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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by dpeeler28

  1. thank you for all your supportive words and encouragement. I really do appreciate it.

    I am a year and a half out and about 6 months after surgery i became very bitter towards people. The difference in how i was treated was astonishing!! i couldn't believe how people reacted to me(and still do). I had a great guy that seen through the weight and loved me for me, but at that time, i had settled for what i could get and felt that i loved him too....post surgery(as soon as i was able to get over the shock of how different i was treated) i became more of a social butterfly and began to get a lot of attention. I have never had that kind of attention, and still to this day, i don't know what to do with it! i feel like a teenager that is going wild....that's not me. I have always been level headed, had great coping skills and was always the "shoulder to lean on" for others. I don't feel like that same person anymore. I broke up with my boyfriend of three years because i was no longer attracted to him, and he could not deal with the attention i was getting....the surgery/weight loss changed me plain and simple. my family cannot understand the emotional aspect of all of this for me. none of them has an addiction to food and none of them have faced obesity like I did. I cannot explain to them how hard it is for me to slowly watch myself turn my own world upside down. No surgeons office prepared me for all this....i don't care what they tell you about this "life changing" surgery. I was not prepared for this at all.

  2. I'm not really sure if this is where i need to even be posting this but I am so lost! I feel like I have completely lost the person I used to be. Did any sleevers go through this after losing weight?? No one in my family understands how I feel and I really don't even know where to start with counseling. At this point, I want to take it all back and just go back to the old me because losing weight has made me lose my mind!!! I don't like the attention and I have actually lost a great guy because I don't know how to deal with all of this....someone please tell me I'm not crazy lol!

  3. me and my surgeon never talked about it either, at my last check up he told me that i have lost 78 % of my weight(so I'm assuming the goal he had set for me is 150) however i set my own goal of 130 to 140....I am built like a brick **** house(big all over) and still have quite a bit of belly so i think another 40 pounds off of me would be great. but that is something you should really discuss with your doctor during your next check up!!

  4. Hi All!

    so I'm just wondering if anyone else is having a hard time reaching their goal weight? I was 257 when i had surgery and am now down to 168. My goal is 130 and I am having a hell of a time getting there.

    I know part of the problem is that i have fallen back in to old habits and I am finally recognizing that. I feel like I'm the only one who can't seem to get it right!!

  5. you're not alone. i actually haven't been on here a lot lately and was getting ready to post the same concern. i am 3 1/2 months out and am having slow progress, even gaining a couple pounds(i think maybe due to Water retention) but i know i haven't been blame free as far as what i have been drinking! but you know, here's how i look at it....i would reather lose slowly and allow my body(skin mainly) time to adjust then to lose quickly and look all sickly!

    but for the last 2 weeks ive had a problem with little to no weight loss, and even some gain....hopefully this is just something that will pass. i went through this at 2 weeks post op too.....BUT I too need to get back to the basics and begin tracking my food again, and start drinking more water.

  6. lol! my boyfriend of two years layed his arm across me last night and said "i can totally feel your ribs, that's a first" and then we both sat there and felt my ribs for like 2 minutes......CRAZINESS i say lol!! it was so stupid, yet it was freakin fabulous all at the same time....

    but, the best one yet that i have received is from my grandpa(who has never-im not exaggerating either-complimented me on anything) he was standing in the kitchen and looked at me and asked how i was feeling...so we went throught the usual and then he turned and looked at me again and said "i think grandpas gonna have to get the shot gun out before too long!" it was priceless, and the first compliment that the man has ever given me....i'll never forget the feeling!

  7. i did the same thing on my pre op diet....but wheni would cheat, i actually made a "conscious" cheating choice. i ate VERY little of what i wanted, and i made sure that what i was going to eat was mainly good protein(of course mixed with a little goodness of real stuff too). i think i lost a total of 11 pounds before surgery and my surgeon said that my liver "looked fantastic" when he got to it. just try to be careful and really stear clear of the fatty stuff. you should be fine(but im no DR. so take what i said at your own risk :P )

  8. i am now 6 weeks out and finally settling in to my new way of eating.....up until 2 weks ago i was pretty pissed at myself for doing this and i hated it!!!! but once i was able to move up to real food, it helped. i know 6 weeks seems likeso far, but you will be there before you know it i swear! it will get better i promise.

  9. family and friends can be a real let down sometimes! my cousin(who is like my sister and i love to death) was extrememly supportive wheni told her i was getting the surgery. but while having a convo with her mom, she was telling me how depressed my cousin was. all my cousin kept saying was that she was going to "be the fat one in the family now". that hurt! all these years, i have been the heaviest set cousin, but to hear that it depresses her to that extreme that i'm going to be thin......COME ON!!

    BUT, everyone has their insecurities, and even the people who we think are our "rock" will sometimes crumble when things change. my cousin was always comfortable going out, shopping and rockin the "big girl curves" with me, and after thinking about it, i think she is scared to face that fact that she needs to change something or she truly will be the "fat one of the family"! (i really didn't mind having that title, until i wasn't the only one calling myself that lol!)

    give your friend a while to adjust to thought, and then if she still can't be supportive.....well then i'd say" don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya"!!! just know, you are not the only one who's friends/family just can't/won't or just don't know quite how to get behind you on this one!!

  10. i hear ya on that one!! my dr actually called me in today because my NUT emailed him because she was concerned about me.....because im a HUGE negative Nelly right now.......they just dont understand how mentally frustrating this damn head game is!! hang in there tho, im 5 weeks out(not sure how far you are) and it seems to be getting a little easier for me. plus a little pep talk from my surgeon helped today.....i really do have to make sure i have something to do or i go crazy thinking about food and how much i miss it. even with 3 kids and a full time job, i still find that i miss that one thing that made me feel happy(for a moment obviously). we have to find joy in something new and find a new coping mechanism!!

  11. i had surgery on the 23rd and still have to take the pain medication....just now able to get up and around to walk but only for a little at a time. my pain is mostly in the left side(the larger incisions where they removed the stomach). very tender and sore, and feels like it is"ripping" if i move wrong or do too much still. the surgeon told me that some people are super sensitive in this area and it takes them much longer to heal from the surgery.

  12. i purchased the pudding and i have to say it's really not that bad. the only draw back for me is that i have to eat over the entire day because the serving is so large...i can only eat about 1/3 of it in a sitting right now. and every single Protein shot i have tried is absolutely DISGUSTING!! im not gettng more than 30-35 grams right now and when it comes right down to it, i can't take another protein shot or shake at this point in time!!

  13. oh my! it's like you are in my head--1 week ago lol! i think i posted something very similar to this. it's amazing what your body will do in just one week. i am 2 weeks out and as of yesterday morning, i can drink quite a few small drinks before i start feeling that nagging feeling, i just sit back and let it pass and drink some more a few minutes later. i was able to move to soft foods today and i think i may have over done it just a little-i started thinking the same thoughts you are having now and your post reminded me where i was just 6 days ago! please believe that everyone is telling you the truth-things do get easier!! your body just needs that time to heal and adjust!

  14. I wish I had better advice for you, but honestly I think you are just going to have to go back to basics. Have a big pity party for yourself, and then pick yourself up by the bootstraps and start over again. You may want to consider counseling, so that you aren't using food to comfort yourself. Hard stuff for sure. But you either make peace with where you are or you start fighting to get where you want to be. None of it is easy, but you can do it. Good luck!

    M2G i couldn't have said that any better!! that's how you know this site is full of caring people(for the most part)...the "tough love" around here is awesome and just the kick in the pants some of us need!!

  15. head hunger sucks.....but i did find a trick that helped me get through yesterday without cheating- i kept my hands busy! i started crocheting and cruising the internet for new outfits for when i lose weight. after about an hour, i had completely forgotten i was even thinking about food AND looking at all the clothes gave me that kick in the rear i needed!

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