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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by reshiapooh96

  1. lap band has taken what little butt and legs I had. But now I have to revise to another surgery and have no earthly idea as to what in the world I'm going to do. this is one of my biggest fears. I can't help but I'll heed all of the advice that others here are giving you. Therefore, I suppose Me and my bad knees will be trying to squat. I don't think my tooth pick legs can lose any more, Lord I hope not. Good luck to ya!

  2. For me at first, I always wanted to be thinner. then, I wanted to be healthier and rid myself of diabetes, High blood pressure, high cholesterol and to not die like my parents. What really kicked in for me was, One day I was dancing around and jiggling in front of my grand daughter just to get a laugh out of her. I did get a laugh out of her and she also said out loudly as she laughed " YOU LOOK LIKE FAT ALBERT". I immediately stopped acting like a fool and had lap band done. I made the wrong choice b/c I was so afraid of RNY. I am now in the process of band removal to RNY. I am still afraid b/c I now weigh 214 and still have all the same morbidity. Even having diabetes didn't get my attention. To this day, she still don't remember saying it.

  3. Hello! I've been posting in the revision RNY section due to not losing anymore weight for the past 3.5 years. I'm approve to have my band removed and to be revised. After my consult with the Dr. to start the ball rolling, He started telling me how difficult and risky it is to revise, and about the 30 day liquid diet before surgery that costs 110.00 per week. That is to help him out and to shrink my live, b/c he will need all the help he can. He said that if I don't lose the expected amount of weight, that I will be asked to leave the program. I have to pay 1,500 before the surgery and 5,000 out of pocket after my insurance has paid their share after my surgery.I'm glad that he went through everything with me, but it seems as if he could have been a little more compassionate about the way it was said. I think I need to try and start over with my band again..LOL. I need some of you guys successful ways and tips. I can't have any more fills or I will get acid reflux horribly. At times I do have some restriction, but right now I could just bawl my eyes out. I really do already know what to do, so I guess what I'm asking for is your support. I need all of the advice I can get..Thanks!!!

  4. Hello out there.... how's everyone doing? I have started over again. I can't believe where I am. I'm still trusting that I will get this together. I'm trying to get on a low carb plan. That's the only way that I can get this weight off.

    I know exactly what you're saying. Me too! I thought that I'd never change my mind about ever trying to start over but here I am. I'm going to try again after considering RNY.

  5. Well Folks, I was just approved to have band to RNY in one surgery. I am of a lighter weight, so I don't mind waiting a while before converting if it's safer. According to my Dr. It really doesn't matter if I wait or not, but if I choose to wait, the cost will be more expensive and it also means to be put to sleep again. Now I'm worried about what to do.

  6. my opinion is If you were banded and for whatever reason you were unsuccessful in losing all the weight that you needed to lose, having the band removed and revising to another weight loss surgery is one's own preference. whether you've failed the band or it failed you, as it was mentioned, everyone is different. There is no need to shut the gate after the horse gets out.

  7. I bet she is Shauna, I'm trying to eat the right way now (slower) before having surgery (per my Dr.) and two of my C0-workers have said to me at different times " you eat so slow, I watch how slowly you chew your food". I call them the food police and for that reason, I refuse to let them know my plans. Hopefully things will go well and I may eventually tell them later. Hang in there lovingme4me.

  8. Hello Converters, I asked the question of weather or not my band will still be full (as it is now) or will the Fluid be taken out before having the band removed. I asked this question over the phone when I called the surgeons office about another matter. The assistant put me on hold and then came back and said "THEY SAID NO, THEY'LL JUST CUT IT OUT". She laughed and said "THEY KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING". I thought it was a logical question but I felt dumb for asking. So is the real answer FILLED or UNFILLED? Has anyone been told weather your band would be filled or unfilled before surgery? I would love to know. Thanks!

  9. I could imagine that it would be disappointing, my surgery center lost two surgeons in 2 years and is no longer practicing bariatric surgery at all. I've located another surgeon and since I have to have the band removed and revise to RNY, I now have to start the whole process all over again too. after 4 years and now starting anew. I feel so far behind. My Dr. said that we will revise 6 weeks after band removal. I don't want to be put under twice but I was told that they know what they're doing by the medical assistant when I asked the question " DOES MY BAND NEED TO BE UNFILLED BEFORE it's removed?" I just wanted to know b/c they had never mentioned that.

  10. I had it in one surgery. But my doctor did warn me that it could take two. They don't always know until you're opened up. I had my revision at mayo clinic and trust them completely. I was so happy they were able to do it in one surgery and extremely glad to be done with the band. I hit 175 this morning and feel fantastic!

    I hope to make that same statement before and after my revision. what was your weight before revising, and when did you have it done?

  11. There are 3 surgeons in my clinic. My Dr. will not do it in one procedure, she told me that's the way she was taught to do it but the other 2 surgeons will do it in one procedure. I'm like you and want it done in one, but I really don't care about having it in 2 surgeries if it's safer for me. She said we could wait and do RNY 6-8 weeks later. My first surgeon wanted to wait 6 months.

  12. Like you Molly, I was so afraid before getting the band that I backed out and cancelled about 4 times. I was more afraid of RNY but that is what I should have had. I was finally banded and needless to say, I made the wrong decision. Now I am 30 lbs lighter than I was before b/c I lost 45 lbs with the band and regained 15 lbs back. I weigh 215 now and have now started the RNY process. I have diabetes too and I've come to realize that it's nothing to play with. Yes, If I had your weight there would be no question about having RNY. I'm hoping it is a normal feeling b/c I am still terrified, But I cant afford to talk myself out of it this time and I am nearly 10 years older than you....WE NEED ALL PRAYERS!!

  13. YES! It did. It helped to ease my mind and to know that there are others out there with diabetes that can relate to what I'm saying. I thought that having the band and eating right, that my diabetes would just go away. Now I seriously know that this is my last chance at it and that I MUST follow all direction with food and exercise to rid diabetes and for it to never return. Thanks

  14. Hello everyone! I haven't been revised to RNY yet and I've stated so in an earlier response. I was banded b/c I was soooo afraid of having RNY. At that time I weighed 246. I have diabetes and it runs in my family. I am still a diabetic and after losing 44 lbs and regaining 15 lbs back, I now weigh 217. Afraid or not, I've started my RNY process. I should have done it before but hind sight is 20-20. I've had so many family members that were tragedies to this decease including my mother and a couple of siblings. How many of you have diabetes running in your family or a parent. I think that having RNY at 217 lbs is worth the chance of getting rid of diabetes.

  15. I haven't been revised to RNY yet. I was on avanderyl once,and metformin 1000 twice daily for 15 years. After banding, I came off avanderyl and one of my B/P meds. I never came off the metformin and in the past 5 months, my sugars have been going up and out of control. I am really and truly hoping to get off all medicines.

  16. I know what you mean. I haven't had it yet but will start the process in 2 days. I want to tell someone other than my husband but I dont want to be questioned about it from all angles every time I see someone. I feel bad and it's almost depressing keeping it a secret. But I have to keep my head up and not let that influence my decision.

  17. I know how P.O'd you must feel, but hang in there something will come through. I have a failed band now and wanted a sleeve. BC/BS denied converting to sleeve but will pay for RNY. Fortunately for me, I did regularly go to my surgeon who really wasn't interested in having me go in for tests W/O me asking for them. and He seemed P.O'd at me for having to ask. I was gaining weight and miserable too. Somehow, your insurance may pay for converting to RNY due to having issues.

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