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Posts posted by StarshineMama

  1. For those who have had surgery, would anyone like to share their stats and any goals they have? (Short term or long goals or even if you don't have any!)

    Here are mine:


    Starting Weight: 232

    Day of surgery: 220

    Current Weight: 208

    Goal: under 200 by my birthday, 8-31

  2. Sleeved on Monday, home late Tuesday, feeling great today. I'm developing a routine instead of sleeping all day but I'm still resting and napping when I need to. Walked a mile yesterday and 1.1 miles today. Tomorrow I'm pushing it up to 1.5 miles. For those of you not accostumed to the heat, you have to walk early in the day. I train for The 3-Day for the Cure and my team starts meeting every Sat and Sun in July at 4:45 am. That's right, am! But it's too hot to get in real miles if you don't start early. Starting to get hydrated well. I can't hold much but I've had no pain associated with drinking. Enjoy!


    Girl! You're amazing! Send some of your super human healing abilities my way! I'm 10 days out and I'm just getting to the point where I can spend long periods of time out of bed. Today is the first day I feel like I can swallow pretty normally, too. I did have a post op blood transfusion, and some other complications, but I'm on my way! Getting better every day :)

    Congrats on your speedy recovery!

  3. We are quite a group! I'm home today. I had to get 2 units of blood transfused because they think there was a bleed on my staple line. I'm definitely having some pain in my drain site and I also have a tightness when I swallow. I just hope tomorrow will be better. The only thing I think I might have going for me is that the weather here hasn't been bad...yet. Hope everyone who needs it gets a good nights rest.

  4. Sorry to play devils advocate here, but I don't think any of those are great choices. Go online and check the sodium content for each of those and I think you may be alarmed. Where are you located? Is there a Whole Foods in your area? They always have an awesome selection of Soups made fresh daily. Also, maybe there's a little cafe in your neighborhood that you've been wanting to try? Be bold make new restaurant friends! I'm sure you can find some great new and healthy options with only a leeeetle bit of effort :). Good luck!

  5. Hi friends,

    I was sleeved on Tuesday and I'm still in the hospital. The surgeon said everything went really well but ive had a few issues arise. I'll be here definitely tomorrow and possibly Saturday as well. I've had a few set backs but getting better everyday. On weds my bp was super low and I was completely unable to get up. Today was better and I've walked the halls a couple of times so far. I've been getting a phosphorus supplement in my IV because that was low and my hemoglobin is low as well. They did a third blood draw just a little bit ago because if it doesn't go up by tonight, I'll need a transfusion. I'm pretty surprised that I'm having all of these issues come up but I'm hoping they are short term and I'll definitely not need a transfusion. Hope everyone who has gone in already is recovering nicely and those who are on deck are feeling confident and strong.

  6. I'm still in the hospital, was sleeved about 18 hours ago- quite a bit of pain at first but not at all as bad as I thought it would be. The meds are helping and I'm going for a swallow test shortly. Then I can sip Water and walk some more. Saluting you all from the losers bench!

    Yay Smoggy!!! You did it! Hope the rest of your recovery is smooth sailing. :)

  7. Ow strict /long you did pre op liquid diet to recovery time and complications?

    Seems like some sail through and others have more symptoms ( pain nausea has etc). I also know some people are strict with dirt and others are more lenient pre op. think there is a correlation?

    I've been wondering the same thing! There seems to be no rhyme or reason to who does how after surgery. I have been on a liquid diet since the 21st. My surgeon is very strict about it. It's been rough but I'm proud of myself for getting through it and not cheating once. I have not even licked the Peanut Butter off of my finger when i made my kids lunches! I've also really been trying to use some positive visualization that I have an easy recovery.

  8. No Internet over the weekend! :P hope everyone is doing well! I had a really rough time sticking to the liquid diet this weekend. I wanted food soooooo badly. I didn't cheat, though. There's a WLS support group at the clinic tonight that I'm going to, so I'm looking forward to that. Trying to wrap my mind around the fact that this is the last week my stomach and I will be together....

  9. I'm 229 today. The first time I've been under 230 in I don't even remember how long. Feels good but I don't really see a difference yet. I have to confess, I kind of feel like I'm going to do this surgery and nothing is going to change. I can't even imagine myself being a normal weight.

    I'm feeling a little slighted here. I've lost 3 lbs and can't seem to change my ticker! Lol anyone else have issues?

  10. So glad to have found this little group! It's nice to know we're here :)

    A little about me...I'm 32 and a stay at home mom of 2 kids, my Star Boy preschooler and Sunny Girl toddler. I've been married for 7 years in July and we live in beautiful SoCal, but I'm originally from the Midwest. I went to the WLS seminar last October and decided on the sleeve in Feb. My surgery date is July 3rd.

    I am on day 4 of my 21 day pre op diet. It's a clear liquid diet and pretty restrictive. I'm kinda going crazy :/

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you all!

  11. Quick question for you all... How many of you have to have an upper GI endoscopy pre-op? I am so excited and relaxed about the sleeve surgery but am dreading this endoscopy (afraid of gagging on that tube!). I have my endoscopy June 25th in preparation for surgery.... but well worth the effort if it gets me to my surgery on July 25th!

    I had an upper GI. It wasn't bad. They sedate you before they intubate.

  12. [quote name=McSleevy :)' timestamp='1339645569' post='373814]

    That's so funny that you said that because half way through the day my husband and I were both like, "Ok you get up and get the baby's bottle... Ok YOU give the other one her bath.." We were so DRAINED and weak... My husband right before bed said, "Maybe it's not a good idea for BOTH of us to be doing this.. Someone has to have the energy to deal with the kids.." LOL

    Yes! Hahaha! How long is your liquid diet? My husband said he was reading about doing a diet like this and your body is supposed get used to not burning carbs and switch over to burning the glycogen off of your liver. I'm somewhat skeptical of this, but hoping he's right. We have play group, 2 separate appointments and swimming lessons tomorrow so I have to buck up :/ Do you have any help with you little one?

  13. As for protien shakes, I've been doing the RTD Muscle Milk light from costco. It tastes ok and it's easy to just throw into a cooler bag and run out the door. I think I might get a container of the Jay Robb too. I didn't like the kind you have to mix because I couldn't seem to get all the lumps out, but it was thinner than the RTD stuff (I've heard this is better post op) and if you mix the Jay Robb whey protien with milk and ice it tastes like chocolate milk.

  14. I'm on day 2. I have a very similar diet to yours except I can only have 2 protien shakes a day and I'm allowed up to 3 servings of yogurt, sf pudding, or cottage cheese (blech!). When is your surgery date? I'm July 3rd so my liquid diet is 3 weeks.

    I'm going through a pretty wide range of emotions so far and this evening I'm feeling pretty defeated and loser-ish. I'm right there with you on the feeling discouraged and mentally weak front, too :(. I definitely didn't drink enough fluids today. Its almost like I feel less hungry if I don't open my mouth at all lol.

    I also woke up with a terrible cold today which isn't helping matters. My husband offered to do the diet with me and yesterday we realized maybe he shouldn't so at least one of us is with it enough to handle our 2 very energetic children lol

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