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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kandikay76

  1. Well, it's two days after my surgery. I feel better today than I did yesterday that's for sure. The gas pain was the worst yesterday I think. Not so bad today. I have one dose of my pain killer (lortab) left and I don't think I will take it anymore after its gone. The heating pad has been an awesome thing to have. Haven't really had much desire to "eat" anything, I have only had two small shakes and a half cup of yogurt since surgery. I almost wanted to gag trying to eat the yogurt, but I am trying to keep up the Protein. I have been doing some light chores around the house, and went to the store and walked around a bit, trying to be up and moving to get rid of this gas pain which I think is the worst part so far. I am able to remove the dressings today for a shower! Pretty excited about that. Haven't really been nauseous thankfully. Just gassy sore and the port incision is pretty tender. I'm sure tomorrow will be even better yet! I am a side sleeper, so sleeping on my back hasn't been real fun, but I'm hoping to be able to get back to normal there in a couple weeks. Husband has been SUPER AWESOME and I am blessed to have him to help. If anybody wants to keep in touch e-mail wise or anything I would be more than happy! Blessings to all!
  2. kandikay76

    Day 4 Post-Op

    Hi there! I'm 2 days post op and feeling about the same as you. Had some pretty wicked gas pain yesterday even with walking, but better today. Actually not in much pain at all if I stay still. Best wishes to you on your journey!
  3. I'm to be at the hospital at 9:15 in the morning for my band! I have been cool as a cucumber for the last 7 months til tonight, now I'm a little nervous. Wishing anybody getting their band tomorrow smooth sailing! I would love to keep in touch with anybody willing to chat about how things are going. Good luck!
  4. I got my band yesterday too and had the same thing with my weight. I lost 10 on the pre-op diet and gained 5 back during the course of the day. I'm going with the IV fluids and swelling too. Still pretty sore but i'm sure it will be a little better every day. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
  5. You have to quit smoking! I have had doctors say that your healing process is slower (for any surgery) and you have a higher chance for infection in your incisions when you smoke. I used to smoke 2 packs a day (sometimes more depending on the day) and belive me it was probably the hardest thing I have ever done. I loved smoking, but you have to stop and ask yourself what those cigarettes are doing for you besides costing money and making you sick. And think, if you can quit smoking you can prove to yourself that you have the discipline it takes to stick with the diet requirements this band requires. Trust me, I know how much it sucks to quit. Do you have a smoking cessation clinic nearby? They do help, and a lot of insurance companies will pay for it. Best wishes to you whatever you decide in your future.
  6. kandikay76

    Anxiety Attack

    The fact that you are self pay should be great motivation for you to follow all of your instructions, and look forward to a better quality of life! You will have the effort from the process and the payments to make it all worth it, knowing that you did it all by yourself!
  7. kandikay76

    Tomorrow Is The Big Day!

    I was thinking about backing out too at the last minute, but I think a lot of people have "stage fright". Over all it the surgery itself hasn't been a bad experience so far. I was outpatient and just took some chapstick, (chapstick a very good suggestion i picked up on here from others) and a pillow to hold on my stomach on the way home. I've been staying on top of my pain meds and had the heating pad on pretty much since I got home. If it wasn't for the hernia repair I don't think I would be having much discomfort at all. It was not as bad as I thought it was, and I don't remember a thing once I got in the OR. You will do great!
  8. kandikay76

    Tomorrow Is The Big Day!

    I think it might be a little of both. It does feel soothing though! Im glad I have it. I'm thinking if not for the hernia repair i probably wouldn't be have much discomfort at all.
  9. kandikay76

    Tomorrow Is The Big Day!

    Thanks everyone! All went well and I had a hernia repaired too. I did outpatient so I am at home now with the heating pad waiting to be able to take my next dose of pain meds. I did a little walking tonight, hope to get much more walking in tomorrow.
  10. kandikay76

    Banded Today!

    Thanks everyone! I have gotten some great advice on this site. I am making good friends with my heating pad right now, it really does help. I am going to get as much walking in as I can too, I think I hear people say that helps the most.
  11. Well, banded today! All went well and I had a hernia fixed too. Waiting for the last of my IV to finish then I get to go home. Pretty sore, but I think I will be fine as long as I stay on top of my pain meds. Hope all the other banded people had a smooth day and wishing all a speedy recovery
  12. kandikay76

    Wooooo Hooo !! & It Begins !

    I feel about the same as you! Was wondering what the hell I did I get myself into. A little pain even with the pain medication but I think I'll live. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
  13. I'm getting my band on Thursday! Getting pretty excited and a little nervous now. This two week pre-op diet has been difficult to say the least. I am comparing this diet to quitting smoking. One of the hardest things I have ever done but I did it. I know I will be successful with this too, but it won't be easy. Today has probably been my worst day yet with this diet. Thankfully I have some hobbies that help keep me busy and mind off of the things I wish I was eating. I had a dream about onion rings and I swear I could smell them when I woke up. LOL Good luck and best wishes to everyone getting banded this month!
  14. kandikay76

    Gassy On The Pre-Op Diet?

    I'm on all liquids now for the last 2 days. Yogurt, fat free cream soup, protein shakes and sugar free pudding or jello. First week was liquids with one high protein solid meal.
  15. I'm getting banded this coming Thursday. I have been following my pre-op diet no cheating! But I have been getting kind of gassy and bloaty. Am I the only one having this issue?
  16. kandikay76

    Caffeine During Pre Op Diet

    My pre-op diet says "avoid" caffeine. It's my one last thing I got and I'm keeping it til the last minute. :-)
  17. kandikay76

    How Much Protein?

    My nutritionist says about 60 grams per day for females. She said much more than that isn't really beneficial. I have been trying to stay right around that, or a little more. I'm starting my second and last week of my pre-op diet tomorrow.
  18. kandikay76

    Getting Frustrated

    I had my first visit Feb 7, and scheduled for surgery Sept. 6. So about 7 months for me. Every Dr. And insurance company is different as far as requirements so hang in there! I thought I would never make it to my surgery date. :-)
  19. kandikay76


    I'm sorry you are having a hard time with your support. I'm getting banded on Sept. 6th too. I have only told my husband, and one close friend that I am getting banded. My husband seems supportive for now. I didn't tell any of my family or friends because I don't want to deal with listening to the criticism and questions and crap. I'm doing this for me and nobody else, so I can feel better. Hopefully you will find some good support on this site, it looks like there are a lot of nice people on here. Best wishes to you on your journey!
  20. kandikay76

    Anyone Else September 6Th?

    My band date is Sept. 6 as well. I had to go through a six month waiting period, nutritional counseling, and testing before my Dr. submitted insurance info, so I have been waiting what seems like for ever. My insurance approved it right away no question. I have two weeks pre-op diet, the first week I can eat some solid protien like chicken and fish, unlimited fresh non-starch vegetables and fruit. 2nd week is all liquid only. Sugar free chocolate pudding has been a good friend to me the last week. LOL Good luck everyone!
  21. I'm getting banded Sept. 6. Getting through this pre-op diet one day at a time.
  22. I'm getting banded Sept. 6. Getting through this pre-op diet one day at a time.

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