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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Cooper1

  1. You are not alone. I was banded 20 months ago and I am currently down 35 lbs. I was down 50 lbs only by going on the ideal Protein diet. Since stopping that last july i have gained weight back. I can hardly get liquids down in the mornings because my band is tighter in the morning but by evening i can eat... alot! I know I shouldn't but by evening I am so hungry I eat! This has been very frustrating for me.

  2. I also struggle with the "lean". I was banded 6/14/12 and have only lost 25lbs and that was in the first month and a half, I have not lost anything since. I have had multiple fills and believe I am up to 5.5cc in a 10cc band. I eat less than half of what I used to be able to. I think it's because I eat mostly carbs that I am not losing??? I have been vegetarian for years but ate mostly carbs and was very bad at getting any Protein in, I went vegan the first of the year, I had only not given up cheese and ate way to much of it so decided it was time (it's a stuggle tho as I miss my cheese!) I started back on Protein Shakes but they do not fill me up at all. So I struggle as I did pre- band but I'm not giving up, I will figure this out :)

  3. Thanks everyone for the replys, I'm going to talk with the bariatric nurses this week. I eat around 1 to 1 1/2 cups a meal but I do have Snacks in between. This last week I have been staying to Protein Shakes, Unjury broth with noodles, and vegetarian refied Beans with cheese (I'm vegetarian so I do have a hard time getting enough Protein so I try to have the unjury everday) also evening snack has been the healthy choice frozen yogurt as all of that goes down well, so I'm probably eating to much of it, again I'm hungry :( I know I have to pay better attention to my bite size as I know I take bigger bites than the size of a fingernail and I tend to eat to fast and mindlessly as I do other things, it's been a lifelong habit that has been hard to break, I always do 5 other things as I eat. Sometimes it takes talking it out and hearing it from someone else to make me think of what I'm doing wrong, So glad this forum exists. Thanks everyone and Happy Thanksgiving. :)

  4. I was banded in June, I've lost 28 lbs but that was in the first 5-6 weeks when I was having a hard time getting anything down. After that I was able to eat anything. Since then I have gone up and down but staying within the same 6 lb range. I have had several fills with the last one being 2 weeks ago,I believe I have 4.5cc in a 10cc band. I stepped on the scale this morning and was up 3 lbs! The thing is one day I can eat something just fine and the next day it gets stuck, bad! Three times this week I have gotten stuck where it was 40 minutes of pain until it finally came up. And then later I can eat and it goes down fine. My question is if I'm not losing any weight should I get another fill? I'm afraid It will be to tight then as until this week I had only had 1 bad stuck episode and I knew it was because I had taken to big of a bite. I'm just at a loss of what to do and am getting so discouraged about this whole thing. What am I doing wrong? And I'm hungry ALL the time. Any advise?

  5. From the posts I've read I can tell I am not the normal, just don't know what's wrong with me.I am 20 days post op today. I have had a hard time getting anything down since surgery, I was so tight after surgery I could hardly get liquids down. My Dr. took 1.5 cc of Fluid out of my band at day 10 (that's all that was in it) and that helped a little. I am still basically on full liquids and just added very runny cream of wheat and instant mashed potatoes (very runny...I can pour them) this week. I ate about 3/4 cup of potatoes the first time as It was soooo good and then I was in pain all night! So I've learned to keep it at 1/2 cup! But I don't feel good after I eat and I still can't get in the liquids I should, I'm lucky to get down a 16oz glass in a day, not including my Soup of 1/2 cup. I'm started to think I will never eat regular food again ( could not imagine eating anything solid right now) and getting depressed!I also have to burp alot! So worried the band might slip with the constant burping?? I have not vomited at all ( thank goodness!) Does it just take longer with some people to be able to eat foods? Need some words of encouragement please!

  6. Lots of different homemade tofu salads, or sometimes premade tofu salads from MOMS. Fresh greens Beans and veges from local farmers. Try to stay away from super processed vegan foods. I average about 1000k per day 70 grams of Protein

    What kind of tofu salads? I never know what to do with tofu. Does anyone have a good tofu "egg salad" recipes?

  7. I am also 7 days post op. I get more of a bloated feeling and pain between my shouler blades. Have not taken any gas-X, just trying to walk around. I am only getting small amounts of liquids down, but then have to burp alot. Hope this gets better soon, I have 3 more days and then have to go back to work. Hope you feel better, good luck on your journey. :)

  8. So glad I found you guys too! I was banded on June 14th, so day 6 post op, and don't feel very good. Mainly the gas pain and pain in my chest (under the sternum) and between my shoulder blades. Always feel like I have to burp and sometimes I do burp/hiccup and it hurts, so worried about my band slipping because of this, I'm not sure if that's a worry or not but I find myself worrying about everything. I'm lucky to get 8oz down a day plus some popsicles. I so want this to get better and be on my way to a good diet and weight loss! My stomach is still so bloated/swollen, wondering when this gets better. Have some pain when sitting/standing but not all the time. Trying to walk around as much as I can. Today was the first day I thought why did I do this? Guess I thought I would be much better by now. I see my Dr. tomorrow for 1 week visit.

  9. Had my Lapband surgery yesterday, stayed in the hospital overnight. I was getting liquids down fine yesterday and now starting today everytime I swallow I get bubbles coming back up and I feel sometimes I just need to burp.When a burp does come up and very uncomfortable. I'm taking very small sips 1 tsp. at a time (still doing liquids only) But I was wondering if anyone else has had the "bubbles" coming back up . Is this normal and will it go away. I know there is probably swelling right now. Anyone else have this post up?

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