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Cindy H

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Cindy H

  1. Hey everyone! So here's the thing... I'm 5 weeks out of surgery. I haven't weighed myself in a couple weeks because I tend to get a little obsessive with the scale. I know I am losing weight because my clothes fit better. But when I look in the mirror, I see "before" me... I am having trouble getting past that. Any of you going through the same thing?

    I am just now getting my strength back to clean the house and be more active with my dogs. They of course, are enjoying every moment. I'm just so worried that mentally I will lose it. I don't want to be the girl who gets so frustrated with body image that I reverse my progress. I'm on a regular diet now and regular liquids. I'm sticking to healthier non-carb foods and sugar fee liquids as well as my 64 plus ounces a day of Water.

    After all the jabbering, I guess my question is... if any of you are going through this, how are you handling/dealing with it?

    Thanks for any advice/tips!

  2. I had my surgery July 2nd. I was doing great the last couple of weeks, and this week just seems like it's worse than when I woke up from surgery. I have no appetite, I'm super tired, and I have no energy to even go for a walk, let alone get things done around the house. I think ti's getting frustrating for my husband because he doesnt quite realize that I honestly just don't feel well.

    Even when I"m drinking my Water, sometime it hurts. When I take a bite of applesauce, sometimes it hurts. They aren't large bites and/or sips. HEre's the thing... I took a small bite of brownie and nothing... didn't hurt, slipped right through with no pain. I"m trying to get in my liquids by sugar free popsicles and watered down gatorade.

    Has anyone else had this problem? I felt so energized after my lap band. This surgery just seem to be kicking me in the rear. Does it ever get better?

    Thanks for any advice.

  3. Hi there. I have had the lap band before. I did really well with it, lost over 150 pounds in a little over a year. well, with the weight loss, all of a sudden I was in super fertile mode and my husband and I got pregnant twice, and unfortunately lost both pregnancies. I had terrible morning sickness that lastest even after my second miscarriage. Because of that, my band slipped. Actually the bottom portion of my stomach was sucked through the top of my band and flipped over like a mushroom cap.

    Well, That was 2 years ago and I was just sleeved on July 2nd. I've already had some ups and downs after surgery. The pre-op diet was really rough for me. I lost 19 pounds before surgery and almost another 20 since. Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled. However, I am super tired all the time and have no energy to even go walk. It's been the last 3 or 4 days mostly.

    Something you should know though. when the lap band is removed, you should be prepared for scaring. It made my sleeve surgery a little more difficult for my surgeons. That is probably why they would like to wait between surgeries for you. It's safer. I understand the want to have it done quickly so you can keep up with the weight loss, but your body needs time to heal. Again, trust me I understand how you feel. I have been there.

    Right now I"m having a hard time because things hurt when it hits my new stomach. I"m wondering if I will ever be able to eat a single bite with out it hurting or taking a drink without it hurting when it hits my stomach.

    My advice, just don't rush it. Let your body heal like it needs too. Putting your body under that much stress causes more complications. It's Major surgery. Just remember that! Best of luck to you! I'll keep you in my prayers!

  4. To be completely honest, I had diarrhea but my surgeon told me that it was probably some left over junky stuff from the intestinal lining. Its completely normal for you to not have a BM for several days or even a couple weeks. I've had surgery a lot and with the sleeve, it's a major surgery, plus the pre-op diet, as well as the anesthesia. It takes a year for the body to completely rid itself of the anesthesia. We lose it through our hair folicles and pours. I am only 3 weeks our from surgery and I have only had 1 or 2 "regular" bm's. I still have diarrhea well, more loose stools than regular bm's. It takes awhile for the body to readjust! Best of luck to you!!!

  5. It's mostly Water so you should be okay! Just chew it as much as possible :) I'm almost 3 weeks out of surgery and the only thing I am having trouble with is jello... as odd as that is :) My surgeon said to eat whatever I can handle because I"m already down about 40 pounds and he says that's too much for being just about 3 weeks out. My surgery was July 2nd. ENJOY! I want to go get some now :)

  6. Cindy- I was sleeved the same day!! I couldn't really sleep comfortably until the bloating from the gas was released ! The best way for me to get rid of the bloated feeling was to walk - I walked about 15 mins a day n almost immediately started releasing gas...my stomach is down and I sleep so much better!

    Thanks! I walked several times a day and never really had any gas issues. I am pretty sure it was from the swelling. I had a lot of scar tissue from my previous lap band a few years back and that caused complications with my surgery. I am feeling much better now and can sleep any way I want. Sometimes it still hurts a little but I can move around and it helps :)

  7. I had a catheter during surgery but it was out before I woke up because they want you to walk/pee as much as possible after you wake up. I had my drain in for 7 days. Having that removed.....well, dont forget to take deep breaths! Then you won't feel the weird feeling! It was over quickly though :) good luck!

  8. I was on a 7 days liquid diet! Go for sugar free Jello and popcicles! They saved me and you can have as much as you want!!! I doubled up on my Protein Shakes and that helped me keep the "full" feeling as well. The first couple of days are pretty tough. Check with your doctor about being able to drink a cup of coffee to keep the headaches away. My nutritionist also recommended Tomato juice to help. I ended up losing 19 pounds before surgery and I'm down 29 pounds total since then (just 2 weeks and 2 days now). Good luck! You can do this!!!!!!!!

  9. Hi All,

    I am new here, and have not had surgery yet. Question: What the heck is "pain ball" and "drain"?? Seems I still have things to learn. I will have surgery on Aug. 15. Please let me know, so I can be prepared. I guess Doc is waiting to spring the details on me.

    My doctor used a pain ball which is 2 tiny catheters filled with pain medication that is automatically dispensed into the surgical area. It helps and it doesn't hurt! It is actually externally kept in a little bad with a strap that you carry with you. Some doctors use them, some don't. I had no clue what it was either until after my surgery.

    The Drain is a tube with a "suction ball" at the end of it that your doctor will place at the end of your surgery. The tube stays inside to collect any Fluid that is floating around and also will collect tiny little clots of blood. The "suction ball" is on the outside and it is something that you drain yourself twice a day once you get home. It feels weird when they remove it. Just take deep breaths! Good luck!!

  10. I was sleeved on 7/2/2012, just 9 days ago. Since my preop diet which started 7/26, I have lost 29 pounds. I had a pain ball and a drain after surgery. Okay... the drain????? I swore it was going to be the death of me. I had it in for a week after surgery. My pain ball was nothing. I actually got the drain removed monday. My husband wasn't sure if he could hold my hand so my surgeon did it. Although I was grateful, he forgot to tell me to take a deep breath once the nurse was pulling the drain. I am pretty sure I said something like "woahhhhhhhhhhhh"... umm, ouch.

    Well, here I am 9 days out of my surgery. I spent 3 days in the hospital and when I got home, I slept on the couch. Well, I am having a really hard time sleeping. I can't seem to get comfortable in any position. I hate sleeping on my back. I'm an avid "crib sleeper"... on my tummy and one leg bent. I've tried laying on my side, on a memory foam pillow, sitting up, propped up, pillow under my legs...I mean everything I could think of. Now, I've been catching about 10-15 minutes of sleep at a time in such odd positions, that I am having sever shoulder and neck pain. I know there is tons of swelling and it takes some time getting through that. I guess my frustration is the lack of sleep is making me so groggy through out the day that I am not being as active because of the pain and sleepiness :( How are ya'll dealing with this? Any good suggestions?

    As for my diet, I'm able to keep down liquids, Jello, popcicles, and even a few bites of chicken noodle Soup (the noodles are super soft). I haven't tried egg whites yet or cottage cheese and canned pears, which are on my post op diet. My surgeon says that you are really only supposed to lose 40% of your excess body weight the first year, which in my case I am already 1/2 way there in 2 weeks. Has anyone come up with some yummy "blended" foods? Thanks for any advice or tips :) Hope everyone is having a great day!


  11. I was sleeved 4 days ago. I had my pain ball removed today and hopefully will get my drain removed on monday. I am still having a hard time catching my breath. It doesn't seem like my pain meds are even touching the pain. I still can't sleep more than 10 minutes at a time. Did you have any pain issues? I'm walking my butt off but still am having a tough time.

  12. I was sleeved on Monday. I have a drain which my husband empties twice a day. They also put a "pain ball" in, which is 2 small catheters that deliver pain/numbing medication. I had that removed today. Didn't feel a thing. The drain however has to stay in until monday. I've had a drain before and I won't lie. It's hurts when they take them out, but after a couple minutes you won't even remember it because you'll feel so much better. They gave me blood thinners while I was in the hospital but nothing after I left. It's been a rough week for sure, and I have to keep telling myself that it will be the best decision i ever made... once the aches and pains are gone. You'll do just fine! My best advice after surgery.... walk walk walk walk walk! Then walk some more. It helps!

  13. I completely agree with Lissa! You have to be commited! Everyone reacts differently to any diet/surgery. Go in with a clear head and know that this surgery isn't a "magical fix". Emotions will try and get the better of you, but don't let them! If you feel like you are going to "fail", don't ever be afraid to seek help. That's what we are all here for! To help eachother through the ups and downs of this surgery! Use us! I am thankful to have come across this site, and for a very supportive husband. I live on a military base and the doctors here require that we continue to go to a support group before and after the surgery. It really does help a lot!

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