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Posts posted by fcslboy

  1. Thank you all! Yes, I am on the soft food portion of my recovery diet. Transitioning to soft food helped this issue so hopefully I. 2 weeks transitioning to solid will make another big difference. The habit idea seems to be what this is. My old habit was come home, cook a big meal (I love to cook) and sit in front of the tv and eat said big meal. It's hard to "cook" much on the soft food diet do I do t feel like I have "made a meal". This I am sure is contributing. I am going to really pay attention to my habits and see where I can change. I know it's just head hunger and I know I need to beat it! It helps in some strange way to know its not just me!

  2. First off I want to brag. I am really proud of myself!!!! Surgery was aug 2nd and I have done so much better than I expected! Pre op weight, 310, now 272! Wow!

    This is really my only real struggle right now. In the evening, after dinner (and a little healthy dessert) I am craving. Not craving anything specific, just want food! I feel like no amount of food I put in can fill the void! I want to be clear, I am not "hungry". My belly feels full, I feel "satisfied" but it's all mental! My brain keeps saying "FEED ME!".

    A friend said, "oh it's just the down time at the end of the day and you have nothing else to think about". Maybe, but I don't think so. I was fortunate enough to be able to take a full month paid time off work for this life event. So have had plenty of down time all day long, but I only struggle at night.

    So am I just an oddity (nothing new there) or do others struggle with this? Anyone have any suggestions to help?

    I am getting in between 800 and 1100 calories per day. I know it should be getting more, but like I said, I feel like my sleeve is full!

    Any help, suggestions, ideas or humorous insight Is very welcome!

  3. Like you, I was terrified of the pain! For me, I was never really in "pain". I had muscle soreness that was about a 4 for two days then went up to 6 days 3-6 now I am fine. I never had nausea, not once. I have not vomited once. I had surgery aug 2 and just started soft food. I echo others comments, the pain isn't the worst part. The liquid diet SUCKS worse than anything! Especially in my case when I felt so good! I was out driving my boat, alone, week one. I did some gardening (cut down 3 trees and rototilled) weeks 2. So to feel THAT good and be on a liquid diet was terrible! But, you gotta buck up and do it. Not worth risking a leaking to break the diet! Good luck! I am 2 weeks post op, from the time I first weighed in at my weight loss dr (july 2) till today I have gone from 310 lbs to 272 lbs. It is worth every single aggrivating sip of blended soup! if you don't have myfitnesspal.com, get it!!!!!

  4. Hey all,

    I am a self pay patient (surgery date aug 2). I am having my surgery in the US. My concern is coverage for complications. My clinic offers BLIS insurance but I am not really happy with thier coverage. Does anyone know of it is possible to purchase supplimental insurance for complications related to surgery?

  5. Hey!

    I am per-op. Thinking sleeve surgery in early August down at NWWLS in Everett. I live in Sedro Woolley. Not really looking for a workout partner myself but wanted to let you know there is someone else out thier kinda close to you going through the same stuff.

    I keep switching between very excited and very scared! When in your surgery planned? Where are you doing it?

  6. I am pre-op so don't know much in regards to this survey in particular. But I have had other laparoscopic surgery. I enjoy having someone around. Sometimes that other presence is just nice to have. I normally live alone, but I know I greatly appreciated someone else being there after surgery. Nice just to know you aren't alone. But, you also will know when you are ready not to have those people around.

    For myself I anticipate needing someone because I fear having an emotional response to the surgery. Mix that with some pain meds an I may need someone to vent my worries to! :)

  7. I am per-op. Trying to get my mind around "life after" surgery. What do you eat? I think I am more focused on like Breakfast and lunch. Now I eat a bagel and cottage cheese and coffee at my desk during my morning reports. lunch, I must admit, I eat fast food a lot. Obviously something that is going to have to change. I am a bit of a Subway addict and I suspicion that may not be possible post surgery. I know I will have my recovery diet, but thinking past that just curious what other people eat. I don't mind veggies but I not a fan of fruit.

    Also, must say, I LOVE this website! Wow! The wealth of information really helps me get my head around the process! Thanks to all who contribute!

  8. Thanks everyone for the response. Good input from every one. My "take away" from this is:

    1: don't make a decision for the rest of my life based on 1 month of recovery

    2: Other cook, bake and entertain, I can too!

    I think to some extent, at least for me, the "worries" aren't going to go away till I go for it and work my way through the process.

  9. So this has probably been posted a million times by different people. But, here goes. Reading through here I see so much success! Never in my life have I felt that success could really be mine. Its exciting to think, WOW, that COULD be me! It IS possible!

    All that said, darn I am scared. Its such MAJOR surgery! Its not so much the surgery, but the recovery. I hear about a month off regular food.... I just don't know how I will do it? I suppose once it's done I will find a way. But still..... hard to picture.

    I love cooking! I love entertaining! I love engaging with my friends this way. Many of my friends could be considered "foodies". My neighbors teenage son started cooking with me at 13 cause he want to learn to cook. Its something we look forward to doing at least a couple times a month. Cooking dinner for his family.

    I worry about loosing those connections. I am not an "emotional" eater. I truly don't feel I have an emotional connection to the amount of food I eat (I just HATE feeling hungry). So I don't care if my portion sizes are much smaller so long I am not hungry, but I still want to engage with my friends through food and entertaining. Does that makes sense to anyone else? Anyone else feel like this?

    I am sold on the surgery, I just need to work through the "worries". I am 33 and 310 lbs. My 65 yo father out performs me in almost all tasks! I don't want to continue down the road I am on. I have at least 5 medical issues either tied to or exasperated by my weight. If I do nothing, I am not excited to see what I will look like (and FEEL like) at 43 and I doubt I will be here at 53. So, like I said, sold on this.

    Just curious to hear someone else's experiences if you had the same (or close to the same) pre-op worries I do.

    My first appointment is June 28th, already gone to a couple meetings and have a friend who did the band. My goal surgery date is Aug 2nd.

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