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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by sap1021

  1. I've been doing a lot of reading about Smartlipo. I've got arms that make me sooo frustrated. Even at 150# my arms never budged more than an inch or two. I have a hard time believing that Smartlipo will tighten all the lose skin. Hoping someone has some experience or knows someone who has.

    If it sounds to good to be true...it is. I know from experience, don't waste your money!

  2. Hey everyone!! Hope you all are feeling better, I was feeling great till about an hour ago. I am almost 4 weeks post op (banded on June 13) and I was packing a bag today, not lifting anything heavy but just moving around laying stuff on my bed to be organized in the bag and I started feeling sharp pains on my left side where one of my incisions is. It is a deep rooted pain and I got super scared, I'm scared to even move now. I don't understand how am i suppose to start excersising and feeling normal when I have this excruciating pain on my left side that literally stopped my in my tracks and I wasn't even doing anything!! I even went to a movie today, it was a comedy and I Had to watch how much I laughed 'cause it hurt if I laughed too hard. This is so aggravating, I just keep thinking omg my band came undone or it's slipping or something horrible. Why the random sharp pain? :'(

  3. uiwleelee,

    I am starving too! But this is just the beginning of our "hell" till our first fill! my doc said i need to get off the couch and walk around the house as much as possible. I have to stop thinking of myself as a patient. I am on day 13, and I start mushies tomorrow (technically) even though I am having some creamy/mushy things already. (Doc is fully aware). I go up and down three flights of stairs everyday atleast once a day (to go to my cousins in the building next to ours) and it hurts, mostly my belly but just take it one flight of stairs at a time or a few steps at a time, don't rush yourself. It is important to start moving around though. My doctor said no exercising (even brisk walking) until 1 month post op. And then very light exercises. And to be mindful of my belly since it will still be healing. So don't worry to much about the exercise part yet!

  4. My doc said the same thing. But I already cheated a couple of times. I couldn't take it anymore. I am Vitamin D and B12 deficient, I also have minor thalessemia, and I am not even on Vitamins till the 14th day. I get dizzy and tired, and I lay around like a useless rag, so I had to eat something. I ate some mushies. I don't think its a big deal, every doctor is different meaning ours are just more cautious, If you can follow your docs orders then thats great! If not then talk to him and explain you can not function without something what should you do? Maybe he will allow you some mashed potatoes, a tiny amount. This sucks. I know.

  5. So without your aerobics class included, (since I don't know how many calories that is), you net 400 calories before you eat back any of your exercise calories. Lets say you eat another 3-400 calories out of the 800 you burned while doing laps, so you have a total caloric intake of 800 max? maybe that's not enough calories and your body is going into starvation mode (anything you eat, your body will store as fat, since it believes you are starving it). If you are suppose to eat 1800 calories that is 1000 calories less then what you are meant to have. Now, i'm taking random figures, I don't know how many calories you actually end up with, but being overly rigorous can hurt you as well as being lazy can. Or it could just be a plateau. Like so many people seem to have. Anyways, good luck!!

  6. uiwleelee,

    try some other thicker Soups, just drain out the solids, thats what i did with some hot and sour Soup, it was amazing-i think the corn starch helped with the feeling of fullness! btw how are you feeling, day 9 and im feeling 85% better thank God! just a little sore and a little gas but im starting to feel like my old self, minus the constant itchy feeling around my stitches! let me know how the soups are working out!

  7. I know how you feel Kallets. My day 6 felt more like day 2 and I was so frustrated but I just look at the thousands of people on this forum and I know it will get better, no one seems to be living in constant pain so that's all that I am holding onto for now. :)

  8. Ouch, well hopefully its just gas! Correct me if I am wrong but was it your doctor that allowed you to go mushies 5 days post op. I am almost on my 6th day, and I am SO SICK OF liquids. :( I asked my doc and he said absolutely not because of losing weight not because of not healing properly. But I am starving for something to chew on. I enjoy chewing by gas tablets. It is so sad.

  9. Ha, I am the last person to say this because I am such a newbie, but maybe the bands too tight since you say you just got a fill and can barely eat? I use to get those sharp pains before surgery too, I thought they were heart related but after a 2D echo-cardiogram I found out my heart is fine. It could be gas?

  10. Hello everyone, :)

    I was banded on June 13, and I am currently 5 days post op. I just keep getting these random questions in my head and figured who better to answer them then my fellow lap banders!

    1. Is there any specific foods you can't eat because you can't tolerate them? (not because they aren't good for you)

    2. Very random, and may sound stupid, but can you do all the rides at amusement parks, I mean before the band my tummy use to feel all funny (in a good way) so just wondering because I love park rides!

    3. After reaching your goal weight, have any of you thought to either completely unfill your band, or have it removed voluntarily to avoid future issues? (erosion, slippage etc)

    4. Is there something I should be asking that I am not, or something that you never thought about that you couldn't or weren't able to do?

    5. Is there anyone who didn't have to get a fill ever? I mostly see people with anywhere from 4-6 fills, and I am self pay and that cost just freaks me out.

    6. After getting a fill, how long are you on the liquid diet again?

    7. As of now it is very painful and uncomfortable to cough, let alone throw up, so anyone who has vomited is it painful, or just how it use to be before getting banded. I am terrified of throwing up!

    8. What exactly is a PB, I know it stands for 'productive burp' but what does that mean?!? :blink:

    9. What is slime or sliming? Sounds nasty. I would be so embarrassed if that happened at a restauraunt...I think? :mellow:

    10. Is there anyone else who only had around 50-55 lbs to lose? At what rate did you lose your weight? And what was your diet and exercise routine?

    I think that is all I can think of right now! Thank you fellow bandsters! :D

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