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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by slojo67

  1. slojo67

    New Computer

    Well, yesterday I traded my eldest son a desktop that was 4 years old, for a good laptop that was 4 months old! I didn't rip him off either!! haha Well, maybe, but I bought both of them anyways, so... He wanted a desktop (don't know why), and I needed a laptop to take on trip to mexico in august, and to take to work etc... I had an awful time getting on lapbandtalk.com yesterday, you might say I was going through lapbandtalk DT'S! This is the first time I've ever blogged or forumed before...But, now I see why people do it. You can learn alot. And it's awesome to talk to others having same experiences. i've always been a pretty private, (non-social) person. But this interest in WLS and improving my looks/health (not necessarily in that order) has sparked my social-side. Gotta go, Just a waitin!
  2. I had to change browsers last night, now I have firefox13. Google chrome wouldn't run on here. thanks
  3. My appointment is the 28th of august, good luck to you hope all goes well.
  4. We would like to encourage all of you to join our august 2012 bandsters group, so far we only have 7 members, we would really appreciate your input about your experience before, during, and after surgery!
  5. I buy clothes that I won't be able to wear for a while as well. I bought jeans/shirts/and especially a skimpy bathing suit that i'll have to lose about 60 pounds to wear. I have them hanging in my bedroom to look at as inspiration. I even imagine how i'll look in them, (imagery is very important I feel when you start setting goals for anything). I know this next month will probably go by quickly, i hope it does. I plan to work alot. My husband will be gone to Sturgis SD 2 weeks at the end of july/beggining of august, i plan to work extra at both of my nursing jobs to have plenty of dough to take on my trip to mexico for surgery august 28th.... Just a waitin'...
  6. Thanks, I plan to go ahead and try. we"ll do the mission bay skyride, and see the dolphins & killer whales then probably leave. I usually bounce back from stuff easily. Actually I found out when could probably get in the room early, but this is our only day to actually do something fun. I've never been to cA. or Mexico or anywhere farther west than Missouri so we want to try to do something! It'll probably be along time before I get to go back there. Sorry if I spelled anything wrong but the print on this site is tiny today? Is it that way on your pc? I can't even read it and I don't have poor eyesight it's so small. Just started doing this today...Thanks...
  7. yay! We have a group for august bandsters please join if you haven't already. Congratulations too! I'm scheduled for aug. 28th can't wait. You don't have that long to go, like 3 wks or so! That's awesome...good luck to you and keep in touch...
  8. slojo67

    Port Location

    I wish my surgeon did the lap band the SILS way. They'll probably start doing SILS right after I have surgery with my luck. That seems like it would be so much easier to recover I would think,and and less scarring.
  9. slojo67

    Just A Waitin'

    I'm calling it pre-op hell, where I still have this ferocious appetite, not much control over my diet at all. Trying to change eating habits at this time, more veggies, protein, & taking vitamins in preparations for surgery August 28th. Have all of the arrangements made up to my first post op aptmnt. on Sept. 4th to remove suturess if I have them. I guess I'll have sutures. The director of nursing where I work just had gastric sleeve done 2 weeks ago tuesday and she didn't have sutures, she was just "superglued" on the outside. My bariatric dr in the states is Dr. Brian Swain in Murray Ky. My best friend, the one going with me to mexico had her surgery/fill per this dr. as well. He's only an hour away, I got lucky when I found him, the only other option I had for my follow up care/fills was going to be in Cinncinati Oh. which is 5 hours away from me! I just found out earlier today that Dr. Swain would take me, as I'm having the band done in Mexico by another surgeon. The nurse I spoke with said more dr's are taking patients who had surgery out of the states nowadays. The first visit will be 450.00 the subsequent office visits/fills will be 200.00. This is also less than the Dr. in Cincinati was going to charge. I have been very fortunate in my quest for lapband surgery options. I found a reputable surgeon in Tijuana mexico with the awesome price of 3500.00, my flight is onlly 333.00 round trip, I have a fill dr. 1 hr from home... I have a best friend who was banded 3 years ago and also is a nurse. I feel very greatful that i'll have good care at decent prices...I just wish the day would ARRIVE! I can hardly stand myself. I want to be healthy and look good again...5 years ago I weighed 125 lbs, but I had to starve to get there and starve to maintain it. I took diet pills everyday just to maintain it. I hated the nervous feeling they gave me. HATED IT! Well, gotta go do something else. I just got a new laptop today so that I can stay in touch with you all on my trip in August... Enjoying sitting on the sofa on the pc rather than at the desk all the time. My right shoulder would kill me after just a short time on the desktop pc. Good-bye and Just a waitin'...
  10. Just got a new laptop so that I can keep in touch with you all on my trip to mexico for lapband installment in august!

  11. slojo67

    Port Location

    I hope my surgeon puts mine in the center under my sternum. Seems like this is the favored spot? I'm going to ask him if it matters where to put it, if not I'll ask for that position.
  12. I've found a physician that will take me close to home! I'm having lapband in Mexico,and you all know it's hard to find a dr. to take you for f/u care & fills if you had surgery per another physician. But my best friend recommended her dr. Dr. Brian Swain, I called and they'll take me! it's only 1 hr away, had found another dr. but it was 5 hours away! So glad I called this dr. It's 450.00 for 1st visit/suture removal, record review etc. the 200.00 each fill after this. Not cheap but it's cheaper and alot closer than the other physician was.... I'm ecstatic I found this dr. I had assumed he wouldn't take me so I hadnt called him. I live in western ky. Can't wait to get started on this journey...
  13. slojo67

    Port Location

    My friend's port is placed like that as well. I don't know what determines where they put your port really. Does anyone else?
  14. Weight Loss Surgery Weight Loss Pregnancy Seniors Heart Health Vegetarians Cancer Patients Wound Healing Healthy Lifestyle More... Why unjury is Better Nutrition Facts Quality is Essential How Much Protein? Why UNJURY? Recipes and Tips 7 Great Flavors Chocolate Splendor Chocolate Vanilla Strawberry Sorbet Chicken Soup Unflavored Protein'd cheese Sauce "It’s downright scary" – says FDA's Head of Dietary supplements Daniel Fabricant. If you use Vitamins or protein powders, you need to read this...and share it with everyone you know. "Federal inspections of companies that make dietary supplements - frommultivitamins and calcium chews to capsules of echinacea andbodybuilding powders - reveal serious and widespread manufacturingproblems," For years we have been saying that with UNJURY® and OPURITY®, “Trust is the First Ingredient”. It is also the most important ingredient. Read on! The Chicago Tribune, June 30 reports that it found violations of manufacturing rules in half of the supplement firms inspected. “Some firms don’t even have recipes...for their products”, stated the article. Other factories are unsanitary. In 2009 we told you about a protein supplement maker Quality Formulation Laboratories in New Jersey (whose customers included Costco) was closed after the FDA was finally able to get an injunction after two years’ efforts. The FDA press release noted rats, rat feces, rat urine and gnaw holes in the bags. If you aren’t squeamish, and want to read more, further detail is below our signatures. Here’s the bad news: While Quality Formulation Laboratories agreed to stop manufacturing, according to the Tribune and the government, they simply moved their production to another plant in New York. So some protein supplement users (not ours of course) have been consuming their products. We hope they got a good price on the non-whey protein. It isn’t just grossness. People’s health is being damaged. According to the Tribune, the FDA reported that some of Kirkman Labs’ zinc andstevia products contained undeclared antimony (a heavy metal). There is at least one lawsuit from the parents of a child who was damaged. Some Perspective: At least in the US, we do have an FDA and they are trying. In China, there is nothing comparable, and when there are inspectors, sometimes they work for the same company that owns the Vitamin maker they are inspecting. In short, it's a lot worse in China. So when a company says, “Our ingredients are from China, but they are good”, we don’t believe them. We believe you have to have trust from one end of the production process to the other. And Chinese manufacturers as a group have proven themselves to be untrustworthy. Why do companies use Chinese ingredients? We believe: some big companies want to sell their products into the giant China market -- so they want to have good relations with China. One example is Amway. They sell supplements in China and perhaps hope to have a hundred million multi-level marketing distributors there. We mention Amway because one Amway subsidiary[ii] is Metagenics (Metagenics owns Bariatric Advantage). We’re willing to bet that Metagenics supplements use more ingredients from China, now that they are in the Amway “family”. What to do: Consider the risks of buying the low price products at the big discounters. We believe that pressures to keep price low push quality to the back seat. Buy protein and vitamins from companies you know you can trust. UNJURY® Protein is recommended at America’s top-rated hospitals, and increasingly, OPURITY® is too. Buy UNJURY Protein and OPURITY Vitamins Now Healthy regards,
  15. slojo67

    The Trip To Mexico

    okay, I feel better now, took some ibuprofen, and took down my heavy ponytail that I slept in OUCH! Well, anyways, back to to trip to San Diego then Mexico for surgery august 28th 2012. My friend Donna is going! She was banded 3 years ago and lost a significant amount of weight and looks awesome...we work together, we're both nurses, what could be better than having an experienced bandster and nurse with me on my surgery trip? Nothing! I enjoy her company very much, besides one other friend I have and my husband, I can't think of anyone else I would want to take with me. My husband is going to Sturgis SD the beginning of August and couldn't take off at the end to go with me... We plan to rent a car on the 29th in San Diego to go do something before we head back home the next day...That was Donna's idea, I would just as soon use the shuttles, taxi's to get around. She'll be driving probably so whatever...She bought her plane ticket a week after I did, but we still got a good deal for her on KAYAK.com, 433.00 for round trip from western KY. not bad... Mine was only 333.00 a week earlier! We were able to get her seat next to me even...YAY! Neither of us have flown on a commercial flight before. I'm more worried about missing my flights than I am having surgery.I didn't think about the fact that you have to arrive at the airport 2-3 hourse before your flight, until yesterday when I was reading airport tips/facts. Glad I noticed that! We could've been left behind, I would die if I missed a flight... Well, as far as family & friends' responses to my upcoming surgery, I have mostly heard:" You don't need that, you're not that big". I weigh 185 and 6 years ago I weighed 125. That is 60 pounds, and my whole family is very obese, like 300 lbs and such. I don't want to wait until I already have HTN, and diabetes to do this... And I know I'll keep gaining, I've tried pills, Nutrisystem, everything without success.. If I did lose some weight I would gain it back. I have a ferocious appetite the past few years. And I have to absolutely starve to death to lose and maintain. Guess I'm just getting older. My thyroid, and other hormones are all WNL. I've had to give this little speech the past few months when I tell someone about what I'm doing, the last time I heard "you don't need to do that"! I just replied, "i'm doing it!!!" "I don't care what you say, so don't waste your breath. I know you may mean it as a compliment, but it doesn't feel like that, it feels like you think I'm stupid or something for doing this", that is exactly what I'm going to start saying, I left the woman speechless, it was a coworker at work (also a nurse). I know alot of you have heard the same responses, you might try my little:" Nip this in the bud" speech.... It worked awesomely, she shut right up, right after her mouth flew open for a few seconds... haha It felt good, I'm tired of hearing negative remarks, I haven't even told my parents yet,, they'lll say the same thing, I know them very well... But they also know me and knowt that I don't care what people say, but it does still get in my crawl when I don't get encouragement when I reveal another "hair brained scheme" as my dad calls it. HAHA Thanks alot for taking time to read my jumbled thoughts...
  16. slojo67

    The Trip To Mexico

    Saturday I got great news! My best friend who also has been banded (3 years ago), and who also is a nurse is going with me to mexico for my surgery! I am so happy.... I'll have to continue this later I've got a terrible headache, woke up with it..
  17. don't listen to people who probably don't know what they're talking about. It's normal to have doubts, and think it wont be successsful,, but if you eat right, do what the doc says, exercise you WILL lose weight.
  18. Just found out last night that my best friend is going with me to Mexico to have my lap band surgery! Thought I was going to have to go by myself. And the best part is she was banded 3 years ago, so i'll have her with me and I'm just so excited. We're going to try to enjoy ourselves some in san diego, staying 4 days.We

  19. slojo67

    Any Advice??

    I am being banded by dr almanza august 28th can you tell me how you thought it went,and would you recommend them to others? thanks
  20. Dr. Curry is going to be my lap-band dr. after I have surgery in Mexico. He takes WLS patients who've had surgery with other surgeons for follow up care and fills.
  21. to join" august 2012 bandsters " group, click on" groups" at top of homepage then click on" follow this group" we had started this forum then I decided to form a group for august surg. bandsters. Please join and nice to meet you...slojo67
  22. Source: Will I Be Able To Do Seaworld, For 2-3 Hours, 1 Day Post-Op?
  23. well, found out I can probably get in my room before 4pm as long as they have one ready. No extra charge. I'm so excited about this and i'm trying to get everything in perfect order so that I'm not down there stuck somewhere miserable... I appreciate your input very much...
  24. I thought I would get someone to say I would be okay to do this but I guess the odds are against this being a good thing to plan on. Thanks for your responses...I really want to go to seaworld haha. I'm obsessed with sharks, dolphins, & killer whales...think i'll try to get into room early then if I do happen to feel like it i'll go ahead and go to seaworld...
  25. I may see if there's anyway I can check in early without paying out the yingyang at the Hampton Inn in San Diego...

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