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Everything posted by melbelinc

  1. Oh, and down 53 bs at 3 months? I think you are right on track! Whoo Hoo!
  2. I'm thinking this is not a good combo.
  3. Now my surgeon said that with the sleeve you can drink while eating. I personally don't think maybe as much. Just to wash it down a little. I still do but I'm trying to drink a little less. I don't like the full feeling so I'm pretty happy with drinking. I don't think you avoid anything because calories and whatnot are absorbed in your intestines. But so are your nutrients and thats why sleevers don't get as malnurished as bypass people.
  4. melbelinc

    What To Do On Vaca?

    Hi everyone! I'm going to Vegas next week. I'm Trying to figure out what to do for food. My hotel room has a fridge (made sure of that) and I have a plan to go to the grocery store but not till the second day when the people with the cars show up. At the store I'm planning on getting some shakes ( I just always get the pre made ones because for my lifestyle it is easier) and yogurt, cheese sticks ect. But until then I don't know what to do the whole first day. I will be 12 weeks then so my diet is still limited. Plus right now stress has me by the sleeve! So I'm having a hard time eating. But anyway, Does anyone have any advice. I know I can throw a few shakes in my check in bag, but everything else I eat has to be refridgerated. Advice? (oh and am I nuts for bring my scale with me? My 3 month post op visit is the day after I get home and I want to keep an eye on what's going on. I want them to be proud of me and I'm so close to a milstone) Thanks!!!!
  5. Just curious if there is anyone from around my area here. I'd love to have a few local friends. If you don't want to respond here, private message me!
  6. melbelinc


    Steak is one of very few meats that my sleeve likes! For some reason chicken makes me feel crappy. I told this to me regular doctor and when I said something along the lines of when everyone eats it. He said "who's everyone?" And shook his head. He's so funny. But what that meant was if it agrees with you, then eat it. Hey, its one more thing you can put on your list of things you can eat. Which is great seeing as how the other list is a bit longer.
  7. melbelinc

    Recovery Time

    I went back to work 1 week later. I'm a hairstylist. I felt like a million bucks. I think my surgeon was a little concerned because of working with my arms up but I was fine! Everyone is different though. At my one week when he asked when I was going back and I told him in 2 days, lol, he told me to keep reminding myself that I just had major surgery. Just because I feel so good doesn't mean I don't have to pace myself. And I did exactly that.
  8. Cell phone charger!!!! I'm a nut and as soon as I got wheeled into my room I was having my mom give me my ohine and plugging in my charger. Bring a washcloth to the hospital too. My mom had a hard time finding one. I wanted to wash my face because it felt sticky from the tape they used during surgery. And then later I had a headache and she kept wetting it with warm Water to put over my eyes which helped. I think the headache was allergy related. But when I got home i didn't need much. I was so up and out of the house driving. My liquids phase included, Protein shake, chicken broth, watered down juice and sugar free Jello. But I totally lived for my heating pads when I was home. One my back and one for my neck. I had a hiatal herna which when getting fixed pulls a nerve in your shoulder and that was the only pain I had. Or maybe that pain was so bad I didn't notice any other. So it ran across my shoulders and down my back. Thats why I used the heat. I don't know if you will have a drain but bring a shoe lace or I used a chain (like for military dog tags) because you string the drain on it and wear it around your neck to shower. I wore it under my shirt a lot when I went out that way because I didn't like pinning it to my clothes. You will do great!!!!!
  9. melbelinc

    Lisa Lampanelli On Inside Edition Rant!

    I like her interview on Bethanny. And I don't really care for her. Lol.
  10. melbelinc

    My 3 Month Update..!

    That's awesome! I'm very happy for you. I know my problem is I don't exercise. I have a bad knee and am having knee surgery in the fall. So I can't. I tried Zumba once, until my knee went out and I crawled away. lol. But boy, that is a workout!
  11. melbelinc

    Are There Any Single Sleevers Out There..

    I just turned 30 a couple weeks ago. I've always been single. I live in Buffalo Ny and I'm pretty sure only douches live here. Lol. But while I did this to save my life, hey, I'll take a dude too. The last few days as I think about things I think wouldn't it be neat to meet someone that has had the same surgery as me. But I would like to find love and have a family. But I have a long way to go before and guys will be interested in me. Any Buffalo guys here. LOL!
  12. melbelinc

    My 3 Month Update..!

    whoa girl whoa. Amazing. So did you lose all of that since surgery? Or including pre op? If including pre op how much have you lost since day of surgery? If not.... How? Thats so great!
  13. melbelinc

    Isopure Popsicles...!

    Holy crow! What a great idea. I'm so addicted to popsicles! I was actually thinking about getting up to get one. I have a case of that green Isopure but I can't manage to drink it because its kinda gross. Instantly dries my mouth. But I will try that for sure. Plus popsicles have carbs. And it's not like I can eat just one. My NUT shared this with me that someone does. they take like chocolate Protein shake and freeze's it in ice cubes trays. She said since whey doesn't freeze super solid (although my brother, the protein king, disagrees) they would chop/mush it up a bit and then eat it with a spoon. Just like a Wendy's frosty!
  14. melbelinc


    My surgeon actually brought this up at my one week. He said whenever just be careful doing anything that uses your abs. He said to 'try a different position if you need to". So go ahead and do it. Just listen to your body. Burn some calories!
  15. melbelinc

    May Sleevers...

    Ok, so looking at everyone else's numbers makes mine look tiny. Lol. But if I wasn't injured and could exercise it might be more.
  16. No problem. It's a really great one that someone posted in the Sassy Sleevers group on Facebook.
  17. melbelinc

    May Sleevers...

    Mine was May 1st, I was 280 day of surgery and today I am 234. So I've lost 46 lbs in 11 weeks. 4 more till 50! I lose about 2 lbs a week. It is pretty up and down and sometimes I get pretty discouraged. But for myself looking at what I lose in a week seems so little, so I like to look at the BIG picture and look at my final total. It's a pretty nice number.
  18. melbelinc

    What To Do On Vaca?

    Well my surgeon's office gave me a whole timeline for foods to be reintroduced. Like no lettuce till 5 months. I still can't eat veggies. Just super cooked carrots and califlower. He is super strict. Or like at 4 months I can eat broc but it has to be very OVER cooked. Uh, yeah, no thanks. lol. Basically no fiberious veggies. Plus there's that whole, I'm still watching my diet. Low carb. But right now I basically eat cheese, yogurt, fruit, and meat and potato. I've never wanted salad so bad. I think the reason is because the stomach doesn't break down food like it used to yet. That's why the fibery foods are a no no until time goes on and it functions more properly. But everyones surgeon gives different take home instructions. Like I said, my surgeon is crazy over this stuff. I think once I go out to eat a couple times it will help because I will have plenty of leftovers which is what I live off of most of the time. I don't cook.
  19. melbelinc

    Eat Popcorn?

    I do a little. There is a restaurant a friend and I go to that puts it on the table. At first (maybe 6 or weeks out) I would pick each piece apart to make sure I didn't eat any kernel. I was afraid of those getting stuck in the stapled areas of my sleeve. I just wanted to taste and little bit of saltiness. But now (11 weeks) I can just eat it and am fine. But just be careful. A few times I found myself just eating it and not noticing. I felt a little crummy about it but it could have been guilt too or fear because I don't want to fall into bad habits. But I will eat one piece at a time and just enjoy it. But picking it apart might be a good way to start. I also drink a little water or tea when I ate it too so It was being washed through too.
  20. melbelinc

    What To Do On Vaca?

    I am staying on the strip. All the way at one end. I do recall a drug store and was thinking of running there. I did that last year for a couple of things. I remember the ABC carrying a lot and there is 2 in my hotel. I'm going for a convention so I won't be as active as I'd like to be in Vegas. Plus I plan on skipping most of it for the pool. Haha! I'm just not counting on the ABC stores to carry what I can have. I'm also thinking of going to a resturant for lunch and then I will have leftovers which can be dinner and Breakfast. I usually do ok finding things on a menu. It's stressful at first but I'm getting pretty confident with it. I'm very lucky that one of the girls I'm going with knows about my surgery (none of the others) so we have a good plan for eating out. As for the scale, I love what you said about trusting your sleeve and working it. This is a perfect time to see what I can do on my own. I know that may sound weird and it even does to me a bit. But I like most weigh myself everyday and I do it because it helps keep me on track. Like if it's up then I can look at my day before and think about what I ate and maybe what I did wrong. It's a great way to help me learn. Or on the positive side if it's down I know what I did right! But I will prob bring it anyway. At least I'm not bringing both of them!
  21. I still do, it's so hard not to and my surgeon said I can a bit. But someone posted this video which did get me thinking. So I'm trying to at least drink less.
  22. melbelinc

    Driving After Surgery

    Um, I was driving the day after I got home. So two days after surgery.
  23. melbelinc


    Yes. It will become more clear. One reason it needs to stay there is to see if you get a leak. Like, if you eat green Jello and then there is green in the drain. Take your pain meds. I slept on the couch that first week. I never could sleep on my back but I broke that habit for sure. And getting it out was no big deal. It takes maybe a second and then relief. Personally I was obsessed with it when I had it. Freaking out about every drop of fluid that came out of my body outside of the drain and I HAD to show it to everyone. Lol! But in the end, everything that was happening was totally normal. Just rest, relax, and take some drugs.
  24. melbelinc

    Sleeve On 6-11-2012

    yikes. I'm not sure about beans, but better not plan on eating rice anytime soon. Not only should it not be on your diet because of the carbs/starch, but this is the way my surgeon explained rice to me. No matter how well you chew it once it goes in your stomach it will stick back together like a glob and can get stuck. (ok, he described it a little better, but I can't quote it anymore). Moral of that story is rice is a big No-No. Now its the same theory for bread too. You shouldn't be eating it anyway because of the carbs, but you probably won't feel very well because it's very doughy. So you can toast it though. My surgeon said toast it, cut off the crust and cut it into very small pieces.
  25. melbelinc


    I had mine for a week. It only became a sore right where it was exiting my skin the last couple of days, but that's just because I have really sensitive skin. But having it taken out was NO BIGGIE! And actually the moment it was out I know I was going to feel great. I could bend over and tie my own shoes, lay on my side and belly after it. Easy peasy!

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