything so works well for bariactric patients. You just need to chew 2 a day. Both my wife and I, along with countless others, have gotten nauseous , gagged, threw up, etc on the Bariatric Advantage nasty berry flavored chews. Our NUT approved us taking the TJ adult chews.
  14. Fiddleman

    guilty fitness conscience

    Thank you for the kind words everyone.
  15. Thanks - I am big into research and will read this book.
  16. Fiddleman

    Scared to death!

    Hey -you made it . See I told you it wouldn't be that bad. Now the fun recovery part. Be sure to get walking as soon as possible. See how many laps you can get around the floor.
  17. Yes, the high sugar content and the low protein had me curious. Typically, I am not taking in carbs after a workout, but do optimize on protein and bcaa. I carb up 2 hours before a workout (the complex variety - steel oats mixed with scoop protein). I always have great workouts. Maybe that is why my gains are slower despite great workouts. Diet is supreme clean. I need to eat more simple carbs after working out? If you thinly this is what is going on, I will definitely invest in the r&r. However not quite convinced. Sell me.
  18. Here is my short and sweet answer: low carb it as low as you can during the first 6 months and then start introducing complex carbs over a couple months. Low carb instructs your body to burn stored fat as fuel instead of carbs from food. Don't do it forever because it is hardly sustainable (for both muscles and brain), but a great tool during those initial months when optimization of weight loss is key. By low carb, try 20-40 carbs a day, keep your protein macro high and the fat macro should take care of itself (obviously, do not eat high fat) . This approach is not for everyone, but if you can do it, the weight will fall off fast. Really fast. It is key to introduce the complex carbs slowly as you increase calories slowly after month 6 (your body will go "carbs, what are those?" And store them if too fast). Eat the good stuff like steel oats, quinoa, fiber one, beans, lentils, etc.
  19. Fiddleman

    Pact -- Earn $ for exercise - Lose $ if you don't

    I am excited to hear how well this program works. Keep us posted! I am about to start in on a p90x program so maybe having a pact could help pay for it. Lol.
  20. By the way, your thoughts on the Results and Recovery drink (anyone can chime on): http://www.amazon.com/P90X-Results-Recovery-Formula-30-Day/dp/B004LY4OLM/ref=pd_sim_sg_4?ie=UTF8&refRID=194JCG5JH45TQAQCPHQF Is it any good? I rarely deal with soreness now even though have been "bringing it" daily for a while with intense workouts (just see my posting history). Maybe p90x will make me sore? Don't know. I am almost hoping so. Really! I currently supplement my workouts with beta alanine, creatine, caffeine, bcaa, Vitamins and a Protein shake (ON Hydrobuilder). All of which help with workout performance and recovery. Again, rarely feel soreness except a little in my upper back that I deal with by rolling out or mashing. Would this p90x drink be worth it for me or is it just marketing and designed for folks not used to intense work outs?
  21. Thanks everyone for your thoughtful responses. It means a lot to me. Cheers!
  22. I mean to say if you did the p90x/insanity hybrid...
  23. Scuba chick, a better me- how does one do a hybrid of p90x and insanity. Aside from cost, wouldn't that require potentially 3+ hours a day and wouldn't you need to be concerned about burnout and/or overtraining? A question that has been floating around in my mind : if one follows p90x with insanity, could it potentially undo some of the gains from p90x? Would you want to supplement your insanity program with 2-3 days of pure lifting days to keep up the muscles or is straight insanity enough for this? I am just trying to think about the next steps after p90x.
  24. Fiddleman

    Scared to death!

    Its not so bad and over before you know it. A very relaxing experience overall. Think happy and calming thoughts. you are doing something very positive for your life going forward.
  25. I remember your insanity posts. It was perplexing why the program caused weight gain for you; however, I can see why it causes injury. Lots of people have commented on insanity leading to injury based on Amazon reviews. I have spent the time reading through 100s of these reviews, to try and really educate myself on the finer details that can only be revealed by empirical evidence. Even though p90x biggest flaw is the time commitment, it is not that far off from the time I have spend in my box over the last 6 months (average 90 minutes). I think p90x is going to be the winner for now, but I like the idea of going p90x/insanity hybrid in the future. I want to focus on building up more strength and I think, for me, p90x is going to help with that. I also want the beach body. I do not need to lose any weight and have a very good cardio response (from cross fit metabolic conditioning), so that is not going to be my focus for fitness improvement at this time.

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