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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by meyouus

  1. The three most important elements after RNY gastric bypass surgery are to meet your daily Protein, Fluid and Vitamin requirements. food is secondary because your body is converting your stored fat into the energy that drives your body. Thus you lose weight.

    Weight loss is achieved after surgery through volume control. You begin at 2 ounces (1/4 cup) per meal and gradually over the next year and a half increase the volume to 1 cup per meal. With this minuscule amount of food, it is next to impossible to meet your Protein daily requirements by food alone, so therefore you need to rely on supplements such as protein shakes.

    I lost my hunger after surgery and it was not difficult to lose weight when you are not hungry. But the hunger returned about a year later but by that time I had lost a significant amount of weight. @ said I am a year out from my RNY. I was non compliant all that time. I did not gain any weight but I also did not lose. I have NO appetite. This is rather strange and it seems to me that something is wrong unrelated to your surgery. After I gained my appetite back, I had an experience of getting a stomach flu that lasted for a week. During that week, I was not hungry and ate very little and lost weight quickly.

    So if you continue to want to lose weight; restrict the volume of your meals, and make sure that you are meeting your daily protein, Fluid and Vitamin requirements. Also try to get in around 30 minutes of walking exercise per day [or equivalent].

    James, thanks for the guidelines! I have a problem with exercise. I am handicapped and deal with chronic pain that severely limits my walking or standing. I can do housework for little spurts at a time, and I try to do as much as I can. But I pay dearly. I work on upper body strength but am not getting much cardiovascular action. I can't afford PT as I am unemployed. So I do my best, knowing I won't lose as fast as all of you, but I will get there some day. .

    Sent from my HTC6600LVW using the BariatricPal App

  2. Hi and welcome back. Have you had your annual blood work done? Honestly that is something that needs to happen if not so you can see where your Vitamin needs will be, and I am sure you know this, it is dangerous following RNY to not have a nutritional panel done.

    Given you are not hungry the best thing you can do follow a schedule of eating ensuring that you have a minimum of 1 gram of Protein for every 1 inch you are tall. A minimum of 64 ounces of Water or non sweetened liquid every day. Then it's time to cut out all of the bad foods if you are still eating those.

    Get on a regimen of eating healthy Protein, good carbs like fruits and vegetables. Once you do that your appetite will likely come back.

    It's weird but I don't crave the bad stuff, other than chocolate every once in a while. But I really do crave good protein, fruits and vegetables and I get hungry for those things.

    If all that was left for me to eat on this planet, I would not be hungry either. Fast food, prepackaged prepared foods and most junk food really is abhorrent to me.

    That is where I would start. Just out of curiosity what made you want to jump back on the band wagon?

    I hope that you still have some time in the honeymoon period to get things moving for you. If there is, then you should have some quick success if you follow the plan.

    1. 64 oz. Water or non sweetened fluids every day

    2. 1 gram of protein for every inch you are tall MINIUMUM per day

    3. No drinking 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after a meal

    4. Eat slowly but finish your meal within 30 minutes

    5. Leverage a high protein, lower carb (fruits and vegetables) diet daily

    6. Get rid of all junk, prepackaged foods from your house and stay away from sweets, potatoes, rice, Pasta, bread.< /p>

    7. Once you start nearing maintenance you can introduce whole grains back into your diet

    Lastly and I mean this with all due respect, seek out a therapist that can help you understand why you have not gotten on board with program after two surgeries to help you. I am not convinced you can do this without understanding your need to self sabotage. I am not trying to be mean here, I am simply calling out what you already did.

    I hope that helps you get started and feel free to reach out directly if you like. I would be happy to help.

    Thank you Djmohr for your reply! As for the blood work, I was in the ER with my surgeon two weeks ago for extreme abdominal pain, and they did a ct scan, blood work and urine test and everything they stated, "was perfect". I have intestinal spasms, gas I guess. And I learned right after surgery that gas is NO laughing matter! It brings me to my knees! Anyway, I don't know what they tested, but it came out "perfect"? Perhaps they did a nut panel, IDK. I simply do not have any money to go in and see my nut. I wondered if they could order my panel to my hospital where I get my blood drawn, by fax or phone? Avoiding the cost of an appt. I absolutely understand that you don't take your health for granted and money should not be an issue, but it simply is. I'll call my nut tomorrow.

    I'm still following my Vitamin and supplements that I had in the beginning. I eat nothing but protein (food and drink source), veggies and some fruit. I have to follow the South Beach diet. Low bad carbs and protein, protein, protein. I drink like a fish. Portions that I never thought I could stand but do. Just maybe not enough meals as I hate food. I agree something could be wrong but I can't pay the cost of an appt. We went bankrupt on everybody, including my surgeon. Shamefully. But I will call my surgeon tomorrow. The hospital has a Charity Care program, I'm in the middle of applying for it.

    As for why I jumped back on the wagon....a year of shame built up and the ER scare was the final straw.

    I've been in therapy for most of my adult life. I am mentally ill, proudly surviving. My therapist says that due to my traumatic past and the repercussions of it, I am very self destructive. We're working on that, it's no joy ride. And I'm on a lot of psych meds plus chronic pain meds. But like I said, the ER scared me straight. I have no problem trying to follow the right path and use my precious tool. And I just turned 50, took a hard look at my WLS history and decided it had to change. Just have a few issues that I have to tweak. I need support like I get online. I'm doing my best. .

    Sent from my HTC6600LVW using the BariatricPal App

  3. Hi. I stopped using Protein Shakes because my husband works third shift and sleeps till 4:00pm and I didn't want to wake him by making shakes in my Magic Bullet. I used to take Protein Shots (the liquid in tube) but stopped. I didn't have a clue what to do, until I found this Protein Drink on pinterest. And I LOVE it!

    I'm a Decaf coffee drinker, hot and/or iced. So, I found that mixing a cup of cold coffee, Creamer, Equal and a scoop of vanilla Protein powder and shake real hard, makes a great, refreshing glass of iced vanilla coffee! BAM! I found something pleasing to drink (3 times a day) Also, since it's freakin HOT outside, my ice melts real quick so I poured decaf into an ice tray to make coffee ice cubes so when it melts, it just adds to the flavor.

    Give it a try if you like iced coffee. VANILLA iced coffee! :D

  4. Hi. I am a year out from my RNY. I was non compliant all that time. I did not gain any weight but I also did not lose. All my fault, yes. Recently, I was somehow ready to jump back on the wagon, thank goodness!!!!

    The problem I'm having is, I have NO appetite, I feel nauscious (I Can NOT spell that!!!) at the idea of eating food. When I am able to eat, it's thankfully a bird's portion. Protein and veggies/fruit. I am now losing weight, but I can't get myself to eat several times a day, no matter how yummy the food is. Right now, I'm going to eat Hummus and a baby cucumber, but I'm not pleased that I have to eat. And I love hummus. My food goes down well. And I'm drinking a lot of water/crystal light.

    Does anybody have this problem where it just feels awful to have to eat? If it were my choice, I wouldn't eat at all. But I know I have to. Food is appealing and tasty, yet I still have to force myself to eat and I hate it.

    Please share, I don't want to feel I'm alone on this. Thanks.

  5. Thanks for your insights! My Family Physician is a new one. With all the issues people are having with pain pills I don't want to be misunderstood. I am not drug seeking. I have always taken them responsibly. I just want to explain that they are not lasting as long as they used to and this I'm not making it up. I'm trying to get informed before my appointment. Thnx again and I welcome any other comment!

    Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

    Hello Imagine 1....I take Lortabs for chronic pain, I'm at about a year into them. PCP stated that I will most likely be on them for the rest of my life. I'm 50. Due to the Opioid Crisis in this country, it is always on the news. Though I take my pills precisely as prescribed, never doubling up, the press makes me feel like I'm an addict. A criminal addict! It feels awful. But just to be able to walk or stand for five minutes, I have to have the Lortabs. I'm almost ashamed.

    I am still in pain despite the pills, but I am afraid to ask for a higher dose or use another pain pill because I believe that one gets "used" to them and they feel like they don't work as well. I don't want to ask for, say, Oxycodone, because I feel I'll just get used to them too over time and then where do I go? My PCP says she may send me to a pain clinic, because she does not dispense anything over my current dose or a stronger pill. That's ok with me, but I don't know what a pain clinic does. I'm not addicted to pain pills, I never misuse, sell or share them. I am dependent on them. But as far as how well it controls or eases my pain, I think they work less now. The only thing I can think of is that my body is used to them and I don't get the benefits from them like I used to. But they still help, a little.

    I could only assume that I am becoming resistant to them. Does that help? I can only offer my experience and tell you you are not alone. Good luck with your new PCP, I hope they can help you. :)

    Thank you so much for your reply. That is exactly how I feel. I too, take them responsibly. I took them before my surgery and then I also had shoulder surgery a couple of months ago. I think that if my doctor would just prescribe One more per day I would be ok. I know I might have built up a tolerance but I would still not be taking that many and it is true that I am not absorbing the full amount since my bypass.

    I saw my doc this week and she started me on a non narcotic pill, Gabapentin. The generic form of neurontin. I read on internet that people are given it for epilepsy and seizures and for nerve pain from herpes. Yikes.. But I also read that Dr's prescribe for arthritis pain and back pain. The thing is, my pain is in joints and bone spurs are not really nerve related. So far it just makes me sleepy. She is still continuing the 3 Vicodin a day so at least I have something that works. Even if it is still not being absorbed efficiently.

    Is Lortab the liquid form of Vicodin? What dosage works for you? I too am going to be on pain meds forever. It honestly helps me function and enables me to live life in a more normal fashion. I am wondering if I need to see a pain specialist.

    Like you, I have taken them at the same amount for years and have only increased once and that's because of the shoulder surgery. If I was going to be an addict I would not have stayed at the same strength for so long and they would not be lasting me for the full month! Sorry, just venting. I'd appreciate staying in touch because it sounds like we have a similar problem. Thanks for lending an ear! I look forward to seeing how things work out for you.

    Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

    Right now I am on my bariatricpal app on my phone, usually I am on my computer so I'm not sure how to use the app yet. I'd love to be your friend but don't know how on this.

    Did anybody mention if this med was not absorbed after RNY?

    I take 2 10mg Lortab a day, pill form. I have chronic pain in my abdomen (4yrs now) and in my 4 year old replaced knees and in my legs and back. Therapist wants me to look into fibromyalgia due to this and many other "pop up" pains and other things.

    I "think" vicodan is stronger than Lortab? If you take 3 a day, stay with that till you find a different/better? option for you. I don't know what pain clinics do but I may have to look into it sometime as sometimes the pills don't seem to work. They say try exercise (yeah, right. It hurts just to BE, exercise sucks the life out of me and leaves me in more pain) and meditation. Meditation is used in my Faith and I never was really good at it, though in bed while trying to go to sleep, I pray for a long time. Maybe that's a form of meditation? Could these things help you?

    I take Gabapentin too. It helps a myriad of things. My psychiatrist uses it for my incurable insomnia.

    Hope to hear from you soon. ????

    Sent from my HTC6600LVW using the BariatricPal App

  6. I'm a year out, but I had the same problem in the beginning. It no longer happens to me, thank goodness! Maybe in time you won't have this problem. And you're right, it should be discussed! I didn't know it happened after surgery either. At home, I have an old towel on my recliner, just in case!

    BTW, we call this a shart. LOL!

    Good luck!

  7. Thanks for your insights! My Family Physician is a new one. With all the issues people are having with pain pills I don't want to be misunderstood. I am not drug seeking. I have always taken them responsibly. I just want to explain that they are not lasting as long as they used to and this I'm not making it up. I'm trying to get informed before my appointment. Thnx again and I welcome any other comment!

    Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

    Hello Imagine 1....I take Lortabs for chronic pain, I'm at about a year into them. PCP stated that I will most likely be on them for the rest of my life. I'm 50. Due to the Opioid Crisis in this country, it is always on the news. Though I take my pills precisely as prescribed, never doubling up, the press makes me feel like I'm an addict. A criminal addict! It feels awful. But just to be able to walk or stand for five minutes, I have to have the Lortabs. I'm almost ashamed.

    I am still in pain despite the pills, but I am afraid to ask for a higher dose or use another pain pill because I believe that one gets "used" to them and they feel like they don't work as well. I don't want to ask for, say, Oxycodone, because I feel I'll just get used to them too over time and then where do I go? My PCP says she may send me to a pain clinic, because she does not dispense anything over my current dose or a stronger pill. That's ok with me, but I don't know what a pain clinic does. I'm not addicted to pain pills, I never misuse, sell or share them. I am dependent on them. But as far as how well it controls or eases my pain, I think they work less now. The only thing I can think of is that my body is used to them and I don't get the benefits from them like I used to. But they still help, a little.

    I could only assume that I am becoming resistant to them. Does that help? I can only offer my experience and tell you you are not alone. Good luck with your new PCP, I hope they can help you. :)

  8. @@Sheriberi

    Wow. That was intense, and spot on. I'm bipolar type 2 among other diagnoses, so I hope this will work, My Dad died a year ago today and I'm a mess, plus being unemployable because I can't stand for long and need to walk very little. So, stress. And I'm sure others have more stress than me that made their WLS work. I try to remind myself of that.

    I want to make this work. No more pop and a lot more Water.No sugar, which will be very hard as you know. I'm trying to find something to do on Pinterest to divert my attention from food, but cant find anything I can afford to start. Where do I start to get myself on track? My stomach (I feel) is large. I find it next to impossible to eat a cup of this or a cup of that and feel satiated. Should I try anyway? Also, we do eat processed food because it is all we can afford, no Protein there. I thought about eating those egg muffins at meal time, but wonder if that is a good move since I'll get sick of it. Because I'm unemployed, depressed and am an insomniac I sleep in till 1:00, 2:00. I just can't fall asleep. I'm on a lot of meds to get me to sleep but they do not work. So, morning eating starts at 4:00 or 5:00, if I eat at all. I can try to get up earlier, but it makes me feel light headed. So, start eating some sort of Protein in the AM, or when I get up? I don't know what to eat for protein Snacks. Or for lunch, as I never was a lunch eater. dinner, I can see if I can afford chicken again. I'm stuck with canned vegetables for now. I can stop eating white rice and Pasta, which are cheap fillers. And, off the diet list, which I lost. My husband and I are/have been at the point where we talk only about the dire straights we're in, and he is at a loss as how to get the "right" food on our budget. How can we eat healthy when healthy food is so expensive? Also, he never quite grasped the idea of how to cook for two when I (was) eating so little. How do we fix that? I'm afraid of leaving the house, but I'm thinking I need to re learn how to walk. Just petrified of people seeing me struggle to walk. I live in a mobile home park, there is no privacy or anonymity. People gossip. I'll have to work with my therapist about that. I was told by my knee surgeon not to do many exercises that I feel I need. But he's adamant. I don't know what to do for exercise. I mean, I do have hand weights, I can do that. But I need to do something aerobic to lose weight. I tried youtube, but I can't find anything. I'm scared to move, does that make any sense? I don't think so.

    I'm so in the dark as to how to start anew. I could use everybody's help. I can no longer afford my Protein Shots and that worries me because food alone does not fulfill the grams needed. I know I can do this, at this moment. But my bipolar plays games with me and I fail. I'm in the grips of a serious depression because I'm mourning the loss of my Dad. I know it will pass. But it takes time, and I need to do things NOW. My priorities are all messed up.


  9. Hello. It's been a long time since I came on this site or posted. I am scared to death to write this post, as I already know what many of you will say and I also know most of the answers. I'm so scared of all of you because everyone has success stories and I am a complete, dire failure. I had my revision from band to GB last June. I have a lot of emotional problems that are being treated with many medications and weekly therapy. My really good therapist has little experience in WLS or food addiction. We've tried to communicate my issues, but seriously, each time I go in there is a new legitimate crisis that must be addressed first. She speaks about using EMDR to combat my complete refusal to follow my WLS program. But that has yet to be done. I'm completely and profoundly ashamed of myself and it has made me ditch the whole GB life that I was absolutely excited about in the beginning. You're all such a success, even the ones who struggle are doing laps around me. Please don't beat me up for being such a failure, I do that every day.

    My highest weight was 372. I put myself on a diet before even applying for WLS and lost 35 pounds. I had the bypass in June a week before my Father died of cancer. I tried so hard. After surgery I lost 35 more pounds, leaving me at 300. And in the deepest shame, I must admit that I only lost 8 pounds since my WLS a year ago. I have never gained, just maintained. At first, I was totally committed, then more crises occurred and I slowly let go of the rules. I know, it's awful. I began to eat a little larger meals at dinner and did not eat all day. It's like torture pushing food into my mouth in the morning. I made egg muffins, did them for a while but gave up. I had a hard time eating at all. Food did not appeal to me. I was doing my Protein and Vitamins religiously, oddly still am. My bloodwork was perfect. If you knew me and my life experiences, you would wonder why I didn't kill myself. But I am. I let go. My stomach never rejected extra food or made me sick. I had hoped I would dump on sugar or something, but that never happened. I began to eat a little sugar and that escalated to more and more. My stomach must be very large as it holds a standard adult meal. I always held in more food than those of you here on the forum. It was suggested that I eat three meals a day and two or three Snacks. I also drink a lot, even pop. By all accounts I should have blown up by now. I did damage and did not care.

    I don't really care what I eat. You know the destructive thinking of not caring even though you know it is only killing you. I'm super messed up. I'm a very honest person to others but not to myself. Yes, I hate myself, sometimes. I don't even care (or so I force myself to believe) if I ever lose weight. But honestly, I wish I could get it straight in my head that that is the path I chose with such enthusiasm.

    I was diagnosed with severe asthma and put on supplemental oxygen, in and out of the house. Yes, I felt sorry for myself. I have two replaced knees that prevent me from walking well or far. I had to use a walker to get around and do my job. It sucked. But, having lost the weight I did, I was taken off the oxygen, and with a lot of work, began to walk on my own, though not well. I want to go to PT so bad. I lost my job a long time ago (which has taken a mean toll on me) I was denied unemployment, took them to court and am awaiting the judge's decision. If I am denied again, I will request yet another hearing. My husband has been taking care of us on a $9.00 dollar an hour job. The past few months we have been surviving on all the cheapest food, which does not offer much nutrition at all. We are so poor, we sold everything we owned on craigslist for pennies. My husband cooks all our meals, but doesn't really support a WLS diet. I hate to say that he doesn't support my necessary diet. Not cruelly, but just not "think" of it. Especially since I'll eat anything. I can't stand long enough to cook. I tried to sit on a bench to cook, but my legs ended up hurting more. I do the housework I can, and try to walk the supermarket when I can. Good, healthy food is more expensive than we could afford. I'm still managing to get all the protein I can. But financially, we are screwed.

    Back to my failure to desire to get back on my diet...I want to care, but my mental health has deteriorated so much I can't. Even my psychiatrist feels for me but I've been on most of the meds that there are no more options. He is worried, as am I. I've looked for groups in my area, found and tried a few, but people don't get bariatric surgery. I was in groups of anorexics, etc. I just don't fit. Like I don't fit here, but I'm reluctantly reaching out. I have a dual diagnosis of severe mental illness and obesity. Its hard to fit in when the two are inter connected and I don't understand how to manage the two. But no weight loss after an entire year is an emergency in my opinion. I'm so hard on myself. I drink so much Water that I float, take in enough supplemental protein and take my prescribed vitamins. I just can't seem to get in a regimen again. I can't even believe I'm sharing this deeply personal and shameful post to you. Keep in mind my dual diagnosis, it is very, very hard for me to care about myself. Even with therapy. I don't regret the surgery at all, as I'm hoping with all my heart that I will make this happen. I'm a survivor. But coasting on no weight loss or gain is not good enough. I did not have this surgery to only fail. But I did. Please don't berate me. I'd just like to see how you successful people would respond to such a post. And, no, there is no easy answer. I need help.

  10. Hey there...I am three months out, rny. I have not had dumping syndrome at all. Aside from throwing up three times because I ate too much and the food wouldn't go down. But I've tried sugar and nothing. Fat, nothing. I'm kind of disappointed that I don't have that negative physical response that makes you never touch whatever it was ever again. But, I'm also relieved that I don't get sick. It's bittersweet.

    Does dumping rear it's ugly head later in recovery, or in the life long journey? Or am I just lucky and shouldn't question fate?

  11. Hi. I'm going to be doing the Five Day Pouch Test tomorrow, 9/18.

    Can someone refresh me on how to start and maintain it for five days?

    I use 42 gm Protein a tube, New whey Protein Shots. 3.5 oz. Hard to use that as a drink, any other suggestions? I do have some vanilla Protein powder (that tastes awful).

    I know Soup broth is good, but I don't think it's very nutritional.

    V-8 juice.

    Skim milk.

    Can someone give me some ideas? Advice? Support? Lovin? :D

  12. It looks as though I'm suggested to go on a liquid diet for five days to shrink my pouch. I will do that. I'm done eating for the day, so I'll start the liquid diet tomorrow.

    I do focus on Protein first, then veggies. Rarely do I eat a third item. My snacking is what my surgeon suggested, three times a day. But that was probably a suggestion for someone who is eating way less at meals.

    I'm just going to go back to square one. I've almost gotten there before, but come up short. Re-dedication is what's needed it seems. You've all been a help.

    But WHY can I eat more than you?

  13. Three months out. Lost 35 pounds right away. Now, I'm NOT losing weight, 2 months now.

    However I am noticing some changes, and my coworkers are too.

    My bra is getting bigger - not losing weight though.

    I have been taken off my supplemental oxygen forever - not losing weight though.

    I am standing up straight more often - not losing weight though.

    I am walking without my Rollator (walker) a lot - not losing weight though.

    My clothes, some, are falling off me - not losing weight though.

    I am able to go on mad cleaning streaks - not losing weight though.

    Losing some of my huge chin - not losing weight though.

    Upper arms flapping around - not losing weight though.

    I am blessed with the above, I recognize it every day.

    But how did these things happen when I am NOT losing weight? Honestly?

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