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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by DLCoggin

  1. DLCoggin

    Drinking With Food

    Definitely took some getting used to and even now there are times when I drink a little. I think it's important not to give up on it though. The liquid will cause the food you eat to pass through too quickly and increases the chances of stretching the pouch.
  2. DLCoggin

    Almost There...

    Congratulations! You're gonna love the new you!!!
  3. DLCoggin

    I Have A Great Idea!

    That really is a great idea. I definitely would make that road trip as well. We could get together and have a protein shake party!! LOL
  4. DLCoggin

    Hi Everyone-Pre Op Stage

    Welcome to the forum. You're in the right place with an amazing number of great folks! kiwi - Love the walking vs. car analogy! One of the best I've seen!!
  5. DLCoggin

    Hospital Time?

    Two days. Surgery on Oct 20th, out on the 22nd. No problems.
  6. DLCoggin

    Well Here We Go

    Happy Birthday! You're gonna love the new you!
  7. DLCoggin

    New Here & 4 Yrs Rny Post Op

    36 weeks tomorrow! Currently 171 and down 114 from starting weight of 285. What a ride!! LOL
  8. DLCoggin

    Weight Gain!?

    Sometimes you'll lose fast, sometimes slow and sometimes not at all. All part of the process. Stay focused on the protocol, stay active and stay away from the scales for a couple of weeks. You're gonna love the new you!!
  9. DLCoggin

    New Here & 4 Yrs Rny Post Op

    Congratulations Veronica and welcome to the forum. I absolutely love your cutoff and detox ideas! Thanks so much for sharing with us. It's always so cool to hear about experiences from someone that is years instead of days, weeks or months post-op.
  10. I'm a Texan but living in Los Angeles (South Bay). Surgeon was Dr. Aileen Takahashi and hospital was Torrance Memorial Medical Center.
  11. DLCoggin

    Who Else...

    I know exactly how you feel! When you do start shopping, you'll probably want to be very conservative with how much you buy. The weight drops like a rock and what fits today may fall off two weeks later!
  12. DLCoggin

    What Is More Painful?

    Ditto for me - up and walking within a couple hours after surgery and never had any problem at all. Pain meds (Tylenol with codeine) twice the day after surgery and that was it. My wife had both of our sons via c-section but I had no pain at all with either one. Sorry ladies, just kidding!
  13. DLCoggin


    Wow. Good for you! I have never been able to get as much water as I should. I hope someone has an idea or two for you that might fit your situation. Headaches are so common and can be the result of so many things that it can be tough to pinpoint the cause. Could be anything from hunger to tension to sensitiity to light.
  14. DLCoggin

    Weight Gain!?

    I don't think a little weight gain soon after the surgery is uncommon or anything to worry about. Just focus on the protocol and let it run it's course. If it gets to seven or more pounds, then you probably will want to talk to your doctor.
  15. DLCoggin


    Headache is one of the very first symptoms of dehydration. I do some fishing and camping and I've seen a long day in the sun without proper hydration result in a headache many times. Easy to test - drink as much water as you can comfortably hold and wait about 15 minutes. If the headache goes away, dehydration was the culprit.
  16. For some reason, protein and vanilla don't seem to go very well together. I never found a vanilla protein shake that I liked and I love vanilla - just not protein/vanilla. Maybe you could come up with something tasty by mixing some kind of berries or berry flavoring? Or fruit/fruit flavoring?
  17. DLCoggin

    Scale Is Not Moving

    Hey John - you got an agent? I'm thinking we need an agent! Probably going to need one of them "publicists" too! You know, Batman and Robin have masks...hmmm!
  18. DLCoggin

    Do You Know Your Oils?

    Another great WebMD quiz! Thought I was pretty up to speed and I still missed five of these. http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/rm-quiz-fats-and-oils?ecd=wnl_wlw_062712
  19. DLCoggin

    Do You Know Your Oils?

    Show off! LOL!! You're the best so far!
  20. DLCoggin

    Need To Vent Before I Explode

    If that had happened to me, the forum wouldn't allow my "vent" because of the language. I'm thinking you showed great restraint!
  21. DLCoggin

    Do You Know Your Oils?

    Who the heck knows that lettuce has fat? Sheeesh! LOL
  22. DLCoggin

    Scale Is Not Moving

    John? I'll wear a cape if you will!!
  23. DLCoggin

    Scale Is Not Moving

    John, I think we're on to something here buddy! We could get a really funky van with a giant bashed scale on top and the Scale Bashers logo on the sides and back. We could have really cool uniforms and everything. Spandex tights with a big SB on our chests (gotta show off our new bodies!). Capes would be optional. Hard hats for our bashing operations. YouTube videos of our latest scale bashing with in person interviews of our all too satisfied clients. I can see it all now - "So Ms. Vamp, what were you feeling as you watched the Scale Bashers professionals reduce your demonic foe to dust, never to defy you again?" "Ms. Sweet, Is it true that you specifically requested they use their 2000 pound wrecking ball on your former nemesis?" "Ms. Mami, what are your plans for the future now that this curse has been lifted from your shoulders by America's most beloved superheroes?" Are you following me John? Can you feel it? Late night talk show appearances. Magazine articles profiling our much needed service to all who have the courage to take a stand. I bet we could have our own TV show - "BASH for CASH". You and I will have the starring roles in the movie! "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to scale it any more!!" "Can you scale me now?" Gives you goose bumps just thinking about it! I bet Alex will give us our own scale bashers forum right here on rnytalk!! How cool would that be? I'll have my people get in touch with your people and we'll Iron out the details!!
  24. DLCoggin

    The Gym Still Isnt Fun

    I agree with ChatCat. It's really important to find something that you enjoy and that may not be a gym. If I hate doing it (or eating it or drinking it), it's not going to be sustainable long term and that means that it doesn't fit in the "lifestyle changes" prime directive! There are so many options to just about every aspect of the journey - keep searching and trying new things until you find the ones that work for you!!
  25. DLCoggin

    Having Problems Eating

    I agree with several others - sometimes you just have to listen to your body. And know that it may not say the same thing about the same food all of the time. In your situation mami, I'd suggest that you continue trying as much variety as you can and see what your body has to say about it. Also keep in mind that you'll want to revisit any foods that didn't work the first couple of times. You're not quite 30 days out and that's not a long time for the healing process. I'm betting that you'll eventually be able to eat pretty much anything you want!!

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