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Posts posted by Magicmuffin

  1. Hi all from Canada

    Have been an RN for almost 30 years now, have done EVERYTHING from outpost nursing to occupational health to surgical step down to long term care and currently on dialysis and loving it. Got my sleeve January 7 with Dr. Liza Pompa in Tijuana (after a LOT of research and personal testimony from friends) and couldn't be happier with it! Had a smooth recovery, have had steady weight loss (currently down to 144 lbs from an all time high of 226) and although I am currently on a bit of a plateau have never felt better. Off my asthma medication, no longer require allergy medication. Have separated from my husband of 25 years (which was at least 10 years coming) but feel strong enough now to deal with it. I am enjoying the extra energy, the freedom with food (I can eat whatever I want in small amounts...but my body is telling me what it needs) and the appreciative looks I am getting. Most of all knowing I am greatly decreasing my health risks (my brother had an MI at age 38, has had 2 stents placed since then and awaiting another), which is why I seriously contemplated the surgery to begin with...scared the crap out of me to see my brother and his pallor, hear his wheeze.

    Found LIMARP to be a very clean, we'll organized and competently staffed facility, would recommend to anyone. No regrets. Wish I had done it sooner.

  2. Hi all

    I had my sleeve with Dr. Liza Pompa in Tijuana on January 7 this year. Currently almost 2 months postoperative, feeling fine! Have lost total 33 lbs. so far, 44 to go(summer here I come!). I was very impressed with LIMARP surgery center, extremely clean, caring and competent staff, what I feel was a thorough pre-op work up (I am an RN so think I have an idea what to look for), and I can honestly say I think I got better care down there than I would have at home in Canada (sad to say). They have a very comprehensive program to prepare you for surgery and also for follow-up, because really, the sleeve is not the cure, just a powerful tool when you know how to use it. I have not had any complications (knock on wood, all fingers and toes crossed) and don't expect any now. Am back to work, starting to lightly exercise again, feel good. I don't feel hungry hardly at all, and my new stomach is very adept at telling me 'enough!' When I am not paying attention and cross that line.

  3. Hi

    Back again after a bit of an absence...had my sleeve with Dr. pompa in Tijuana on Jan. 7 and I am feeling fantastic! Started this process at 202 lbs. and currently at 169 - haven't seen this number on the scale for a few years! I think I have had a relatively uneventful recovery, am currently working on soft foods etc. Dr. pompa advocates a slower progression with diet, spent 2 weeks on clears until able to easily take in 2 litres or more a day, then 2 weeks on full fluids with Protein shales, then soft foods etc. I think that is the way to go...did not feel hungry or deprived until about the 1 month mark, then started feeling a little hungry in the a.m. I took a little more than 6 weeks off work and am glad I did. Probably could have gone back after 4 or 5 but that would have been pushing it. Take the time off, nurses - we've earned it. First day back to work (dialysis) I found very tiring but just kept my drink bottle close and sipped every chance I got.

    Good luck!

  4. Hi I was sleeved on Jan. 7 and am currently working on full fluids. I decided to take 6 weeks off and am glad I did. I think I'm doing okay diet wise, working up as my surgeon prescribed, but I also am having issues with loose stools, am trying to get used to a new way of eating and am glad to be doing this at home and not at work. Besides, after nursing for almost 30 years I have enough sick time built up I might as well use some. I want to recover properly, isn't this what we tell our patients???

  5. Hello all!

    Well, I did it! Had my surgery on Monday the 7th with Dr. Pompa in Tijuana, and I think for the most part I am doing okay. I can tell u this, I have a newfound empathy for surgical pt. it has been tiring, and between getting my JP out and contrast dye leak test I have discovered a new meaning for the term 'gross'. But right now I am glad I did it. Lost 16 lbs on my prep diet, already has made a difference. Thanks to all who have gone before, and good luck to those yet to come.

  6. Many doctors require rapid weight loss from the pre-op diet to shrink the patients liver so they can access and view other organs. What does your diet consist of?


    I am scheduled for Jan. 7 and have started my prop diet last week. My surgeon (Dr. Pompa) likes a 2 week high Protein lo carb diet for 2 weeks followed by full Fluid hi pro for 1 week, then clear Fluid for the last week. Her rationale is to shrink the liver for easier and safer acces to the stomach, as well to lose a few pounds prep (always a good idea) and to promote optimal nutrition and increase Protein stores for postoperative healing. I have to say at first I thought a little extreme, but as an RN I understand the concept, and even after less than a week on this diet I have dropped almost 3 lbs. and feel better than I have in a long time!

  7. Hi

    For me the final straw came last fall, I went away for a month long training course, and even though I did my best to watch what I ate and I found a gym and was able to go a few times, I ended up regaining every pound and more that I had worked the last 2-3 years to lose.

    Since my mid twenties(prior to that I was slim) I have struggled with my weight. I have tried Nutri-system, weight watchers, tai slim, I have had 2 different personal trainers and in the end I only succeeded in yo yo ing with my weight. Each time it gets harder. In addition over the years I have developed high cholesterol, asthma, clinical depression, and arthritis in my hips and knees. Am I alone? No, my dad and my brother and sister share the same story, except my brother has also added a heart attack at age 38 with 2 stent placements since, non alcoholic fatty liver disease and severe sleep apnea. We went on vacation with them this summer and I was amazed at how little he could do. And do you know what? BOTH of us have exactly the same amount of weight to lose to reach a normal BMI. I am starting menopause and I know when I am finished with that I will lose the protection for my heart that my premenopausal estrogen has given me.

    I want to live a longer and better quality life.

  8. Hi

    I am not sleeved yet, will not be until January because of staffing issues at work. I will be self pay and going to Mexico. After much research and thought I decided to go ahead with the sleeve back in June, and at first I told no one except hubby (whom I had been discussing it with) and my two kids. The support I get from them is great. I have told a few close friends, mostly those who have had the band with good success and they too are very supportive, they too understand completely why I am going this route. I have also told my brother and sister in law in the hopes that he would consider it, as he is in the same boat as I, with many more health problems of a much more serious nature - he is thinking hard about it but I think he is waiting to see how it goes with me! I will not tell my parents or my sister because I know that they would be horrified, I know my sister would think it is purely cosmetic and not understand. I have also hinted at my intentions to a few others who were also horrified. I try to explain that I am considering it for health reasons, they don't get it.

    I try my best to subscribe to the "you can't please everyone, so please yourself and the ones you love" motto. In the beginning I was so excited about my decision I wanted to tell everyone but after a few negative reactions I will not be telling anyone else for now.

    I have decided that after the surgery if anyone asks specifically, I will tell them. If they ask why, I will tell them. I agree with many previous posts that it is my decision, made for my own reasons, and as I typically try not to judge anyone else, I will not accept the judgement of others, God alone will be my judge.

  9. Hi

    I have neither the sleeve or the band, but after much research and consideration I will be getting sleeved in January (I will be self pay going to Mexico) I have 2 friends (that I know of) that have been banded, 1 of them 5 years ago, one of them 3 years ago. They both seem and claim to be 'successful' with it - certainly, my 5 year friend has done well, has just gone for a Tummy Tuck, to my knowledge suffers with no more than reflux which she had before the surgery. My 3 year friend also claims success - certainly she looks great, has lost a lot of weight, but it seems every time I go out with her she is heading off to the bathroom to vomit after a portion of her meal. She goes every few months for a fill or an infill, and suffers from heartburn worse than before surgery. They both claim to live their band, but I can feel it on them and I cannot imagine having that inside of mr - they say you get used to it and I suppose you do, but I don't think I could live with it. And they both have a list of things they cannot eat because it gets 'stuck' and they have to vomit it up. I don't think I could live that way fore er.

  10. Hi

    I am having difficulty with the 'only 70 pounds' thing. I agree with Mz Elle only to the part where all of these surgeries are invasive and extreme. They are, and anyone who says otherwise is downplaying the risk. As a nurse of almost 30 years I know this. With any surgery comes risk - from the anesthesia, chance of complications - running from minor to life threatening, temporary to permanent. It is not a decision to be made lightly, and certainly not to be made without exploring all of your options and doing extensive research.

    Having said that, what do you do when you HAVE tried everything? I have tried many things and different combinations of diet, exercise, herbal preparations etc. but always in the parameters of healthy foods . I currently need to lose about 75 pound to be at my ideal weight. I am currently relatively healthy but I do have mild asthma and high cholesterol, controlled by medication. I know for a fact both of these will at least improve if not disappear if I can lose the excess weight, and I also look at my dear brother who 'only' has to lose about 80 pounds to be at his ideal weight - he has had a heart attack, 2 stent placements, asthma, high cholesterol, severe sleep apnea and non alcoholic fatty liver disease - ALL of these conditions would improve with weight loss. Do I have to wait until I am in the same boat before I do something about it?

    No, I am choosing to get the sleeve as a tool in my Quest to get and stay healthy. I am satisfied that I have tried all I can to lose and keep the weight off, and for me it just isn't working. For me it will be worth the risk, and I think everyone needs to look at their own unique situation and decide what is best for them.

  11. Hello fellow nurses!

    I live in Saskatchewan, Canada, have been an RN for close to 30 years now, currently splitting my time between dialysis and long term care but have worked everything from Surgery to Outpost, occupational, etc etc etc (I get bored easy!)

    I am not sleeved yet, likely not until January due to staffing issues (sound familiar to anyone?)' and will be self pay going to Mexico with Dr. Liza Pompa. My BMI is 37, and I am struggling with people who say that that's not too bad. Well, my brother 'only' has a BMI of 38' had his first heart attack at 38' has had 2 stents, severe sleep apnea, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and my whole family struggles with high cholesterol, asthma and depression. No, not 'too bad'. I need to do this to be healthy. I have done diets to deAth ll, I do enjoy exercising but it is obviously not enough.

    But, despite being a nurse for so long, I must admit I am scared of surgery! I had my tonsils out at age 4, and have been fortunate enough not to need anything else done (so far). Talk about ironic!

  12. So...how many different diets, exercise programs, diet pills, hypnosis, etc. etc. etc. has everyone tried?

    So...which ones worked? Helped us take off, and keep off the pounds?

    So...what caused obesity for you? I know for me there has been a few things - a strong family trait, combined with low metabolism, throw in some emotional eating, add asthma, let it sit...ferment with some depression fueled by unsuccessful wt. loss attempts and there you have it - tadaa! A moderately obese 46 year old RN, mother of 2. Oh, did I mention - my skinny husband and daughter eat probably twice as much as I do? I probably forgot, too, that I go to the gym 3-6 times a week , and although my asthma keeps me from doing as much or as brisk a cardio workout as my daughter who plays volleyball and is on the track team (I can probably spend no more than an hour on the elliptical)' I can still lift and press more than her (as well as at least half the teenage boys that come?)

    I think what I am getting at is this - just as there is more than 1 simple explanation for why we are obese ( for everyone it is usually the result of many factors,put together) so too is there more than 1 treatment for it, and anyone who thinks they can go and have surgery and voila, their problems are over, are in for a real and sad surprise. You will see it said all over this blog, and in any credible literature on the subject - the sleeve is a TOOL for weight loss, a powerful one if used correctly, but it is only one piece of the puzzle. It will help us control portions, but we still have to make the right choices in what we eat to stay healthy. So too we must exercise - exercise keeps the body running. Would u let a car sit for 2 years and expect it to run properly? No, and neither would it look good!

    I will not be having surgery until January due to staffing issues at work, so I am looking at this as a gift - a chance to get in the best possible shape before my surgery, so I can hopefully recover quickly , and get on with my life.

  13. Hi

    This is an awesome thing to bring up. It's important to remember that, just like the sleeve, the scale is only a tool for weight loss, not the be all end all. Yes, muscles weigh approx 1 1/2 times fat, so go by how you look, how you feel, how your clothes fit (always better over a toned body than a flabby one), what you have been eating, and for women, what time of the month it is. So many factors to consider, listen to your body, if you listen close enough it will tell you what it wants and how it is feeling.

    I know whereof I speak. I will not get my sleeve until January, but I have learned bits and pieces from all of my past weight loss attempts, and also as a nurse of almost 30 years I still remember what one of my instructors told me so long ago - "listen to your patient. They are the ones in that body, if they say they are in pain, they are, if they say they feel nausea, they are. It may not always make sense, and it might take some investigation to figure out WHY they feel that way, and what to do about it (our job, IN CONJUNCTION with out patient) ' but what they feel is real" Something I try hard to follow in ,y practice.

    I also spent several years in the gym, and although I never did get lower than the 'overweight' category, I had lean muscle, looked good and felt good. My problem being I do not have 1 1/2 - 2 hours a day to maintain that, so I am now once again 'moderately obese', so...I will add the sleeve as another tool.

    Sorry for the key oars diarrhea, good luck to all!

  14. Hello everyone

    I have found this to be one of the most thoughtful threads yet. I thank you all for your posts and your honesty, and I will not reiterate my Own journey here as it can be read elsewhere. I am still calling it a journey even though I have not had the surgery (yet) because I have been on the road a while. I understand the fear, it is something I am dealing with myself, for even though I have been a nurse for almost 3 decades (lord I sound old!) and have seen and cared for thousands or surgical patients of every type of surgery(boobs,guts,bones, lungs, heart you name it) I myself have only had my tonsils out when I was almost too young to remember, I am a veritable surgery virgin. I agree with a previous postee that when it is your time it is your timr (how scientific is that?) as I have seen people who should have never made it through surgery and recovery literally walk home the next day, and people who should have had no problem whatsoever have a very rough time. I can also say that while dying during a 'routine' aka 'elective' and non emergent surgery IS an uncommon occurrence, it does happen , albeit rarely, and nOt necessarily due to surgical team error.

    And I have said it on a post before but I feel strongly about this - the mind is a force to be reckoned with. While pre surgery jitters is a very normal thing, I would NOT advise anyone to have this done until they are very sure of their decision, and the only way to be sure is to research, compare, learn-about the procedure, your chosen surgical team, AND yourself - why are you doing this? Is it the right time for You to do this? Have you explored all of your options? I do not feel wls (weight loss surgery) is a 'last ditch effort' - and I do not agree that it is 'mutilating' your body - would the surgical removal of a cancerous tumor be considered mutilation? It would be seen as potentially life saving, as I feel this surgery is, or could be. Neither is it a cure all, or 'the easy way out' and you need to be prepared for that work. It sounds like you are doing all of these things and I applaud you for all of your work. No one should jump into this, especially without a plan for after the surgery. Knowledge is power, power leads to control, and confidence to do what is right for YOU. Good luck in your journey to find what is right for YOU.


  15. Hello' date='

    I am new and unsleeved. I am certain like many of you Can attest; i am in the debating stage. The stage that makes you question why you are considering something that seems drastic. I ask myself daily can't I just do this, but hire a personal trainer and nutritionist this time around. I wonder aimlessly

    what are the ramifications of having part of my stomach removed. Will they discover in about 10 years that this may cause harm.....

    My story...I have been overweight most of my life. About 10 years ago, I dropped about 50 pounds, but over the course of the years, I've gained it back. I yo- yo constantly and enjoy exercise. However, my joints suffer do to my weight and I don't exercise as much. Lastly, I am having problems carrying a child past the first trimester and my doctor suggest I need to lose weight. My insurance does not cover bariatric, so I will be self pay. I am considering dr. Aceves in mx.

    Thoughts? Would love to hear other stories.


    I was a 'normal' weight until having my 2babies, the last born 17 years ago. I gained a lot of wt. with my pregnancies, and it never really came off after. I tried several different weight loss strategies including Nutrisystem, weight watchers, personal trainers etc. but nothing ever lasted. I felt really good going to the gym but when I started a new training program at work I shad no time for the gym and he pounds piled back on. I am an RN with akmost 30 years expérience so I think Inhave a handle on all of the research I have done, and it I have decided on the sleeve - due to staffing issues I can,not go until January so I will use that time to get to know my habits better and try to anticipate changes ...wish me luck! I am done with yo-yo dieting and just can't go back, I can't do that again.

  16. I'm 5'5" and currently weigh 195 pounds. That puts me at a BMI of about 32. I haven't seriously discussed surgery with anyone but my husband' date=' but serious I am! When I joke about it with people I know they all say "you don't have that much to lose" or "just try this new diet". But to me, I am finally facing a very painful fact...I can't do it alone! To know me is to know that I don't NEED anyone/anything. I want people and things in my life, but I can do it on my own if I have to. If I set my mind to something I do it! So why can't I do this? I am telling you this not to feel sorry for me, but to understand what finally brought me to this decision of having surgery.

    I was 119 pounds when I graduated from high school....on the homecoming court, played sports, top of my class, blah blah blah. Now 20 years later I'm still very successful in my career, have a wonderful family, put myself thru college, but I'm fat. I'm not "a little overweight", pleasantly plump, or any of the other euphemisms. I'm fat! That alone has been a hard fact to face, but face it I am.

    I started putting on weight the day I graduated from high school, and while I have tried for YEARS to get back to my ideal weight, it has NEVER happened. I would have limited success when I was young, but ultimately I would gain it all back. And every year add just a few more pounds. Now...well 195 pounds says it all. I lose 20 put on 25, lose 35, put on 40. Nothing has ever stayed off for more than 6 months in the whole darn 20 years. And I WANT ME BACK. Does that make me crazy? Is it really so extreme to have surgery to lose 60-70 pounds? I don't think so, but I would love to hear from those who have been in a similar situation and are several months/years after surgery. Did it last? Did you get to your ideal weight? Would you do it again?

    I told my younger sister (who has always been overweight even as a child) I was thinking about this, and she said "I've always been fat so I don't miss being skinny, but I can see how you might". I can't make her understand it's not about wanting to be skinny...it's about wanting to look in the mirror again at myself and not want to cry and think "that's not me".[/quote']

    OMG!!! You might as well have just written my own story! A cheerleader in high school as well as honor roll, skipped a grade. I was a fully trained RN by age 19 and had the world y the tail. Not overweight until just before having my first child, I am always appalled to see myself in the mirror I know how u feel! I am a little shorter with a BMI of 36 - have about 75 lbs to lose, and NOTHING has worked for me (at the most a couple of years - more often a few months) and yet I feel as if I haven't been in my own skin for more than 20 years! I am the original lone ranger - my husbands work has kept him away for the better part (and I do mean the 'better' part -sadly) for the last 20 years so I have had to do it all on my own - except I no longer can. I am doing this! Because of staffing issues I can't get the time until after Christmas but the first part of January I am doing this and this WILL work for me. I will use the time until then to get a little more physically fit and get more inside my head, I know I need to work with hubby as he is a 'foodie enabler' - skinny as a rail 'try this honey' but then here I go. My last child will graduate in 13 and she is the favorite to be valedictorian - I want so bad to be back to myself when I go up to do the response to her speech! Because who I see in the mirror right noe is NOT who I am

    And you are right - it has nothing to do with being skinny ...it has everything to do with being at home in my own body, and this is NOT me.

    You go girl! We got your back...

  17. Hello all! I have been a member for a couple of months but have been a little shy about posting. I was sleeved April 19' date=' 2012. I went to a free seminar that the surgeon had back in July of 2011. After much prayer and thought I decided to go through with the surgery. I had to do a 6 month supervised diet and at the time I was annoyed at the fact that I had to wait. Now that I am post op I am so glad that I had the 6 months to prepare. I think that if I hadn't had the 6 months I would be completely lost now.

    The day finally came for surgery. I wasn't nervous at all. My post op course has been uneventful. I have been truly blessed. The worst part for me was the first week and the 2 day stay in the hospital. The only thing that bothered me about the hospital is the On-Q pump was in the way and I did not like the effects of the anesthesia. The first week I was home was a little trying because I had a lot of head hunger and couldn't sleep.

    Now at 10 weeks out I feel back to normal (with the exception of not eating a ton and people bugging me about how much weight I have lost). I seriously feel like that I have not had anything done. I am not the faster loser and I have been fighting within not to compare myself to others. I understand that everyone is different.

    For all the pre-op people I pray that you have an amazing journey and are complication free. For all of the post-op people I pray that this journey will be the biggest gift you could have done for yourself and for strength to keep up with this lifestyle change.[/quote']

    Thank you for sharing this! Because of staffing issues (and of course finances) I am not having my surgery until (hopefully) first thing in the new year, and I am finding it hard to wait! Now that I have decided to go ahead with it, I want to do it now! But you are so right, I will take this time to learn all I can, get in the best physical condition I can, and work on lifestyle changes. Hopefully it will go as smoothly for me as it sounds like it has for you - I am so happy for you! You go, girl!

  18. Magicmuffin

    i know what you mean about struggling with your weight after the birth of your kids.

    I felt the same way about dealing with my weight after birth of my daughter. always used that as an excuse.

    BTW my daughter is now 36 yrs old. <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

    luck on your pending WLS


    Yeah, I know what you mean - my "baby" is 17 now! Thanks for the reply - what are your plans and where are you on this road?

  19. Hi' date=' I am new here. I started the process for VSG approval in September of 2011 and I have a date for this Monday July 2, 2012

    I just got off the phone with the OR to let them know I will not be there, I am running so scared!

    I have not experienced this fear I was really confident and now the past two days I have just been so nervous and scared and I just think you should feel more confident about it? Am I worng? Is this the worst thing I could have done??

    any insight?


    I have always thought you should follow your instincts cuz they are there for a reason. No need to rush into things, but...do you know why you are scared? Time to figure that one out. Is it fear of surgery? Fear of complications? Fear of lifestyle change? Or just not ready? Important to figure that out and then move ahead...maybe this is not the right path for you! Or maybe u just need a little more time. Take your time, do your research and then follow the path that feels right. This is your 'informed consent' for life...u go, girl!

  20. Just wanted to introduce myself, just found this site last night and already have learned so much, thank you! I am a 46 yo married mom of 2 mostly grown kids. I work 3/4 time as an RN on a dialysis unit and long term care. I have struggled with my weight since shortly after getting married, the biggest struggles came after having my kids. I am 5'2" and currently went 200 lbs, my highest was 226. I feel like I have tried everything - each time with moderate success...I think 'finally' and then it all comes back + more. I have high cholesterol and asthma as well, and am getting frightened for the future -my whole family has struggled with weight and my brother had a heart attack at age 38, and has had 2 stents placed since and is generally unwell...am I next? Time to get serious. I have decided to go ahead with the sleeve, probably with Dr. Pompa in Tijuana, although due to staffing issues and money will likely not get there until early 2013. But I will get there! I saw Dr. Pompa in a magazine and Newsweek! As well as ads for Weight Loss Forever has offices close to home here? I have done a lot of research and am pretty sure this is the way to go. I am wondering a few things - has anyone else gone to Dr. Pompa? And with what results? Also, has anyone on this site had weight loss surgery after having a heart attack? I want so badly to talk to my brother about this but would he be too high a risk? His BMI currently is 37 . Any thoughts for me?

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