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Posts posted by Stephers65

  1. Carri, that's interesting I haven't heard that reason before. I asked my Doctor to take mine out at the same time just because I have read that so many are having problems after. He just told me we will cross that bridge if we need to if it comes. I haven't ever had a problem, I was just wanting to avoid one. I wonder what the percentage of people this happens to is?

  2. I'm in California and my Doctor recommends we get one for sure. If you were ever in a emergency situation all responders should know that you have had this proceeder just like Bypass patient or the needs of a Diabetic.

    The company I will be using is MedicAlert, they have brackets, necklaces that has a medical ID# on it and it will say Bariatric.

    It could save a life.

  3. I just asked this question a day ago and I just had my surgery on the 11/28. I'm having a lot of pain on my right also!!! It's really pulling! When I hear people say they have no pain it's crazy to me. When I'm sitting I'm totally fine though. I haven't taken pain meds so that could be part of it.

    Sounds like everyone's body's are different. We all will get through it one way or another...

  4. Just talked to the on call Dr. She said the pain I'm having sounds normal, he took a big stitch in that spot so it is pulling. A lot of big things went in and out of that spot...

    I also have a rash all across my belly, I haven't worn the binder because its bad it hurts and itches. She thinks that I may be allergic to the stuff they wash us off with right before the surgery.

    So, I will be calling my Dr. first thing in the morning to see if he can see me this week. I have never had a big surgery like this so it's hard to know how the body will react.

    I'm also experiencing the gas moving all around my body, it hasn't been to bad but the gasX strips are working great! Thanks all for chatting with me it's nice to be able to talk to people that are going through the same things that had surgery on the exact day. Take good care and let's all have a quick recovery....

  5. I was on the 28th also! Thanks for the help, it's just horrible! I would give birth 3 more times this is way more painful. I'm feeling like I have some nerves exposed or something. I hold it firmly when I walk or I can't even handle walking. We are supposed to be doing a lot of walking to promote healing, that's what I want to be doing!! I'm trying to decide if I'm going to call my Dr. today. Good luck to us all!!

  6. Hi, I'm 4 days post op and the pain on my right side is really painful. The hole where my Dr. took out my stomach. The other places I can't even feel. I'm fine when I'm sitting but walking feels like someone has stuck me with a knife and they are twisting it more every step. Just to touch my skin really is tender. I'm hoping that nothing is wrong, I'm concerned. My Dr. came to see me the day I left the hospital and I did ask him about it, he said its going to hurt for a week or two. Any advice or thoughts from the fellow sleevers... Please share your experiences with me, should I be worried???

  7. Hi there all, my surgery is this coming Wed. 11/28/12, 5 more days!!!

    I'm excited, nervous, scarred, but I just want to get in there and get it done.

    I'm proud of the fact that I spent 5 days at Disneyland on my liquid pre-op, came home Wednesday then Spent a lovely Thanksgiving with family with an amazing looking dinner while I ate my Protein shake and some apple sauce. It hasn't been hard I haven't been hungry. Today I have experienced horrible Constipation, not fun very painful!!

    It's time for the count down!!! Yeah!!!

  8. Hi, nice to meet you. You and I have a lot in common, I was diagnosed Hypothyroid 15 years ago. In 4 months I gained 60 pounds. I was put on medication and started working out and I was able to get it off. Prior to that I was at a good weight. I always wanted to get 10-15 pounds off, but I was a healthy weight. I got pregnant with my 3rd child, never gained more than 28 pounds with all three pregnancies. Well when you are pregnant and on thyroid they have to increase the dose. After the baby is born they are supposed to test you and lower you back down to pre-pregnancy. I learned this after the fact, my Doctor didn't do that. I was so sick! I felt like I was dying and they couldn't figure out why. TWO years of this!!! I changed insurance, got a new team of doctors and the Endocrinologist said I was taking more than double the meds. i was supposed to be. I blew out my thyroid completely! It put me into Hashimotoes Disease, It's when your antibodies are constantly attacking your thyroid. This has gone on for 10 years now!!! I have gained 80 pounds in 10 years. They can't regulate my meds so I have gained 3-6 pounds every 3 months off and on over the 10 years. So, I know how you feel!! It's been such a battle!!

    10 months getting ready going through all the proper requirements to have the surgery. Finally!!! Sleeve is November 28th. I'm so ready!! Best of luck to you. Sorry so long but I know how hard it is...

  9. I'm preop and I wanted to go on the liquid diet that I will be on 2 weeks before my surgery. I stayed on it for a full week, WOW! It was so painful, I didn't go for 5 days!!! It was bad!! I have had 3 children and all three were easier than that! I had to use suppositories, sorry TMI!!! So my recommendation is to have all of those thing on hand, when I do it before my surgery I will take maralax everyday! I drink over 100 oz of Water everyday day and that didn't even help!! I hope it's easier next time! I meet my Surgeon this Thursday!! Yay!!!

  10. Thiamine is very important!! My Dr.'s seminar before surgery they stress how important the Vitamins are!! Thiamine was one they stressed! They had a patient back in the hospital with severe stroke like symptoms!!! She was very very ill. Test showed no stroke but that she was extremely deficient in Thiamine! This story really stuck with me, make sure you get enough!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
