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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tomander

  1. Tomander

    Greek yogurt add-ins

    I put a teaspoon of Kashi Honey Almond Flax Cereal and a touch of vanilla. Love it !! Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 160 lbs
  2. Tomander

    I'll start...

    Hello Band Buddies Couldn’t resist sending this out… how many times have we said out ourselves… “I’ll start my diet next week.” (Yes.. I hate the word DIET). If you’ve fallen off the “band-wagon” now is the perfect time to get back on… don’t wait until next Monday, next week or until after the holiday is over… start with your next meal. Hope everyone has a great holiday. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 160 lbs
  3. Tomander

    Hair Shedding!

    It even happened to me... and my hair wasn't that thick to begin with. As soon as I started to eat more Protein everything went back to normal. My doctor said this was very common for both men and women. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 160 lbs
  4. Hi Desertpixie I"m in my 8th year of being a "Bandster". I've had no issues at all. I listened to my doctor and I followed the guidelines given to me. Yes in the beginning I had to "diet". I can still eat 3 meals a day and 2 Snacks (when I want to). I can eat ANYTHING in moderation except rice and apple skins. I've lost 160 lbs. I started with a 54" waist and am now a 30" waist. I host 3 coffee groups a month for people that have been banded. I have people in my groups that have been banded anywhere from 2 to 12 years and only 2 people have had issues (both slipped bands)... very early on and they are both doing well. Every person in my group has lost. There are at least 14 people that have lost 100 lbs. If you work with the band it does work. I have not regrets at all... it changed my life. I love the band because I don't feel like I missing out on anything... ok.. maybe diet pop on a hot summers day or a cold beer now and then but hey I'll take being thin over a cold beer and have ice tea Please feel free to email me if you would like to chat... I have free long distance and I would be happy to call you. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 tomander@bell.net Wt. Loss: 160 lbs
  5. Banded July 6 06. Best thing I ever did... changed my life. Started with a 54" waist now 30". Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 160 lbs
  6. Tomander

    What Does It Feel Like?

    I don't feel anything... I can feel my port if I press on it. My band does "girggle" very loudly sometimes but it does't hurt.. for me it's just my band saying "hey I'm here dong my job." Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 160 lbs
  7. For all the Bandsters in Canada or people looking into the procedure I just came across this Press Release. SmartShape is now offering services right across Canada. Great news for Bandsters in Canada. http://www.newswire.ca/en/story/1272533/centric-health-acquires-75-interest-in-leading-bariatric-surgery-provider Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 160 lbs
  8. Tomander

    Silly Question

    Lapband recipes Hints – “BANDSTER SIZE PORTIONS” When I make most of the recipes I prepare them ahead of time and bake them in large muffin tins. Once the meal is cooked in the muffin tins (for example Shepherds Pie, meatloaf, steel cut oats, etc.)... I freeze them in the tins... then pop them out and put them in small zip lock baggies in individual portions. Make sure you spray the muffin tins with non-stick cooking spray. When I make things like Wendy’s Chili, Soups, or Pasta I freeze them in plastic single serving containers (perfect size band portion). Below is a message that I've posted several times before but I think it's worth reposting for new bandsters. I’m now entering my 8th year of being banded and have talked about this here several times but I think it’s worth repeating for new bandsters. Try and take it one day at a time. Don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t go into this journey saying “I’ll never be able to eat this or that ever again.” I can eat ANYTHING except rice and apple skins and no carbonated beverages. Follow the guidelines given to you by your doctor. Remember… take tiny bites (the size of your pinky fingernail) and remember to finish what you have in your mouth before you take your next bite. When I was losing weight I checked in every month with my family doctor to get weighed and measured. (I don’t own scales) I also attended three coffee groups for people that are banded. (I host them). These things really keep me motivated and on track. I still check in every month with my family doctor to get weighed-in and I host two coffee groups. For me support from fellow bandsters plays a big part in this journey. Back when I was banded my family doctor and I came up with something called the “Egg Timer Distraction”. It’s kind of difficult to explain here but I’d be happy to email you the .pdf document. It REALLY helped me with “head hunger”. I can’t tell you the number of people in my lapband coffee groups over the years that have said how helpful this “trick” has been in dealing with their head hunger. Also, I’m not really a “diet” book type person but I recommend you pick up two books. Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat: How to Break Your Eat-Repent-Repeat Cycle – by Dr. Michelle May I had the pleasure of hearing Dr. May speak at a conference when she came to Toronto and her book and guidelines really work well with the lapband journey. The second book is: The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite – by David L. Kessler Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions and also if you would like a copy of the “Egg Timer Distraction Document”. --- tomander@bell.net Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 160 lbs tomander@bell.net
  9. Hi... I agree with what David said. Take it slow... one day at a time. I'd also recommend you keep a food journal. Also, make sure you finish what you have in your mouth before you take your second or third bite. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 160 lbs
  10. Tomander

    Silly Question

    I say whatever works for you. For me... what really works is planning my meals and making things in muffin tins in "band size" portions and freezing things. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 160 lbs
  11. Tomander

    More Questions

    Follow what your doctor says... I'm surprised you can eat mushie food (oatmeal) 5 days post-op.... just shows you that each doctor is different. I didn't get mushies until the third week Just take it slow. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 160 lbs
  12. Lapband coffee Group – Burlington Tuesday, November 26th – 7:00 p.m. Second Cup 901 Brant St Burlington, ON L7R 2J6 (Just West of the Walmart) The Lapband Coffee Groups are open to EVERYONE who has had Lapband Surgery or if you’re looking into the lapband process, recently banded, or a long time "Bandster". This is a great way to find out about the lapband from individuals who have had the surgery and to ask questions or just listen to individuals share their lapband journey experience. No need to sign up… just show up and if you can’t find the group ask for Tom at the cash register. If you have any questions before the coffee group please contact: Tom – tomander@bell.net Let’s all “band” together for a cup of coffee!
  13. Welcome! I host 3 coffee groups a month for "bandsters". We have people in there 60's and 70's that have been banded and have all have had GREAT success. Listen to you doctor and take it one day at a time... don't compare yourself to other bandsters because everyones journey is different. This is a great site for information. Feel free to ask any questions. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 160 lbs EM: tomander@bell.net
  14. Tomander


    Congratulations! Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 160 lbs
  15. Lapband coffee Group – Brampton Monday, December 9th – 7:00 p.m. Second Cup (Located in the Longo’s Plaza) 7700 Hurontario Street, Building E, Unit 504 Brampton, ON The Lapband Coffee Groups are open to EVERYONE who has had Lapband Surgery or if you’re looking into the lapband process, recently banded, or a long time "Bandster". This is a great way to find out about the lapband from individuals who have had the surgery and to ask questions or just listen to individuals share their lapband journey experience. No need to sign up… just show up and if you can’t find the group ask for Tom at the cash register. If you have any questions before the coffee group please contact: Tom – tomander@bell.net Let’s all “band” together for a cup of coffee!
  16. Thanks... I find the new forum a little harder to navigate. Just starting to get back to it. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 160 lbs
  17. Tomander

    Updated "After" Pic's

    I took some "After" Pic's last week. Started with a 54" waist... now 30" I wore the jeans the day of my surgery. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 160 lbs
  18. Tomander

    Updated "After" Pic's

    Thanks The Icy One... How are you feeling after surgery? If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 160 lbs
  19. Welcome to "Bandland!" That's the best thing you can do... listen to your doctor My stomach / band still "talks" to me and I'm going into my 8th year. I still get the "gurgles" and they are VERY loud. I never know when it's going to happen. It can be before or after a meal... sometime several hours after a meal or even during the night. My doctor said it was nothing to worry about as long as there was no pain involved. He said the "gurgles" are very common. For me every time I hear my band "talking" to me it's just a reminder that it's there just doing its job. Good luck on your journey. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 160 lbs
  20. What your feeling is perfectly normal. I felt that way until the the third day... then I had good burp and the left shoulder pain went away and I felt "normal". The end results will be worth it... trust me. Please feel free to ask any questions. Tom, Toronto Banded: July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 160 lbs EM: tomander@bell.net
  21. Tomander

    Support group. NOT !

    HI LU_11 I sent you a private message. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 160 lbs
  22. Lapband coffee Group - Durham Wednesday November 20th – 7:00 p.m. Coffee Culture 1525 Dundas St. E. Whitby, ON. L1N 2K6 The Lapband Coffee Groups are open to EVERYONE who has had Lapband Surgery or if you’re looking into the lapband process, recently banded, or a long time "Bandster". This is a great way to find out about the lapband from individuals who have had the surgery and to ask questions or just listen to individuals share their lapband journey experience. No need to sign up… just show up and if you can’t find the group ask for Tom at the cash register. If you have any questions before the coffee group please contact: Tom – tomander@bell.net Let’s all “band” together for a cup of coffee!
  23. Hi Mommy of 7 Welcome to the group.... this is a GREAT place for information. I've met some very nice people here over the years and learned so much. Feel free to ask ANY questions. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 160 lbs
  24. Tomander

    Do you miss favorite foods

    I love my band because I didn't really have to give up anything except carbonated beverages. The only other foods I avoid are apple skins and rice... they don't get stuck... they just feel strange going down... all other foods are fine. issue of throwing up. Everything in moderating... the band is great because I never feel like I'm missing out. I use the example... now I eat 1 to 2 slices of pizza instead of an entire medium pizza. Don't go into this journey saying "I'll never be able to eat this or that ever again"... some people say that can't eat this or that without even trying it... if you try something once and it feels strange... don't be afraid to try it again in a few days/weeks... and remember each person is different. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 160 lbs
  25. Sorry you had such a problem. I had my gallbladder out 10 years ago and was banded 7 years ago... I'm thankful I've had no issues. I agree with Missy there are risks with all types of WLS (or any surgery). I personally know of 2 people that had bypass and are now banded. Both became very sick with bypass and had issues... they are both doing great now. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss 160 lbs

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
