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Posts posted by dliteful!

  1. Wow! Amazing progress, JDMart7! Best wishes to you for a fast and full recovery from your recent gallbladder surgery! Just what you needed, huh?

    I had surgery June 8 and am down 32 pounds - 53 to go to goal. Tomorrow is my scheduled weigh day, so maybe a few more than that. Feeling good, understanding it's a slow process, working to change habits (which do die hard by the way.)

    Excited about progress week by week...

    Thanks for checking in!

  2. Same thing happened to me last weekend. Had a .25 fill on Thursday, did liquids Friday, Soft mushies on Saturday. Went for scrambled eggsand broccoli (bad decision) for Breakfast instead of my usual Protein shake and OH NO....that started the day. I irritated my band enough that I couldn't keep anything but liquids down at all on Saturday. Sunday was better, have been fine ever since. Even though it wasn't the reason this past weekend, my hubby and I went hiking a few weeks ago in the mountains (we live at about 4,000 ft and hiked at about 10,000 ft and I couldn't eat at all. Could feel my band get tighter even without eating when we were up at that altitude.

    Pretty wild - who woulda thought?

  3. This is a great topic - we've all had to deal with this. I find that I'm fine taking a little of what's being served (unless it's just something that I can't tolerate any more) and talking, laughing, moving my food around my plate, taking small bites, chewing chewing chewing, and really taking my time. My biggest problem in the social situation you describe is I get wrapped up in conversation or distracted and eat too fast or take the occasional too big of a bite. You probably know the rest of that story, but it's a graceful "excuse me a moment," a trip to the ladies room, then back with the fun. Nobody notices. It's awesome. I haven't missed the volume or any of the foods I have not had since being banded. That's the beauty of the band, it won't let you overdo it - and it feels great to eat like a normal person despite what may be going on around you!

    Best of luck to you!

    D :)

  4. I was told by my psychologist that there is such a thing as "addiction transfer" so it's something to look out for. Have your support system be aware of that as a slim possibility, and if it looks like you're headed that way, regroup! I've only been banded for 6 weeks, and I was a compulsive overeater. I do not feel like that anymore - first of all, the band won't let me. It reminds me right away if I'm overdoing it. Sometimes I still have the urge to just eat more (and I do still put too much on my plate), but I know the downside and I stop. With time, that addiction does go away! The trick is to replace it with healthy things - walking, something creative, meditation, snuggling with your honey, music, or whatever fills your spirit besides food or other addictions.

    You're going to do great! I'm excited for you and can't wait to hear how things go!!!

    D :)

  5. Hi there! I had a fill today too, but only a really baby one (.25 cc) because I had already had some in my band. I can tell a difference already! I've lost 23 pounds too since June 5, sounds like we're on the same happy track!!!

    Good for you and your positive attitude, I know I REALLY appreciate it!

    Keep up the great work!

    D :)

  6. Hi Cindy - I'm 5 weeks out now and I think the pain is starting to get better. It comes and goes, and like you, no problem with the pooping (LOL!) Seems to bother me most after I eat or drink, usually later in the day. Sure could be muscular - that's what it kinda feels like. The good news is, I do think it is going away very slowly, and doesn't seem to bother me as much now as it did about three weeks ago.

    Let me know how your doing - it is so nice to hear from others with the same stuff going on!!!

    D :)

  7. Hey friends! I was banded 6/8/12 - four weeks ago today, and I've lost 19 in total including my pre-op diet and 11 of those have been post surgery. Slow and steady! Can't wait to say I've lost my first 20. One thing I know is I'll NEVER EVER see those 19 pounds again in my entire life! WOW!

    Congrats to everyone! You are all doing great too!

    Hugs -


  8. Hey June band-buddies! I was banded June 8 and returned to work June 13. Feeling GREAT! Down 7 lbs since surgery, 16 in all since my three day pre-op liquid diet. Out working in the yard today and had to take a break! Drinking lots of Water - It's going to be 101 here today and man it's HOT!!!!! We will all be too - congratulations to everyone getting banded this month! We did it!


  9. I'm at week two and have lost 7 pounds since surgery - dropped a ton (figuratively speaking) right before and right after, but only one pound this week. I had some Fluid taken out of my band on day 5 because with swelling, I was too tight, and after that, I've slowed down considerably. I loved reading all of your comments, it's so helpful to help me stay patient with my body. I know I'm still healing, and I know it's best to come off slowly. I feel great and have made significant changes in my habits, so that's a huge win! My problem is we have a vacation at the end of July and I would like to lose as much as I can before that, but I know I've got to change that thinking. That's "diet" mentality and got me to where I was!

    Thanks everyone for sharing - D

  10. Maybe hold your nose when you drink it? HA HA! Just kidding, although I never had to do Optifast, I agree that the colder the better. :) I had a three-day clear liquid pre-op diet and my nutritionist suggested Optipure drinks. I get them at GNC and they are zero carb, 40 grams of Protein per bottle. Clear liquid, lots of flavors. They are best super cold as well, but I would have keeled over if I hadn't have had those!

    BEST of LUCK, I know you'll do great and 13 days will FLY by!

  11. Those new to surgery who are scheduled for today - don't worry. Follow your docs instructions and take advantage of pain relievers as he or she instructs. Be patient, the first few days will be rough, but move around, walk as much as possible. Believe me, it will make you feel better faster by getting rid of the trapped gas in your innerds!

    My thoughts and prayers are with you all! I'm day 3 post surgery and really feeling pretty good! Will be up and doing some chores around the house today, walking, SIPPING (my biggest challenge is not drinking too fast).

    Keep us all posted on your progress!!! Hugs to all.

  12. Day 2 post-op - yesterday afternoon and evening was a little rough, my incisions and tummy hurt pretty badly, but once I got some pain meds going, I felt better. At bed time, I used an ice pack on my incisions and it felt SOOOO good! That plus a little liquid Rx pain medicine did the trick and I slept like a baby. Still some gas issues, plan to do a fair amount of walking today to alleviate that. The gas is better than it was yesterday. SO excited about this change in my life and I can't believe how wonderful everyone on this site is - supportive, positive, encouraging. Thanks to all of you who have commented and checked in with me :) D

  13. Hi gang, I'm just 2 days post-op and am finding that I can't handle much liquid either - maybe half a cup of Protein shake at a time. I do sip Water throughout the day, not sure how many oz I'm taking in but doing my best to stay hydrated. So far, no post-surgery diarrhea (on the three day liquid diet pre-surgery, it was awful!). I think the point is that everyone's body is going to handle this differently, and we have to be very in tune and listen to what our own system is telling us. Knowing we have to stay hydrated and not stretch out the pouch, this should be our first priority. Congrats on already losing 13 pounds! I'm not getting on the scale for a while, I feel bloated and don't want to be discouraged.

    GREAT job and thanks everyone for sharing! D

  14. Hey everyone, thanks for the well wishes. The procedure went perfectly yesterday, and I feel so good. I really expected my pain to be worse, but it's not that bad. Very little problem with gas buildup (yay for Gas X strips and liquid pain meds). I've been up and around, happily walking around my house and loving on my family. Had my first "real" food in 5 days - a cup of Protein shake. Tasted so good and I was full super fast.

    Anyway, for those of you starting the journey, I wish you all the best and if I can answer any questions please let me know! For those of you already banded who offered your support, thank you and bless you! Keep up the great work. I'm proud to be a "fellow bandster!"


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