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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cfmom716

  1. Just had my surgery 1 week ago and I'm fine and can do everything I did before surgery except eat. The liquid diet is hard but unfortunately necessary and that hunger will not be so strong after surgery. Try mixing things up throughout the day with sugar free popsicles and Jello. If your drinking Protein drinks or Optifast you can change the flavor by looking in the coffee aisle at your grocery store and find the flavor they mix with coffee. They are sugar free and they have caramel, chocolate, rasberry, hazelnut and they make the drinks more pleasant if they taste different each time you drink them. Use a schedule, like for brkfst have a Protein Drink, for lunch have some beef broth or a protein drink and a little jello, and for dinner do protein drink different flavor or chicken broth an a popsicle and then for Snacks you can find sugar free hard candy, Baskin Robbins ones are really good and you can have another popsicle in a different flavor or jello. Fear is normal before surgery you wouldn't be normal if you didn't have even just a little but I can tell you I have had 7 surgeries on my abdomin each for different reasons and this surgery was a walk in the park. The pain is there but not terrible and they give you meds to help and the pain it doesn't last long. One piece of advice I have is walk and move after surgery and keep doing it, it makes recovery easier and the pain from gas and the surgery go away much quicker. Be brave and have faith, you'll be just fine. You are doing something great and brave to improve your life and be proud of that. Good luck!
  2. cfmom716

    Irrational Fear

    No fear is irrational when it comes to your health. As for feeling like your choking it doesn't feel like that. My son has had a lap-band for a year and has had the episode like regurgitating and it does not feel like your choking, it just feels like pressure and what ever is stuck just comes right back up, it's not even like vomitting because it is only in the top of your stomach so you don't wretch you just as I call it hork it back up and learn not to do whatever you did to cause it again. I had a minor episode with a pill it was just a little too big and I kind of felt pressure and it came back up. I just got banded 6/19 and have not felt my band at all, like the other person said you can sometimes feel the liquids if they are cold or warm but it is not an uncomfortable feeling. Good Luck and keep those fears in check and you'll be fine.
  3. cfmom716


    To a doctor a period is just like any other day. They may make some changes in meds for bleeding after surgery but they'll usually just keep the area well covered and do the surgery anyways. Might not be too much fun for you if you are the type to cramp. Remember no meds but Tylenol. Do not take Advil or Aspirin and even Midol or any meds like that can affect you during surgery because they can thin blood and they could postpone, so stay with the plan and Good Luck!
  4. cfmom716


    There are many. Gall stones: Gerd (acid reflux) leg or joint pains, diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, edema in ankles, legs or hands, back pain caused by weight, high cholesterol, severe skin problems do to obesity, bladder incontinence, sleep apnea, impairment in moving causing you to have difficulties daily, gynecological. I hopes this helps, Good Luck!
  5. cfmom716

    Banded Tommorow

    Hi, I know your nervous but you're going to be fine. I was banded last Tuesday 6/19. I was sore for the 1st couple of days and each day I felt better. The key is to keep moving, walk and move your body. Drink little sip of fluids but frequently and you will be fine in no time. I have no pain and am able to drink easily and have jello and popsicles and a protein drink and I feel fine. I went shopping at Walmart yesterday, went out over the weekend and thus far I have lost since surgery 6/19 12lbs. All together with the 12 lbs I lost during the 2 weeks of Optifast and liquid diet before surgery I have lost 24 lbs. I am anxious to hear how you do after surgery. Be brave and strong this is the best thing you can do for yourself in your lifetime to keep healthy. You're in my prayers!! Good Luck!
  6. to continue my last statement before my computer went nuts I have lost 21 lbs. since June 5th.
  7. I'm day 6 now and feeling great. Went to Walmart this morning and have basically went back to my regular self. Not real hungry. Been drinking more fluids and enjoy Jello and sugar free popsicles. The only place I feel anything at all is around the port, but really hardly anything. I've lost 11 lbs. since surgery and I am thrilled. So since the two weeks of liquids and Optifast before surgery and up until now I have Hope everyone else does good as the days go by......
  8. Walmart I get them at. They have them at Publix too. They come in a plastic bag with several flavors.
  9. I have not had any nausea. If you feel nauscious call your doctor and they should be able to give you something. On my list of things to have at home after surgery is Maalox Plus, maybe that might help you out. But if it continues you should call them. Also, if you are having to much troube with getting fluids down tell your doctor that also. My son has a lap-band and when he had his put in he could not drink and there was still some saline in the band and he had to go to the office and have the saline removed. Your band should be empty right now. You should have no problems Fluid anymore. Good Luck!
  10. Hi, Was operated on Tuesday 6/19. Felt pretty sore through Wednesday and Thursday. But today I have soreness only around port area and some bruising there. Could hardly tolerate anything first two days but have increased each day and I too am walking and it helps with the gas pain. I weighed myself yesterday(Thursday) already down 5lbs from day of surgery. I don't expect it to be that quick all the time but it felt good to see it on the scale right after surgery. Everything gets better with time. Stay strong, be faithful to the plan and things will be great!!!
  11. Find out about the process itself and how quickly you want to lose the weight. The lap-band isn't the quickest but it's the best way to lose and keep it off. Always ask the pros and cons of a surgery to make sure it is right for you. Every doctor handles the diet before and after surgery differently, you might want to know that. Ask about complications that pertain to your health and just general complications that can happen with a lap-band. Hope this helped a little....
  12. cfmom716

    Tomorrow Is The Big Day!

    I'm having surgery tomorrow at around 9 a.m. for a lap-band. I, like you am nervous and a little scared but I have faith that God will see me through this. He has been there for me in so many ways throughout the years and I'm definately not going to doubt him now. What I'm doing today to try to take the worries away is keeping busy. I've done laundry like crazy, cleaned and recleaned things, reading a book and playing nonsense games online just to keep my mind occupied. Tonight will be the hardest. It's when I have time to think and the fear gets the best of me . So I plan on praying a lot and hope to find a good movie to watch and maybe get some sleep. Good luck to you! And I will try to meet you back here on this forum after surgery.....
  13. cfmom716

    Less Than 24 Hours I Will Be Banded!!

    Great!!! I will be banded Tuesday 6/19/12 at around 2pm and I am really anxious about getting it done, finally after all the battles you have to overcome to get to this point. Best of luck to you on your surgery and your jouney to be healthy and thinner!!!
  14. cfmom716

    Waking Up During Surg????

    Don't give it a second thought. I worried about the same thing when I had my 1st surgery and had to be knocked out. I was told by the doctor that today they have equipment hooked up to you to make sure you are completely under anesthesia and not wake up and the Anesthesiologist stays with you. That's what all the wires are for when they operate. They keep track of your heart rate, blood pressure and if you were abe to feel the surgery, they could tell by those. This had happened very rarely and the Anesthesiologist's are well aware and now better equipped to make sure it does not happen. Dreams are doors to your fears and worries, it's your subconscious mind at work. Don't let it get the best of you. You probably saw the same special I saw on the health network about that happening to people and it stuck in your mind. I've had three surgeries since and slept like a baby and woke up fine. Think positive and plan for the rest of your new thinner life....
  15. Hi, I've been on the liquid diet for 9 days now and I have found that if you spread your shakes out throughout the day it helps and the idea newbie gave you about freezing them is great. I also eat sugar-free Jello and sugar free popsicles. They seem like a treat when you're sick of the shakes. I, like newbie eat Lipton Cup of Soups they are only 50 calories. Sometimes you just get sick of having sweet stuff. You need to keep your calories below 800 for it to work for surgery. You just have to stay away from heavy sugar treats and keep them sugar-free. Sugar free hard candy helps in between. Hope I helped a little. Keep up the good work, it will be worth it in the end....
  16. That's the attitude you need to have!!! Ready, set, lose weight!!!!
  17. cfmom716

    Now I'm Scared!

    Don't be scared it will be a beginning of a new life for you. Have faith in God and in your surgeon and do what they instruct you to do and you will be so happy afterwards. You definately will not regret it. My son was over 500lbs at 23 yrs. old. He lost 125lbs. in one year and already is feeling extremely better. I am scheduled for lap-band surgery in less than a week and I am so excited. Yes, I am nervous to have surgery again, this will be my 11th surgery on my abdomin but this one will improve my life forever and help prevent me from getting sick in the future. I'll pray for you when I say my prayers each night Rosario_35 Be strong.....
  18. Have faith in God and your surgeon. My son was over 500lbs and had the surgery last year. He did great through surgery and has lost over 120lbs. You'll be fine!
  19. Hi everyone! My name is Christine and I am scheduled to have a lap-band put in on June 19th 2012. I just got done doing my pre-surgery work-up with my pcp (bloodwork, xrays etc) and they determined I have a mild UTI and put me on Bactrim today. I am so upset because I am afraid this will post-pone my surgery. I have absolutely no symptoms or fever. I was wondering if anyone knows if this will affect my surgery since it is still a week away and I will have been on the antibiotic for 7 days. Could you please reply to me ASAP. I am really stressing about this.
  20. Hi everyone! My name is Christine and I am scheduled to have a lap-band put in on June 19th 2012. I just got done doing my pre-surgery work-up with my pcp (bloodwork, xrays etc) and they determined I have a mild UTI and put me on Bactrim today. I am so upset because I am afraid this will post-pone my surgery. I have absolutely no symptoms or fever. I was wondering if anyone knows if this will affect my surgery since it is still a week away and I will have been on the antibiotic for 7 days. Could you please reply to me ASAP. I am really stressing about this.
  21. cfmom716


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
