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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by teshadb

  1. I am 3years post op. I had the same thoughts you did. Like wtf did I do to myself. I felt like I was slowly killing my self because the struggle to eat and drink was real!!! Week by week went by and things would improve swelling would go down. You are really swollen still inside. My doctor told me don't worry about hitting these certain goals. He really cared about at least drinking. Not Protein and Vitamins even. He just wanted me to stay hydrated. The rest comes later when the swelling goes down and you heal more. You will feel like a normal human being who enjoys food again. I have no restrictions on food. A few things bother me if I eat or drink it but that's ok I shouldn't have them anyway. Soda... bad, it's rare I have it but if I do it's only a little cuz the carbonation bothers me. Ice cream, too much makes me not feel good at all. But other than those I eat like I normally would. Try to make good choices and just eat a lot less than I did. It's the best damn thing I ever did and once you feel good again and see the results you will feel the same way. Hang in there!!!! It gets much better and you can enjoy food with friends again. Take advantage of this 6-9 month period where you are really restricted and ca n easily melt the weight off.

  2. At three years out ... I very rarely feel any restriction at this point.

    This surprises me. Does everyone with a WLS experience a noticeable lessening of their restriction over time? I'm only 10 months out but I still feel full on portions that would have been an appetizer pre-surgery.

    I am 2 years out and I consistently probably starting at a little over a year out, I can only eat 3/4-1cup of food at a time. Depending on what I am having. I am pushing it at a cup I am super full. And my body will not let me do more. Thank goodness. This measurement should be the standard on the amount you should be eating this far out.

  3. I would love to do it but I struggle with the unnecessary risk. I had an infection of some sort with the sleeve surgery was in the hospital 8 days so now I am afraid that could happen again. Insurance doesn't really cover plastic surgery. I was going to self pay for the sleeve if I didn't get approved. 25000 I could deal with that. Well with all my unexpected issues and hospital stay I now fear the unexpected happening with an elective surgery. It ended up being 67,000 dollars. Thankfully I did not have to pay. If something goes wrong in plastic surgery i'd be screwed!!!

  4. Not much activity for May 2014 sleevers. I'm going to post anyway. I am beyond happy with my journey. I became the happiest when I let go of the idea of hitting goal at a year. That's just not realistic for me even with the sleeve. But at 1 year and 4 months out 20lbs from personal goal looks a lot better than 100 I had to lose to begin with! My weight loss came to a screeching halt around February. But my body changed a whole lot during that time. Then finally in August I had a big (to me and being so far out from surgery) drop. 3lbs went somewhere. The best part is it wasn't expected. It has got me motivated again though and makes me so thankful that I was able to get this surgery done. I am proud that over a year out I had not gained any weight back. In fact I am still losing slow but sure. I will take whatever I can get. Slow and steady. All I know is for the first time ever I like to buy cloths. I wear dresses ALL the time. ( I never wore them before). I love summer finally because I can wear tank tops and not be self conscious for the first time ever!!! So many new things and I'm not taking any of it for granted. I have energy, I don't get out of breath just walking in a parking lot from the car to the store. Body aches are almost all gone. This surgery was a blessing and a gift. I hope you all are doing well and are as happy as I am with the journey!

  5. I am over a year out from surgery and I have had no issue. Last night immediately after dinner a sharp squeezing pain was in my upper abdomen radiating to my chest arm and back. I had to self induce vomit and it didn't make the pain stop! I was keeled over on the floor crawling to the master bath to get in the tub to take the pressure off. It worked and then I got out and it came right back but for longer. The pain lasted about 25 minutes. Along with it was shaking light headed, dizzy, heart racing and sweat! Anyone experience this all at once and then it just dissipates? Again I have had NO issues with eating or vomiting or dumping since surgery. Looking for thoughts on this. Oh I ate chicken breast and veggie nothing out of the norm.

  6. I am over a year out from surgery and I have had no issue. Last night immediately after dinner a sharp squeezing pain was in my upper abdomen radiating to my chest arm and back. I had to self induce vomit and it didn't make the pain stop! I was keeled over on the floor crawling to the master bath to get in the tub to take the pressure off. It worked and then I got out and it came right back but for longer. The pain lasted about 25 minutes. Along with it was shaking light headed, dizzy, heart racing and sweat! Anyone experience this all at once and then it just dissipates? Again I have had NO issues with eating or vomiting or dumping since surgery. Looking for thoughts on this. Oh I ate chicken breast and veggie nothing out of the norm.

  7. I am over a year out from surgery and I have had no issue. Last night immediately after dinner a sharp squeezing pain was in my upper abdomen radiating to my chest arm and back. I had to self induce vomit and it didn't make the pain stop! I was keeled over on the floor crawling to the master bath to get in the tub to take the pressure off. It worked and then I got out and it came right back but for longer. The pain lasted about 25 minutes. Along with it was shaking light headed, dizzy, heart racing and sweat! Anyone experience this all at once and then it just dissipates? Again I have had NO issues with eating or vomiting or dumping since surgery. Looking for thoughts on this. Oh I ate chicken breast and veggie nothing out of the norm.

  8. Nope none at all. Wish they had this as an option back when I did the band. I hated the band never lost much weight and had a lot of issues. The sleeve has been amazing. I feel full a lot sooner. I don't vomit at all like I did when I had the band. I have never been this size in my adult life. It makes it much easier to make the right choices because I can have a small salad or a banana and actually be full on that. No regrets. Just happiness.

  9. I have recently become obsessed with fruit! I have turned to fruit which I KNOW is a good thing because I have had a wicked sweet tooth for candy lately and the fruit is helping me stay away from that. But I'm still messed up in the head cuz all I think about is the sugar and carbs in fruit. Have any of you added fruit significantly into your diet? Has it made you gain weight at all? Regardless I'm staying away from candy of course but I want your opinion on fruit.

  10. I had 2 drains, not initially though. I developed an infection of some sort in the hospital, had trouble breathing, white blood count was high, a fever. Thought I had a leak. 3rd day went in to check for a leak and I didn't have one but they put the drains in and put me on antibiotics and I got a lot better. Had one removed before I left the hospital and the one that had more drainage stayed in at home for a few more days. My husband had to empty it and put clean bandages around the area where it was inserted. It's held by a couple stitches you can see on the outside. My doctor really doesn't use them only if he feels a need.

  11. Did the math and I am 5lbs away from being JUST over weight and no longer obese! That's going to be a great day! I finally got out of the 170s that seemed to have taken forever. I only lost .2 lbs the whole month of October. That's was frustrating. Has anyone ever had a month where they lost nothing????

  12. Well a couple things that are great lastly that I have come to notice. First I saw a mint color pea coat that I just had to have. Right now I am a large top sometimes a medium depending on the style. Wonder s why large wasn't fitting! Tried Xlarge and it fit but then I realized I was in the junior section! XL in juniors cloths, I'll take it. I couldn't ever where junior before. Then I also started to notice at work, when I sit in my chair neither side of my thighs touch the arms of the chair!! It's amazing!!!! No more fat cutting into the arms of chairs what a feeling????

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