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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sylviau

  1. sylviau

    Surgery Today!!

    Yay!!! We made it! Praying for you! I'm due later today! Keep me updated!
  2. Praying for you guys!! I just got up and will be headed to hospital soon!
  3. sylviau


    I'm tomorrow too! At noon! Praying for all us July 2 people! I'm super nervous! Let's report back how it's going!
  4. sylviau

    Liquid Diet=Terrifying

    Oh mannnnn! So sorry! I'm on day 13 of liquids but I can have sugar free Popsicles and broth. And I have been going nuts, so I can only imagine. However, I found that days 1-4 were worst days! Day 4 especially! So try to get over that and it will get easier! It's not forever! Will pray for you!!
  5. i'm craving food... sigh! but just have liquids... sighhhhhh

  6. sylviau

    1 Month Of Protein Shakes!!!!

    aww i'm so sorry! i know how you feel! i'm on day 11 of the liquid diet. i was eased into this as i had to do two shakes a little meal before. now its full liquids for 2 weeks until surgery and then 2 weeks after surgery... so it will be a month. are you on day 4?? because, from experience, that is the WORST day... i was angry and frustrated and even crying! but from there... it was like, you hit bottom and then it gets better. by now, i'm used to it. trust me, i crave food... today i was craving food! BUT... try not to think of how long it will be or count the days... it makes it 100 times worse! just think about how much you're losing and see how things are getting big on you. that really helped encourage me! just hang in there... you can TOTALLY DO IT! if i can... trust me... anyone can! also... try other shakes... like aes or muscle milk light. one thing that has helped me is blend muscle milk light chocolate with ice in a blender and it gets super creamy and its like ice cream! it feels like you're eating and takes a while to eat so it helps a LOT! good luck! write me a line if you need to vent or some support! sylvia
  7. sylviau

    Banded On June 25Th

    i get banded on monday... but... they told me i need to start drinking an once here and there of the shakes immediately after surgery. and then take an once of liquid (whether water, broth or shake) every 15 min. protein is important. as far as i understand, you should be taking protein already. i would call the dr and make sure.
  8. sylviau


    WHAT!!!!!!!!! oh my lands!!!! geez i hope they dont do that too me! i'm just PRAYING it starts afterward because i do NOT want to be on it! its due on day of, but its usually off. lol i've had some cramps so i'm thinking it will come. sigh. does anyone know if they'll allow a tampon at least?
  9. sylviau

    Liquid Diet=Terrifying

    you know, i'm the kind that normally gets migrains when i dont eat... but, praise God, i haven't had a single headache or migrain. are you making sure to have enough shakes? like 3-4 a day? and stay hydrated. actually, i started to get one the other morning but i took tylenol as soon as i noticed it and it went away. i'm glad though because i normally take excedrine, but i was told not to take aspirin or iburofen in the week or so before surgery. :-/ haha i've BEEN dramatic about this liquid thing... trust me. my poor husband has to hear me complain about not eating all the time. thankfully, he's patient and we laugh about it. hang in there!!
  10. sylviau

    Liquid Diet=Terrifying

    yea, every dr is different. though liquid diet is the hardest thing i've ever done, i think its a good thing. i'm on day 10 of the same liquid diet. yea, the broths willl make the difference since they're the only non-sweet based thing. lol i found day 4 was the worst and then day 5 and on... you're used to it. i think its good because it will get us used to the liquid diet post-op... cause i cant imagine going through the first few days of this liquid things while recooperating from post-op. it was hard enough while non-post op! so just hang in there! just remember that there IS an end to the liquid diet and you WILL have solids again! and try to distract yourself when you start thinking about it.
  11. kendric! i'm getting banded on july 2 and also scared! i'm sure its normal... but i'm also sure it will be just fine! and i'm also on day 10 right now of liquid diet (and right now having to smell someone here in the office making some delish Breakfast and its making me nuts!)... but... we are almost there and looking back... can you believe we survived all these days on just liquids!!?? see how strong you are? just look at the positive and realize that you are brave and strong for doing this! praying your surgery goes smoothly! lets try to relax and enjoy the moment that will change our lives!!! yay! oh... and dont chew your arm off... you might need that at some point! hahaha
  12. sylviau

    Protein Shakes

    they're called protein shots? is that the brand? i'd like to try them
  13. geez... i'm on day 10 of liquid diet and someone in the office is cooking breakfast and it smells so delish! like croissants, scrambled eggs and bacon... sigh :-/ i'm going nuts!! lol

  14. sylviau

    Liquid Diet=Terrifying

    oh my lands! i would find someone else! that is completely irresponsible of the doctor! especially leaving you hanging while you're already in the hospital! sigh. i hope it all works out for you! you will get your band soon i'm sure!!
  15. hey suzi! thanks for responding! i sent you a message!
  16. It gets harder before it gets better... But hang in there!! Day 4 is hardest day and day 5 everything gets easier! I'm on day 9! Feel free to shoot me a message if it gets hard and need encouragement!
  17. sylviau


    Mine is due at the time! They said to let them know because you can't have the shots to avoid blood clots while on period. Be sure to tell them
  18. i feel the same way. i've just told my family (to which one of my sister in laws (who has been trying to lose weight) responded, "thats like cheating!" i was so angry... thankfully my other two sister in laws let her know that this is the hard way, not easy way.), a few friends (who have all responded well). i really hate when people think its the easy way to do it! i've been on a pre-op liquid diet right now and its the hardest thing i've done so far in my life probably! they think its a magic surgery, but i have to do all the hard work too. so yes.... maybe avoiding sharing can avoid some throat punches. lol
  19. day 9 of pre-op liquids! almost there!

  20. congrats the 5 pounds lost! and good luck on the surgery! we're almost there!
  21. i have to say that your post made me laugh! lol sounds like you have a great attitude! i'm getting banded on july 2... very very excited about it! best of luck!
  22. Yep! July 2! nervous and excited too! are you doing pre-op right now? i'm on liquids for it... day 9... so i just want to get this done and get back to normal and at least eating a LITTLE BIT! lol
  23. Hi Diane! Thank you so much for writing and for your encouragement! I will definitely be contact! I'm getting a little nervous about Monday! how long before you were able to get around pretty normal? how was the pain? was tylenol enough to deal with it?
  24. sylviau

    Hi Marylanders!

    Hi Joyce! sorry to hear of that ordeal! I'm glad you are finally on your way to losing and being healthy! 33 pounds is great! keep it up!! Sylvia

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