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    Anniie.N reacted to daisychains7 in When You Get To Your Goal Weight, How Do You Plan To Reward Your Self??   
    Something else I am going to do along the way (other than a beach vacation) is get professional pictures of myself taken. I think that would make me feel really beautiful.
  2. Like
    Anniie.N got a reaction from duckydoom in When You Get To Your Goal Weight, How Do You Plan To Reward Your Self??   
    Hey everyone! I like to give myself little rewards when I achieve my weekly goals that I set myself! Eg: go to the movies, go out for dinner, buy an item of clothing, buy a new handbag etc...
    Is there anyone else who does this?? And what type of things do you reward your self with?
    How will/did you reward yourself BIG when you get/got to goal weight?
    I plan on getting a tattoo that I've wanted for yearrrrrrs... :-D but I have never had the balls to get it... So I made it my reward!
    <3 Anniie Noelle
  3. Like
    Anniie.N reacted to Jean McMillan in What's So Bad About Cheating On The Post-Op Diet?   
    So you cheated a little on your post-op diet. When you were supposed to be on liquids, you had a few spoons of mashed potatoes or a swallow of yogurt, both nice and soft. Maybe you ate a few Cheez Doodles, but what’s the big deal? They’re like eating flavored air, aren’t they? And the McNuggets you tried during the puree phase? You chewed them really well, and you could only eat three instead of your pre-op portion of six – isn’t that great?

    No, it’s not great that you could only eat three McNuggets. And yes,cheating is a big deal, and I’m going to tell you why. You’re not going to get away with this one. Miss Jean has eyes in the back of her head. She sees the cookie crumbs on your face and the neon orange faux cheese film on your guilty fingers.
    The word “cheat” has two main connotations. One is cheating in the sense of lying and deceiving. It’s intentional dishonesty. You know what you’re doing is wrong, but you do it anyway. The other connotation of “cheat” is unfaithfulness. Unfaithful to a vow or promise you made to another person or to an organization.
    When someone cheats you, do you just shrug and say, “Oh well, he was having a bad day”? Let’s say you bought a car that you thought was brand new, and later discovered that the dealer had fiddled with the odometer and charged you full sticker price for a car with 1200 miles on it. Would that be okay with you?
    And what if your spouse, the person you trust with your life, cheated on you by sleeping with your best friend, would you be able to just shrug that off?
    If your child got a B+ grade by cheating on a test by copying answers from the student at the next desk, would you be proud of him or her?
    And what if you found out that a coworker betrayed you by using the great idea you confided to him or her and taking credit for it when it worked out splendidly? Would you still be eating lunch with that coworker?
    Or what if you donated money to a political candidate who you admired, and he or she spent it on a vacation in the Bahamas instead of on re-election expenses. Would that be okay with you? Would you vote for that candidate ever again?
    I’ll take a guess at your answers to these questions. In none of the situations I’ve described would you be happy or proud. In fact, you’d be disappointed and angry. So just how can you think it’s no big deal to cheat on your post-op diet?
    I can hear grumbling in the room. I think I just heard someone saying, “I had to eat that mashed potato. I was so hungry and miserable and cranky from being on liquids for a week, I couldn’t stand it another minute.” I do understand very well how you felt, but in the big picture of world hunger, where babies die because their mothers eat so little that they don’t produce enough milk for nursing, your and my hungry misery is a big So What.
    And someone else is whispering, “My best friend’s surgeon let her eat mashed potatoes on her third day post-op, so it must be okay for me to do that too, even though my surgeon told me to wait until my 15th day post-op. It’s not my fault that every surgeon has a different post-op eating protocol.”
    While it’s true that surgeons’ eating instructions vary widely, you signed on with your surgeon, not your best friend’s. Presumably you chose your surgeon because you and/or your insurance company believe that he or she is well-qualified in laparascopic bariatric surgery. During your psych evaluation, you affirmed that you understand what the surgery involves and that you can and will follow instructions. You nodded when the shrink asked if you’re ready to make all the lifestyle changes needed for success. You nodded when the dietitian asked if you understood your pre- and post-op eating instructions. You scribbled your own name on a sheaf of release papers to indicate that you were informed about the risks involved and despite those risks, gave your surgeon permission to perform surgery on you.
    In addition to all of that, you spent weeks or months jumping through hoops to prove your need for bariatric surgery. Perhaps you suffered through a six-month pre-op diet. You had lots of medical tests and evaluations, most of them not much fun, because you were so eager to get your weight loss show on the road. You had surgery, suffered some degree of discomfort from your incisions and gas, and finally heaved a sigh of relief because all the struggles are over now.
    But then you discovered that there are still more struggles to survive because of that stupid post-op liquid diet. Yet despite jumping through all those hoops, in less than 60 seconds you blow it by popping a Cheez Doodle in your mouth, and justify that with the aforementioned misery excuse.
    And man oh man, that must have been some really serious misery, because evidently it drove out of your mind all the very good reasons for faithfully following that post-op diet progression. You forgot that one of the most common causes of band slips is the patient’s failure to follow the post-op diet. You forgot that food can get stuck in the stoma or esophagus and cause an obstruction or vomiting. You forgot that vomiting can disturb the position of the band, especially when you’re a new post-op and your stomach is still healing from surgery. You forgot that in order to move mashed potatoes or Cheez Doodles through your digestive system, your esophagus and stomach must expand and contract, which can disturb the position of your band and cause it to slip. You forgot all the promises you made to your bariatric team and to yourself about healthy eating and weight loss success, because you were so miserable and just a few little cheat bites are no big deal.
    I’ll try to give you the benefit of the doubt. Maybe you thought that being able to eat the Cheez Doodles without having any uncomfortable side effects or complications like a stuck episode, a PB, sliming, chest pain, esophageal dilation or spasms means that it’s okay to eat the Cheez Doodles. Well, I’m here to tell you that’s a wrong assumption. Cheating eating can cause problems without you ever knowing it until it’s too late. Cheating eating is just plain foolish.
    Now here’s the good news. You’re not alone. Nobody enjoys the post-op diet progression. If any of us were good at following diets, we might not need bariatric surgery in the first place. And only infants enjoy a liquid diet. But in a sense, as a new post-op you’re a bariatric infant who must consume liquids because your body isn’t ready yet to handle anything else. Cheating on your post-op diet is cheating your health in a major way.
    If you already cheated once or twice or ten times, that’s not a good reason for continuing to cheat, so don’t do it again! I believe we should begin any project as we mean to go on. If you can’t follow your post-op diet, exactly when are you going to begin your healthy post-op lifestyle? Are you going to wait until after your first fill, or your second fill, or at some hazy time in the future? If so, don’t come running to me when your scale stays stuck on a number you hate. NOW is the time to begin your healthy lifestyle. NOW is the time to practice good band eating skills and making good food choices and controlling portion sizes. Doing that may not be easy, but it’s not impossible either. Losing a massive amount of weight is a big, tough project, but if you respect your band, it's going to be easier than any of your past weight loss attempts. Let me clarify that: it's going to be easier if you follow instructions.
    In addition to that healthy lifestyle, there’s another very good reason to stick to your diet. At some point you’re going to have to face up to your past and acknowledge that food and eating have been a major problem for you. The fact that you’re struggling with your post-op diet is a symptom of that. There’s no shame attached to that struggle. As mentioned above, if we didn’t struggle with eating, we wouldn’t need bariatric surgery at all. So I suggest that you look at the post-op diet (and your pre-op diet too, for that matter) as a rite of passage. During this rite, you’ll be painfully aware of just how many food devils you possess, because without food to shut them up, they’re going to be jumping up and down and screaming for your attention. But their wish is no longer your command. You’re going to send them a clear signal: that you’re not going to submit to their demands any more. From now on, you’re going to follow your surgeon’s and dietitian’s eating instructions no matter how much commotion those devils make. You’re in charge now. As the saying goes, today is the first day of the rest of your life. Do yourself a favor, and make it a day without Cheez Doodles!
  4. Like
    Anniie.N reacted to jen_1381 in Considering Getting The Surgery But So Many ???   
    People are always very quick to tell everyone about the bad. When all is good, people are happy and complain less. Keep that in mind as you do your research.
    There are plenty of success stories. I'm living mine! A couple months ago I was 243 lbs. Today, just over 3 months later, I'm 204 and steadily headed down.
    I do recommend really getting your brain "in check" before surgery, because success with the band not only depends on the food you chose, but you have to exercise. Find something you're comfortable with. I, myself, HATE the gym. I do not want to go work out with skinny people. I do, though, LOVE jogging and doing workouts with the Kinect (I'm currently doing the UFC Trainer and it's kicking my butt!!). You have to find your active niche or else you may really struggle.
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    Anniie.N reacted to DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Losing Weight To Quick?   
    I wouldn't worry about it. I've lost 116 pounds in 6 months and I'm doing just fine despite how quickly I've lost the weight so far.
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    Anniie.N reacted to ddrobins in Losing Weight To Quick?   
    I hope I have that problem!
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    Anniie.N reacted to GodsTyro in When You Get To Your Goal Weight, How Do You Plan To Reward Your Self??   
    I haven't yet been banded ( just started the process and insurance will take 5 months) but I think this is a great question. Minus losing the weight as being the reward and shopping for a brand new wardrobe... If and when I ever get married I have always wanted to somehow incorporate part of my moms wedding dress into my own since I know someone that does this for a living. But until I'm down in weight it will never be an option because of my size.
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    Anniie.N reacted to MrsSlim2012 in When You Get To Your Goal Weight, How Do You Plan To Reward Your Self??   
    Great question! I am planning on a trip to the USA (I'm from Australia) to visit my girlfriend and re-marry my honey in Vegas... (again!)
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    Anniie.N reacted to Jachut in When You Get To Your Goal Weight, How Do You Plan To Reward Your Self??   
    For me, it was being able to call myself a runner!
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    Anniie.N reacted to radarluv in Learn how to spell   
    Hey if being a cyber bully and being a jerk makes your day, then I guess go for it. I wasn't in the "rant's" section. Unfortunately I had to see this nonsense spewed under recent posts.
    Go ahead, you have to live inside your own self, and that, with that attitude is punishment in and of itself. Obviously there are some people that know the OP wasn't just talking about random spelling and see the finger pointing. Don't kid yourself to make yourself feel better. Some of you appear way to stubborn.
    Just makes me laugh thinking that you too, probably had to go through much of your life ridiculed, or wondering if that person whispering on the corner was talking about you being fat. Same thing, but think what you like. Typical ignorance.
    Go on back and enjoy being the mean girls. The title suits.
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    Anniie.N reacted to radarluv in Learn how to spell   
    I don't care how one opts to slice it, there is NO excuse for being so vile and rude.
    There is no excuse to "make fun of someone" simply because they are not up to par in spelling for the OP. And the people supporting the OP are supporting the gang/bully mentality and acting like this particular forum is an excuse for it, being that it's called "rants and raves". Don't you believe "rants and raves" just might pertain to the subject of the entire forum, rants about the LAP BAND and daily struggles? Not about your own personal opinion about someones IQ to make you feel better about yourself by the pat's on the back from other cyber bullies. Who wants to have those kind of friends?
    It may be called "Rants and Raves", but it isn't called "bully thy neighbor". You know that when you point a finger at someone, there are always 3 pointed right back at you.
    It's an immature post and I would be willing to bet the OP is very young and doesn't fully understand that words hurt. I am sure that she has been called fat in her life, so it may be instilled to attack back. I just hope she learns something from this.
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    Anniie.N reacted to Krussell19 in Learn how to spell   
    I relize this is a rant and rave section so you can say what you like. I just think you should remember this is a site we all came to because we needed comfort and support. We have all been looked down on for being over weight and made fun of and most of us have some form of self esteem issues. Now here you are finding another way to bring people down.
    This is an internet forum not a formal letter to the president. If im having a band issue and someone posts a response thats helpful to me i could care less if they added caps and periods or used your instead of you're.
  13. Like
    Anniie.N got a reaction from duckydoom in When You Get To Your Goal Weight, How Do You Plan To Reward Your Self??   
    Hey everyone! I like to give myself little rewards when I achieve my weekly goals that I set myself! Eg: go to the movies, go out for dinner, buy an item of clothing, buy a new handbag etc...
    Is there anyone else who does this?? And what type of things do you reward your self with?
    How will/did you reward yourself BIG when you get/got to goal weight?
    I plan on getting a tattoo that I've wanted for yearrrrrrs... :-D but I have never had the balls to get it... So I made it my reward!
    <3 Anniie Noelle
  14. Like
    Anniie.N reacted to PattyGirl66 in When You Get To Your Goal Weight, How Do You Plan To Reward Your Self??   
    Considering the best reward will be the weight loss and goals. While I haven't given it a thought yet because I am not banded, however I know this sounds ridiculous, but I always wanted a leather jacket. I could own one if I want, but at my weight honestly I never thought I would look good in one. I don't want a long one, I want a short one hopefully one that will show off my weight loss and accentuate my figure.
    Great question, and loved all the answers
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    Anniie.N reacted to pink dahlia in When You Get To Your Goal Weight, How Do You Plan To Reward Your Self??   
    good question ! I never thought of a reward, as i felt my newly slim healthy body would be my reward , but i love the idea of a ring as a reminder of my accomplishment. Great idea !( I do love silver and diamonds !)
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    Anniie.N reacted to Kekeboo in When You Get To Your Goal Weight, How Do You Plan To Reward Your Self??   
    I am scheduled for my band on July 16th, I have a checklist of things I am looking forward to. I plan to purchase a charm Bracelet and add a new charm at every goal I meet.
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    Anniie.N reacted to AlleyKat in When You Get To Your Goal Weight, How Do You Plan To Reward Your Self??   
    Oh fun question! My friend and I were banded a month apart and we set some fun mini goal rewards. The 1st is to go to Canada's Wonderland next summer if we are both below 200 and the other is to get our belly buttons pierced (not that I'd ever show anyone lol).
    I think when I hit goal I'm going to have to have a ladies night. Go out and get new clothes, dress up, and hit the town with my bffs. I'm smiling just thinking about it...
  18. Like
    Anniie.N reacted to pink dahlia in When You Get To Your Goal Weight, How Do You Plan To Reward Your Self??   
    Great question !! Im not sure if this is a "reward" or not, but my goal was to lose 85 to 100 lbs. Im almost half way there (45 lbs) , and while our 25 th wedding anniverary is coming up in July, we have neither the time or money to do anything. So........... I suggested to hubby that next summer (2013) we Celebrate late by going to Alaska on a guided fishing trip ( where you stay in the cabins, they do all the cooking and they take you out on the fishing boats etc.) By then i will be a normal weight (140-125) and will feel much more comfortable climbing in and out of a small plane, and not sinking the boat ! That will definetly be my "reward !!!!"
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    Anniie.N reacted to sylviau in When You Get To Your Goal Weight, How Do You Plan To Reward Your Self??   
    oooo... i have always said i want to throw a big "reveal' party! invite everyone i know... get a little makeover, a beautiful dress... and just Celebrate the success!
    of course, i'd only serve healthy foods
    of course all of you will be invited!
  20. Like
    Anniie.N got a reaction from JulezitBandToSleeve in When You Get To Your Goal Weight, How Do You Plan To Reward Your Self??   
    I'm glad you's like the question... I'm always looking for good ideas...
    A vacation to aus Would be great.. As I'm from aus! Lol
    <3 Anniie Noelle
  21. Like
    Anniie.N got a reaction from duckydoom in When You Get To Your Goal Weight, How Do You Plan To Reward Your Self??   
    Hey everyone! I like to give myself little rewards when I achieve my weekly goals that I set myself! Eg: go to the movies, go out for dinner, buy an item of clothing, buy a new handbag etc...
    Is there anyone else who does this?? And what type of things do you reward your self with?
    How will/did you reward yourself BIG when you get/got to goal weight?
    I plan on getting a tattoo that I've wanted for yearrrrrrs... :-D but I have never had the balls to get it... So I made it my reward!
    <3 Anniie Noelle
  22. Like
    Anniie.N reacted to Cindy C in So How Honest Were You....   
    I agree. Those who matter don't mind and those mind don't matter!

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