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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Krussell19

  1. Krussell19

    Did I Just Admit To A Little Self Confidence?

    I wasnt impressed with the story line or the weird romance situation but channing tatum is my number one so seein him like that was AMAZING!.... And i love me some zac efron to
  2. Umm yes I think I did! In the past two years i have lost and gained the same sixty pounds. Well its now off again! Woooo!! When i had gained it again i was back to the old me id try to get ready to go out with my husband and friends and nothing fit right. I looked bloated and frumpy no matter what! So id try on ten outfits lock the bedroom door and cry off all my makeup because i hated how i looked and was so embarrassed with myself. But two days ago my hubby took me to see magic mike (thanks babe) and i did my hair, did my makeup, got dressed looked in the mirror and went lookin good and walked out! No wardrobe changing session, no negative comments! I was satisfied with how i looked for the first time ever! Now im still far from my goal but this was such a big deal for me to not hate what i saw in the mirror!
  3. I to was down to 284 .. Jumped up to 307 and now back at 291 june was a crazy month for me
  4. Krussell19

    Moble App

    Agreed! I dont have a computer so the other day when i finally got on one o was like holy cow this site gas all kinds of cool stuff i didnt know about!
  5. Krussell19

    Did I Just Admit To A Little Self Confidence?

    Lol actually there were alot of married couples there i was shocked he was so nervous he would be the only guy... Plenty of boobies n ladies for the guys to enjoy lol
  6. Due to some complications ive lost and gained the same 60 pounds 3 times.. Its so frustrating but ive lost them once again and trying my hardest to keep losing. Added Protein shakes back into my diet as replacement meals and exercising. We all hit a platuea or gain at some point. Just gotta keep going! Giving up is the worst thing you can do i know ive done it a few times
  7. Krussell19

    Dont Know What To Do :-/

    I already had my band and was down 75 lbs when i met my husband ,but ive lost another 75 lbs since we've been together. He always gets worried because the smaller i get the more attention i attract. I just reassure him he is the one for me. He loved me when i was big so he will be the only one lovin me when im small . Also just alittle added side note maybe mention to him or let him read some of the posts on here about your sex.life! Once your feeling better about your image and gain self confidence on top of the energy you'll have from being healthier you'll be in heaven! Im not sayin your sex life isnt already great im just saying mine and most people on here has improved because your feeling energetic and sexy enough to try new things. Me feeling good about me has brought me and my hubby closer together because i can really open up and be myself. Plus im not spending half my time depressed anymore. I can get ready for a date and look in the mirror and go oh yea lookin good instead of the old me who tried on nine outfits and ended up in tears and didnt want to leave the house.
  8. Krussell19

    Sex Sex

    8) .. Good stuff!! Lol im still a big girl but im finally confident enough to get on top and able to do it comfortably. Im beyond thrilled with the situation and so is my hubby! Pretty sure he thinks thats the only way to go right now because everytime he goes so you are gunna ride right? Lol Makes me feel good that he enjoys it and likes seein me like that. Confidence booster!
  9. Congrats! It will get better and better .. Before my surgery i.couldnt zip up a pair of 30's now im in a 22. And i went from a 4x shirt to an xl! I still have my biggest pair of clothes and it blows my mind to look at them.
  10. Krussell19

    Choking In My Sleep

    Call your doc and get in asap! Do not be stubborn and wait a month like i did. I ended up needing a complete unfill do to swelling and inflamation in my band from being to tight. Ive now spent a month trying to get well from it. Never hurts to let the doc.take a look.
  11. Krussell19

    Period During Surgery?

    If you are on your period they will just lay a big pad down. Its no biggie for them very common and plus they see much worse daily.
  12. Krussell19

    Has Anyone Tried Alcohol?

    You,can drink its just not recommended because its so many calories. Once in a while wont hurt... I drink a few times a month and it hasnt effected my weightloss in anyway.
  13. She definatley talked me into it glad she did
  14. My step,mother tells everyone thats over weight about her band i swear she should get paid for it as a spokes person.. And never has she done it to be rude but shes like hey ive been there i know how you feel and this is my success story. Shes very proud of her band and some people may not wanna hear it but if even one looks into it she feels she has made a diffrence.
  15. Remember any weight lost is better then weight gained. Im down right aroud 150lbs but its takin me over 4 years to get here so if you average that out ive lost around 35 pounds a yr which is less then id like but by far better then gaining 35 a yr.
  16. Krussell19

    Learn how to spell

    I relize this is a rant and rave section so you can say what you like. I just think you should remember this is a site we all came to because we needed comfort and support. We have all been looked down on for being over weight and made fun of and most of us have some form of self esteem issues. Now here you are finding another way to bring people down. This is an internet forum not a formal letter to the president. If im having a band issue and someone posts a response thats helpful to me i could care less if they added caps and periods or used your instead of you're.
  17. Krussell19

    Flipped Port???

    I to have had nothing but port problems. 2 revisions and its flipped again! I dont have the time or money to have it done again. So i have to have them manipulate it and move it all over and stab me ten times just to get it in. So painful and im sore for a few days after.
  18. Krussell19

    Learn how to spell

    I have probably misspelled a lot of things but i dont have a computer and im using a touch screen that doesnt have a way to set it to my touch so i hit alot of things i didnt intend to and once ive typed it it doesnt like to let me adjust plus my swype has a lot of things misspelled which makes no since.. So my bad on all that but this is the internet people are going to use abbreviations and stuff plus a lot of times i check mine when i have just a minute or two and i see something that i think my input may be helpful so i just jot something small down and to the point
  19. Krussell19

    Am I the fattest one here?

    Hey there my starting weight was 420 with a BMI of 69.9 as long as you follow the pre op diet and lose what you can pre surgery and help shrink your liver there is no reason you shouldn't qualify for a band. I ended up being 397 with a BMI of 66 the day of surgery and everything went just fine and my liver had properly shrunk
  20. Krussell19

    Fat Pictures...

    Does it bother anyone else to see pictures of the old you? Im down 150 pounds from my starting weight so there is quite a diffrence in how I look.. you would think I could look at them and feel some sort of accomplishment or happiness in the diffrence I see in myself and my health but thats so not the case!! I literally want to cry when I see them I cringe and have to look away... Idk what it is maybe ashamed that I ever let myself get there.. Or scared to think of getting that big again.. Idk
  21. Makin sure im not drinkin pointless calories stickin to water n crystal light ... I got a protein mix called just right smoothies its vanilla you mix it with 8 oz of milk or juice n i drink two a day as meal replacements and them i have what i want for dinner just make sure its one serving! And im walkin daily
  22. Things happen.. I dont regret it ida never lost 150 lbs without it .. Plus im almost back to normal health now and managing to lose with an empty band so all is well
  23. My parents who are both banded did research him for six montjs he was a colleage of the doc who did their bands ... Complications from others werent heard of till after i was banded and started meeting ppl who had been banded by him.. Ive had 3 port revisions and it is now flippef again and to top it off it was sideways in september when i got a fill they were unaware my hose had a kink and in march whilr exercising i felt it flip back and there was saline stuck in th kink and it went up into my band and made me so tight nothing would go threw ive been fightin to get healthy ever sincd.. Needless to say i dont see him anymore i see dr malley in kc now,and he has offered to fix my band but my insurance wony cover it

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