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Everything posted by UTGal99

  1. UTGal99

    Anyone Regret It?

    Wow, Jaymzee! A month and a half? That is a long time to be regretting it. Did you have complications that made you regret it or just the fact that you couldn't take in the volume you used to? How far out are you now? How much have you lost? Any advice for a pre-opper?
  2. UTGal99

    Weight Loss

    Your body is probably in shock from the surgery - that is a MAJOR surgery and shock to your system. Hang in there and focus on fluids and protein. I am sure it will start to fall off soon. I would say if you haven't lost anything by day 10 call your surgeon's office.
  3. How long are the B-12 shots good for? How often do you have to go back and get one?
  4. UTGal99

    Didn't Know Myself

    Awesome feeling, I am sure! I look forward to being there someday. Keep up the great work!
  5. UTGal99

    Approved In 3 Days!

    Who is your insurance with?
  6. UTGal99

    Please Not A Leak!

    Agree - do not pass go, do not collect your $200 - go straight to the ER! This is nothing to mess around with. If you have a leak you could turn septic and that is VERY dangerous. Also, skin looking yellow has something to do with your liver, bilirubin, etc. GO IMMEDIATELY TO THE ER!!!!
  7. UTGal99

    Can I Vent Again?

    Oh, boy - that sucks! No other way to put it. There has got to be some way your PCP can resubmit to insurance proving documentation of your visits. Call the insurance coordinator at your surgeon's office. I bet they can light a fire under the insurance company's a$$!
  8. UTGal99

    Got My Yonanas Machine For 4$

    That is a cool machine! I love my Ninja for homemade ice cream. I take 1 cup of frozen strawberries, 1/2 cup milk, 3 packets of splenda and whirl it up - best homemade, preservative-free, ice cream ever! I love the Goodwill for unique finds as such. One man's junk is another man's treasure!
  9. I haven't had surgery yet; however, I am having a hiatal hernia repaired at the same time as my surgery so I plan on telling customers I am having abdominal surgery to correct a hiatal hernia. Post-op as I lose weight and get skinnier, I plan on telling everyone I am watching what I eat and exercise. All of this is truthful! You got to ask the right questions to get the right answers!
  10. UTGal99

    Cooking Smaller Amounts..?

    I didn't know you could freeze in the mason jar. So do you thaw it out and then pour into a dish to reheat or reheat in the mason jar too?
  11. UTGal99

    Leak Question

    I didn't realize if you have a leak that they don't fix it. Isn't that dangerous? Can't you turn septic if it isn't treated? Scared to death of having a leak when I have surgery...
  12. UTGal99

    The Fine Line Between Acceptance And Making Excuses

    http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/ She has amazing ideas on her site of how to eat post WLS - run, don't walk to check it out!
  13. UTGal99

    The Fine Line Between Acceptance And Making Excuses

    I don't think your menu for the day sounds unhealthy. Could you eliminate some of the sugars? Sure. But I say - do what you need to do today and get back focused tomorrow.
  14. UTGal99

    The Fine Line Between Acceptance And Making Excuses

    I say it is unrealistic to think you will NEVER have a piece of chocolate or a little bread here or there for the rest of your life; however, with that said I agree with traceyinflorida when she says indulge just don't eat the whole bag! Good Luck to you!
  15. UTGal99

    Bypass Or Sleeve

    I haven't had surgery yet but I have done ALOT of research, attended seminars, talked to people who have had all 3 types of WLS (bypass, sleeve and band) and thought LONG and hard on this decision. For me, I have chosen to go with the sleeve and here is why: 1) No malabsorption 2) No dumping syndrome 3) Is the 1st step in the 2 step process for bypass (if you need bypass later they can do a revision) 4) Results with the sleeve are impressive alone 5) I don't believe in rerouting my plumbing - no thank you! 6) I refuse to have a foreign object placed in my body with the lap band 7) No fills, adjustments, etc. 8) It is permanent - you are either all in to change your life or you're not 9) The fundis (largest curvature of the stomach) is removed eliminating the hunger hormone ghrelin 10) It appears to have the least amount of complications of all the procedures Whatever choice you make don't feel bad to tell your surgeon you have changed your mind. You will be stuck with whatever choice you make for life. Make sure it is exactly what you want. Good Luck and keep us all posted on your decision!
  16. Household chores: can it get better with weight loss? I feel like my house has gone to the birds since I am so heavy. Picking up after my 4 year old, laundry, mopping, sweeping, cooking, scrubbing toilets, etc. It all seems to take so much out of me. Somebody tell me it gets better and easier and houses are a little bit cleaner post-op?!? My house might evict me if surgery doesn't come soon... LOL
  17. UTGal99

    Preop Changes

    Hang in there - you are SO very close now - don't do anything that would jeopardize you meeting your surgery date. You are doing awesome so far. Family illness stresses can be tough - take your frustration and concerns out on a good bike ride! Take good care.
  18. UTGal99

    Coffee After Surgery

    Oh I am SO with you! I won't be able to survive without a cup of coffee every morning and every night. I have drank coffee everyday of my life as long as I can remember (even when I was 5 I had a special cup that my mother served it up in - granted more milk than coffee, but you get the point) God, I hope I can still get my daily fix.... I'm willing to give up anything and everything else but NO coffee might be a deal breaker
  19. UTGal99

    14 Months Out W/ Pictures

    Wow, you look great! Do you have a lot of loose skin? Also, take to me about hair loss. Did you experience alot, what made it better, did it let up, etc.?? I am pre-op looking for lots of understanding about the road ahead. Thanks much!
  20. You and are sisters! I have the SAME exact experience. I thought for sure the lap band was the way for me, but then after attending a seminar and reading people's complications I am just not willing to go there. I too have decided the sleeve is the only way for me. Also, I am not into re-routing the plumbing - no way!! I understand that is permanent but I assure you "I permanently don't want to gain the weight back!" I need that permanent solution. I too am looking at having surgery in September or early October. Here's wishing you all the best! I look forward to following your progress.
  21. UTGal99


    The pepcid will help but personally I think you will need a PPI (proton pump inhibator) like Prilosec. Much better drug...in my opinion.
  22. UTGal99

    Dr Blaine Nease

    I did attend one of his seminars and thought he was really down to earth and personable. How are you feeling? What is the good, bad and ugly? How much can you eat in one sitting now? Any complications???
  23. UTGal99

    Whats In My Kitchen 9.5 Weeks Out..

    Thanks for posting! So good to see what I will be eating post-op. FYI - I see you are in Ann Arbor. Hubby and I lived in Detroit for 10 years. I miss me some Zingerman's!
  24. This post made me smile! Great job - so happy for you and I hope to be on the losers bench soon (as I am still pre-op). Yay for you for living it up like a child (jumping off diving boards and stuff). That is the stuff life is made of. FUN! Keep up the great work!

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