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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mizvicky

  1. This boyfriend of yours had better have some other amazing qualities going for him because this whole "I can fix you" routine is nothing but controlling and insecure behavior on his part. How dare he or anyone else call you lazy !! You are doing something extremely brave that requires hard work and commitment that no "lazy" person could even comprehend. Do not let your boyfriend or anyone else keep you from taking care of yourself.

    Taking steps to take care of yourself will empower you to not depend on your boyfriend or anyone else to define your worth. I'm pretty sure that's what he is so insecure about. He's also afraid that as you begin to look and feel better you will also be looking good to other guys. Again with the insecurity. Just make sure you do what's best for you, because I can tell you, boyfriend aint gonna. Just telling it like I see it.

  2. Hi Stephanie, glad to hear from you. I'm not banded yet either (surgery consult is 7/6/12). I am also new here and so far it has been a great source of information and support. I'm quite a bit older than you (56), but your story is a familiar one. People who have not struggled with obesity just don't get it and they never will. I just try to educate the people around me and then they are either on board or they're not. Bottom line you have to decide for yourself and some people might see that as selfish but I don't think it is. A happier healthier you is always a good thing. Best of luck to you. Let us know how you are doing.

  3. This question is for those of you who have had the surgery, and been a few weeks post-op. I could really use your experience and wisdom.

    If you could just name the 2 or 3 must have essential kitchen tools to make meal prep and storage easier and more convenient, that works best for you, what would they be ?

    I am having my surgery consult 7/6/12 and want to make sure I give myself every advantage to be prepared and make the most of my lap band. Thanks so much.

  4. You gotta change some habits girlfriend ! And one of the big ones is DO NOT beat yourself up. You have not failed. Just remember you're on baby steps right now. Just get back with your Dr's diet plan and you'll be very glad you did. Try not to expose yourself to any more triggers like a big turkey dinner. That would be hard for anyone to walk away from. You'll be fine, you can totally do this !! Keep us posted on your progress.

  5. Hang in there. You will soon find comfort, and actual joy in losing the weight instead of eating the food. Like me, you need to find and focus on other ways to get the security and pleasure you once got from the food. And the good news is, you will find that the pleasure and joy will be real and lasting, rather than just the temporary relief you once gained from eating food. It's up to you and what you are wiiling to do for yourself. I wish you the best. Keep us posted.

  6. Take an older gal's advice. Do this now while you still have your health. While you can still walk without pain, before you become diabetic, before you develop hypertension and an even more increased risk of stroke and heart attack. Do this before you ruin your heart, kidneys, joints, your digestive tract with years of overeating and weight loss and gain over and over and over until your heart is broken from repeated failure. Don't let anyone stop you from taking care of yourself, not even your husband. I believe he's probably like most men, not comfortable with changes and just needs as much support from you as you need from him. I only wish that I had started this journey years ago before I did so much damage to my body. Don't wait like I did, take charge now, you can do it !! Best of luck to you and your husband.

  7. I plan to have fruit between my main meals of Protein so that I don't end up flushing my protein through too quickly and just end up hungry again. I will not be giving up fruits and vegetables and will definitely find a way to get them in on a daily basis without messing up my protein intake. Has anyone else been able to have fresh fruits and veggies this way ?

  8. Hi everyone. I went to my seminar on Saturday June 23rd and have my surgery consult on July 6th.

    I'm asking all the prayer warriors out there to keep me and all the other newbies in your prayers as we start this journey. I've actually been researching and considering this for a long time and now that I'm ready I'm very excited and also a little daunted by the whole process as each step brings me closer. Since my insurance doesn't cover the procedure and I am self pay, I don't have to jump through all the hoops the insurance companies seem to require, so hopefully once I pass the pre-op tests it won't take long to actually get a surgery date. This is a great site to get answers and supporty. Thanks all and God bless.

  9. I'm doing this because after 42 years of dieting, I've finally given up trying to do it on my own. I don't give up easily( obviously) but I cannot do it or I would have in 42 years. Oh, I can lose it ! But just like everyone who is on this journey I cannot keep it off. I am shooting for a September surgery date and I really have researched and studied the lap band and I feel like this could really finally be it for me. I am so ready to get started. Everyone here has been so supportive and informative , it's really been a huge help to me. I appreciate all of you sharing your stories.

  10. food is my drug of choice. It's my heroin, my crack. The act of eating calms me and makes it all better, at least temporarily, just like any other drug. But, then the high goes away and I'm left with those same feelings I tried to eat away plus the guilt of knowing I've fallen off the wagon again.

    And just like any junkie I know deep down I can't stop without help. I'm new to this forum and just beginning this lap band journey, but already I'm beginning to feel that just maybe this time I can really do it. I plan to be ready for my surgery by September. The support and encouragement here is amazing. Thank you all.

  11. Congrats to you for taking this step to turn your life around !! Just keep in mind the you that you are working to create for a healthier, longer, better future. I would probably choose the liquid too, just to keep too many choices out of my historically uncapable hands, LOL. The bottom line is you have to get your liver size down for surgery so do what your surgeon says and you'll be just fine. Hugs and prayers for your success !!

  12. So sorry this happened to you. Your friends don't get it. They are not in the club. If they have never been mor than 50 lbs over weight they are not in the club. If they have never had someone blatantly look them up and down in public, they are not in the club. If they have never had to be sure to ask for a table in a retaurant because they probably won't fit in a booth they are not in the club. If they have never been in pain just from walking up a flight of stairs they are not in the club. if they have never lost 50 or more lbs only to gain it back again and again and again they are not in the club. If they are not in the club they don't get a vote. They may mean well, but like I said, they just don't get it. Good for you for doing something good for yourself. I am in the club and I salute you and wish all the best.

  13. I'm so happy for you !! I'm just beginning this process myself. Unfortunately my insurance excludes this procedure, so I am having to come up with the money. Hopefully I won't be too far behind you, maybe September by the time I complete my surgical consults, etc., and pay off a couple of bills so I can pay for my surgery. Again, congrats and good luck to you !!

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