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Posts posted by ChicagoRose

  1. If you haven't already checked out my blog, I invite you to do so. Blogging has helped me tremendously with my journey. My honest assessments of life's ups and downs not only help me keep myself in check, but continues to motivate me to stay on track with this decision that I have committed to. Merry Christmas everyone. We are all in this together!


  2. Everyone has their vices. Mine is chips. I can eat a whole bag if I let myself and the band can't do anything about it. The good thing is you are identifying your problem and triggers and can work through them. Number one is not having those things available. I just can't have a bag of Doritos in my house or it's going down the hatch. I now buy the mini bags for my kids lunches and keep them in the garage and somehow that works. Good luck, you got this!

  3. There are many obstacles that get in our way, this is NORMAL. Try and anticipate your problem times, have healthy Snacks available, chew gum (yes, I do this and it works, they even have the dessert flavors) take a walk around your building, etc. Keeping busy has been my lifesaver. What's done is done, you can get back and track and move on from this =)

  4. Family can be worse than anyone. Especially the older generation in my opinion. I have lost 70+ lbs and all I hear is how much I don't eat, what I don't eat, what I don't cook anymore, etc. When you are fat everyone complains. When you lose weight everyone complains. It will never be different so I guess I'd rather be thin and hear the rude comments than fat and hear them! In one ear and out the other and KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!

  5. It's true that the purpose of the pre-op is to drop you 10-15 lbs but results are NOT typical. I did lose 13 myself but it was by the last day. Your body is still adjusting. If you are being honest as I'm sure you are about not cheating, then even if your weight isn't dropping, your body internally is still prepping for your new life. Don't use this as any indication of your future success. You can do this! Good luck!

  6. LOL...hmmm...do you mean your pubic bone? No need to stop the momentum...find a different position and go for it!!

    PS...I love how people on this forum call it their "kitty"!

  7. I did stay overnight so I had to take my CPAP mask and tubing to hook up to their machine. I wore sweatpants in and out. I took my travel pillow (I HATE sleeping flat on my back and there was no way I could lay on my side that first night) and my snuggie, just because. I sat on my laptop the whole time so remember the charger...and your phone charger too LOL. They say no gum or mints but if you are able to not swallow the mints, you may want something to keep your mouth from getting dry...maybe a sucker or something. They just don't want you to swallow them.

    GOOD LUCK =)

  8. Sorry, but better he leaves you now than later. You deserve better. I know you are in love but a true partner loves you UNconditionally and is with you through all of life's ups and downs, including weight.

    It would be one thing if he were saying he wanted to help you feel better about yourself since gaining 9 lbs, but to say he's no longer attracted to you is an excuse in my book. 9 lbs is NOT a very noticible difference, especially someone who see's you all the time.

    I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you find the support you need to get through this breakup. Hopefully the next person you are with is more of a man than this person was!

  9. It's okay...you are not the first person ever to cheat at this!!

    What you are describing sounds reasonable for your first (and hopefully only) cheat. Only the chips are questionable since they don't provide nutrition, but based on the calories I say you are okay if you just keep on track from here.

    I was able to eat one small meal a day when I was on my pre-op, that was a life saver for me.

    Good luck and don't get yourself down, you need to stay positive so you can keep up the good work =)

  10. I haven't heard of anything saying they are harmful, but I also haven't really investigated them very much either. All they do is suck Water out of you and I know several post-op patients do use them to shrink their waists. That being said, they are temporary since it's just water bloat and they are very expensive each month to keep up. Once you are done using them, your natural waist is back. I've heard of people only using them for a special occasion like going to a wedding, etc.

    Good luck =)

  11. So I have noticed that as I lose more and more weight and have been exercising really hard, my TOM is completely out of whack. I have always been regular but now my counting doesn't seem to jive at all....I start spotting when I think it's time and then nothing for a day or two and then more spotting and finally the main event.

    During this time I am irritable, my anxiety is way up, I am craving things I don't normally eat etc. etc.

    Maybe I need more protien? Could the weight loss and exercise be the culprit? I feel like crap during this crazy on again-off again relationship with my uterus...ugh!

    I'm waiting for Aunt Flo as we speak and hoping she comes soon. My husband had a vasectomy so please don't go there about a possible pregnancy.

    Just needed to VENT!

  12. Start out with foods that you can mash with a fork easily. This goes for meats too. Think about a burrito. It's something solid that you can pick up and bite, but you can also take a fork and mash off pieces. Be conscious of what you are eating and when in doubt....don't swallow it. It's OKAY to spit back out something that is in your mouth and you have doubts about....way classier than getting stuck LOL. Just keep some napkins handy that's what I did until I got the hang of things =)

  13. This has nothing to do with being banded. I have FINALLY been able to update my after photos but now I can't seem to figure out how to make my most recent photo my AFTER photo on my profile page. I have gone to settings, gone to edit my profile, gone to patient data, gone to photos, gone to the gallery, clicked on the photo, checked options...etc. etc.


  14. That's an awesome goal!! And totally attainable!! My first 5k is going to be this spring....it's a personal NSV I'm trying to reach. But a weight goal for me is to be in "onederland" by February 15. My husband bought be tickets to see luke bryan and I want to be under 200 by then!! I'm 217 now, so I really think I can do it if I don't kill myself over the holidays!! Wish me luck!

    You can for sure do it!! I hit Onederland about two months ago and it's a crazy amazing NSV. You can totally do the 5K by then. I used the 5K Runner app on my phone and the voice talks you through the training while you are listening to Pandora radio. I highly recommend it. And don't feel pressure to jog the whole thing, I did 1/2 and 1/2 and that was HUGE for me. It all counts =)

  15. Your weight can fluctuate every day by at least 3 to 9lbs. If you are going to be a scale watcher then you have to get over being disappointed when the numbers go up. Water weight and other things will only make the scale go up. You have to be patient if you are going to weigh everyday because if not you will make yourself crazy.

    I weight every day....sigh....and am not proud of it but I'm just addicted I guess. I try to only count my Friday weights on myfitnesspal.com and I only document my monthly banding anniversaries (4th of each month) in my weight loss binder with my pictures and measurements. I know it's a terrible roller coaster and I don't recommend to anyone that you weight every day...but just wanted you to know you are not alone =(

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