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Everything posted by melbelinc

  1. that was another one she said today! I bought that too. Not corn chips though. She said wheat thins but I bought reduced fat cheese-its. I compared the nutrition info and they were better and smaller so I can take more bites.
  2. I know the feeling! It was just suggested to me today at my 3 month post op about the apple and pb. Up until this point I have avoided buying it myself because I'm afraid of being out of control with it. I also live alone. But I went and bought it. I figured i'd give it a try. I'm worried about it might be a weight gaining food for me. I also bought pickles today too! lol!
  3. Just make sure if you are going to eat pickles drink extra water! Flush the salt out. I mean you could be choosing something worse. Maybe take a day off and pound the Water. Should come right off. Also Peanut Butter is OK. Its good Protein. Try eating it with an apple. Thats what my NUT suggested. At least until you can eat raw veggies. I have one more month to go for that. But then I plan on eating it on celery.
  4. melbelinc

    Gs Weight Loss And Tattoos....

    I have the whole side of my calf done along with a half sleeve and others. I've thought about the same thing. But I'm not really worried. I have those awful arms that are just going to get worse and the weight leaves. But still not concerned. As for my leg I really think its going to look fine. As a matter of fact even during the loss I am planning on working on the other side. I know this isn't really helpful since I'm only 1/3 of the way to goal, but I still thought I would share.
  5. melbelinc

    I'm Still Hungry... And Miserable

    What is PPI?
  6. melbelinc

    I'm Still Hungry... And Miserable

    It's a head game. I'm 12 weeks today and I do feel hunger. I'm not obsessed with thinking about food like I was. That was so hard. I was really flustered that I felt/hunger. But this is the way I look at it now. If I didn't, I may not eat at all. Forget, think oh, I'm good, I'll eat later. But you don't lose weight when you don't eat. And its so true! So I use my hunger as a tool to remind me to feed my body. It's not that bad of a thing.
  7. Same thing happened to me. I was a wreck over it. I felt like it spilled into the 3rd one too. For myself (and this is the way my PA said it often goes) you may not steadily lose. It's like it stops, and then goes down, and then stops, and then goes down. I have definitely found my scale does that. I know it is frustrateing but it will move. There is no way it can't. But think of it as maybe your body is holding on and then just let's it go. It may keep doing that. Make sure you keep up the great work with your calories and protein. You're doing awesome! But also make sure you are getting your fluids in. That is super important, esp with the heat. I know right now its super hard to drink a ton, but just keep at it. Every oz counts!
  8. melbelinc

    Full Feeling?

    I hate my lifestyle sometimes. I'm a hairdresser and I never take breaks or lunch. So I don't end up eating till I'm starving! And then I'm rushing to eat just to get something in and I don't usually eat enough which means I'm hungry again too soon. OR I wait till I get home and eat too much too fast because I'm dying of hunger. I have a hard time eating slowly because I'm so used to be on the go and don't have the patience. Moral of this story is... I actually hate eating. Ha!
  9. melbelinc

    Bowel Movement After Surgery

    Oh that was awful! 6 dixie cups of milky stuff. I had to chug 3 of them. They watched it go down. And then 3 more. Plus I was standing which was rough because I hadn't done much walking yet. But honestly in the end it wasn't too bad. Just unexpected.
  10. It will get better! I'm about 12 weeks now. I've lost 47 lbs. I know exactly how you are feeling because I felt the same way. And sometimes I still do. I was very discouraged with feeling hunger. I didn't think we were suppose to. But when I think about what hunger felt like before I can definitely say its much less. I am using that as a tool. (A tool to help use my tool. Lol) you have to eat to lose weight. I can really see that now. So I use that hunger feeling to remind myself to feed my body. I remember my first bite of chicken. I was so happy to just chew! It's an interesting road, learning your new lifestyle. But no means easy. It will get easier though. Once you figure out what agrees with you then you have food you know you can eat. Omg, the shakes. I keep buying them and not drinking them. I'm super sick of them too. Now I just but the pre made ones because, well, at least I don't have to do the work to make them. At least I'm more apt to drinking them then. But it is important especially at your stage. I always found when I started not feeling well if I started to drink one I felt better! PLUS, if you don't the weight loss will slow down. More protein, more lbs you can kiss goodbye!
  11. melbelinc

    Back Pain Remedies?

    Check out sites like Groupon. There are always deals for massages at salons! You will only pay like 1/2 price for them. Massage is the total way to go.
  12. melbelinc

    Day 2 And I'm So Hungry

    Omg. The stuff I put myself through that first week alone. I was with people while they were eating. I even went to a dinner theater and they served the food to me and I just had to look at it until they came around and I could ask for a box. But I did it and it was ok!
  13. melbelinc


    Same for you, lol. call your doc. It may just be a matter of trying something different. I hope you feel better!
  14. Whoo Hoo! Congrats girl! You are doing great. Have you tried Powerade Zero? It has no carbs and no anthing but still lots of electrolytes. Also checkout those Groupon and the million other companies that are just like it for massage deals. There are always tons!
  15. melbelinc


    I would also take a look at what you are eating. There may be something that doesn't sit well. I have a hard time with meat still. And at your stage I really did. My doc said that it sits heavier because its more dense. But even now it's super odd but chicken makes me feel like crap most of the time. But I can eat beef and pork. So there may be something that bothers your sleeve and you may need to take a break from.
  16. melbelinc

    Day 2 And I'm So Hungry

    Total head hunger. OMG I suffered. But I can't believe how much better I am now. I felt like I was starving in the hospital. And now I have self control. It's one of the hardest things I have gone through with this surgery. But you will beat it! I think about it now and I can't believe how far I have with it. Now, I just want to say that I do feel ungry. But nothing like before. I was super discouraged for a long time because I thought I wasn't going to feel it. But I use it as a tool too. It reminds me to feed my body. And you really have to eat to lose. I can see that even day to day. On a day that I eat as much as I should I see the scale move down. On days that I basically eat nothing it doesn't move or might actually go up. Take care of yourself, you will beat the head hunger. And feel proud. Congrats on you surgery!
  17. melbelinc

    Lower Right Incision!

    Try taking Liquid Ibprofin. It's an anti inflammitory (sp). But it might help that kind of pain because it probably swelling. If that is the longest incision, I've heard a lot of people complain about that one. It's the one that was stretched open the most because they took your stomach out through there and I think thats where the camera was. I wouldn't worry about it thouhg. Everyone heals differently.
  18. melbelinc


    Call your surgeon. They will probably prescribe you Prilosic. It seems like most people take it. Don't suffer if you don't have to.
  19. melbelinc

    Hiatal Hernia

    Thats crazy. Thanks for the stress of thinking you were having more done. Lol. But thats great that you didn't and didn't have to have more done. Congrats on your surgery!!!!
  20. Oh heck yes! If you have a drain, my surgeon just said string it on a shoelace or something like that and wear it around your neck in the shower. I used a chain like from military dog tags. Which by the way I actually wore it like that under my shirt a lot. I hated pinning it to my clothes because I didn't want to put holes in my shirts.
  21. Once your incisions are healed. Just take it easy. Just floating around is totally cool. But if you want to swim or do anything that would use your abs That would be a no no. Have fun! swimming is my favorite!
  22. Ok, so I'm a hairdresser. I work with the public and some of my clients have been with me for 10 years. Yet I have only told a select few. My coworkers know. At first I told a few people I was having "Lady surgery" but since I had a Hiatal Hernia, that worked even better. I just tell people that was why I was on a liquid only diet. But from there I tell people and my friends who don't know that the liquid diet jump started my weight loss and I wasn't going to let it go to waste. You just tell people that you are working hard to lose. One nice thing about the sleeve is that the weight loss is a little slower, you can totally pull it off as you are doing it with diet and exercise alone. Oh by the way, you are working hard and doing it with diet and exercise! This surgery doesn't do it for you. It's just a tool to help. Bypass surgery kinda does it for you at first, That's why people lose it so fast. But average weight loss with the sleeve is about 2 pounds a week. Uh, about the same as weight watchers. Again, this is a tool. Feel free to use my story. It all makes so much sense. Even the scars can make sense. Hey thats just how your surgeon does things.
  23. Don't look bad, look forward! You are on your way to health, which means you may not have the machine for long. Just look forward.
  24. melbelinc

    Hiatal Hernia

    I wasn't diagnosed before surgery but I had one. My surgeon looks for it in every one of his surgery's and thee it was. He was kinda surprised because I have no signs of it beforehand. Which would be reflux. He told my mom that the reason I didn't was because the gap was packed full of fat. So I guess he hadn't fixed it I would have been in BIG trouble with reflux once the fat melted away. If he finds one or knows you have it he fixes it right there during surgery. It was no biggie!
  25. melbelinc

    Bowel Movement After Surgery

    It will happen. It was quite a while for me. Remember you are not putting solids in your body, so what do think you have in you to put out. Thats how I thought of it. Keep drinking. Focus more on how dark your urine is because that is a good indicator how hydrated you are. A ton of people use the Gas-X strips for gas. Try those. Oh and this may be gross but we are talking poop here. When I was on liquids and I did finally have a bm it was odd. Although like it was sand. So if its strange, don't worry about it. You did just Change your diet dramatically! But get those strips, people swear by them.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
