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Posts posted by t.ski

  1. I finally made it to the DMV to renew my drivers license. Of course I could not complete my mission on my first trip due to the fact that I had to have two proofs of address, birth and marraige certificates, and social security card, first born child, DNA sample--ok so maybe not the last two. Anyway I was finally off on a day that the DMV was open, so I made a second trip. When I got to the counter and provided the necessary information the lady behind the table began entering the data from the form...She paused. Looked at my old license, looked at my paper work, looked at me...."Have you lost A LOT of weight. It is not very often we get to subtract 100lbs from someones license." I nodded and grinned. I proceded to the vision test. It was time for the picture. When they took my picture my previous picture showed up on the screen with my new picture. "Oh my goodness!" She proclaimed, she then beckoned the other ladies behind the counter to come take a gander." I get rather embarassed when attention is drawn to me, but it felt so good to see the difference, and to know the even greater difference in confidence I now have.


  2. I really enjoyed going to Good Will, picking up a pair of size 12 jeans, couldn't find the lady with the key to try them on. Figured I would risk it and bought them. Got home and they were actually a bit baggy :) I wore a 24 before surgery, it just absolutely amazes me. I recently ordered medium scrubs online, worried they would be too small. They fit with more room than the 2x's I wore before surgery. I LOVE my sleeve!!!

  3. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 19 (the first time I went to see a Doctor for my symptoms). I had the sleeve just over a year ago, I have lost 117 pounds. In June I had my first period in over 10 years(one of 3 in my life that were not triggered by medication.) Nothing Since. No change really in my excess hair. My skin has really cleared up though. I am still hoping that my hormones straighten out. My husband and I have been trying to have children for almost 8 years.

  4. I am just over a year post op. I love my sleeve and believe it is the best decision I have ever made for my health and quality of life. That being said, I am still a food addict. I love food. I think about it way more often than I should. I still feel hunger if I don't eat every 3 hours (which I try not to do). I still have cravings. When I was preparing for the surgery I thought "once I have the sleeve, my battle with food will be over, I can live my life not controlled by the constant thought of food." I was wrong. I have now come to accept that everyday I will face my battle and have to choose if I will eat for my health or eat for my pleasure.

    Probably from March through June I made pretty poor food choices on a daily basis, my weightloss stalled, I fluctuated in a 5 pound range for those months. I can eat a lot of calories if I am not careful. I can easily eat 2000+ in a day if I am not following the sleeve guidelines. Unfortunately I now know that I can eat anything without discomfort or trouble-bread, rice, Pasta, cake, tortillas...you name it, my sleeve accepts it.

    Getting back on track is much easier with the sleeve, at least from my experience. If I can exercise three days of discipline, my eating shapes up pretty well and the sleeve guidelines become easier to follow. I think I would still like to lose about 20lbs, and I know that I will have to work for each and every one of those. I will also have to work to maintain my loss. But with the sleeve I know I have a tool that makes that work possible, that it is not a hopeless battle I face.

  5. Today is my one year surgiversary. I weighed in this morning at 168.4. I am at a normal BMI for the first time in my life :). The last few months have been hard. I still have a hard time always making the right choices. I have accepted this is a battle I will fight forever. I love my sleeve, would do it again in a heartbeat!!

  6. Today is my 7 month surgiversery! I can't believe how far I have come. I remember confessing to my husband the night before my surgery "what if this doesn't work, what if I fail?" As of today I have lost 101lb pounds. I am not at the finish line yet, but I know I will get there! I am 5'9", my start weight was 285 with a BMI of 42, I wore size 24-26 pants and 2x-3x tops. Today I weigh 184 lb, BMI 27.1, I wear size 14 pants and Large tops. I am so pleased with my progress, and I know for the first time in my life that my goals will become reality. I would do it all again in a heartbeat!





  7. I will be six months out on the 24th. I can eat anything without experiencing any problems, unfortunately during the holidays I let bad habits slip into my day. I got in the bad habit of snacking/grazing and ate carbs to my hearts content. My weight loss stalled. I decided jan 1st I would get back on track. I allow myself 4 meals a day with no snacking. After limiting my carbs for three painful days the cravings passed. I now have renewed energy and fervor for reaching my goal. I keep in my mind a vision of where I want to be. I know for the first time in my life I will experience the joy of success. I know you can too! You have an amazing tool, and have already come so far from where you were! You are worth it! I have been eating around 1100 calories, limiting my carbs to 80 grams (which I know is high for some but seems to work for me) I also started working out consistently. I have lost 4 pounds this week :)

  8. Weighed in today at 199. I have been fluctuating 2-3 lbs for the last two weeks. I have been making poor food choices, but those ended yesterday. I did not meet my goal, missed it by 7 pounds. I will track and I will not snack. I plan on rocking my sleeve in 2013, it will be my year of uncharted territory- I plan on seeing lower numbers on the scale and in clothing sizes then I have ever seen before. I plan on feeling better, moving more and truly living this year!

  9. My hair started falling out right at the three month post op mark, I am now almost 5 months and it is still falling out. I have lost about 1/3 of my volume, can't wait for it to stop! My hair also seems to be dryer and more frizzy. I can see new hairs starting to come in. My hair used to be super oily, it would look dirty 12 hours after washing it. Now I can wash it every other day, and it still looks ok. I have had a lot of compliments on my skin since surgery. It is smoother, clearer and less oily.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
