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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by harmony11

  1. Ok, not dying, but I was in terrible pain. My husband works offshore and it was bad enough that I had to have a friend come bathe my kids and spend the night in case I needed to go to the hospital.

    I didn't have much pain post-op at all, so I thought I was done with it. NO. I posted on Friday about being tender. By Saturday evening, I thought I was dying. I couldn't stand up straight, breathing even a twinge too deep was awful. I was convinced that I either had slipped my band (though I had not other symptoms) or that I had a toxic infection.

    My surgeon encourages patients to use his cell if we need anything and it was bad enough I busted it out and called last night. He said it was normal and I am healing, etc. Said to use my pain meds because that is what they are for (thank goodness I still have some since I was that rockstar recoverer and all) and my heating pad. I did that last night and I feel so much better today.

    Today, I have had some kid's ibuprofen and am using some salon pas Patches on my abdomen (not on incisions) and I feel like a new person. If I need my pain meds, I will take them.

    So - word of advice - don't take all your pain meds so soon post op if you don't need them!

  2. YES! I was a rockstar the first 3 weeks. Then on Friday, I started getting sore just below my bra line and the larger incision. By Saturday, I was miserable. I couldn't stand up straight, deep breaths were out of the question and more than a bite or two was just not happening.

    It was bad enough last night that I called my surgeon on his cell phone (he said it was ok at our initial visit) and if I couldn't get him, I was going to the ER.

    He said it is perfectly normal and that I had probably been over doing it. He said to take my pain meds and use my heating pad.

    Thank goodness I still have pain meds. I took some yesterday and they helped almost instantly. This morning, I could tell I was going to be tender today, so I took some kid's ibuprofin and I have 2 small salon pas Patches on my abdomen (not on incision sites). It is helping SO MUCH.

  3. I knew most people on here would be all positive and encouraging, and I love that, but I knew in reality what I had accomplished was so unsuccessful. Here is what just happened at my appointment today to prove this.

    I got weighed immediately, and I weighed the EXACT same that I did during my July 13th appt. (20 lbs less) I've lost 13% of my access weight, and my acid reflux is gone. So I'm feeling pretty good, right?

    The Doctor walks into the room and has the most disgusted look on his face. His first words are, 'well what is going wrong?' I told him that my first six weeks I counted calories, stuck to one thousand a day, and was feeling good. But I went to Florida, took a break from counting stuff and only gained 1.5 lbs. I admit that I should have started counting as soon as I got back last Saturday, but I didn't because it was hard to get back on the wagon (excuse excuse, I understand). The doctor straight up called me a liar. He said that nobody who eats only a thousand calories a day is as fat as I am, and I am 120 pounds over weight so he knows I couldn't only be eating 1k a day. Then he said that I shouldn't be counting calories, only fat because that is the only thing that matters with weight loss.

    Then he told me that he didn't want to give me a fill, because I was obviously lying, and he didn't want to give somebody who didn't take the lap band seriously, a fill. I told him that I stopped counting calories July 14th, but I wasn't eating more than a cup a meal, and I wasn't eating fast food. Nope, he stopped me, said he didn't believe me, and he felt I wasted ten thousand dollars on my surgery.

    I told him that I wanted a fill, as I think it would put me back on track and I could get serious again about counting my intake. He said that people who ask for fills are using it as a crutch, and aren't doing the things they were instructed to before surgery...so why should he waste his time? He finally (10 minutes of belittling later) agreed to give me a fill. I hopped on the table and asked him how much he was putting in. He stopped filling the needle and said that 'people who ask how much liquid they are getting are 100% guaranteed to never succeed' *eye roll*

    It took him 2 minutes to find my port, even though you can feel it and see it, but he did assure me he put something in my band. My three months is up Sept 5th, so I have to get another free fill before then, but he told me not to come back unless I lose around ten pounds between now and then. I LOVE MY DOCTOR!!

    I would find a new place to get fills ASAP. WHAT A SH*T PIG. Wow.

  4. Name, real or screen~ Harmony

    Goal weight for August 31st~ 215 lbs

    Weight on August 1st~ 223.2 lbs

    Age~ 35

    Dietary goal for August~ Protein.

    Exercise goal for August~ Get an hour at least 4 days a week

    Personal goal for August~ Clean out my closet

    Date banded~ 7.19.12

    Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~ 14 (but 40 total since my last denial letter)

    What is your favorite place to travel?~ Anywhere with my Honey and kids. Prefer tropical.

  5. 1) Tomato basil

    1 can crushed tomatoes (the big one)

    10 Roma tomatoes (seeded and chopped)

    Cook those for about 30 minutes. Purée them. Add in half a block of reduced fat cream cheese. Mix until blended. Add a cup of low fat milk and fresh basil. Simmer for about 20 minutes.

    2) creamy black bean - I googled it and used the epicurious recipe. I added 3 poblano peppers to it and blended well.

  6. I am fortunate to be a very fast recoverer.

    C-S was harder, but it was relatively easy for me to recover.

    Lapband was a walk in the park in comparison. I had some discomfort after I came to and then for the first 12 hours or so, but nothing I thought was just awful. The anesthesia hangover was by far worse than the surgery itself.

    I was at the mall 3 days post both surgeries.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
