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Posts posted by crabcake

  1. I got my first fill on July 26,2007. Lisa said I only neede .05cc. I didn't think I would feel it; but I did. I've lost 27lbs since surgery on June 8th. Hope everyone is doing OK.

    Janie3867, keep going strong..document everything...make copies of all you tests and do ask for copies of doctor's visits. Veronica, bariatric coordinator, can answer questions too. Go to support group meetings. They really help. God Bless.


    Yeah, that's what I started w/ as well. Then had to go in for an unfill, 'cause it was too much! My weight loss hasn't been as good as yours (I haven't been good!). What are you eating?

  2. Hello everyone, I just found this thread and have enjoyed reading about us over 50 folks.. :)

    I am scheduled for my band surgery in October and I'm getting excited for it, but at the same time I'm a little aprehensive about no longer being able to eat some of my favorite foods, such as my homemade meatloaf, Beans and cornbread, chicken and dumpllings, etc... How have all of you been able to give up some of your favorite foods and is it as difficult as I'm thinking it is going to be? I would love to hear how you cope with it.

    Thanks to all of you kind folks out there in bandland..

    Maybe you won't have to give up anything...I'm trying to eat sensibly (oh how I try sometimes! :)), but still eat the things I like too. The only things I've had consistent problems w/ is rolls and I shouldn't be eating those anyway. Seems like every time I try them, something gets stuck. I did that tonight. Spent the rest of the evening in the bathroom upchucking! Ugh! But for the most part, as long as I've chewed well, I've been able to eat most things. I've read where others on the list can too. All the things you mentioned s/b doable as long as you chew, chew, chew!

    Good luck to you!

  3. Hey guys- I need a little bit of sense talked into me. I am pretty sure that I need to have a slight unfil, but my vanity is getting in the way of my senses. I had my 3rd fill about a month ago. I knew within the first week that I was way too tight. I could not keep anything down. I could barely even get a Protein drink down- it was too thick. I have managed to stick to liquids and thin mushies. I have tried to introduce solids, and sometimes I can get them down, but sometimes I just can't. I know that I am not eating enough and that I should get some fill removed, but I can't bring myself to get it out. For the first time in years I am finally seeing my weight drop and I am afraid that if I unfil any amount that the loss will stop. I have convinced myself that vomiting once in a while is better than not losing weight or even worse- gaining. I am supposed to go back on the 16th. Anyone else out there having problems with too much of a fill?

    Do you realize that excessive vomiting can cause your band to slip? Then it's back to surgery...

    It really does sound to me like you need an unfill. I had to do that right after my first fill. Went back 2 weeks later and had some taken out. I felt much better. You'll still lose weight, but you'll be doing it the right way.

    Best of luck!

  4. Anything and everything. I am Janet, BTW - I live in Chelsea.

    I went for my consultation in July - the waiting room was PACKED!! I felt really rushed but one of the nurses said it wasn't normally that way. Dr. Schmidtt was nice enough, but like I said, I felt rushed. I met with Naomi, but as far as anything else with their office goes, I'm stuck until I complete my 6 months waiting period with BCBS. Will I meet with him again when I schedule my surgery?

    Also, once I have my band in, how do you know when you need a fill?

    The waiting room is always packed. They usually get you in and out pretty quickly. Write down your questions next time so if you feel rushed again, you'll be sure to ask everything.

    I know how you feel, I felt rushed and confused when I left. Up to the day of the surgery, I felt like someone was going to say 'oh, we confused you w/ someone else and you can't have the surgery!'.

    As I recall, you'll first receive an email w/ access information to the 'youremmi.com' video (I may have spelled it wrong). This goes over the actual surgery. It's something you're encouraged to share w/ friends and/or family. You should receive a letter/list from Naomi stating what things you need to have done (e.g., sleep apnea, blood work, etc.). If you don't have that yet, don't wait on it! Go to your doctor ASAP and start your diet monitoring (whatever they call it!). If you've been to the doctor recently, ask them if they have a record of your weight at that time and you might be able to back date your observation to that date.

    You'll have to go for a nutrition class there at the hospital. They'll give you a certificate stating you attended the class. Walk this over to the doctor's office before you leave, or take it by personally. Keep track of all your dates (e.g., when your blood work is done, nutrition class, etc.) that way if they say 'we don't have thus and such, you can say that was given/sent to you on this date). The nutrition class is probably the last thing you'll do before you go for your final blood work. They tell you to contact them 2 weeks after that to schedule the surgery. However, if you've gotten everything else in and have hand carried your nutrition class certificate to them and have already gotten your pcp blood work done, I'd start calling them right away. This way you can make sure everything they require has been submitted to them. You'll probably need something in writing from your doctor w/ your weight tracking, etc. Make sure you get that. I'd ask for a copy each time they update it so you'll have it for your own records. I recommend you be extremely pro-active w/ everything you do, otherwise you'll always feel unsure of the situation. Make notes of *every* conversation you have whether it's w/ them or BCBS or whomever. Get names too!

    I'm not saying this to scare you...they are very competent at what they do, but don't always share information w/ you. If you keep good notes, you'll feel more in control. Don't rely on them to make you feel that way!

    You'll meet w/ Dr. Schmitt once more, that's probably when you go for your blood work right before the surgery. This is your chance to ask him all the questions you'll come up w/ over the next few months. Like I said, make a list.

    You won't see him on the day of the surgery (at least I didn't), but Veronica, the nutrition nurse, will come in and see you. She's very nice and her being there made me feel more relaxed. If you have questions you've thought of since you last met w/ Dr. Schmitt, she's the one to ask.

    A week after the surgery, you'll go in and have your stitches removed. Lisa, the nurse practitioner does that. You'll need to call the day after your surgery to schedule that appointment. The day you get your stitches out you'll schedule your 1st fill appt. which s/b about 5 weeks after your surgery. After that they'll have you come in about every 4 weeks unless you need an unfill (which I did), in which case they'll get you in right away.

    In the meantime, read, read, read on this website. You'll get some wonderful tips and know what to anticipate.

    Hope this helps. Don't hesitate to ask if you have questions!

    Brenda (in Deatsville)

  5. tomorrow i go for a biospy ...it's like wtf here i am trying to get healthy and this shows up..

    You girls hang tight. You've worked too hard to have anything bad happen to you. We're pulling for you. Keep us posted!

    IndioGirl, my doc gave me my card w/ the WLS info on it requesting I be allowed to eat either a child's or senior's portion. It's in small print on the card he told me to keep in my wallet stating I have had WLS (in the event I'm in an accident or something). Did you get a card like that? If so, check the small print (go put those bifocals on girl!).

  6. I am not sure if this was discussed, but I have just started to notice some severe Hair loss. Everytime I shower and comb my air there is a considerable amount of my hair coming out. Is anyone else experienceing this?? I am eating between 60 - 80 grams of Protein so I don't understand why this is happening. Ofcourse my DR says he has never had a patient with hair loss - so I would be the 1st/.:cry

    I did a search and found this article on hair loss that someone else had posted. Maybe it will answer your questions.

    Changes in diet can sometimes lead to hair loss

  7. Hi all, I cant seem to find the "Violets", anyone know where they went? Well, it has now been 4 weeks since I got the max fill, and still cant eat anything more than Soup and mashed potatoes!!! Any thing else and after a couple of very small and well chewed bites, that golf ball pain and stuck food! When does this stop? At this point I feel that I will never get another fill!!!!!! Before this fill I was eating salad and chicken and I love that!! But now, I am tired of the pain, and the food! Was going to go back 2 weeks ago and get some of the fill taken out but figured soon it would lighten up a bit??? Any advice??????? thanks!!!!!:help:

    Hey Margi. The monthly support groups (e.g., April was Shrinking Violets right?) have been moved. If you go to the Main LB Forums, you'll see the monthly forums. Just work your way through there. Or, if I'm right and the Shrinking Violets are April '07, go here... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f91/

    As for the 'stuck' stuff...I'd go and have a little taken out. I had a similar problem and was pb'ing something awful. I finally had .25 taken out and felt muuuuucccchhhh better! This isn't what (IMHO) the band was designed to do. You aren't supposed to have to starve yourself (which is what I was doing, 'cause I couldn't eat anything! Ugh! ;)).

    Best of luck.

  8. why won't anyone answer my question about rice? LOL What does rice do to your lap band?

    Janie, once you go to the nutrition class, you'll have a better idea about what you can/can't eat (or should i say what's recommended?). 'White' products, such as white rice, bread, etc., are processed foods and are higher in carbs. Protein is what you'll want to focus on getting the most of (60 gms/day) and 1/2 cup of rice doesn't have a lot of protein and will fill you up (at least initially) quickly. It won't however tide you over very long because your body is going to convert it to sugar which is going to make you WAY hungry!!! :hungry:

    Another thing is some people simply can't eat it...it gets 'stuck'. There are foods you won't be able to eat again because they do that. I found out this weekend one of mine was bbq! I've had some things get stuck at one time and tried them again another time and they were fine. It just sort of depends on how tight your band is at the time you try that food (sometimes the band is tighter than at others, e.g., usually - but not always - in the morning). I don't think I'll be trying the bbq again though, 'cause it made me ill for 2 days!

    Read, read, read on this site. You'll find tons of information. Most, if not all, of my questions have been answered here.

    Best of luck! :gluck:


  9. Good Afternoon Everyone!

    I haven't been on this thread in a while so I wanted to say Hello to everyone, I hope everyone is doing great!

    So far I have gone from 312lbs to 279lbs, so I have lost 33lbs in 5 1/2 weeks!!! YEAH!!! My first fill is scheduled for Monday, July 23, at 2:00 PM. I am ready to see how this works!

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

    That's wonderful! Congratulations!

  10. Watchband: The first few months are the hardest. You may not feel full after your first fill either. I'm sorry to tell you this. Everyone is different. I'm sure that you are hungry, but psychologically it's very hard adjustment too. Some of what you feel is giving up the old ways and habits. I agree with BJean that Protein drinks are very important. Have small amounts of protien 5 times a day. Also, warm foods help, Soups, sugar free hot chocolate, tea, etc. You are going to be so glad that you have LB, just give it time. I didn't feel full for the first 4 months, but you can deal with it. The weight you lose will be permanent and the hunger comes and goes. You are allowed to eat when your hungry and you are allowed to feel sad for the old habits and appetites. If you stay true to your program, you are going to be happy and eventually full! Good luck!

    Karey, thanks for posting this. I'm a little over 2 months out and went in for my last fill about 2 weeks ago. I don't have another one scheduled for another 2 weeks and my stomach is rumbling big time! I try to still make good food choices and to ask myself 'are you full yet?', but when I'm hungry, I tend to fall back into my old, bad ways. Oftentimes I realize it's just head hunger, but I go on and eat anyway. I hope this is just part of the relearning process.

    And I hope you're right about eventually feeling full and that I'm not an anomaly! 'Cause right now I feel like I could eat Texas! :hungry:

  11. Hi Crabcake,

    Good weight loss. I'm turning 53 this year and had surgery on May 29th My weightloss has been extremely slow only 5# since surgery and no fill yet. I'm scheduled for Tuesday. If you don't mind can you answer a question for me? I have a 4cc band and was wondering how many cc did you get in your first fill? and did it help with restriction. I'm hoping my fill will help.

    Thanks, Sheila

    Hello Sheila! I too have a 4cc band. I only received .5 cc's on the first fill as I still had lots of restriction then. Two weeks after that though I went back and had .25 cc's removed. I was having a really hard time eating anything and I pb'd a lot. Then two weeks after that, which was my scheduled #2 fill date, I went back in and had it replaced! The funny thing is, I don't feel restricted at all now! I can eat anything and lots of it!

    I hope your fill goes well. Have you been to the over 50 forum? If not, come on over, there's lots of us! Here's the link:


    Good luck! :clap2:

  12. My reply -- "eating less and working out" :) Technically, it's even true...

    So I'm not too far into the journey, and I really don't see the changes in the mirror, but there must be something going on.

    Hey Manatee (Slim!), 'eating less and working out' IS true...it may not be the WHOLE truth (:D), but it's not a lie either! :)

    Congrats on your weight loss. I'm SURE it's noticeable! Just think what everyone will be saying by the time you reach your goal! :clap2:

  13. Maybe I'm totally missing what your point was, but 4 oz. of the Honeysuckle ground turkey BREAST has 120 calories and 1 gram of fat and their ground turkey has 240 calories and 17 grams of fat. To me that's not so close.

    Sorry...apparently I overlooked your reference to the 'breast'. The numbers I was referring to were the ones from calorieking.com, which are pretty close. I wasn't trying to challenge what you said.

  14. As far as the burger, my doctor actually suggested ground beef for Protein.

    At calorieking.com, they show ground beef, 85% lean (1 oz.) has 73 calories, 4.3 grams fat, and 7.9 grams protein. Ground turkey, (1 oz.) has 67 calories, 3.7 grams fat and 7.8 grams protein. Usually ground turkey (at least regular ground turkey) has dark meat in it which has almost as much fat as regular ground beef. :hungry:

  15. Hey Everyone,

    When I was on my pre-op diet, the liquid part, the hard part, I tried everything to keep myself busy so I would not think about food. Well I had a little project, I cleaned out my closet and all of my dressers. I piled the clothes on the bed. I went through them and put them in stacks according to their size. Like alot of you I bet, I had sizes ranging from XXL all the way down to size 7 (I think I was in that over 10 years ago, phen phen, only stayed for about a week). Well I took all of the clothes, and put them in stages - Stage one was what I was in when I started this journey, I hung that in my closet. Stage two was the next size and so on. I hung stage two and three in my closet and put other stages in my dresser. I am so excited...... I am am in stage 3, soon to move to the dresser. Have 2 bags of clothes for good will. I just love my band.

    What a great idea! You should be really proud of yourself. I bet you feel so much better too, both physically and mentally.


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