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O.T.R. sleever

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by O.T.R. sleever

  1. I might regret letting y'all in on this. But amazon has a deal on the chocolate flavor in the old style packaging. It's limited to 4cs per order. I'm going to be ordering 4cs everyday till its out of stock.
  2. O.T.R. sleever

    Totally inappropriate question

  3. O.T.R. sleever


    That depends on how big of a spender you are, how well you negotiate, and how long you are staying. If you are just talking about a few tips, and a couple souvenirs, $50 is plenty. Small bills though.
  4. O.T.R. sleever

    Totally inappropriate question

    Is it a flavor thing for you?? You can try these. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B005D5BWRM Or you can just have him drink a can of pineapple juice daily.
  5. O.T.R. sleever

    Storing/Freezing Food

    I love my food saver. I buy off brand pint size bags (like $30 for 300 on amazon). For Soups I'll freeze it in an ice tray or similar. Once frozen, I take a few cubes and vaccume seal them.
  6. With "LADIES ONLY" in the title, you are correct. This is the first thread we all looked at.
  7. O.T.R. sleever

    Totally inappropriate question

    All I'm going to say is, do your thang girl!!! A bit of "gagging" isn't a bad thing. If you are willing to go that far for him, great. And for you ladies that don't have a gag reflex, make the noise every once in a while. I know it sounds bad, but it kind of strokes our ego a bit.
  8. O.T.R. sleever


    It does not happen a lot, but it's not uncommon either for the esophagus to constrict near the stomach, or for there to even be a stricture at the top of the stomach. Either way the resolution is fairly simple. You'd need to see your Dr. about getting scoped and having the restriction dilated. This is a very simple office procedure and can be taken care of in just a few minutes.
  9. O.T.R. sleever

    Calorie counting or protein counting?

    You need to track both. BTW, you are doing great if you are getting all of your hydration & Protein while staying under 800 calories. Even if you weren't exercising you would lose weight just doing that. Adding the physical aspect to it is expediting your loss. 500 calorie diets are very hard stay fully nourished on and really IMO should only be utilized in very short spurts.
  10. O.T.R. sleever

    Post Op Penis Size

  11. Hmm, you are aware that you are not supposed to drink anything while eating, right? I would think "drinking" soup at the same time would be tge same thing. Regarding bougie sizes, there is a minimal difference between them, and the smallest ones aren't even used any longer due to a higher potential of acid problems or a twisted sleeve. This might help understand bougie sizes. Also, keep in mind, that different surgeons operate differently. For example, a surgeon that uses a 32, but sews rather tightly might create a a sleeve that is smaller than another surgeon that uses a 28, but sees very loosely around it.
  12. O.T.R. sleever

    GNC window shopping

    You can also check out amazon. They have 3lb tubs for $45.38, or 7.5lb buckets for $109.77
  13. O.T.R. sleever

    Milk Duds got the better of me!

    I know exactly how you feel. You have identified a weakness. The only way to fix it is to not have it around. For example, I have found that I can eat a bit of dark chocolate here & there, and I'm totally fine with it. Well a couple weeks ago I bought a ghiradelli sea salt and almond bar. I FOUND A WEAKNESS, I ate the whole damn thing. 500 calories in 1bar. I looked at my wife, and said, "I can never buy one of those again.". Well, since my wife loves to see me happy and because I'm always a smart ass, she assumed that I was kidding. A couple days later, what do I get, a card from her & 2 of my demon bars. That's right, she bought me 2 of them. 1000 calories that you can bet I ate. I know she did it because she likes to see me happy, and for many years I got most of my pleasure from food. So it was really hard to tell her how much I appreciate the fact that she loves me & that she wants me to be happy, and to also say at the same time that she simply cannot put thos kinds of temptations in front of me anymore. After all, we're only human. Right?
  14. O.T.R. sleever

    Dehydration...not a fan!

    Good to see you have a plan in place to keep you on track. I buy 23.7oz bottles, take 4 out every morning that way I know exactly where I stand. I can look at my water bottles and easily see if I am where in need to be.
  15. Why not just be honest? Instead of making your co worker feel like they are looked down upon because they happen to like a resturaunt that wasn't good enough for you to eat at, just tell the truth. What's wrong with saying, I really eat very small portions. It would help even more to say it before you even arrive at the resturaunt. You set the expectation before you arrive if you are really concerned about it. What's the worst that will happen? They might see a big person eating a really small portion. They will think. 1. Maybe you are trying to slim down. BRAVO for you!! 2. How did you get this big eating so little? ( you didn't. You are getting smaller by eating that little.) 3. You don't like the food. (that will change when you say how good the food is, and how you are looking forward to having the leftovers at dinner) 4. They might express concern that you might have a real medical issue, because there is no way you should be big eating that little. That's when you say something like, I got this big by not taking control of my life, that has changed. This surgery was done so you could have your life back. So take your life back. Be strong! Don't let what you think people might believe rule your life. You be you, don't pretend to be different.
  16. O.T.R. sleever

    Cost of post op diet?

    Post-op diets are really not expensive at all provided you are not stuck on a particular name brand. If you do the research and are willing to sacrifice a bit you could get it down to about 5-7 per day. A pretty easy number to hit would be 10/day.
  17. O.T.R. sleever

    This Is Torture!

    I definitely recommend joining the Super Saturday Weigh In thread. It might not keep you off the scale, but it definitely helps when you can follow your loss from week to week rather than day to day, or if you are as bad as I was, every 2-3hrs.
  18. O.T.R. sleever

    Stupid Question!

    Many people will get the plain, then flavor it with Mio or crystal light.
  19. Ha ha made you look...... AGAIN!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
