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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by thehappycat

  1. Wow, I wouldn't convict you if you strangled her.

    Sadly, some people are just clueless. But stay focused on the big goal. After you're back on foods you're going to look back at this time as a blip on the radar. It only feels like time is dragging out. I had to go through the same thing and being on the other side, it was totally worth it.

    Stay strong and just ignore the insensitive girl.

  2. THEHAPPYCAT - way to go!!! Loved your blog.

    And I am glad you and other friends were able to move away from this unsupportive former friend. Life is so short, you don't need people like that around you.

    CONGRATULATIONS on your weight loss!!! Please be sure to post those hot air balloon pictures!

    Thanks! I definitely will. I've never been in a hot air balloon before so I will be taking a million pictures.

  3. So sad to hear you are dealing with this. Funny how hurting people always try to hurt other people. Clearly this is HER issue...not yours.

    You have so much positive change going for yourself right now. It's obvious she doesn't have the emotional capacity to cheer for a friend.

    Says it all that you have seen her do this to other people in the past. Cut off contact and be politely busy if you run into her in the future. She sounds like a very sad person. Hugs to you and congrats!

    And keep going with your blog. In fact, what is your blog address so we can post awesome comments that she will read and obsess over?! LOL!

    My blog is called Scrapbook of Truth. You can find all of my gastric sleeve stuff here: http://www.scrapbookoftruth.com/category/gastric-sleeve/

    I don't allow comments on the blog, but your support is appreciated. The girl in question posted on a group message with another friend who we were supposed to hang out with the next day that I was pissed with her and we were going to "see how it played out". I left the message and haven't said a word to her since. Sadly, I've seen her turn on other people like this. I just thought that it wouldn't happen to me.

    When my friends saw her status they unfriended her immediately. I called one of my best girlfriends the night it happened and she was very supportive. I am so much better off without someone who doesn't understand me and just assumes the worst instead of asking.

    I feel really positive about this outcome. I'm surrounded by positive people who care about me and I don't need to be around those who don't.

    Also, I was just weighed and I am down 96 lbs! 4 more and my goal is to get a hot air balloon ride! I better hurry up before the weather gets too cold.

  4. Sorry to be so logical but how is it hypocritical to be against fat shaming? Any decent person would be against fat shaming. What would be hypocritical is if you were NOT against it. If you used to be fat and now make fun of other fat people, then THAT would be hypocritical. Your friend is not only hurtful, and jealous, she is also illogical.

    Sorry I know that wasn't the point of your post, but maybe you can see how not only is what she's saying to you is mean, it also makes no sense. Which means she's manufactured some stupid reason to pick on you.

    People who don't love all of who you are should not experience the pleasure of your company. Let her go, which I know is easy to say but will likely come with pain, and open yourself up to new experiences and people who think you rock.

    So sorry she did that to you ((hugs))

    You're totally right, it doesn't make a lot of sense. I *think* that she thinks it's hypocritical because it's like saying "Everyone should be fine being fat, except me. I want to be cute and thin." or something like that. I don't even know.

  5. Thanks for all of your replies. The sad thing is that she's done this to other people, but I've always thought that she would never do it to me because we were so close or something. IDK. I unfriended her and kicked her from the social group that I organize. Not that she attended any meetings anyway. I am totally done with her.

    I need support in my life, not people questioning me because I did what I had to do in order to save my life.

  6. Tonight on Facebook when of my "friends" posted a long, ranting status about a blog I wrote today without mention my name or tagging me on it and when I called her out on it she said that today's blog was just one of the many things that she has found "amusing" about my writing. Then she proceeded to say that I'm a hypocrite for standing against fat shaming when I've had weight loss surgery, among other things.

    I'm at a total loss here. I thought I was pretty good friends with this girl and this has beyond hurt my feelings to have her accuse me of thinking and doing a bunch of horrible things that I never thought or did (she also said that I called her the C word and I didn't).

    It really bothers me that she just quietly thought I was a hypocrite for my weight loss surgery instead of just asking me about it. I've been very clear about why I got weight loss surgery and it was so I didn't die at 40. I was over 300 lbs with a family history of obesity, heart problems and diabetes. NOT having weight loss surgery would have been stupid.

    The part that kills me is that when I get to my goal weight, I'll still be classified as overweight by the BMI! I'm never going to be skinny! I'll always be overweight so not being fat shamed is always going to be relevant for me!

    I'm so upset. I had no idea she thought this about me at all. We hadn't seen each other in a while, but we had always gotten along and I thought she was my friend. I haven't had anyone react negatively to my weight loss and this really hurts.

  7. Don't worry too much about other people's reactions. My mom was dead set against me getting the surgery, but after I got it done and I started losing weight and being healthier she admitted that it was probably the right thing for me to do. Some people are going to be supportive, others won't be. Just the way it works.

    I didn't notice a gender divide between those who were supportive and those who weren't. But when it comes down to it, you have to do what's right for you and no one knows that better than you do.

  8. I posted a few months ago about some information around breast reductions. I had a consult last week with a doctor who did a reduction for one of my friends and he said a reduction for me is absolutely medically necessary. My tentative surgery date is Dec 20!

    I'm nervous about going through another surgery, but I am so excited thinking about not being in constant pain from my breasts. Also, it would be nice to fit into clothes again!

    Thanks for all of your support here, ladies. I am so stoked!

  9. Here's the recipe for the dip. It's amazing, fat and all. http://www.scrapbookoftruth.com/2013/07/05/low-carb-bacon-pizza-dip/

    I posted a picture of the salmon with herbs and spinach that I made last night and strangely, no one had anything to say about it.

    If you guys have Pinterests, then please add me. I need more low-carb recipes popping up in my feed. http://pinterest.com/starlabranche/food-ive-made/

  10. I post a lot of stuff on Facebook and a few days ago I posted a pizza dip that I made. Immediately I started getting comments from people I don't really know that well and one I had never met in person (friend of a friend), all telling me that my dip was too high in fat and my diet should be low fat.

    I told them that my doctor told me count carbs and Protein and not to worry about anything else right now, so this dip was low-carb, high protein and it was fine for me to eat. Then they kept insisting that I need to eat low fat because they knew someone who did and lost weight and someone else knew someone who gained the weight back after lapband surgery because they were eating too much far, so on, so forth.

    Seriously? My doctor has been in the weight loss field for longer than I've been alive and I've already lost 75 lbs under his care. So maybe, just maybe, he knows what he's talking about. It's really pissing me off that people think they can just tell me how I should eat.

    Does anyone else have this problem? I cleaned out several people from my friend's list the other day, but I hate to delete people.

  11. So I started out as a 44DDD before I got my surgery. I'm now 65 lbs down and I'm a 40DDD. My boobs aren't shrinking with the rest of me! And now I'm starting to have back and shoulder pain. It's constant and it's getting annoying.

    Has anyone had a reduction? I want to talk to my doctor about getting it done after I reach my goal weight. I know I can't continue like this.

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