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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dalia93

  1. Hey I am 19 and got banded in July!! Saying this means alot to me !!! it made my day!!!! I needed to read this because everyone at home are telling me I got the easy way out! They think it's the band that's doing the work! And everytime i get stuck they would say this thing is killing you need to go get rid of it you cant even this and that!! ( but all they mainly eat is junk and this is why i am mostly drinking protien shakes or eating too little as a result my weight loss has slowed down) Urgh I have not told any of my friends (I don't want people judging me and they would disagree against the band) I am happier like this and feel much healthier! I look much much better!!! This decision has changed my life to the better ... I am down 23ish-24 kilos since July and it has changed me mentally abnd physically!!! To the better!!! Anyone thinking of getting it at a young age... GO FOR IT if you are ready to change how n what you eat forever! Thank you to everyone here for being supportive And for those people who helped me in this journey alot ! You all are amazing! It really does mean alot to have everyone here helping out!!! Xxxxx
  2. I had my surgery 2nd July 2012 and so far I lost 23 kilos ... I am very happy and excited! But I have been stuck in losin weight nw for nearly 3 weeks! Last month I lost 1 kilo only! And this month lost 2! I exercise everyday and eat healthily..... Most the time I can't finish 1000 calories so I eat around 800-900 a day ... I don't know what am doing wrong!!? So I calle my dietician and asked for an appointment she said she was busy then she asked what the problem is I said am not losing weight anymore ... She said am eating maybe too much!!! Is she. Joking! 800-900 calories too much!!???then she said maybe ur not exercising enough!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!! She didn't advise me on what to do!!! She was rude and said maybe a just a slow loser and she hanged up half way through the conversation I tried calling back she wasn't picking up!!! Ahhhh!!! I paid for this surgery and I recieved no help so far! she's the only dietician in the clinic I am stuck and stressed about losing weight !!!! What am I doing wrong? I feel like I am in this journey alone now with no help I don't know what to do or how to eat properly...(I don't eat fatty food or carbs... All Protein nd Vitamins ) I don't know what to add or stop! This is stressful! I need help! how should I boost my weight lose! help! Thanks
  3. dalia93

    I Hate Rude Dieticians!

    It did upset me alot but when I see the advise given to me by the members here I feel much better! I am truly grateful to have this support from them! Yes I shall use every advise given ! Good luck with surgery! When isit? Thanks alot! I appreciate it!!! Xx
  4. dalia93

    I Hate Rude Dieticians!

    Yh I called the doctor and asked to see him! I will defo! I just don't want her to hate me:(
  5. dalia93

    I Hate Rude Dieticians!

    Yh that is what am Planning to do when I see him! Am just scared as I don't want her to hate me even more! Yes defo I might try that starting from tomorrow probably ... I just feel alone in this journey Thanks soo much Yh going tp start this carb cycling from tomorrow! What's the maximum you eat in high carb day? Thanks alot! Xxx
  6. dalia93

    Carb Cycling- An Experiment Gone Right!

    Omg I am going to try this!!! I have been stuck for over 3 weeks!!!! Thanks sooo much missy!! You are truly great!!!! The best!!! I have been eating 800-900 calories a day and exercising no weight lose... :'( Need to increase my calories but have the fear of weight gain! I will defo try it starting from today! Hope it starts my weightloss again!! Thanks alot!!! Xxxx
  7. dalia93

    Driver's Licence Pics- Before And After

    Omg u look amazing! Congrats! 150 pounds!!! U Are truly an inspiration to all of us! You look great! x
  8. I am 4 months post up! Yesterday was one of the worst days of my life!!! I had a 30 minute break before my next lecture and it was lunchtime, I was starving so I bought a little pot of watermelons(thinking it will go down easily). I ate really slow and chewed well. By the time I finished one mini slice of watermelon...., I was stuck in Uni!!!!!!! For the first time!!! Noone in university knows about the band so I excused myself to the toilet....as am walking to the toilet I see my lecturer who asked me to help him set up the studio ... I am going through agony and this guy is asking for help ???!!! couldn't even breathe properly! I had to fake it all the slime was building up in my mouth so it was getting hard to talk... I quickly helped him dan ran to the toilet and it was packed with girls!!!! Had to wait for 10-12 mins to leave one cubicle ! It was so painful ... When I went in one of the cubicles i spat all the slime and half hour later it still didn't go down! I ended up crying inside.... Had to wait in the toilet and I missed half my lecture!! it was extremely painful!!! one hour later it decides to come up.... It was a relief but the experience of getting stuck somewhere in public is terrible and as I was leaving the toilet one of the girls who heard me throw up asked if I was bulimic ???!!!!! I had to swear I wasn't! I hate situations like this! I don't know how to avoid getting stuck in places like this as watermelons usually go down fine for me. Now I have the fear of eating anything outside my house!:'( I never want to go through it again! What shall I do? ????? Xxx
  9. You can do it girl! You are strong and inspiring! U shud b proud! xx
  10. Am very worried! As I can't exercise for a week due to sweat glands problem ( am just 19!!!) ever since I healed from surgery I have been exercising .... I can't exercise for a week and am worried I might gain weight...will I? am also stuck in the same weight....will not exercising for a week effect anything? X
  11. dalia93

    No Exercise For A Week...

    Thanks for the advises guys! Means alot! Made me feel better! Yh I guess it can break platuea hope it does! I feel fat! Exercising used to make me feel energetic and healthy! hope I don't gain ! x
  12. I am officially depressed! I had my surgery on the 2nd of July and starting weight was 100kg now I am 84kg! Which is great! I am very grateful for the weightloss! i exercise everyday for an hour and change my exercises, I eat 800-1200 a day! No carbs! I dont eat more than a cup! And I have been stuck in this weight since beginning of September! I don't know what to do? I called the doctors and he told me break my food down to small portions I have done so but still no weight loss! I am very demotivated, all the hard work and time I put in exercising goes to waste! I don't know what I should do! At the start i thought this is because I ate too little so I increased my calorie intake but still no change! I am very frustrated and upset because of it ! I am not losing weight even though I am doing everything right! This is discouraging! Where does all the exercise I do go?!!! What shall I do?!!!!! 
  13. dalia93

    Stuck At This Weight!

    Yes I have 2 weeks ago nd I also control how much I eat. I don't eat more than a cup! x
  14. dalia93

    Stuck At This Weight!

    Thanks guys for the great advise! I Xx I Will try to stay motivated! | I will continue to exercise and keep up with the diet to reach my goal! Yh I was thinking to do a liquid diet tomorrow maybe that will help! losing weight is extremely hard :'(. Hope the liquid diet works! If there's any tips or advise or experiences anyone can give me please do tell me! I need it!
  15. dalia93

    Pics Of Oversized Clothes

    I can't wait to take pics of my clothes and sees the difference! This is inspirational to everyone here! U look great! Congrats
  16. 6 months!!! Omg!!! How did you cope!
  17. How many calories should I be eating everyday at mushy stage... ? My first fill is in 2 weeks can't wait to get restriction!!! :'(
  18. I will be meeting my nutritionist in 2 weeks as am away yh true Oh no!!! No restriction from first fill! Kill me!!! :'( gona av to fight this!
  19. Oh no...... I had 1200!!! Nd did not exercise! guess need to decrease it!!
  20. I am on mushy food stage.... Today my mum made me scrambled eggs cooked with olive oil, it was soooooooooo oily but I ate it as I was hungry and tired. Felt abit sick after but it eventually went down. Will this effect my weightloss? Will I put on pounds? Is olive oil fattening? Am worried I might put on weight because of this oily meal..... Need advise! Was that meal a choice healthy eventhough it was oily?
  21. Thank you soo much yh I will download it now.... I had two eggs and she poured 5 big spoons of olive oil hope I don't, I am just worried don't want to put on weight again

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