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Posts posted by crabcake

  1. Crab Cake

    I checked out that medicine that helps you stop smoking and it blocks the dopamine (pleasure) recepters. Wellbutrin and other antidepressents may work on increasing dopamine. They would be working against each other. Not sure on any of this, just suposing.

    Could be. When Wellbutrin first came out I remember hearing something about it being used as a stop-smoking aid. Maybe the two combined would be too much? But neither my shrink or my pcp had a problem w/ me taking both, so maybe the Chantix interacts w/ something else Green's taking...but then, the AMA asked me to stop practicing medicine unless I got that little piece of paper saying I could do so! :rolleyes: So who knows?

  2. My facelife, which is the full Monty, is going to cost me 24,000+ in Canadian bucks. He is going to be doing some lifting and hauling and repositioning of my face as well as filling in various lines, some of these are fine, some not so fine. I also have a little bit of roseacea on my cheeks which he will be treating. He will be filling in the lines which run between the nose and the mouth and plumping up my lips. He will be doing some eye work. He works on each section of the face independently and so I won't be ending up with the Hollywood caught in a windtunnel look. :rolleyes:

    At my pre-op appt they took a bunch of photos. Looking at these certainly smashed all of my illusions about myself. Arghhhh! :omg:

    @ Betseyjane: I know my surgeon wouldn't be able to give anyone quotes over the phone.

    He really needs to see your face in order to assess the work and the cost. The thing which bumped up the price of my work was the very thing which has kept me looking younger than my age - my cute little apple cheeks. :phanvan These cheek pads are too big for him to reposition easily and that is why the invasive approach. This is costing me many thousands more. Oh, that damn gene pool, eh! Anyhow, the lapband and plastic surgery are what I am spending my inheritance on, fixing up what I inherited. :P Seems kind of appropriate, it seems to me. :heh:

    Crabcake: Thanks for the suggestion about Chantix. I tried to get my doctor to give me a prescription but she refused. I am on Wellbutrin (Zyban) for depression along with a bunch of other meds for depression, osteopenia, asthma/bronchitis, acid reflux, and cholesterol. She refuses to give me Chantix. :cry To tell you the truth, I take so many meds that everyone at my local drugstore knows me by my name. I still haven't decided whether this is embarassing or cosy. :straight

    I take Wellbutrin as well. I was also taking a truck load of others, but since my sugery, I've dropped 3 of my high bp meds and cut back on the Wellbutrin (well, we're giving that a go...the vote's still out). I also dropped my acid reflux meds and my high cholesterol meds too. Even if I don't lose the weight (oh please, oh please, oh please!) it'll have been worth it just to get of all these meds! I know what you mean about everyone at the pharmacy knowing your name. I too was torn whether to feel flattered or embarrassed!

    I'm sorry your doc won't swing for you taking it. I don't know what the interactions to the other drugs would be, but I would think getting you to stop smoking would be a huge incentive! But I'm sure she has her reasons.

  3. I am getting a face lift on Sept 24. This weekend I will be giving up smoking as this could complicate the healing process. :cry Ugh! And I am such an addict! Well, I have already bought a bunch of nicotine gum. I am going to chew, chew, chew my way to health. :phanvan Losing weight has made me look older. :tired My skin does look tissue-y. This surgeon is one of the top guys in Canada and has patented a few techniques of his own. It will hurt and I will look like a monster for awhile during the healing period. :omg:

    But I do want the face which suits my inner lack of maturity. :heh: LOL I sure hope I don't end up looking like Karl Rove....:) I will never get across the border if that happens! I must remember to remind the surgeon about this. :)

    Green, I can't recommend Chantix enough to help you quit. You need a doctor's prescription for it, but it works!

  4. Yep, my cosmetic cat does thermage and a bunch of other stuff. In fact he has pioneered a number of techniques which are now used. The thing is that I am a very, very lazy grrl when it comes to self maintenance grrly work. This is why I opted for the band instead of a personal trainer and a life time of maintenance work even though I fell within the lower BMI category. The band has worked out well for me. I now have a good BMI - 23.8 - and, thanks to the band, my appetite is under control. My contribution to this project has been that I have made it my business to learn how to eat carefully and healthily.

    With respect to the face lift biz, most of my friends are absolutely against this stunt. They figure that I am in the the way of being a very goodlookin' woman and so they simply don't get it. I have tried to explain to them that a full-Monty face lift is strenuous, I will be under the slice 'n' dice for 7 hours, and so one simply cannot leave these matters until one really does need 'em.

    Green does want the face work and she is far too lazy to engage in one of those deals where you are required to to keep on going back. Do it, sez Green, and then leave her alone. Shit! Green doesn't even enjoy having her hair done.

    green...i am sooo w/ you! i'm just lazy, lazy, lazy!!!

  5. But then sometimes that stupid old head gets involved and says....I didn't eat much...I'm sure I must still be hungry...er, ...for ice cream!

    When I get short term discouraged, I remember that the weight is still coming off, I no longer need diabetic meds, my osteoporosis has reversed, I can see my feet, and I can cross my legs!

    Yeah, it always seems to be the sweets that the head wants huh? But you're right. I just quit a 3rd high bp med, so I really can't complain. I figure even skinny folks have problems w/ the sweet tooth, so I'm not really any different than them (oh, well besides the 70+ pounds!). :confused:

  6. Hey Cheri....I was a fast eater too. I found that at first I had to make eating a ritual, kind of honoring the food and my body. I had to eat without the TV on, use small dessert plates, tiny utensils, and then before taking the first bite, take a very deep breathe and let it out to calm myself. Then I could do it, eating mindfully, kind of like a meditation. Shoot...I've eaten in a trance in front of the TV my whole life, so going into a trance in order to actually focus ON food turned out not to be as big a leap as I thought. I don't have to do all of that stuff now, but at the very least, I do take that big breathe and center myself before I eat. Kind of puts everything right.

    I too have that problem. If I don't focus entirely on what I'm eating and slowly chewing every bite I put in my mouth, well, I can pretty much promise you I'll end up in the b'room pb'ing! Ugh!

    I have to say though I think I've figured out one reason I've always eaten so fast. When I was little I vividly remember my mom having to coax me to eat (no joke!!!). There were too many other things going on that I wanted to be involved in. So...I learned to wolf my food down and then I could go back to what I wanted to do. Now, most of the time since I have to eat slower, I get bored w/ the food before my meal is done. I wish this were true for everything I ate (like desserts!), but it is for many things and the band is helping me re-learn how to eat.

  7. Sorry about your knees, Mary! I have one knee that just kills me when I go up and down stairs but I'm hoping losing weight will help. I was worried about that when I signed the year contract at Curves but they said that with the year contract you can put your membership on hold if you have a doctor's note--a month at a time--and they won't charge you for those months. You then have to get a doctor's note to start again but I thought it was a good policy so that you don't get charged for something that is out of your control. "Oldies days" definitely sound fun!

    When I told them I was having lap band surgery, they put my account on hold. I had my surgery in May and they didn't charge me that month and didn't start charging me again until August. I didn't even ask them either! And they didn't ask for a doctor's note. I imagine when they get to know you, they aren't as stringent about the rules.

    And I was surprised because one day about a month after my surgery, one of the instructors called me just to check on me! I thought that was really nice.

  8. I signed up last night and had my first workout today--I really liked it!

    That's great! I'm glad you had a go at it and like it. It really is fun and w/ the short time you spend on each machine, it doesn't seem like such a chore.

    Another note regarding the fees...I signed up w/ some ladies I work w/ and we were given a corporate fee which was $37 (I think...Sr. moment!) and is $29/month. It was part of a year end special. Anyway, if you can get a couple of friends from work to go w/ you, it'll be lots more fun and cheaper to boot!

  9. It is great to have those triumps. I haven't lost much considering it will be a year in sept about 35 but at least it is something and I have really started trying since july. I like curves because it is quick. I used to be a member of a lady gym and they would require a 20 minute bike ride first before workout then do the work stations and then bike or do some other cardio for another 20 min It would take about 1 1/2 hours yuck. Maybe as my energy level increases I wouldn't mind doing that sometime. Have about 65 more pounds to go

    See, that's the problem. My sister is retired and she has the time to do that kind of workout, but for us girls who're still schlogging along, who has that kind of time? That's what I liked about Curves too. Twenty minutes and you're in and out and you feel good mentally and physically!

    p.s., Linda, love your avatar!

  10. Denise- I totally agree about the music at Curves!! Fortunately I found one that did their own thing with the music. It was a younger crowd and they didn't put up with all those oldies and religious music. It was a huge improvement over the first Curves I joined! There was one particularly grating song, something like MY GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD. Oh puleeze...

    That's interesting. We didn't have much of that, mostly 60's, 70's and 80's. Although, now that you mention it, I think there was one tape similar to that. It doesn't bother me as long as the beat's pretty good. And we always asked them to change the music when it's not to our liking, mostly due to a slow beat, unless someone objected and I don't recall anyone ever doing that. I think MGIAAG is kind of slow anyway.

    Ok, I have a NSV (non-scale victory for the neophytes) to share. I knew I'd lost a little and am very close to Onederland. My clothes have been a lot looser, but when I try on the next size down, it's a little snugger that I want to wear. I work at a college and today we had a convocation where faculty march. A few years ago the chapel was refurbished, and whoever the idiot was that put the seats in thought we could just all be mashed together (I mean even the smaller folk aren't that comfortable). Frankly, I'd like to mash his head in one of those tiny little seats :heh: ...but I digress.

    Anyway, when we march, I usually have to kind of scoot along w/ one foot in front of the other or walk sideways, but today, I could actually walk like a normal person w/out any sidling or scooting! I was so proud I wanted to yell hey, look at me! I'm not as fat as I used to be!!!! :whoo:But, that's what you guys are for!!!

    Thanks for letting me share. I haven't lost a whole lot, but wow, I was smiling like a jackass eating briers!

  11. Speaking of exercise, have any of you had experience with Curves? I've heard some good things about it and am thinking maybe that is what I need. I checked out their website and it talks about a 6-week weight loss program. what is that? Do you do that along with the exercise or is it a separate program? I may have to go check it out. We're staying with our daughter right now while our house is being finished and I saw a Curves down the street so I thought maybe now would be a good time to try it out. our house will be done Oct 12 so I could do the 6-week program. Anxious to hear...

    I do Curves, well, I did before the surgery...I work at a college and during the summer we only take 1/2 hr lunches, so I've been negligent. However, school just started back so probably in the next couple of weeks, I'll start back to Curves.

    The 6 week program is something separate. I haven't done that, but they go over eating plans, etc. I think. The exercise program is great though. They have several machines (can't remember exactly how many) and you do 2 circuits of those. You stay on each machine 20 secs (again, rusty mind, but I think that's right). It sounds like a ridiculously short amount of time, but staying on them that amount of time, doing 2 circuits on the machines (resistance), works out to 20 mins (you do the math! ;)). Oh and they encourage you to go 3 times a week.

    There's a changing room there, but I usually just change before I go so I can start right away. The women that run it are just oh so nice. Both of the ones I've met lost 60-100+ pounds and are so encouraging. The women clients are usually in their 40's to 60's. There are no guys!

    What else can I tell you? I would say definitely visit and see what you think. The first time you go they give you a little training. After that, they're there and will coach you if they see you doing something wrong or if you ask for help. There's usually fun music playing and a voice in the background telling you when to change stations. People can chit chat as they go.

    Hope this helps. I will say that I always feel better after I work out and I was definitely losing inches before I stopped for my surgery.

    Let me know if you have other questions and I'll try to answer them.

    Good luck!

  12. I hope when now that I'm off work the rest of the week, the exercise will make the scale move.

    That's the only thing that does it for me. I have the laziest metabolism ever and unless I exercise, it just gets slower and slower w/out me ever losing anything. It's so frustrating. But that's what's nice about this group, we all pretty much have the same or similar problems. :faint:

  13. Dont' ask me where i got that you were close to goal - senior moment or reading so many post


    you're so funny! (i'd never have the nerve to swim anywhere but in the privacy of my own pool. being fat has made me lose out on so much!)

    my brother in law jokingly called me a sea cow once (this was in my thin days. he wouldn't be so callous now or i'd beat the ever lovin' tar out of him!). i didn't know what that was and he said a manatee. now whenever i look at myself in underwear, that's what i think of!!! oh well. thank goodness i have friends to talk to about it! :blah:

  14. Crabcake - What I have read is that the closer to goal the harder it is you gotta increase the exercise intervals -

    You must be kidding! I have almost 70 pounds to go...no where near goal. However, I haven't been exercising since surgery until the last week or so. I feel so much better now that I am. The pool heater's blown, but now that it's so darn hot (yep! triple digits here in Alabama too!) I've been swimming every night anyway. I think I was a mermaid in a prior life! cool.gif Too, I don't feel fat when I'm in the Water and it's easier to move (must be how those manatees feel!).

  15. Thanks Crabcake,

    That is the Vanguard band. How are you doing with the fills? It took me a very long time to get into the restriction range. Hope you are there now but if not how long does his office make you wait in between fills?

    I really would appreciate knowing the answer to that last question. Thanks in advance.

    I had a problem w/ my first fill. I was feeling pretty restricted, but Lisa (fill nurse) thought .5 cc's would work ok. It didn't. I was pb'ing left and right. So, 3 weeks later I went back in and had .25 cc's removed. Then 2 weeks after that when my regular fill was scheduled, I had it put back. I waited another 5 weeks and went in and had another .5 added for a total of 1.0 cc's. That's where I am now and am doing well w/ it. As you can see, I've been going in every 5 weeks. Usually they tell you to reschedule for 5-6 weeks ahead for your next fill.

    I'm at a good place right now, but it's only been a couple of weeks. I've found that my body takes a couple of weeks to adjust to the fills. By the time I go back, I may be ready for another, or not. I'm losing very slowly, although more so since my last fill. I'm trying to use the band to learn to eat 'normally' (whatever that is!). I'm not 'dieting' per se, but am trying to eat the Protein first, then veggies and then fruits. I just ordered a GI diet cookbook. That really works best for me, although I'm not religious about following it. Basically, I'm just tired of rushing from one diet trend to the next and want to learn how to eat healthily.

    Too, I haven't been exercising until a couple of weeks ago. I'm a member of Curves, but haven't been able to go during the summer because we only take half hour lunches. We have a pool, but it's in the shade and our heater has been on the blitz lately. However, with these 100 plus temps we've been having, I've started swimming w/out the heater on! I'm hoping to get that fixed tomorrow (but hey, I thought it was fixed last week! :tired) and I pray we have a mild fall and winter. Maybe that way I can make up for some lost time. Either way, I think I'm going to join the Y so I can use their indoor pool.

    Boy, I bet that's more than you wanted to know!

    Anyway, if I can answer anymore of your questions, please feel free to email me.

    I have to say I'm happy w/ my band experience so far and don't regret a bit of it even though I haven't dropped a lot of weight. Dr. Schmitt told me to look at 2 years and since I've been hauling this blubber butt around for 50+, 2 seems like nothing. Especially if I learn to eat normally!

  16. I was wondering if anyone here might know if Dr. Miles & Schmitt were currently installing the newest AP band? I really hope so and would appreciate knowing what type/size band his patients have as I am looking!

    Thanks so much.

    Hi Judy. I was banded by Dr. Schmitt in May and got a 10 cc band.

  17. I sure do understand what you all mean about feeling guilty. I feel terribly guilty about spending the money since I will be self pay. I am just in the planning phase but I already feel guilty about spending the money on me. I know it is a necessary thing since I have failed numerous diets over the past 35 years. I am getting excited about the prospect that I can once again be slimmer and keep it off. I know the band is a tool but it sure sounds like something I could live with. I really enjoy all the post from everyone.

    Southerngal, you STOP that right now! (Don't I sound like yo mama?) ;)

    I'm serious though. I was self pay. I could've waited 6 months and had my insurance pay, but I wanted to be that much further along. I talked to my husband when we found out that the insurance would pay if I'd wait (when I first started looking into the lapband, they wouldn't) and he said 'no...you should do this now...you might not be here in 6 months if you don't!' So, that's what I'm telling you...if you don't do this, you might not be here to regret it.

    Be good to yourself and be glad that you can be!

  18. Dr. Adams is not taking any patients.. I finally got a hold of them, the lady said he is only doing people he had a backlog of, but no one new.. and so, he won't do my fills either.

    I called 4 more doctors that are closer than my current and 2 said no, 2 said they'd call me back (one of them twice now) and no one calls me back.

    This is so annoying.

    Laura, I checked the american bariatric association's website and found this doctor in Decatur. Have you tried them? If you have and can't/don't want to use them for whatever reason, go back to the bariatric association's website. You can search by zipcode for a doctor.

    Surgery Consultants of Decatur

  19. Crabcake - was is sf ice cream :confused: or lite :confused: or was it the real thing..

    I am with you on the surgar - if i don't have it i don't miss it - but get me started and i will wipe out a whole bag of reese Peanut Butter cups..

    My addiction - cuz i just can't have one - they just keep tasting better and better until they are all gone... I don't get a sugar high - it makes me sleep...

    Unfortunately, we were out of sf/lite...so....it was the real thing! :eek: Honey's bad about bringing home the good stuff!

    I'm right there w/ you on those Reese cups! I could eat those 'til I foundered! :hungry:

    LadyHR, I'm going to try this...IF I can keep them from the dh. We'll see if I have the willpower that you do! Maybe it would be enough to satisfy my sweet tooth. :wacko:

  20. What is it with the head hunger thing.

    Part of it (at least for me) is that sugar is so addictive! It's like smoking (for me)...once you have the habit of smoking a cigarette w/ a cup of coffee, every time you have coffee, you think about a cigarette. Now that I've quit (whoo-hee! :whoo:), I've turned my addiction to sweets. Well, that's not exactly true...I always had that addiction, now it's just worse.

    I tried the Sugar Busters diet years ago and it really helped. Whether you follow that diet or just try to cut back on the sweets, it seems the less sugar I eat, the less I want. I say this after I just had my evening 'fix' of ice cream! :faint:

  21. Thank you so much crabcake for the encouraging words.. I have been concerned about that, as I keep reading different threads of people who can't eat this or that and I wasn't really looking forward to a protien powder and fish diet from now on.. So thanks again for giving me some encouragement.. People such as yourself is what makes this site so wonderful..

    Thanks. That's nice to hear. Glad to help!

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