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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sylviau

  1. Yay! Love to hear these goals and successes! So encouraging! Keep it up, everyone!!! Keep us updated!!
  2. Thanks! And these all sound like awesome goals! Keep us updated to see how everyone does! Oh and as of this morning...down another 2. So 14 to go!
  3. Yea me too. I was banded July 2... And it took at least a week. And I still occasionally get the shoulder pain if I drink my thick shake too fast. Just have to walk it off.
  4. sylviau

    Hungry Every 2 Hours

    I was banded July 2 and I have been totally hungry for the last couple days. I'm still on liquids for another day. I can't wait to eat my soft foods! I realize that the swelling is probably down and why I'm hungry now. Soooooo we have to just control ourselves a little until our fill. I have the first one in 3 weeks... :-/
  5. sylviau

    Drinking Enough Liquids

    The first few days was hard to get enough to drink. My dr had me do one once of liquid (including shake) every 15 min. That worked great. I was on liquids for 2 weeks tho. If ur not getting enough. Try Gatorade G2...that will help keep u hydrated at least.
  6. I'm almost 2 weeks post op and also a side a d stomach sleeper. I can be on my non port side (on my left) for a little while and be ok. But mostly have to sleep on my back :-/ it's annoying but I'm Sure eventually we can go to sleeping normal. I'm afraid of not lettin the port heal right
  7. Right side...a little over belly button and to the right And it hurts right now :-/ (I'm almost 2 weeks post op...that's why)
  8. sylviau

    So Excited!

    Very exciting!!! Congrats! Keep us updated!
  9. sylviau

    Mushie Food

    make sure with your dr that you're supposed to be released to soft foods... becasue my dr was very strict about doing liquids for the first 2 weeks to make sure the stitching around the band healed completely before sending food down through there. i know some others are given only a few days of liquids. so i would make sure you dont have have to do at least a couple days of liquids... especially those first few days cause you're so swollen around the stomach. it might be easier for you!
  10. reading "such a pretty fat" by jen lancaster and loving it...

  11. i had surgery 7/2 and i've been wearing dresses that dont press down at the waist. i had dermabond glue on the incisions, although those are gone now. taarific... how soon did you start wearing the spanx? i've always worn a spanx type high waisted thing that sucked my flabs in... but i've been scared to use them yet. but it would be nice and to wear pants again. (besides my loose PJs )
  12. sylviau

    I Was Never Told...

    you were just banded right? i was banded july 2. and they say that for the first few weeks not to worry much about the weightloss, but on getting 100% better. as for calories... each dr is different. follow whatever he says. my doctor hasn't mentioned calories... he only gave me these limits: at least 70 g of Protein 30-50 g carbs 20-30 g fat
  13. welcome! i was banded july 2... so i'm still on post op liquids it seems each dr is different as far as pre and post op diets. mine was completely liquids 2 weeks post op. i had water, shakes, sugar free jello, sugar free popcicles, crystal light, broth and my vitamins. this diet is important because it will shrink your liver and it will be better for the surgeon and for you! personally, it also helped for my post op liquid 2 weeks... because i was already used to the liquid diet. during my first week of the liquid diet, was the hardest. day 4 i cried and cried! it was hard seeing others eat whatever they wanted and i had to sip on broth! BUT... if i could remain faithful, so can you! during this time, i was also able to realize my horrible addiction to food. i would go through moments where i felt anxious because i couldn't eat something i wanted and felt as it only food would calm me down. but, with God's grace, i remained faithful to the liquid diet. i have just 3 more days of it and i'm on to soft foods! as for weightloss... during those two weeks, i lost about 10 pounds and since surgery (about a week and half) i've lost about 12. BUT dont look at the numbers! just stay on track! liquid diet has its moments when you feel like you just want to throw in the towel... but thats normal. just come on here for encouragement... that really helped me!!! we have all been through it and will be there to support you! sylvia
  14. sylviau

    Banded 21 June

    I had surgery 7/2 and had my one week post op visit this past Monday. I was on 2 weeks liquids Pre op and 2 weeks liquid post op. I have a few more days of liquids and I move to soft foods. My dr thought I wasn't hungry yet and I was like, I'm starving!!!! This week has been horrible...the liquids are not filling me like they used to! I'm sure it's because the swelling is down. I have my first fill in 3 weeks I Pretty sure I will need it. Lol
  15. sylviau

    5 Hours Post_Op

    Good luck!!! Remember to walk walk walk!!! I walked about every hour for at least 5 min. It helps sooooo much with the gas pains!
  16. sylviau

    Such A Pretty Fat....

    another mean (and possibly slightly immature) response... "thank you! its too bad there's no way to fix an ugly face and skinny body" whilst giving him/her the body check. in the words of kelso from the 70's show... "ooooo burn!" lol btw jenband... i totally looked up the book, "such a pretty fat" and read the little preview and LOVED it. therefore took advantage of my lunch (which during my current post op liquid time is pointless) to go pick it up. so as i sipped on my broth (again, post-op liquids) at my desk, i read a couple chapters. great book. she reminds me of conversations i have with my bff all the time. lol
  17. oyyyy! my first day back.... (had surgery 7/2) and boy is this day DRAGGING! i'm super tired and feel like i'm falling asleep at the computer. very uncomfortable with a little band area pain. :-/ wish i could have stayed home. yes, this was a topic just so we can vent... if its your first week back to work
  18. sylviau

    Such A Pretty Fat....

    love. it. very well said!
  19. just 5 more days until I can FINALLY have soft foods again! (after a month of pre and post op liquids!)

  20. sylviau

    Does This Sound Ok???

    you also have the same type of post of diet as i did! low carb softs... what did you eat? i'm moving to softs (low carb) in a few days...
  21. sylviau

    Does This Sound Ok???

    my dr is exactly the same. i'm on my second week of liquids right now post op. on sunday i move to the soft Proteins too. also a no carb dr... so no mashed potatoes or anything. what did you have for the soft phase? i've been looking for someone with similar dr diet to ask! lol

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