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O.T.R. sleever

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by O.T.R. sleever

  1. I can't endure his treacherous workout.

    I really have to say, yes you can, the mind will tell you that you can't long before you're body gives up.

    But here is where the problem lies & what he doesn't understand. Weight loss is really only about 1/4 exercise & 3/4 how you feed your body. You can work your tail off, but if your pounding 6-7000 calories a day you still won't lose.

    Being a food addict (most of us are) means that after a workout the first thig on our mind after a big workout is, how hungry we are. Then we proceed to consume enough calories to replace all those we just burnt

    I would tell your husband that you don't just want to lose weight, you'd really like to give him back that hottie he remembers (he'll like the sound of this) explain to him that you need this tool to help you change your eating habits, & you will also need him to help you get fit & strong. This is gonna be a hard path, & the last thing you needs years of bad eating habits & weakness to food standing in the way & slowing your progress.

  2. I justs used it as a guideline, I experimented a bit, at 21 days I could eat most any soft foods in very small amounts. you are not going to be able to get anywhere near the nourishment you need from just food yet. I could only handle about 2oz of straight protien at a time.

    I started eating most solids at about 3-4 weeks. I don't do much of anything really hard mostly because everything I find really hard is not good for me.

  3. I am having my sleeve done in Tijuana by Dr. Almanza on 7/23. I am debating about whether or not to get the optional "insurance" they have on the procedure. It's reassuring to know that I would be taken care of if there were any complications by them flying me back down for corrections' date=' but it also seems unlikely that one would fly all the way down to MX again for help if something serious goes wrong (like a leak). What does everyone think? Is the insurance a wise purchase? What are the odds that one might really need it? THANKS![/quote']

    I opted not to get the insurance. The likelihood of complications was so small that I decided the risk to reward ratio wasn't worth the investment.

  4. Ok' date=' I'm gonna ask this:

    Surgery last July 2011, lost 120lbs since 6month supervised until now. I have at least 200 to lose overall at least! My husband also has pretty much the same stats (surgery Aug 2011). We both have a 34bougie. We can eat alot....we can eat a piece of chicken, veggies and part of baked pototoe to give you an idea...of course we are full...but no reprecussions at all...never have thrown up....if feeling full...it is brief...like 10mins....of course we can eat slider stuff....but even when we eat Protein first....I am sad to say I'm shocked to see people can only eat 4oz...really???? I can eat a turkey burger on a bun with fries(if i chose to). I was so happy that neither of us suffered any problems, sickness or complications....I won't say it has been easy but not overall a challenge. We are so glad to have done this but I'm still over 300lbs and I'm beginning to wonder if dieting(which I could have done without the surgery) is all my future holds because it looks like we can eat pretty much anything we want. I thought maybe it was the bougie size, we are both tall or did our surgeon leave too much stomach....or are we just doomed to suffering forever with this? Ah well....I've done this since I was 5...it's all I've ever known.

    Thanks for listening, Tracy[/quote']

    I think you kinda missed something. Let me tell you what I see here, you open talking about how much you can eat in one setting, then move on to empty carbs & fried starches then moved on to how you could have done this w/o the surgery.

    I have to say, my opinion differs. If you are filling your stomach to capacity on a regular basis, it will expand to accomidate more. Also if you evaluated your diet I bet you'd find a bunch of excess calories (breads & potatoes) that aren't providing any nourishment & are hindering your loss.

    Your journey is yours to control. But I will say, if you choose to fill your sleeve to capacity with high carb options, YES, you're journey is gonna be a long one.

    And to keep it real, if you could have done this w/o WLS, why didn't you?

  5. Has anyone ever heard whether or not the VSG can be tightened up if over the years it has stretched? I don't mean a revision with a different kind of surgery' date=' I mean just a VSG rejuvenation, say if a few years have passed and your stomach can now hold 10 oz when post op it held only 3.[/quote']

    It is completely normal for you're sleeve to hold 8-10oz after 1year. This doesn't mean it is stretched it means it is fully healed and has reache it's max capacity.

    I was told by my surgeon I would be about 10 oz after about a year.

    The reason it was 3oz early on is because it was inflamed & irritated.

    But the short answer is,Yes, you can shrink a 10oz sleeve, not because it has been stretched, but because the stomach will shrink or expand according to how big it needs to be to accommodate your eating habits. If you portion controlled yourself to 3oz every 3hrs your stomach would adjust over time to accomidate that. But really, that's not healthy long term. You need concentrate on eating healthy & getting all you're nutrients from your food.

  6. Hello ladies! I am in the same position! I have been thinking about doing this for awhile! I just hear different things about insurance approval! I guess ill just have to attempt to try and see how far i get (: I am 24 years old' date=' married with 2 kids. I have a BMI of 40 :-/. Now that im done having kids i wish to loose weight primarily for health purposes! Diabetes and hi.blood pressure run in my family! Any perks on.getting insurance approval? Anyone? I dont want to have to go through a 6 month program or what not..

    To get approved....:/[/quote']

    Well if your plan doesn't specifically exclude WLS, and you have no weight related problems, 40 BMI seems to be the right number. If you have comorbidities then 35 seems to be getting it done.

  7. Hi' date=' im 25 years old i weigh 296 ive been over weight my whole live ive tried weight loss programs online thru the mail and from the store tried meals for weight loss ive tried diet pills . Closet i got to loosing weight was lose ten gain twenty five i stay sick all the time i have diabetes, high blood pressure, breathing problems, tyroid issues and servere back problems. Im kind of scared to have excess skin but at this point willing to do ne thing


    And what are your reasons against the surgery?

  8. To each there own' date=' obviously your values are way different and once your done your done even at a child's expense. Nice to know 6 years doesn't create any since of parenthood for some people. Also you have yet to address the 3 weeks he has avoided bills and rent. Nice dodge.[/quote']

    Bills and rent? So he doesn't have to pay for where he lives now? I believe MM said that her son is at his grandparents, so he is not suffering, and she indicated tha she will likely head that way also.

    If the lease was held jointly then he will have to deal with that.

    As for now he's a long term boyfriend that left. If he is not on the lease, then his responsibility ended the day he left.

    I don't see that there were ever any vows exchanged, so why should he be treated as if there were?

  9. Its not any more respectful to act like a father for 6 yrs of a 12 yr olds life and then just leave than it is for a real father leaving. When you get involved with a man/woman that has kids' date=' you better be mature before you get into it. Its not just a woman/man, its their kids that you're dealing with.[/quote']

    I can tell you from experience that being a stepfather is the most unappreciated thing a man can do. I raised my son from age 2, he is 19 now. I can recall so many times that I was accused of being too strict because he is "not mine", had my correction of him completely ignored because '"I'm not really his father". This is in no way exclusive to me. Every man I've ever talked to that has "acted as a father" has been reminded repeatedly that they are not. So if he chose to stop "acting as a father" then I can't really hold that against him. I was tempted to give up numerous times myself.

  10. OTR Sleever not everyone is dising him' date=' everyone is lending an ear! All we have to go on is what she says, and as a support group we are here to give whatever advise we have went through with our own personal issue[/quote']

    I totally agree, and those that support without belittling I commend. My comments were not directed at such persons. It was however directed to those who instead of reading what was written and support this woman decided to throw stones at the person she wants to draw nearer to.

    And it amazes me that because this man chose to support a child for the time that they were togethe somehow this obligates him to continue to support said child? Why not suggest she pursue legal action against the child's biological father rather than trashing the man that has been there for six years and may or may not choose to return.

    And to respond to a statement in an earlier post. This man filled the roll of father to a child that is not his for six years, YES I believe that alone deserves a certain amount of respect.

  11. Seriously? I've been looking for a way to sell my stuff' date=' some of it still has tags on it. When I look on eBay, the stuff is just sitting there at "0 bids" so I figured it never moved.[/quote']

    I have a lady friend that makes a very good living going to yards sales and such buying plus size clothes and ebaying them. She says the "sexy" big girl clothes are a gold mine.

  12. Krittle, do you want to be across the border of Texas, or California? Really that's about all the difference we are talking about here. Personally I would choose Aceves, but that's only because he is in a nicer area.

    Both surgeons are known for being the best & have impeccable reputations. I think there is only about 50 difference in their rates. So I guess it's time to flip a coin or pick a state.

  13. What is not being realized here is only one side of a story being seen here. And the side being told doesn't demonize this man at all. That is all coming from people who have 0 experience in this relationship.

    Never once did I see MissMachine say that he wasn't justified nor did I see her ask how to best go about moving on without him. Quite the opposite. She reached out for understanding and in turn received a borage of people trashing the man that she loves.

    Most of what I see in this thread is judgment against a man that is not present to defend himself and people bent on destroying what left of a relationship rather than supporting the person that wants to heal it.

  14. What did I miss here? A man invested 6years of his life being a father to a child that was not his. He spent 6 years in a relationship with a woman that fell in love with him. He obviously wasn't abusive, or neglectful. He worked & contributed his time & sweat to the benefit of the household.

    There was arguing going on, so obviously there were some differences that weren't being resolved.

    I'll probably get crucified for suggesting this, but did the bickering seem to start or escalate around the time of a pre-op diet? I've seen many posts talking about how ladies become imbalanced during rapid weight loss.

    But now that this man decides that maybe he needed to remove himself from what he viewed as a toxic situation he becomes trash?

    He's undeserving & selfish? Get an attorney & make sure he pays? Forget him & move on?

    What about, be as gracious as you can be. Thank him for all he has done (unselfishly). Show him the respect he needs, I'm gonna let a little cat out of the bag here. Just like women want to be loved, men want to be respected. It's a well known fact that men don't leave relationships when they feel respected even if the woman doesn't love them, they will stay, much like when a woman feels loved she will endure pure hell to keep hat love.

    I'm sorry, but where did I miss that anybody was ready to give up on this man? Everything I read was quite the contrary.

    If you want him back, you are gonna have to mend a damaged ego, he wouldn't have left if he felt appreciated.

    I just can't get over how fast so many people are so quick to want to destroy what has been built over 6 years.

  15. Absolutely not, 30 min is a great start. If you can walk more, GREAT!! Just don't lift anything for a while.

    Walk walk walk, sip sip sip

    Drains are a surgeons preference some use them, some don't. I'm not familiar with any complications from not having one or having one.

    I had a drain that didn't work, so all that caused was a mess because all the Fluid that supposed to go into the drain leaked into my bandaging, not a big deal, just more work for the nurses to clean up.

  16. Put some weights on your legs for your weigh in appt. my BMI was 38 but I have some medical issues that qualified me quickly. I have double BCBS insurance and I did not even have a waiting period to get approved. I am getting sleeved on July 9th!!! Good luck

    Ha ha ha. I think is actually suggested ankle weights to someone a few weeks ago.

  17. Quick math, 15hr day eating every 3hrs= 5meals X 1.5oz per meal= 7.5oz total consumed nourishment. Even if you ate every 2hrs you are only talkin about 10.75oz.

    There is not a food out there(that I am aware of) that is going to supply just your protien requirements in under 11oz.

    You are tired& fatigued because you are starving yourself. I know you don't like the idea, but I don't think you are ready to give up protien supplements yet.

    Also hair loss is mostly a result of protien deficiency. That alone would be enough for me to add at least 1 protien drink a day to my diet.

    I'm sorry to come across this rough. My real intent here is to help, & I couldn't think of a nicer way to say this and retain the impact I feel it needs.

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