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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fallenangel2904

  1. Fallenangel2904

    Syntrax Matrix?

    Hi guys! I'm still pre op, I'm currently testing out protein powders and I've read lots of good things about the taste of Mint Cookie and Cookies and cream protein powder from Sytrax Matrix line. I've also heard mixed things about whether Matrix is good for bariatric patients because I believe it's not straight whey isolate, but a blend of isolate and regular whey- though I have seen bariatric patients drinking it. Thoughts on this? I want to know if its going to be a good thing to purchase before I go through with it. Thanks all!
  2. This is fun to think about! Let's see... Shop at Victorias Secret, Express and Zara Wear boots Go to the Water parks and amusement parks and not be afraid of weight restrictions Further my career goals with out fear of judgment of my size Zipline (I'm afraid of heights but I would do this if I ever got to my goal weight- just for the 'I can' factor) Learn to ride a bike- this is sad but I never learned because I've always been fat, uncoordinated and afraid. I want to cross that off my list Go hiking Compete in a race. I don't care the distance, how fast I go, but to be able to. Cut my hair short just because- and not fear my head looks like a basketball I'm sure I have a ton more lol
  3. Fallenangel2904

    October Sleevers! Announce Yourselves

    Hi all. I'm 23, from NYC and I'm an October Sleever with no date yet. I get my date in a few weeks (September 18th! Can't wait!) I'm hoping for early October. I'm so excited but also kinda nervous! so glad us October sleevers have grown in numbers! When I first checked in June when I started this process there was like 1 other person and now we're a whole group! Feel free too add me I'd love to talk to other October people!
  4. Fallenangel2904

    3Rd Day Post Op, 500Lber In Nj

    Welcome Phillip thanks for sharing your story! I'm in the process of everything and will get my date in a few weeks- excited! I love reading everyones stories, especially fellow 'heavy weights' lol. Your doing great so far!
  5. Fallenangel2904

    Syntrax Matrix?

    Thanks for the info! I've been worrying about whether I would be able to digest it alright, this is good to know! I'm going to see if I can get samples of these then!
  6. Fallenangel2904

    I'm Ready.... Bring It On Already

    Good luck girly! Your SO close! I know the feeling- I finish all my pre op in a few weeks- I'm SO excited, but the anticipation is KILLING me! lol Hoping you get your date soon!
  7. Fallenangel2904

    Where Can I Get Weighed?

    That's just ridiculous! That was my fear going to my old Dr (I hadn't been in a while- since I had gotten over 300lbs again) so I switched Drs to a Dr that was affiliated with the hospital I was having surgery at. I understand your frustration- that was my biggest fear- going there and bein too big for the scale. Go on Amazon and search for scales- they have scales that hold up to 500+lbs on there. I'm planning to buy a new digital one (My old one only goes to 330) I was looking at this one- goes to 400, pretty good reviews and resonably priced http://www.amazon.com/Digital-Bathroom-Capacity-Sense-On-Technology/dp/B003ATS2QC/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1345955267&sr=8-4&keywords=scale+400+lb
  8. Fallenangel2904

    Only 2 Appointments Left!

    Yay congrats! We're on the same time frame- I only have 2 appointments left too! The psych on September 6th and Pulmonary on the 12th- then I see my surgeon for the last time September 18th(Just a day after you!) and thats when I should get my date! Stay in touch because it looks like we'll be having surgery around the same time!
  9. Fallenangel2904

    The Food Misses Us

    Lmao!! This is awesome!
  10. I injured my knee last year causing my to gain 40+ lbs (possibly more- I don't know my heighest weight) I had always been very mobile and active for someone mg size (300+) and after that I felt truly helpless and immobile. It was the worst feeling ever. My knee is still kind of messed up and I know weight loss will help. Honestly I feel like I've 'outgrown' this city- NYC it's just NOT a good place to be fat in. There is so much walking, stairs, turnstyles- it's almost impossible to be far here and live okay- at least THIS fat. I want my life back, that's what I realized and that's my main motivation for surgery- to live a normal life here.
  11. Fallenangel2904

    New Group Owners!

    I'm thinking that Jammy has a good idea and Sheep Meadow would be the best spot there. Easy to get to, not too much of a hike.
  12. Hi everyone! We are in the process of planning a meetup for all of us in the NYC area! Please come out and meet your fellow NYC sleevers! The meetup is tentatively being planned for September 8th and we're looking to do it in Central Park. I was thinking a pot luck style picnic with sleeve friendly food/drinks! Everyone can bring something. Some people may be pre op and on a pre op diet at the time but don't let that stop you from coming! Bring your Protein Shake and Crystal light with you and come on out! Suggestions are encouraged! Lets make this happen!
  13. Fallenangel2904

    New Group Owners!

    Definitly want to make sure we accomadate you Jammie! How would September 8th be for everyone? I'm going to look into location- the most obvious would be Central Park but finding a spot that is easily accessible to everyone is key since Central park is HUGE. I've seen people plan meetup type events there before in other groups I've been in and people had a hard time finding each other because it was so large. Don't want that to happen either. So lets work on a date and then get a location HEAD COUNT who is serious about this? Once we have a date I'll make a seperate thread for it!
  14. LMAO that's hilarious! Now that you mention it I totally see the reseblance! Lol
  15. Fallenangel2904

    New Group Owners!

    The park is a great idea and my first choice too. How about a pot luck picnic- sleeve friendly of course. Everyone can bring one dish that would be WLS friendly- depending on how many people, everyone may not have to bring food since too much would be a waste with lots of sleeve sized tummy's lol. Who is seriously interested in this? If we have enough people lets try something for mid September is that works for everyone!
  16. Fallenangel2904

    Pulmonary Clearance What To Expect?

    I have my pulmonary September 12th so I'm wondering too- hopefully it will be smoothe for both of us! I was told I need this because I was diagnosed with sleep apnea after my sleep study, and I also have asthma. I don't think they usually send everyone for it unless you have a history of breathing issues.
  17. Fallenangel2904

    4 Month Post Op Down 90Lbs

    WOW! You don't even look like the same person! I would say oh sure those two guys are brothers but no way would I think it was the same person! You look AMAZING!
  18. Fallenangel2904

    Tell Us Where You're From!

    Yay awesome! Thanks so much! Looking forward to making the group awesome!
  19. Fallenangel2904

    Any Nyc Sleevers?

    I'm from NYC- The Bronx
  20. Hi everyone. So I had my endoscopy this morning. Im going to make this short because I'm a bit drugged up still. Well my appointment was at 8 and I didn't have the procedure done until almost 12- bad enough. Everything was going okay and I was told I would be given a sedative but I would not be totally asleep. I was confused because eveything ive read about the endoscopy most people say they are asleep. So it started and they gave me drugs in my IV and at first I felt GREAT- relaxed and good. But it wasn't enough so they gave me a bit more- twice. Finally they were satisfied with the amount. I was on my side and wasn't completely out of it but I was nicely drugged. Well they sart the procedure and i feel he scope and I started gagging. It was bad. The nurse was holding me from the back because I was gagging so much, I had tears comin down. And I was burping like crazy out at the DR. It was quite gross. It didn't hurt- but I was so scared I was gonna puke. And the drugs were wearing off at this point so I could feel the scope around in my tummy- again didn't hurt but just uncomfortable and crampy. Has this happened to anyone before where you are awake? It wasn't terrible but not what I was expecting after reading other peoples experiences.
  21. Fallenangel2904

    Tell Us Where You're From!

    I PMed you, just want to make sure you got it.
  22. One month from now I will finally be done with all my pre op stuff and GET MY DATE! Literally counting down the days!!

  23. 17/20 not bad! This was fun thanks for posting!
  24. Fallenangel2904

    Awake During Endoscopy?

    So glad you all had a good experience! I know I probably terrified a few of you with this post- so sorry! What happened with me is definitly not the norm so you all shouldn't be scared. I feel like I caused mass hysteria without meaning to lol

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
