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    stacy23 reacted to illgeturhairdid in Dating A Sleeved Person   
    I can totally relate to this issue. I can say that as I lost weight I gained the confidence to start dating again. And who did I end up meeting and clicking with? A darn-it-all chef. He figured it out before I actually came right out and said I had surgery. He has been totally supportive and tries to find creative ways to cook foods I can eat. He has asked some questions about the future. ie. how will this surgery effect my ability to have a healthy pregnancy. We've talked it over and he understands everything and has become my best friend. Almost three weeks ago he got down on one knee. You can successfully meet someone who will love you for you and not care about your surgery. You will have to be comfortable answering their questions because if you have a future with that person they are going to want to know how it will effect the future.... Especially if he wants to have kids with you. But, I'd just enjoy dating and take it as it comes. Don't lie about your surgery- remember that up until the decision to get married or start a family it is probably the best decision you have made. Embrace it!
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    stacy23 reacted to bettyanne6249 in Dating A Sleeved Person   
    I've always wondered what it will be like because of we go to dinner and he would notice that I'm barely eating anything. I kind of want to be up front and honest but then again I could always just say that I was nervous lol. I feel like it would be so much easier to date a guy who has gone through the same surgery!
  3. Like
    stacy23 reacted to ShannonK in Horn Tooting!   
    Awesome for you!! I feel like you - my eyes haven't adjusted yet though! My friends dog me for wearing baggy clothes - but it's a weird thing going from a 3x shirt to an XL and 24 pants to 16-18. Congrats!
  4. Like
    stacy23 reacted to MoreganK in Horn Tooting!   
    I had to make a post because I'm so stinkin' excited! I'm just a little past my half way mark! I have 54 pounds to go to reach my goal weight! A weight I've never seen as an adult! I am beyond happy at this point with my decision to have this surgery. I have moments of frustration, but... it's been so worth it. I've now lost 58 pounds, I'm off all medication, except acid reducer at 20 mg once a day. My PCOS is still showing up in my bloodwork, but my results came back with vast improvements! Next time it won't be there! My blood pressure and cholesterol are perfect.
    I bought some size 18 pants thinking they'd fit better than the baggy 20's I started with, and the 18's are too big too!
    AND... what did I do the weekend that I hit half way!? Started the process of buying my first house. Thats a hella halfway gift... I'm not sure what I'll do for reward when I make goal. LOL
  5. Like
    stacy23 reacted to Butterthebean in Todays Lunch (And Dinner)   
    I'll see your turkey leg and greens, and I raise you sirloin skewers and asparagus.

  6. Like
    stacy23 reacted to StormWarning in Anybody Else Get Offended Or Is It Just Me!   
    I am just in the beginning of this phase. Went out to eat with a few friends and they were like "You look amazing" Now remind you I have only lost 40 some pounds at this time, I simply say thanks or thank you. and after I get back home my mood turns more sour. I asked my husband was I really that horrid before hand. I know people are just being nice and trying to pay you a compliment and encourage you etc, but sometimes it can inadvertently make us feel ashamed, embarrassed etc.
  7. Like
    stacy23 got a reaction from Christina760 in How Much Have U Lost Since You Were Sleeved?   
    I'm twelve weeks out and down 46 pounds. I feel great! Most of my clothes are too big, so I see some shopping in my future! :-)
  8. Like
    stacy23 got a reaction from Christina760 in How Much Have U Lost Since You Were Sleeved?   
    I'm twelve weeks out and down 46 pounds. I feel great! Most of my clothes are too big, so I see some shopping in my future! :-)
  9. Like
    stacy23 got a reaction from Christina760 in How Much Have U Lost Since You Were Sleeved?   
    I'm twelve weeks out and down 46 pounds. I feel great! Most of my clothes are too big, so I see some shopping in my future! :-)
  10. Like
    stacy23 reacted to Texarkolina in Where Did My Boobs Go?   
    Wait for it....once you are at goal and stop losing things will shuffle around a bit--you might get some back then.
  11. Like
    stacy23 reacted to Almont MI sleever in 9 Weeks Out   
    I haven't posted in a while so I thought I would do a progress report. I started at 270 lbs. and am now 222! I have lost a total of 48 lbs and could not be happier with my decision to have the sleeve. I am wearing clothes that have been packed away for over 2 years. I feel so much better!! I can get my wedding rings on my finger again!! My best NSV so far was about a week ago. We have a really small bathroom and while I was in Front of the mirror getting ready for work my husband went to squeeze by me to use the bathroom and instead of squeezing through like he use to do he just walked right behind me. He stopped and was like wow!! Thats proof of how much smaller you are!! It really made me feel good!!
  12. Like
    stacy23 reacted to crystalintville in Stall Advice Needed   
    I started at 310, SW on 5/25 285 and I weigh 249.4 now. I have stalled four times since surgery, down 35.6 lbs, so our post-op numbers are pretty close. I lose the most around my TOM. I stalled for 7 days then this weekend lost like 3 lbs. I get witchy and mad about it some days, but then I realize I have no loose skin and 3 1/2 lbs a week is decent. 85 lbs is awesome!
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    stacy23 reacted to Amytequilahouse in 50 Lbs Down!   
    K feeling pretty damn awesome 50 lbs down 1 month out Cant wait to hit the 200s again. Only 43 more to go!! I got this.

  14. Like
    stacy23 reacted to vanb0052 in Where Is Everyone?!?!?!   
    Hey all!! I feel like we've slacked off I miss you all!
    So, here's my update... I'm 5 days post-op and feeling AWESOME. I told my uncle that I felt like a million bucks, and wasn't exaggerating at all. Now if you asked me if I would feel like a million bucks by 5 days while I was in the hospital...I'd say HELL NO. Had horrible nausea in the hospital that took a mix of three different meds at different times to even get remotely under control so I could drink 4 oz in 8 hours. But, I was motivated to work hard on my 2nd full day to get enough liquid down to go home.
    Just walking in my front door was awesome. I felt so much relief. The only set back I've had is horrid Constipation. My 2nd night home, I ended up in Urgent Care as I had wore out all my remaining stomach muscles trying to pass what had built up in my bowels. It's still a bit of a struggle, but my UC Doc and my Surgeon worked together to prescribe some colon clean out juice that I'm taking until my 1 week follow-up. Hopefully I'll get some more direction on Tuesday.
    As far as meds...I'm down to one anti-nausea pill and prilosec in the morning. Haven't had any pain medication in over 24 hours, even liquid tylenol. I've been taking my three, ten minute walks religiously. Today, I stepped it up and my third walk ended up being a 20 minute mile. I jammed out to my ipod and just went to town!
    I just hope all of you are having as good of an experience as I am. Let's open this discussion back up!!!!!

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