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Posts posted by made2beme

  1. ok, so I know we arent to drink coffee because of the caffine and although I am not real exited about giving up my coffee I will. But, I also drink a LOT of peach tea (sweetened with splenda) pretty much all day long and I am thinking oh no do I have to give up my peach tea?

    I also see people post about drinking coffee Post-op....so I am wondering how soon after can you start back on caffine? I use to drink a pot a day...but lately I am down to only 1 cup max 2 on the weekend when I am home and just enjoy drinking it....so its not too bad.

    I also realize I can drink Decaf tea....it would just be a change and if I can still drink what I am used to (have stocked in my cabinet) that would be great.

    Remind me, what is the reason behind no caffine anyway? My hubby had RNY and never stopped drinking his (but I am sure he was supposed to).

  2. I am on day 2 of my pre-op and I had to ask my family to please not bring in pizza or any sweets for at least the next few weeks. I am saying no to lunches at work (although I am getting all the why's and why nots) just so that I can not tempt myself.

    I know because I have done it before I could drink my Protein shake right before going and be fine....I could withstand the food, but I just dont want to put myself in the position...I dont want to take a chance.

    So, of course you can just pick yourself back up and start fresh today but my advice would be to avoid at all cost!!

  3. ok, this is going to sound like the dumbest question but when we make Protein Shakes is it really only 8 oz of liquid (Water, milk, etc)? Just asking because today was my first day of pre-op liquid diet and I made my shake in my Blender Bottle (the new sport one) and since it holds 26 oz my little 8 oz of shake didnt seem right.

    I know post op when we are barely able to drink it will take all day to make a dent in the 8 oz, but right now I am like....really this big bottle to drink this tiny bit of liquid?

    Also, what does everyone use for their Protein shakes? I have almond milk right now, it was delicious this morning....but I know you can use soy or skim also.....what is the best for us? Just curious...

  4. I also believe it is too quick to put it in his reviews. He is very busy. He teaches everyday plus does surgeries. The doctors in the US do not answere their own emails either. (I work for one) The nurses are the ones that go through the emails and answer questions. I would contact the coordinator so she can ask him what you need to know. I think it is a bit hasty to put a negative review about not responding quick enough to an email.

    Agree - but everyone feels differently I guess. Just like on another post about an infection, I really dont think that if I would have read a review about a patient that sent an email directly to the Dr. and hadnt heard back quickly enough (and it was over the weekend) that would make me think twice about choosing that doctor.

    I really think that because we have chosen to go to Mexico our surgeons are scrutinized so closely that eventually they will do something "against the rules" and Baamm....lets get that posted on the reviews ASAP! I honestly can not say in my 35 yrs and number of surgeries and health issues I have EVER, EVER talked directly to the doctor after I have left the hospital or office for a follow up question. It is always the nurse and even then I have to call/email more than once sometimes. So, in this case that is why I suggested Melissa.

    I guess that is just part of the territory when we chose to go out of the country......to each there own as we are all different with different expectations.

  5. Okay y'all, I can officially join ya! Surgery will be August 27 with Dr. Babineau in Tyler, Tx!!!! I'm so excited to officially be one of the August 2012 crew!!!

    Congrats - Dr. Babineau was my hubands surgeon and who I wanted to go with but couldnt seem to come up with the $14,000 it was going to cost me :0)

    To the rest of you gals - I am sooooo lost on all of the questions and lists, lol. I still can not believe that I dont have a sleeve buddy. Out of all of these sleevers in Aug NOBODY else is having surgery on 8/3. I have to say I have a hard time keeping up with this thread and all of the others I am trying to keep up with.....

    All I know is I have 3 wks and 3 days until my transformation day! Starting my pre-op diet a wk early, so Im gonna go for it this Fri :0)

  6. I knew there was something else I wanted to ask - does Dr. Garcia use a catheter?

    I have read that some say their dr's did but put it in after being put under and took it out before they woke up. That helps a little, but really.....I personally do not want anyone messing around down there especially if I am asleep...ya know? I'd almost rather just be awake and know about it....

  7. I looked on Kyak which compares all of those - Orbits, priceline, travelocity, etc. and Spirit airlines was always by far the cheapest. So, I went directly to their website to read more about them and just purchased straight from there.

    I use priceline "name your price" all the time for hotels, but was scared to do it for airlines thinking I could get some funky departure time (like 4am) and I didnt want to end up stuck with that.

  8. When I went to MX I bought traveller's insurance that would cover me no matter where I was. It cost me around $20. I don't think getting extra insurance through the doctor is the way to go, but make sure you have travellers insurance that cavers you in MX.

    I believe she is refering to insurance to cover your surgery post-op, follow up, complications, etc. Nothing to do with actual insurance for traveling.

  9. And THIS is why I love this place!!! Looked em up, read a few reviews/sites/blogs and they sound awesome! Especially since you can add them to anything and they will take on the taste of that food and may even enhance it.

    Funny thing I read and then researched for sure.....these are the same seeds as what is on the Chia Pet....remember, the animal that "grows". Yep makes sense when you see the seeds absorb all the liquid you give them and turns into a gel.

    Excited, will get some from health food store soon!

  10. I am not sure where you are flying out of - but my hubby and I got roundtrip tickets for $540 total (for both tickets) from DFW to SD. We are flying Spirit airlines which has "iffy" reviews on their customer service....but frankly, I just want to get there and get home. We upgraded to the "big seats" (like first class) so that I would have plenty of room to be as comfy as possible on way home.

    Hotel is included in my package, but I seem to remember when I was first researching Almanza's info having something about a special rate at a few hotels if you were having surgery with him? May want to ask his coordinator/office?

  11. @ made2beme.. Who is melissa? lol I went through alma at Ready4Achange and she is the only contact so far that I have. I have heard about Melissa and Rosie.. Who did you go through? what Co?

    Melissa is the patient advocate at the actual hosptial. She works with Dr. Garcia and for Obesity solutions international. So, I am thinking that she would be able to ask any "medical - post op questions" directly to Dr. Garica or get a msg to him.

    I went through Ready4Achange also and I speak with Alma on a weekly basis, she is great too....but coordinator vs person actually at the hospital with the Dr. Id pick the latter to ask post-op questions to ya know. We wont meet Alma when we go (she is in San Antonio) but we will meet Melissa!

    If you have any issues or questions - you can contact Melissa too...she has been awesome!

    I would post this in his reviews - the follow up is an important step, and the bad or mediocre should be listed with the good.

    Man, people are so quick to want to post those "negative reviews". I can think of so many legitimate reasons why the Dr. may not have responded yet. Especially being that only 1 email has been sent 1 time to 1 person.....I may have taken a differnet approach, but that is just me.

  12. HHHmmmm, I havent told my boss why I am going to be out but I think I probably can. He is a good guy, but I just havent spread the news around the office yet.

    Funny though.....do you think telling him you had your gall bladder out would be believable when you start dropping those pounds before his eyes? Maybe he is the kind of guy that wont even notice though, I know there are plenty of those too. :wacko:

  13. Well, Im no help on the experience side because my sleeve is 8/3 (also in mx) but I am doing the exact same thing. I have an office job, do have to walk up stairs to get to my office...but I can make that only once a day at first.

    I feel from what I have read, I will be ok.....so glad to know we are in the same situation and would like to see responses!

    I know you are excited,...everything will go wonderfully!

  14. Glad to see a post here too :0) I am right with all of you, God definitely is who directed my path to the sleeve and to Mexico (8/3). My hubby had RNY 2.5 yrs ago and even at that time, I didnt think surgery was for me....I could do it the "old fashioned way" because of course I had done it before right...yeah and gained it all back and then some.

    It wasnt until the end of last year that I knew the Lord was telling me surgery WAS in fact my answer (this was news to me). Then He directed me to the sleeve and we waited...and waited to see if I would get hired at my job and get insurance (work for staffing agency right now). Waited to see if my husband would get a teaching job and get insurance. Went to a consultation of my husbands surgeon, but cash price was not doable. Considered Mx and knew it would have to be God for sure that would make that call. Felt for a few months the Lord was just having us wait...there were other emotional/deep issues that had to be dealt with and I did.

    As I began to deal with those and continue to pray about surgery...giving it all to Him and truly surrendering, knowing only His timing would be the right time He made it all start falling into place. I literally had to learn to love myself EVEN if I remained this size and know that I am worthy to be loved and can be used by Him EVEN at this size....losing weight would not change my purpose, it would just make it more feasable and of course I would be more healthy for Him and my family.

    I could not have more peace about my surgery and my decision of Mx and surgeon...God is good and will always give us the desires of our heart if we delight oursleves in Him!

  15. Since last Fri I have been dealing with an infected tooth. So much pain, never in my life would I wish it on anyone even my worst enemy. To spare the details, I was eventually able to get some relief with some home remedies...going to the dentist on Wed. as they want me on antibiotics for 5 days before extracting.

    Point is, it sure has helped kicking off pre-op diet. I was going to start this week (1 wk earlier than doc orders) but I havent been able to eat anything but sugar free pudding since Fri. At first it was because of the pain, now it is simply because of constant nausea (from the antibiotics)

    Bright side - lost 3 lbs this wkend...although I thought I would gain because of infection. Anyway....guess this is my body's way of getting me ready.

  16. I can only PRAY for this to happen - since hysterectomy, gaining weight and going on anti-depressants (for hot flashes/hormones) my libido has been on the NEGATIVE side of the spectrum.

    Hubby and I still could be considered newlyweds, married 3.5 yrs and I am 35 yrs old....thinking this should be the BEST time of our sex life. Unfortunately its been a few months....uuggghhh!

    So happy for you - at least I know there is a possiblity :tongue2:

  17. Just wondering for those that have more to lose how do you go about walking so soon? Maybe it is just me, but right now (pre-op) I can barely make it to my mailbox and back without passing out...from my weight and the heat (tx).

    Does your body really adjust that quickly? I would LOVE to be able to go for a walk the week after surgery...but I just can not see this happening. I will still be morbidly obese and then I think about when I do any physical exercise how thirsty I am. I am still trying to sort it all out in my head I guess. If we can not gulp down some cold Water after a workout/walk, etc. Im not sure how I can do it. I can usually drink a 20 oz bottle of Water without stopping till its gone. Wont be able to do that after.....how do we stay hydrated in 100 degree temps and trying to walk outisde?

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