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Posts posted by lindabug

  1. I certainly hope that is not the case and from others here I don't think it is. I had my surgery in late July, I have lost 32lbs so far and I'll tell you it hasn't been easy but it's so worth it. I feel so much better and am looking forward to losing another 60!! I happened across a picture of myself that was taken in April, I had no idea it was as bad as it was. I'm happy to be on my way to healthier!!!

  2. My daughter is dating a guy that is really up on what's good and what's not good to eat. He told me to get some type of Protein Shake and for the life of me I can't remember what it is.. My doctor told me to start eating a little about every two hours and I can tell you when I do it, it helps tremendiously. I feel better and eat better too plus lose more weight. I always try to eat a lot of fish or chicken, I don't eat anything white like potatoes (although I cheat with chips occasionally) and rice. I don't really miss that stuff to much. My biggest challange is getting off my butt to exercise. I hate it and will find any excuse to get out of it.

  3. Hello everyone, hope you all had a great weekend. I did, just wish it didn't have to end so soon. I went back to the dr Wed, had a small fill and have been eating better since but I'm so afraid of getting stuck or sick after the last episode that sometimes I am over cautious. Hope everyone has a great week!!! Oh and have I said ROLL TIDE!!!! :) #1 BABY

  4. Melissa,

    Just sent you a friend reques on fb

    Hi Friends,

    I hope all are well! I have been looking at all of your ticketers and it sure looks like there is progress being made! I know it isn't as quick as we'd all like to see but it seems as if most have lost 20 or 30 lbs since July. That's pretty good!

    I am pleased to report I finished the Nike Women's half marathon in San Francisco last weekend. I participated in team in training and raised money for cancer research. It was inspiring to be with 30,000 other women of all shapes, sizes, and ages along the race course. I was SLOW but I ran a bit and walked, too. I posted a few photos on my Facebook page. My full name is Melissa McCabe Gombosky if you'd like to friend me and take a look!

    Back to work today. I am already ready for the weekend! Keep up the good work everyone!


    just sent you a request on fb Linda Dalton

  5. Had a small fill yesterday and I have to tell you after last time I was very cautious. I drank the entire bottle of Water before leaving the dr office. I am fine and can fill some resistance again. Maybe this will help keep be better focused. My dr. scales has me at 200 which is better than mine! His are always better than mine. I can not wait to get down at least another 20! I already feel better and had to go out and purchase a new pair of jeans yesterday just because all my others are way to big :) Love that!!!

    Hope you all have a great day and wonderful weekend, I am taking my husband on a small trip (just here close) this weekend for his birthday. He will 50 on Wednesday.

  6. Hello everyone. How are you all doing. I feel like I'm at a stand still. This weekend was very busy, had my kids here and my youngest daughters new boyfriend came to visit (he lives in GA) He is super nice and so far everyone likes him a lot! It's good to see her smile again after such a rough year. She is still looking for a job in her field but she has been working at Buffalo Wild Wings in the meantime. She does have an interview next week but it's in Ga. I hate the thought of her moving away but if she's happy I guess I'll learn to deal with it. Hoping she will get another interview this week at a place she had an interview with here last week.

    Now for me, I've blown it this weekend and the scale (yes I know I shouldn't get on it that much) has gone from 1 pound up down and back up again. Well then once again I get sick, this time I think it may be a case of food poisoning. Yesterday I had to go get my license renewed and went to lunch at a deli, had a turkey wrap. I was feeling really good yesterday and after such a great (yes it was great) weekend was on a high then last night it hit me and I've been up since sick. Not the way I want to lose weight but I'm better now, called in sick to work which I NEVER do so I'm just going to try to get some sleep.

    I had wanted to be down 40 pounds before my trip to Disney which is the week after Thanksgiving but if I don't start watching it better it's not going to happen. I really need a fill and to exercise more!!! It's my own fault but now that the weekend is over I'm determined to get back on track.

    How are all of you doing, I haven't been on much I've been trying to focus on the family more so I'm a little out of touch here.

    Today is my oldest daughters 8th wedding anniversary, I can't believe it's been 8 years!!! How time flies.

  7. You'll be fine. I had a long conversation with my doctor about my emotions being all over the place and he asked when are you eating. I said um maybe late Breakfast, lunch usually a popsicle for dinner. He said there is your problem, told me I should be eating something about every 2-3 hours a day because I'm letting myself get to hungry then my sugar level drops off and when I do eat since I'm starving I probably am eating to much at one time. Yep he hit the nail on the head there.

    After we talked about what I can not eat which is mostly bread, Pasta and potatoes. He said good, that all those white starchy foods are probably the worse things you could eat, he does not eat anything white including rice. Even though today was horrible I can go to bed tonight and feel like I've learned so much in this one day.

    Have a great weekend everyone and K have a wonderful visit. I love family time but it can be hard, my family is BIG on food!!

  8. Yay!!! I made it to the doctor and he basically took out the 2cc's he put in. I am drinking Water and it's going down. I'm back at the same as before but at this point I'm okay with that. I'll just have to be careful about my eating habits. I weighed again while I was there and in one day I am down 5 pds. All water I'm sure and I know it will come back once I start eating again but I'm so glad to not have that crushing pain anymore. My head is killing me still but compared to the way I felt earlier I can handle it. You better believe I have learned my lesson the hard way.

  9. Oh and did I mention I have no bathroom facilities at my disposal right now because the workers have taken over both bathrooms instead of doing one at a time. I'm sure there is a reason for this like it has to be so long to dry before laying the tile but being sick with no bathroom is very difficult. I'm having to go outside. Just hoping the neighbor does not see me. Fortunately for me I have woods behind my house.

  10. Oh my gosh this is the worse feeling ever! I think morning sickness wasn't this bad. Take it from me if you ever feel to tight don't think you can handle it tell the doctor immediately. I know it's gross but I haven't had anything to eat or drink in over 24 hours now NOTHING and yet every 30-45 minutes I get the hiccups then a crushing feeling in my throat and chest then I throw up only then do I feel any relief at all. How is this possible with nothing to eat or drink? My husband is suppose to be leaving work now so hopefully I will make it to the dr today!! Maybe by tonight this nightmare will be over. NEVER NEVER let this happen to you!!!

  11. I can't say I wasn't warned. I got a fill yesterday and thought okay it feels tight but I can handle this. So before I even get on the interstate to come home I'm sick. All night long I was sick. I can't keep down even a sip of Water and I have workers at my home today laying new floors so I'm stuck and can't leave. I pray my husband makes it home for work early enough for me to get to the doctor before. I feel horrible. I have learned my lesson!!

  12. I went to a family party yesterday. My sweet aunt had an amazing salad bar set up mainly for me with all types of lowfat dressing and goody's. Everyone commented saying I looked great even my uncle claimed my new haircut makes me look so different and thinner. Um not the haircut but it helps. Anyway it gave me the extra push I needed to keep going. I have an appt Wed, I think I'm ready for a small fill. Still not getting enough liquids but I'm trying.

  13. I am going to have to try the more solid stuff also, between meals I find I'm so hungry. Went to church Sun (1st time in a while :/) all I could really hear was my stomach grolling, I know the woman next to me could hear it. Anyway I feel stuck and I flutuate on my weight dailey. Went to the dr last Wed and was down again but on mine shows me being up then down the next day. Frustrating is the word here. I have to quit looking at that scale but I want to get below that 1st number being a 2 and I'm so close but soooooo far away. I have to make some changes because this week has not been good at all. It doesn't help that it's that time of the year when we go to the cc and sit at the barstools watching football for hours on end and I end up saying yea go ahead I do want a margarita or Dt. coke & rum! Fun can be expensive for me plus it's also birthday season for us. Lots of birthdays comeing up and my ext family likes eating esp unhealthy eating. I'm going to have to have a special dish at each party!

  14. I had a day like that Sunday. Our Country club (and it is a COUNTRY club) makes amazing cheeseburgers and I was craving one so my sweet hubby said he would go get it. When he got home I was like a kid in a candy store as I took a big bite I realized I couldn't eat it so off came the bun, ended up just eating the meat and cheese with ketchup but man was it good and I'm over it now.

    I can't get enough Water down, any suggestions?

  15. I'm still here, kind of took a weekend off from everything. Both girls went out of town over the weekend so it was a nice quiet break for us. My husband (after we watched the game) took me to bonefish grill for dinner. I had some amazing salmon but today am trying to eat the leftover and can't. Got stuck on what I think was the broccoli and now I can't eat anymore. :( Had maybe two bites. Does anyone have problems with broccoli, I didn't eat it at the restaurant and tried to today now I feel like I'm going to explode.

    I'm hoping the break we have all had will get us back on track and help with the issues everyone is having.

  16. I had my surgery in late July and have had problems with getting fills but I have kept myself on a strict diet. My fitness pal has been a great help here. I don't know what your goal weight loss is but I would say from everything I've read 6 months is to fast. My doctor told me to lose it slow it's better for you in the end. I would say a goal of 2 pounds per week is manageble. I finally got a fill and can feel some difference but having to teach myself what not to eat (like at lunch I got stuck) and how to eat very slow. Sometimes I get frustrated but in the end I know it's worth it. Hang in there!

  17. I'm not sure but this has been my outlet. I'll tell you this has been one of the hardest 6 weeks I've had in a very long time. My youngest daughter is going through a divorce and moved back in with us the day after my surgery. My oldest daughter is having a lot of problems which I can't go into but it's been very stressful! I told my husband it feels like I went to sleep for my surgery everything was great, I woke up and everything was a mess. My emotions have been all over the place, has anyone else had that problem. I feel like I'm an emotional basket case and that's just not like me.

    On the plus side I got my Leslie Sanson DVD today and man what a work out! I feel better after getting myself moving but I'll be honest I did not make it through even half of it (baby steps LOL)

    Please if you are a person that believes in prayers (I do) keep me and my family in yours we are having some trying times. I am praying for all of us in this journey, we can do this!

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